Actually Listening to your body is a true art and is no easy task..


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Lately my appetite has been so insane. So all over the place. I think I’m in the mood for something and go to eat it. And then I’m all of a sudden not in the mood. When I bite it.

This is specifically happening with meat. And even eggs a bit too. Mostly red meat, but even chicken. Seafood/ depending on the day I crave, but sometimes it doesn’t feel right. Cheese is good, milk no bueno.

All I know is I’m craving fruit like it’s nobody’s business. I’m dealing w iron overload and currently Dumping iron like crazy (blood work confirmed) so probably why I can’t stomach beef. I couldn’t Even cook my girlfriends beef.

My body seems to be craving hydration, potassium, calcium magnesium, etc etc .. light easy to digest foods. However a downside is I feel like I become catabolic quickly w out the protein. It’s like I’m craving the protein/amino acids /b vitamins for the benefits ik it provides, but I can’t eat those foods because of the iron? Too heavy? Certain amino acids? Idk but my mouth doesn’t want it.

I can do maybe a couple eggs, cheese, maybe seafood once a day. Im 200lbs though so I’m still real light in the protein department..or maybe I’m not for whatver my body is demanding right now.

For a while I would eat, lots of beef , eggs potatoes, like over a lb meat a day, 6+ eggs. Potatoes. It satiated me in a sense and provided good muscle hardness and amino acids, but it seemed to somewhat lower my vibration / hydration. It feels like it dries me out and ages me. Not trying to go all vegan talk but it’s really how I feel.

I ate a certain way because I believed and learned these were “healthy” and needed and to And followed strict guidelines. Now after being ****88 up for a bit, if I actually close my eyes and forget everything I ever learned or how i was supposed to eat.. and just said “what do I actually want to eat right now”? with no thinking of what macro/micro I need, what I need to “heal” etc etc.. I would just be going for mostly fruit and maybe meat like once twice a week, some seafood, cheese. The overthinking of “oh I need this food for this detox pathway. And this mineral for this enzyme pathway” blah blah lol. It’s such a stress In and of itself. I wish sometimes I knew less. Ignorance
Is bliss. Some of the healthiest ppl i know,
Don’t think about health. Ironic. We’ll they don’t overthink health. They stay stress free, laugh, eat decent food and exercise a bit. And they’re not some neurotic fool like myself.

I’m really starting to understand the need to go into each day with no preconceived idea of what I “need” to eat, and just eat what I feel like. And realize your diet needs change day to day so much potentially. Some days may be damn near all fruit, some day cheese potatoes, some days meat. Some days all 3.

I’m rambling here, but I guess what I’m inquiring about is the has anyone else experienced this drop in desire for meat and all this protein? Or had a similar experiemce of “wow I really Haven’t been listening to my body”? I can see my Body composition slightly worsening w less protein, but idc rly at all. I feel better overall. I’m not going vegan at all, not even vegetarian .. but closer to vegetarian than I’ve ever been. Is a steak 1-2 twice a week okay? Maybe oysters twice a week.

I think if I just scratch this itch and listen to my appetite and this current season of my
Life, my appetite for protein may come back.

I’m really trying to lean into listening
To my Body and not just eating what I’m “supposed to” and pre plan my meals. I’ve obviously heard people say “just listen to your body” but it’s not really something you just cultivate over night..
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Jul 8, 2014
I wish sometimes I knew less. Ignorance
Is bliss. Some of the healthiest ppl i know,
Don’t think about health. Ironic. We’ll they don’t overthink health. They stay stress free, laugh, eat decent food and exercise a bit. And they’re not some neurotic fool like myself.

