I Am Severely Undereating And Don't Know What To Eat


Feb 13, 2016
I have the same problem... eating too much of eggs, milk, and oj gets really bland and actually makes me sick. plus milk/oj/fruits/cheese/coffee are all things that feel like snacks you eat in between meals, not meals themselves. potatoes are really good but boiling them 45 minutes each time you eat them is just way too long.

I'm going to try buying a lot of traditional non-muscle because that might be the only way for me to be satisfied on this diet. I don't know how to cook meat other than grilled chicken, but hopefully non-muscle meat is just as fast to make as grilled chicken...


Jul 29, 2016
Pate or liverwurst is a good way to get liver. Without cooking.
I boil potatoes also. Make a few pounds at a time and reheat the leftovers.


Mar 5, 2017
Just a heads-up, I tried dozens of different protocols with only limited success for over a year, but nothing changed significantly until I added Thyroid.

Thyroid seemed to make all other foods/sups work much more effectively, which is probably why it's one of the only sups that RP recommends.

TyroMix - Liquid T3/T4 For Lab/research Use


Yeah I already suspected something like that and I am sure thyroid would make all of it more effective. But it's alot harder to get thyroid here in germany

I have the same problem... eating too much of eggs, milk, and oj gets really bland and actually makes me sick. plus milk/oj/fruits/cheese/coffee are all things that feel like snacks you eat in between meals, not meals themselves. potatoes are really good but boiling them 45 minutes each time you eat them is just way too long.

I'm going to try buying a lot of traditional non-muscle because that might be the only way for me to be satisfied on this diet. I don't know how to cook meat other than grilled chicken, but hopefully non-muscle meat is just as fast to make as grilled chicken...

Same here man. These things seem more like snacks and after a lot of time of eating these things over and over again, I am really sick of eggs especially and I can't even eat them anymore.

I'll try the same with the non-muscle meats.


Oct 17, 2016
Cheesy Rice!!!!! Cook rice in beef broth, then add a shite tonne of parmesan and good chedder and extra salt. Wash down with juice or coke. So delicious. Also, stop working out so much if you aren't eating enough. I significantly increased muscle mass (as a lady) by just eating better and reducing stress and not doing boot camp anymore. Lots of people on here have done the same. If you are addicted to hard workouts try to just reduce them a little at least.

Breakfast is annoying for me too, but I just go for convenience of casein low fat smoothies, or tinned peaches+OJ+gelatin. But if you are relatively healthy could you eat mushrooms (pre-cooked) on sourdough toast with goats cheese? I managed to convince my cereal lover/smoothie hater fiance to try this and he loves it. What about porridge? Or, dare I say, icecream for breakfast?

Peat is guidelines, not rules. Remember that stress from trying to eat "perfect" diet is always going to cause more damage than eating something mostly nutritious if you are averagely healthy.


Mar 29, 2014
But even with potatoes and Rice I dont get enough so I starten eating junk food like pizza again because I feel like starving is worse.
I agree that starving is worse.
If you want to control the quality, you can make your own pizza. And fries.

I thought about the parasites, too!
It's possible you could have parasites sharing our food with you. I think it is hard to detect all the possible parasites even if the drs wanted to. But if you are not managing to eat reasonable amounts regularly, then that may be explanation enough.

The Problem with 2 quarts of orange juice and 2 quarts of milk is that I am peeing all the time and get cold.
I'd suggest reducing the liquids a little (eg down to 2.5 - 3l ish depending on thirst), and spreading it out so you never drink large amounts at once - eg. not more than 1 cup at a time. And eating more solid food. Or making your drinks more energy dense - make milkshakes out of your milk by adding a bit of cream and sugar or honey and fruit/jam/chocolate/vanilla/icecream or whatever would taste good to you.

I noticed that chocolate sometimes helps but other times just causes me to crash very hard.
If it has this effect on you, I'd suggest keeping some chocolate in your reserve stash, but not to binge on it or make it a staple.

