I'm Completely Broken - Erectile Dysfunction, Fatigue, No Concentration


Jul 3, 2016
Interestingly enough, I stumbled upon this post yesterday too when I searched for Iodine. I am gonna try it again and this time at correct dosages.

I also think one of my big problems might be dairy. I never even thought I might not tolerate dairy well. I always blamed it on the sugar but it seems it's actually dairy that causes my scalp itch. I ate sugar by itself and had no problems. Milk by itself, scalp itch. I used to always mix sugar with milk so I couldn't pinpoint it on the milk. Also, maybe apple juice/orange juice by itself don't cause diarrhea but only because of milk combination.

I am gonna completely cut out milk and grains because grains make me feel bloated and I get endotoxin symptoms.

I am gonna try to get most of my carbs from fruit juices, fruit, my protein through gelatin and a little meat, and some fat through meat, eggs as well. We will see how it goes.
I would be wary of iodine. High doses of iodine gave me thyroid storm symptoms. (sweating heavy, feeling confused and feeling like I had a fever) Ray Peat does not recommend iodine supplementation, and says that the safety limit is either 150mcg or 250mcg (I forgot which exactly, but one of these two). During my thyroid storm symptoms, I felt pain in my right calf, which I attributed to abnormal clotting, due to the thyroid issues induced by the iodine. Only after taking clot dissolving enzymes directly when the feeling came, did it subside and never came back. Hypo and hyperthyroidism are both implied in abnormal clotting.

Also, there are doctors specialized in thyroid that say that iodine supplementation will damage the thyroid permanently, if there is underlying dormant Hashimoto's Disease, which is an immune disorder that makes the body attack the thyroid gland with antibodies. They attribute Hashimoto's Disease to a problem in the gut, that needs to be fixed first.

Also, always take selenium if you take iodine, because iodine by itself will cause oxidative damage to the thyroid as well, and selenium protects the thyroid naturally against this.

Supplementing iodine will raise TSH, which is pro-inflammatory according to Ray Peat.

Ray Peat personally advices sea food once a week for iodine and selenium.
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Jan 21, 2018
I agree and totally disagree with Peat on this one. In a "perfect world" FREE of FLOURIDE, seafood would likely provide enough iodine for normal thyroid function. However, thyroid cancers and thyroid dysfunction are epidemic in the USA. The majority of municipal water is pumped full of flouride, the produce is sprayed with flouride based pesticides, the beer and wine is full of it also. The only way to remove it is to replace it with iodine, which has a higher atomic number. If you live in an area with un flouridated water, and don't consume anything sprayed with that ***t, then you maybe you ll be ok. I ve used it for over 15 years, and have had mainly a good experience. If you take too much, the thyroid seems to down regulate, but most people can probably do well with 6 to 12 mg per day, with a few days off. I take tyrosine, selenium, magnesium, zinc and vit c with sea salt daily. I ve heard of people getting the sweats from it, (hyper thyroid)so for some people, it may not be a good idea. If you re running cold alot of the time, low energy, low sex drive, it maybe a good idea. If you use the atomic(nascent) iodine, the dose is alot lower. a drop of 2 will do.

With seafood, you also get alot of mercury, the worst toxin that you neverwant to consume.


Jun 20, 2018
I have adrenal fatigue; the andrenal glands release all hormones, cortisol, melatonin, sex hormones. What helps ME is zinc rich foods, celery, and healthy fats. Especially coconut oil. This might not help you or apply to you, though. A bioenergy healer that I use, says that adrenal fatigue is caused by a lack of zinc and too much copper, in most cases.
May 26, 2016
What can I do? Doctors don't help me because they say it's all in my mind and I am young and they don't even take real tests. I feel like one of those PFS guys where nothing seems to work, even though I never took finasteride.

Please help me, guys.

If nothing seems to work, then just do what you want to do. I'm serious.

Eat what you want to eat, drink what you want to drink, and stop obsessing with the details. It sounds like it can't really get much worse for you, so what do you have to lose?


Mar 5, 2017
If nothing seems to work, then just do what you want to do. I'm serious.

Eat what you want to eat, drink what you want to drink, and stop obsessing with the details. It sounds like it can't really get much worse for you, so what do you have to lose?

I get what you are trying to say and it's true, it can't get much worse, but it just feels like giving up and never getting back to normal and if I still keep looking, I might find a solution


New Member
Jun 22, 2018
I experience exactly the same thing as you, no morning wood since 17-18, fatigue , diffuse hairloss and pretty much unable to have sex without cialis. My prolactin is on the high end of the reference. I suspect it to be a main trigger for my symptoms. You could experiment maybe with dopamin agonists for a short time and see if it is helping you.


Jul 3, 2016
I get what you are trying to say and it's true, it can't get much worse, but it just feels like giving up and never getting back to normal and if I still keep looking, I might find a solution
Sometimes you just have to give up in order to start over and have a refreshed perspective on things. You're not an anomaly. Lots of guys suffered from erectile dysfunction and fixed it. It's a worldwide phenomenon, it's basically normal for being a man. There will be a way, and there is a way that will fix your erectile dysfunction.