I used to say that I was the sickest healthiest eater I knew so I understand. It takes effort to unlearn what we’ve learned, for sure. To answer your question, I have had a similar experience of craving less meat and the realization that I hadn’t been listening to my body. I feel my best with plenty of protein in my diet but lighter ones, and lighter food in general. Anyway, good for you for trying to listen to your body more. It’s certainly not easy, but it’s one of the best things I have done for my health.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
I used to say that I was the sickest healthiest eater I knew so I understand. It takes effort to unlearn what we’ve learned, for sure. To answer your question, I have had a similar experience of craving less meat and the realization that I hadn’t been listening to my body. I feel my best with plenty of protein in my diet but lighter ones, and lighter food in general. Anyway, good for you for trying to listen to your body more. It’s certainly not easy, but it’s one of the best things I have done for my health.
Thanks for insight.. what protein sources suit you best?
Mar 10, 2021
Lately my appetite has been so insane. So all over the place. I think I’m in the mood for something and go to eat it. And then I’m all of a sudden not in the mood. When I bite it.

This is specifically happening with meat. And even eggs a bit too. Mostly red meat, but even chicken. Seafood/ depending on the day I crave, but sometimes it doesn’t feel right. Cheese is good, milk no bueno.

All I know is I’m craving fruit like it’s nobody’s business. I’m dealing w iron overload and currently Dumping iron like crazy (blood work confirmed) so probably why I can’t stomach beef. I couldn’t Even cook my girlfriends beef.

My body seems to be craving hydration, potassium, calcium magnesium, etc etc .. light easy to digest foods. However a downside is I feel like I become catabolic quickly w out the protein. It’s like I’m craving the protein/amino acids /b vitamins for the benefits ik it provides, but I can’t eat those foods because of the iron? Too heavy? Certain amino acids? Idk but my mouth doesn’t want it.

I can do maybe a couple eggs, cheese, maybe seafood once a day. Im 200lbs though so I’m still real light in the protein department..or maybe I’m not for whatver my body is demanding right now.

For a while I would eat, lots of beef , eggs potatoes, like over a lb meat a day, 6+ eggs. Potatoes. It satiated me in a sense and provided good muscle hardness and amino acids, but it seemed to somewhat lower my vibration / hydration. It feels like it dries me out and ages me. Not trying to go all vegan talk but it’s really how I feel.

I ate a certain way because I believed and learned these were “healthy” and needed and to And followed strict guidelines. Now after being ****88 up for a bit, if I actually close my eyes and forget everything I ever learned or how i was supposed to eat.. and just said “what do I actually want to eat right now”? with no thinking of what macro/micro I need, what I need to “heal” etc etc.. I would just be going for mostly fruit and maybe meat like once twice a week, some seafood, cheese. The overthinking of “oh I need this food for this detox pathway. And this mineral for this enzyme pathway” blah blah lol. It’s such a stress In and of itself. I wish sometimes I knew less. Ignorance
Is bliss. Some of the healthiest ppl i know,
Don’t think about health. Ironic. We’ll they don’t overthink health. They stay stress free, laugh, eat decent food and exercise a bit. And they’re not some neurotic fool like myself.

I’m really starting to understand the need to go into each day with no preconceived idea of what I “need” to eat, and just eat what I feel like. And realize your diet needs change day to day so much potentially. Some days may be damn near all fruit, some day cheese potatoes, some days meat. Some days all 3.

I’m rambling here, but I guess what I’m inquiring about is the has anyone else experienced this drop in desire for meat and all this protein? Or had a similar experiemce of “wow I really Haven’t been listening to my body”? I can see my Body composition slightly worsening w less protein, but idc rly at all. I feel better overall. I’m not going vegan at all, not even vegetarian .. but closer to vegetarian than I’ve ever been. Is a steak 1-2 twice a week okay? Maybe oysters twice a week.

I think if I just scratch this itch and listen to my appetite and this current season of my
Life, my appetite for protein may come back.

I’m really trying to lean into listening
To my Body and not just eating what I’m “supposed to” and pre plan my meals. I’ve obviously heard people say “just listen to your body” but it’s not really something you just cultivate over night..
I relate to so much of what you said here and have been expressing it in my More Weight Loss thread. I was craving carne asada for months in the summer and juicy fruits, and nothing else. Then in November it all came to a screeching halt and I can’t stomach meat at all since. Now I am all milk, egg yolks, orange juice, clams and oysters, and like tonight I boiled some Japanese sweet potatoes and topped it with butter, cheddar, homemade enchilada sauce, sour cream, shredded romaine lettuce and green onion. I don’t know how that popped into my head tonight, but that is what I wanted. I said in my thread, just last night, that I stopped planning meals ahead of time because I never know how I am going to feel at any given moment anymore. It does make it hard to make meal plans, but I can’t force down meat and eggs if I am not feeling it, and sometimes raw honey tastes divine and sometimes I can’t stand the taste of something sweet. This last two or so weeks I lost my appetite for coffee. I usually get that happening in summer sometimes, but winter is odd.