Potatoes aren't an issue for some. Just cook them well and and eat with saturated fat like butter to slow their digestion.
If potatoes and milk agree with you, that's great. You can combine spuds with lots of other things. Mashed, in Irish stew, sliced and baked in milk and covered in cheese (whatever it is you like on your pizzas you could probably chuck on there too), baked chips in coconut oil. You might want to vary with other root veges if you have access to some - eg sweet potatoes.

Well-cooked leafy greens at all?
I dont eat any vegetables any more because I hate cooked vegetables. I used to juice a lot but raw isnt optimal as you guys know.
How about if you include some greens in a tasty stew made with gelatinous cuts of meat? Or make creamed spinach or cover in melted cheese or something? Mine often go into soups and stews with other things that taste good - mushrooms, ginger, meat, ... It may be the broth from cooking the greens that contain the most valuable nutrition. If you like raw juices, a bit now and then may do you more good than harm anyway for the minerals.

I don't think you should be having pure sugar right now until your metabolism is improved so that you're actually burning it.
I'd go easy on pure refined sugar too. Not necessarily none, but not a big portion of the day's cals. Go for foods that bring minerals etc with them. Dried fruit can be a option if they agree with your digestion. They're good and portable, so you can make sure you always have some with you when you could use a snack.

My solution was to think of foods I enjoy and then locate recipes to allow me to cook for myself rather than depend on restaurants.
Good plan.

If you don't know what to eat for breakfast, consider cooking an extra portion of dinner to have for breakfast the next day. My breakfast quite often includes mashed potatoes and eggs as well as some OJ, but sometimes other things (eg rice and liver, or oat porridge with stewed fruit - oats are not top of Peat's recommended foods, but they are not at the bottom either. For me they seem OK in small-moderate serves sometimes but not large amounts daily).

Other ideas:
Any affordable fruit you can get in season or frozen can be stewed with a bit of sugar or honey, and maybe turned into jelly with a bit of gelatin. (If you can let the seeds settle out the bottom and avoid most of them, so much the better.) If you make fruit juice jelly thick enough (add a bit of sugar) you can cut it with a knife and it makes a portable snack you can eat with your fingers.
Cheese cake. Very easy to make your own farmers cheese if you can't find reasonable stuff locally.
Rice pudding.

If you don't get any definite difficulties from milk, it's got a lot going for it. If it does give you trouble, you can try gradually adapting with smaller amounts, and/or finding other sources of calcium in the meantime. Leafy greens are a good source, but it takes quite a lot. Peat has suggested clean eggshell calcium as a reasonable supplemental form. I don't seem to be able to handle more than a little milk (unfortunately, because I love milk and cheese), so I've been supplementing oystershell powder.

potatoes are really good but boiling them 45 minutes each time you eat them is just way too long.
I agree. A couple of ways I get around this are:
1. Chop them up into smallish pieces so they cook well in less time. Use the water they cook in in soup so the minerals are not wasted. If you chop them small enough, they don't need very much water to cook in.
2. Cook a lot at once so I have enough for 2-4 meals - eg tonight, breakfast, lunch.
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May 17, 2016
Yeah, I think so, too! Tobacco definitely isn't an option but I definitely found improvements with caffeine and aspirin!

Thanks man! I thought about the parasites, too! I actually think I might have them for a very long time now and they are literally eating at my health! And it is very likely that there is something undiagnosed going on here because my doctors usually don't give a ***t about me and tell me that I'll be okay and everything will be fine because I am only 19 and everything should be fine at that age. They have been telling me this for years and refuse to check a little deeper.

I definitely check out that protocol! I noticed that I do better with honey as well! I guess I should also look into egg shell calcium.

Might be! But at this point, I don't feel like this is the case. Overthinking might be contributing to the problem but there is definitely something wrong with my diet as well.

I noticed that chocolate sometimes helps but other times just causes me to crash very hard.

Thank you for this detailed answer! I'll try everything on this list except the thyroid (can't get my hands on it and I want to try it without thyroid at first anyway).

I definitely think I have high adrenaline. If I recall correctly, salt lowers adrenaline and I always feel better and hotter when I up my salt intake.