Like I've said before it could be that working out spends all of your androgens on your muscles meaning there's nothing left for your penis.

Also, how's your thyroid function and vitamin D. Those 2 are important for androgens. Without them, no androgens. Next up, estrogen. Do you have puffy nipples, varicose veins? Bloatedness, bloatedness of the face? Do you have abdominal fat tissue and overall body fat tissue? Even small/thin fat tissue counts. Everytime you stress, even if it is over something small, or stress under the surface that you've managed to put away but just sits there simmering, estrogen will synthesize in the body. It's just the way it is, it's nature doing its role. What alot of people also do I think, is they normalize feelings of stress as just something that's a part of life. Big mistake, and it will cause health problems like yours. Unconscious stress or tucked away stress, or stress that's not seen as stress (yet somehow still feels like it, even if it's just a tiny bit) also counts as stress. You can also create stress in your head by thinking things will not work out. Don't make that mistake. You always will be finding your way to get things right, else there is no progress in getting to a better level in your life. And you will find it if you just keep on pressing. No matter if it's slow or fast, you have to maintain moral and a sense of powering through. Everyone has to do that, even if it doesn't seem so from the outside when looking at others. Taking a break and reorientating is healthy and also a requirement. Estrogen means disconnect with your sexual organs as a guy basically, in my opinion. Body fat is where estrogen is synthesized. Also, again, if your androgen output from your testes and adrenals is subpar and you're exercising, nothing is left, all gets spent.

Perhaps an androgenic adaptogen like Ashwagandha could help. It lowers cortisol therefore stress and what lowers cortisol lowers estrogen too. It modulates things like blood sugar and thyroid in a good way. It also makes you feel really relaxed and calm and unwinded. If nothing works you could always try it.
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Feb 4, 2018
Everytime you stress, even if it is over something small, or stress under the surface that you've managed to put away but just sits there simmering, estrogen will synthesize in the body. It's just the way it is, it's nature doing its role. What alot of people also do I think, is they normalize feelings of stress as just something that's a part of life. Big mistake, and it will cause health problems like yours. Unconscious stress or tucked away stress, or stress that's not seen as stress (yet somehow still feels like it, even if it's just a tiny bit) also counts as stress. You can also create stress in your head by thinking things will not work out. Don't make that mistake. You always will be finding your way to get things right, else there is no progress in getting to a better level in your life. And you will find it if you just keep on pressing.

This is right on the money.

I have a relationship with someone that causes me a lot of stress that I'm trying to deal with. It's complex.... Long story but when things are bad, my libido plummets, I can't sleep & it has a huge impact on my physical exertion & recovery abilities. When things are good my libido instantly recovers. I'm certain that stress is a huge factor in metabolic health for a lot of people.


Mar 5, 2017
Do you masturbate or look at porn?

Hey, I used to when I was younger. At about age 15 I found out about Nofap and quit porn for a year. Then did some complete NoFap cycles up to 120 days. This is where I felt like I completely lost my connection to my penis every time. The nofappers call this flatline but I don't believe it should last that long. It's probably more of a metabolism issue if abstaining porn and masturbation for 120 days doesn't give your raging boners.but
I still do noporn and try to do nofap but it is not fixing my problem.

Sometimes you just have to give up in order to start over and have a refreshed perspective on things. You're not an anomaly. Lots of guys suffered from erectile dysfunction and fixed it. It's a worldwide phenomenon, it's basically normal for being a man. There will be a way, and there is a way that will fix your erectile dysfunction.

Like I've said before it could be that working out spends all of your androgens on your muscles meaning there's nothing left for your penis.

Also, how's your thyroid function and vitamin D. Those 2 are important for androgens. Without them, no androgens. Next up, estrogen. Do you have puffy nipples, varicose veins? Bloatedness, bloatedness of the face? Do you have abdominal fat tissue and overall body fat tissue? Even small/thin fat tissue counts. Everytime you stress, even if it is over something small, or stress under the surface that you've managed to put away but just sits there simmering, estrogen will synthesize in the body. It's just the way it is, it's nature doing its role. What alot of people also do I think, is they normalize feelings of stress as just something that's a part of life. Big mistake, and it will cause health problems like yours. Unconscious stress or tucked away stress, or stress that's not seen as stress (yet somehow still feels like it, even if it's just a tiny bit) also counts as stress. You can also create stress in your head by thinking things will not work out. Don't make that mistake. You always will be finding your way to get things right, else there is no progress in getting to a better level in your life. And you will find it if you just keep on pressing. No matter if it's slow or fast, you have to maintain moral and a sense of powering through. Everyone has to do that, even if it doesn't seem so from the outside when looking at others. Taking a break and reorientating is healthy and also a requirement. Estrogen means disconnect with your sexual organs as a guy basically, in my opinion. Body fat is where estrogen is synthesized. Also, again, if your androgen output from your testes and adrenals is subpar and you're exercising, nothing is left, all gets spent.

