Insulin resistant vs sensitive ?


Sep 22, 2021
new york
So I’m trying to understand what the hell is going on here. From what I’m aware of I’m constantly going hypoglycemic post meals.

I need carbs so badly, but also don’t do well with them if that makes sense. For example a meal of beef and rice or potatoes, leaves me feeling dehydrated and dry. If I don’t have fruit or milk I will literally feel like a seizure is about to happen. Depending on my level of stress how badly
I need that sugar changes.

If i tried to do keto( which I have) for like a day just to see. My body composition becomes god awful. I’m already lean. I lose more weight, but become fatter at the same time. When I eat sugar and fruit my muscles harden up and
I have round muscle bellies and look good.

B vitamins at absolutely any dose, mostly all supps coffee, high protein compared to carbs really ramp up this dehydration feeling, head pressure, confusion. Drops me low blood sugar I guess. Fear based thinking state. Until I get carbs my mind will not turn off.

I feel like I’m extremely sensitive to carbs in the sense that when i eat them I’m reaping the benefits INSTANTLY, I looked like i just lifted weights for an hour, mood up 1000000x. It’s remarkable. But also I feel I’m resistant in the sense I’m not using them properly throughout the whole day, liver can’t store long enough, crave sugar very often throughout the day. Also I dont digest it well.

Just meat for example digests perfect, but the hypoglycemia from just meat is insane. Im eating well over 4000 calories just to maintain weight. I crave the meat too for its own benefits, but after I eat meat, my need for sugar is out of control. I must be responding strongly to the insulinogenic amino acids in the meat.

Overall is this low or high blood sugar situation? They give chromium for example to people w high blood sugar. For what I’m explaining would chromium be a nightmare and drop blood sugar even more? The main point of this wasn’t about chromium either lol, as I dont Plan on using, I’m just trying to understand what I’m dealing with here based on the mechanism in which chromium works.
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