Depending on the time you have go without carbs your problem could be tied to fungal overgrowth. It's a common side effect of low carb diets, ironically. If you are feeling improvements with caffeine and aspirin I would bet a lot of money that you would test positive in a Candida lab. Caffeine and aspirin or are strong antifungals. Not trying to scare you and maybe I'm wrong, but if it's the case it would save you a lot of time speculating what could be your problem when maybe it's what I'm saying.

Just a quick note: even it it's candida don't try to kill it. Just focus on improving your metabolism and Candida will disappear by itself. Anyway, good luck.


New Member
Mar 25, 2017
Your problem might also be that you don't get the nutrients your body needs, thus you are constantly hungry. I'll list what I usually eat, maybe something inspires you.

Breakfast (borderline peat but it feels you need more nutritional foods than just calories. Ripe bananas don't give me problems at all)
2 ripe Bananas
125g frozen Blueberries
333g Coconut-Rice Drink (von Edeka)
Mint leaves
Mix in a blender

Snack (half of it I eat at breakfast)
500ml whole milk
30g Gelatin
3 eggs
30 g sugar
vanilla powder or cocoa
Mix in blender

200g (dry weight) Basmatirice or potatoes with vegetables mixed (I only avoid cruciferous) with some ground beef or more egg. I prepare this all in a ricecooker at breakfast.

Juice. Either smoothie with Mangoes/ Oranges or plain OJ

Lots of potatoes with beef, lamb or shellfish/ shrimp, some butter or cream cheese. Some juice with gelatin.

Sometimes another milkblend.

Except for fat soluables this will cover RDA 100-200%.

I'm from germany too. If you want recommendations for milk, fruit etc. you can pm me.


Mar 5, 2017
I agree that starving is worse.
If you want to control the quality, you can make your own pizza. And fries.

It's possible you could have parasites sharing our food with you. I think it is hard to detect all the possible parasites even if the drs wanted to. But if you are not managing to eat reasonable amounts regularly, then that may be explanation enough.

I'd suggest reducing the liquids a little (eg down to 2.5 - 3l ish depending on thirst), and spreading it out so you never drink large amounts at once - eg. not more than 1 cup at a time. And eating more solid food. Or making your drinks more energy dense - make milkshakes out of your milk by adding a bit of cream and sugar or honey and fruit/jam/chocolate/vanilla/icecream or whatever would taste good to you.

If it has this effect on you, I'd suggest keeping some chocolate in your reserve stash, but not to binge on it or make it a staple.

If potatoes and milk agree with you, that's great. You can combine spuds with lots of other things. Mashed, in Irish stew, sliced and baked in milk and covered in cheese (whatever it is you like on your pizzas you could probably chuck on there too), baked chips in coconut oil. You might want to vary with other root veges if you have access to some - eg sweet potatoes.


How about if you include some greens in a tasty stew made with gelatinous cuts of meat? Or make creamed spinach or cover in melted cheese or something? Mine often go into soups and stews with other things that taste good - mushrooms, ginger, meat, ... It may be the broth from cooking the greens that contain the most valuable nutrition. If you like raw juices, a bit now and then may do you more good than harm anyway for the minerals.

I'd go easy on pure refined sugar too. Not necessarily none, but not a big portion of the day's cals. Go for foods that bring minerals etc with them. Dried fruit can be a option if they agree with your digestion. They're good and portable, so you can make sure you always have some with you when you could use a snack.

Good plan.

If you don't know what to eat for breakfast, consider cooking an extra portion of dinner to have for breakfast the next day. My breakfast quite often includes mashed potatoes and eggs as well as some OJ, but sometimes other things (eg rice and liver, or oat porridge with stewed fruit - oats are not top of Peat's recommended foods, but they are not at the bottom either. For me they seem OK in small-moderate serves sometimes but not large amounts daily).