Perhaps an androgenic adaptogen like Ashwagandha could help. It lowers cortisol therefore stress and what lowers cortisol lowers estrogen too. It modulates things like blood sugar and thyroid in a good way. It also makes you feel really relaxed and calm and unwinded. If nothing works you could always try it.

Thank you for your detailed answers! I feel like when I wasn't strictly peating, but just eating a lot to recover from undereating and throwing in Peat principles here and there like upping sugar, caffeine, I got very estrogenic symptoms and developed what seems like varicose veins on my legs. I also gained some bodyfat but also muscles.

All my young adult life up to maybe 17/18 I was skinny though, still no erections. So I don't think it's the fat, as I used to be very very thin and had the same problems. But there is definitely estrogen involved.

I feel like no starch, more sugars makes me look and feel less estrogenic, but at the same time I still don't feel erections.

Eventually, I am going to find a way out. I know it.


Mar 5, 2017
Alright some updates everyone.

I found out I had super high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

I thought it was the Peating that caused this and that I am actually hyperthyroid. I was afraid I was getting myself diabetes and a heart attack with this diet.

Sugared milk would make me crash hard, and make my blood sugar rise, starch too, fruit and juices as well. I thought I had to go back to Paleo.

Today I kinda had an idea. I was going very low fat and high sugar and probably still not hitting enough calories. So I decided, hey, most of my problems with higher fat came when I was eating starch. So today I consumed a pound of beef and still kept up the high sugar thing. For the first time in a long time, I don't seem to have the blood sugar issues and my blood pressure seemed normal.

On top of that, I consumed three red bulls and orange juice, some sugar and a little milk, three eggs, and some coconut oil. Still, not enough but tomorrow I will increase the milk and drink more oj spread throughout the day in smaller portions.

Right now I am feeling super warm and my heart isn't pounding out of my chest. I actually feel some brain-penis connection right now. The thing is, I am excessively sweating and also super hungry every couple of minutes.

I feel like I am on the right track. Now I need to eat more to hit my calories, more frequently. This should take care of the hunger but what about the sweating? I feel like I am not used to the extreme heat in my body right now and also probably still run out of liver glycogen pretty fast.

Also interesting how redbull doesn't give me the cortisol release of caffeine, especially not if I ate something before.


Feb 18, 2018
How you doing?

I have that excessive sweating issue also, and its usually at its worse when I have a lot of protein with insufficient amounts of sugars. I also just sweat a lot in general, but I figure, as long as its due to increased metabolism, I'm ok with it :)


Sep 19, 2016
Hope youre doing well @Deadpool. Loved the first movie. Still need to see the second.

This thread reminds me of what I did when I first found Peats work.

Too much Liquids. Too much Sugar. Not enough salt or minerals. Too much things speeding up thyroid. Not enough calories. Why was I doing it in the first place if it didnt make me feel or do well?

The main thing to look out for is if it messes with memory or ability to workout.

I also think phosphate might have something to do with it. Low phosphate and high sugar turned me cold and messed with my blood pressure. Ate beans, and I was burning hot and blood pressure normalized. Might be why you had the positive reaction to meat.

Its easy to get caught in the mindset of optimising everything. I still do it, and it messes with my health some times, but remember that experience dictates your requirements rather than whats online. I tend to forget that.

Reminds me of, “You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” - Albert Camus


May 30, 2018
Alright some updates everyone.

I found out I had super high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

I thought it was the Peating that caused this and that I am actually hyperthyroid. I was afraid I was getting myself diabetes and a heart attack with this diet.

Sugared milk would make me crash hard, and make my blood sugar rise, starch too, fruit and juices as well. I thought I had to go back to Paleo.

Today I kinda had an idea. I was going very low fat and high sugar and probably still not hitting enough calories. So I decided, hey, most of my problems with higher fat came when I was eating starch. So today I consumed a pound of beef and still kept up the high sugar thing. For the first time in a long time, I don't seem to have the blood sugar issues and my blood pressure seemed normal.

On top of that, I consumed three red bulls and orange juice, some sugar and a little milk, three eggs, and some coconut oil. Still, not enough but tomorrow I will increase the milk and drink more oj spread throughout the day in smaller portions.

Right now I am feeling super warm and my heart isn't pounding out of my chest. I actually feel some brain-penis connection right now. The thing is, I am excessively sweating and also super hungry every couple of minutes.

I feel like I am on the right track. Now I need to eat more to hit my calories, more frequently. This should take care of the hunger but what about the sweating? I feel like I am not used to the extreme heat in my body right now and also probably still run out of liver glycogen pretty fast.

Also interesting how redbull doesn't give me the cortisol release of caffeine, especially not if I ate something before.
So then I wonder if the main thing you're dealing with is zinc deficiency. Maybe the juice is helping the beef to digest and the zinc absorb better. High calcium intake especially from dairy can interfere with zinc absorption and utilization unless stomach acid and enzymes are already very strong.
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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