Other ideas:
Any affordable fruit you can get in season or frozen can be stewed with a bit of sugar or honey, and maybe turned into jelly with a bit of gelatin. (If you can let the seeds settle out the bottom and avoid most of them, so much the better.) If you make fruit juice jelly thick enough (add a bit of sugar) you can cut it with a knife and it makes a portable snack you can eat with your fingers.
Cheese cake. Very easy to make your own farmers cheese if you can't find reasonable stuff locally.
Rice pudding.

If you don't get any definite difficulties from milk, it's got a lot going for it. If it does give you trouble, you can try gradually adapting with smaller amounts, and/or finding other sources of calcium in the meantime. Leafy greens are a good source, but it takes quite a lot. Peat has suggested clean eggshell calcium as a reasonable supplemental form. I don't seem to be able to handle more than a little milk (unfortunately, because I love milk and cheese), so I've been supplementing oystershell powder.

I agree. A couple of ways I get around this are:
1. Chop them up into smallish pieces so they cook well in less time. Use the water they cook in in soup so the minerals are not wasted. If you chop them small enough, they don't need very much water to cook in.
2. Cook a lot at once so I have enough for 2-4 meals - eg tonight, breakfast, lunch.

Thanks for the Detailed answer! Really appreciate it. I'll try everything and let you know!

Depending on the time you have go without carbs your problem could be tied to fungal overgrowth. It's a common side effect of low carb diets, ironically. If you are feeling improvements with caffeine and aspirin I would bet a lot of money that you would test positive in a Candida lab. Caffeine and aspirin or are strong antifungals. Not trying to scare you and maybe I'm wrong, but if it's the case it would save you a lot of time speculating what could be your problem when maybe it's what I'm saying.

Just a quick note: even it it's candida don't try to kill it. Just focus on improving your metabolism and Candida will disappear by itself. Anyway, good luck.

It might be possible. I sometimes feel like my body doesn't absorb any nutrients. Maybe it's candida/parasites. So you are saying I shouldn't try any cleanses and just Focus on raising my metabolism and it will fix itself?


Mar 5, 2017
Your problem might also be that you don't get the nutrients your body needs, thus you are constantly hungry. I'll list what I usually eat, maybe something inspires you.

Breakfast (borderline peat but it feels you need more nutritional foods than just calories. Ripe bananas don't give me problems at all)
2 ripe Bananas
125g frozen Blueberries
333g Coconut-Rice Drink (von Edeka)
Mint leaves
Mix in a blender

Snack (half of it I eat at breakfast)
500ml whole milk
30g Gelatin
3 eggs
30 g sugar
vanilla powder or cocoa
Mix in blender

200g (dry weight) Basmatirice or potatoes with vegetables mixed (I only avoid cruciferous) with some ground beef or more egg. I prepare this all in a ricecooker at breakfast.

Juice. Either smoothie with Mangoes/ Oranges or plain OJ

Lots of potatoes with beef, lamb or shellfish/ shrimp, some butter or cream cheese. Some juice with gelatin.

Sometimes another milkblend.

Except for fat soluables this will cover RDA 100-200%.

I'm from germany too. If you want recommendations for milk, fruit etc. you can pm me.

Thank you, this gives me a lot of suggestions for what to eat. I'll definitely hit you up with a pm for some suggestions for milk etc.

Here is one problem I have though:if I eat something like beef and potatoes, it satiates me a lot but then I feel like my blood sugar crashes, I lose energy get tired and want to sleep.

There were a 2 or 3 times were it really got Bad and I had a low blood sugar episode where I thought I was going crazy before I found out it was a low blood sugar episode.

That's why I kinda started eating only potatoes/rice with just some butter.


Jan 6, 2015
In my opinion try low dose thyroid to see how your body reacts.

Low dose cyproheptadine is also an option.

Its possible that you have high adrenaline.


May 17, 2016
It might be possible. I sometimes feel like my body doesn't absorb any nutrients. Maybe it's candida/parasites. So you are saying I shouldn't try any cleanses and just Focus on raising my metabolism and it will fix itself?

Exactly. Everything healthy is antifungal. I think Candida is a backup mecanism the body used to get ride of excessive sugar when it can use it efficiently. This is just speculation, but make sense. Glycine, taurine, lysine, fat-soluble vitamins (estroban is a nice option), b1, be 2, b3, biotin, caffeine, aspirin...all this substances are good for the body. Now you have to experiment and see how your body reacts.


Mar 5, 2017
I take taurine, Vitamin d3, k2, thiamine, niacinamide, coffee.

I am kinda afraid of taking aspirin that often.


Apr 19, 2017
I found that increasing my calcium a lot with the eggshell and also making sure to use a lot of salt have made a difference for me. Aspirin should be totally safe if you are using k2 anyway. Even a small dose would be helpful. Also if you do have candida, Ray recommends flowers of sulfur dusted on the skin. I'm not sure that is the real issue but if you're concerned about it. You seem to be having more of a metabolic issue, especially with the excessive peeing. Can you order the thyroid supplement from IdeaLabs? I don't know what the regulations are for them to ship that in Germany. Thyroid is really the underlying issue for pretty much all of the problems you've mentioned. Until you get that dialed in, you will probably continue to have these issues. In your case the excitotoxic proteins are overwhelming your liver and you don't have enough t3 to help it process them out quick enough. But make sure to balance out with t4. 2:1 t4 to t3 might be a good starting point because it sounds like you're thyroid's really struggling. A higher ratio of t3 is going to help you more in the short run, especially until your liver gets back to full function and can start converting t4 into active t3 which is what your body needs to function properly.


Mar 29, 2014
Here is one problem I have though:if I eat something like beef and potatoes, it satiates me a lot but then I feel like my blood sugar crashes, I lose energy get tired and want to sleep.

There were a 2 or 3 times were it really got Bad and I had a low blood sugar episode where I thought I was going crazy before I found out it was a low blood sugar episode.

That's why I kinda started eating only potatoes/rice with just some butter.
Was this confirmed as a blood sugar low, or is it a guess?
I'm not saying it isn't, but another possibility also comes to mind from your description: If you've been undernourished and stressed, and then you eat, your body may respond by feeling relaxed and able to rest. And demand to rest and get on with revcovery. For me the difference between tired and hungry/low blood sugar feels very different from tired and replete and able to relax. Hopefully you can tell the difference for yourself.

Can you remember something about those meals that seemed to be followed by a crash? Any idea of the ratio of protein to carbs? Peat has talked about the possibility of protein stimulating insulin increase, and if there're not enough sugars with it, this potentially leading to low blood sugar for some people. He experienced it with eggs if he didn't have enough OJ with it.
And do you remember the time frame between eating and crashing? Could it just be that you went too long between meals? I've had periods when I've needed to eat quite frequently to avoid crashes, eg 2-3 hourly.

It might be possible. I sometimes feel like my body doesn't absorb any nutrients. Maybe it's candida/parasites. So you are saying I shouldn't try any cleanses and just Focus on raising my metabolism and it will fix itself?
This question wasn't aimed at me, but my non-expert thoughts anyway. I don't think raising metabolism gets rid of parasites, or renders them harmless. (But if you are not putting enough nutrition, that could be the problem.) Some of the symptoms sometimes associated with yeast/fungus overgrowth, on the other hand, seem more likely to respond to improved nutrition and metabolism.

If you decide to try thyroid supplementation at some stage, again as a non-expert, I'm generally in favour of a cautious approach: start small and increment slowly (eg monthly). And importantly, ensure you have the nutrition in place to support an increased base metabolism, or there is a risk of worsening stress and/or deficiencies. This is especially important if you are underweight and cannot afford to catabolise more of your organs.
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May 26, 2016
Want to increase calories? Head to your nearest McDonalds. It's fast (usually), tasty (as long as you don't do it too often) and cheap (especially if you do the McPick 2). While it's not the "Peatiest" food you'll ever find, you can do a lot worse.


Apr 19, 2017
Want to increase calories? Head to your nearest McDonalds. It's fast (usually), tasty (as long as you don't do it too often) and cheap (especially if you do the McPick 2). While it's not the "Peatiest" food you'll ever find, you can do a lot worse.

What do you order at mcdonalds? I usually stick with coke and ice cream, not really sure what else to get that doesn't have pufas or soy or what-have-you. Somehow the coke and ice cream is usually enough to make me feel happy and full!
May 26, 2016
What do you order at mcdonalds? I usually stick with coke and ice cream, not really sure what else to get that doesn't have pufas or soy or what-have-you. Somehow the coke and ice cream is usually enough to make me feel happy and full!

Burgers, fries, chicken nuggets, ice cream, soft drinks, breakfast sandwiches, hash browns, coffee (their coffee is amazing by the way). Yeah, I get pretty much everything, though it's so filling that I usually don't eat more than $5 worth in one sitting. I also find that the more frequently I go there, the more it all begins to taste the same. I imagine it has something to do with the same seasonings being used for different foods, but I don't know for sure. I take it as a sign to take a break for a while. A break from everything except the coffee that is:D.


Mar 5, 2017
Was this confirmed as a blood sugar low, or is it a guess?
I'm not saying it isn't, but another possibility also comes to mind from your description: If you've been undernourished and stressed, and then you eat, your body may respond by feeling relaxed and able to rest. And demand to rest and get on with revcovery. For me the difference between tired and hungry/low blood sugar feels very different from tired and replete and able to relax. Hopefully you can tell the difference for yourself.

Can you remember something about those meals that seemed to be followed by a crash? Any idea of the ratio of protein to carbs? Peat has talked about the possibility of protein stimulating insulin increase, and if there're not enough sugars with it, this potentially leading to low blood sugar for some people. He experienced it with eggs if he didn't have enough OJ with it.
And do you remember the time frame between eating and crashing? Could it just be that you went too long between meals? I've had periods when I've needed to eat quite frequently to avoid crashes, eg 2-3 hourly.

This question wasn't aimed at me, but my non-expert thoughts anyway. I don't think raising metabolism gets rid of parasites, or renders them harmless. (But if you are not putting enough nutrition, that could be the problem.) Some of the symptoms sometimes associated with yeast/fungus overgrowth, on the other hand, seem more likely to respond to improved nutrition and metabolism.

If you decide to try thyroid supplementation at some stage, again as a non-expert, I'm generally in favour of a cautious approach: start small and increment slowly (eg monthly). And importantly, ensure you have the nutrition in place to support an increased base metabolism, or there is a risk of worsening stress and/or deficiencies. This is especially important if you are underweight and cannot afford to catabolise more of your organs.

I am pretty sure it was. It is different from feeling tired because you finally got the nutrients and calories you need. I know that feeling. On that experience, I was going crazy, shaking, freezing and my mind was racing. I wasn't able to think straight and my body felt weird.

Then I went and ate some honey, gelatin, aspirin and it slowly went away and I was able to sleep again.

Want to increase calories? Head to your nearest McDonalds. It's fast (usually), tasty (as long as you don't do it too often) and cheap (especially if you do the McPick 2). While it's not the "Peatiest" food you'll ever find, you can do a lot worse.

Actually ate it on friday while following this thread lol. It does make me feel better but probably only because of the caloric density a la matt stone. Definitely not a long term solution due to soy, pufa and other toxic ingredients. But it tastes so freaking great.


Apr 19, 2017
Burgers, fries, chicken nuggets, ice cream, soft drinks, breakfast sandwiches, hash browns, coffee (their coffee is amazing by the way). Yeah, I get pretty much everything, though it's so filling that I usually don't eat more than $5 worth in one sitting. I also find that the more frequently I go there, the more it all begins to taste the same. I imagine it has something to do with the same seasonings being used for different foods, but I don't know for sure. I take it as a sign to take a break for a while. A break from everything except the coffee that is:D.

The coffee there is good! I wonder if the sodium is what you're craving when you eat there. I know sometimes I just want to eat a big mac~and maybe I will now. I think I've been too much of a perfectionist when it comes to Peat-ing. And it can be difficult to decide on something to eat when you're hungry if you try to follow Peat to a T.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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