Jul 8, 2014
Thanks for insight.. what protein sources suit you best?

You’re welcome. :) My current sources are raw A2 dairy and eggs but in the past, I did well with scallops, crab and gelatin/gelatinous broth. Gelatinous broth was my staple protein when I was healing my intestines from chronic gastritis.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020

Hi, from my experience I suggest that prioritizing your feelings and how food affects you above "theories," science" is crucial to exiting fear-driven "orthorexia" , which is caused or cultivated by these influencers, intentionally or not, a good part of these influencers who themselves manifest a certain degree of
fear-driven"orthorexia" ,it is funny because at first when you tend to the fear driven"orthorexia",the "pay attentions to your feelings"can sounds like some woo-woo shits that we quickly dismiss

the only purpose of these "theories" is to get you to experience, yet for enough people, the stress, worry, fear caused by these "theories" and the way they are told by these influencers is high enough to make it a net negative for them

i also suggest that in most cases,muscle meat with out salt has 0 taste,or it taste bad,when i crave it i potentially crave warm foods or salt,and even i envision it and or eat it,it is all about salt,muscle meat with out salt do not even feel like food,when the meat is aged long enough,it start to develop some flavor,some semi pleasants,some bad

i suggest lower muscle meat and some animals foods can make your muscles look less voluminous,i suggest muscle fullness is not a relevant metric of health at all,the best i have felt i had relatively flatter muscles than usual yet way higher strengh, explositivity and the body felt way lighter,

i suggest paying attention to mental/physical well being,relaxation,positive feelings potential,bone structure,skin tightness and feeling,sleep depth,dreams,a low propency to negative emotions,and how good it feel to moove,how light your body feel when you do a simple pull up as exellent metrics of how your life styles factors/foods are affecting you

some"process"foods can make you feel better than most foods coined/labeled as "healthy"

i wish you fun
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Apr 15, 2015
i also suggest that in most cases,muscle meat with out salt has 0 taste,or it taste bad,when i crave it i potentially crave warm foods or salt,and even i envision it and or eat it,it is all about salt,muscle meat with out salt do not even feel like food,when the meat is aged long enough,it start to develop some flavor,some semi pleasants,some bad

i suggest lower muscle meat and some animals foods can make your muscles look less voluminous,i suggest muscle fullness is not a relevant metric of health at all,the best i have felt i had relatively flatter muscles than usual yet way higher strengh, explositivity and the body felt way lighter
you have probably never tried good muscle meat.
Good beef steak tastes salty without adding any salt .
Meat doesn't make muscles more voluminous...starches and pufa do that.
Meat is one of the most hypoallergenic foods out there.
Some people overeat on meat in combination with starches/pufa and then complain how bad meat is for health and it makes them older...ridiculous
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
you have probably never tried good muscle meat.
Good beef steak tastes salty without adding any salt .
Hi,from my experience,i tryed all kind of muscles meat,from different animals,fresh,dryed aged,wet aged,different duration between slaughter and consumption,differents raisers,most of the times freshly slaughtered muscle meat tasted bland,the fat was the part with the highest flavor potential;aged meat could developped flavors and not be bland beyond 2 weeks
Meat doesn't make muscles more voluminous...starches and pufa do that.
Meat is one of the most hypoallergenic foods out there.
meat does increase muscles fullness for me,the "theoric"reason does not matter to me,i dont eat "starches"and "pufa",
i did not imply that meat was allergenic,and i talked specifically about muscle meat,not all parts of the animals

i wish you fun


Nov 21, 2012
Hi, from my experience I suggest that prioritizing your feelings and how food affects you above "theories," science" is crucial to exiting fear-driven "orthorexia" , which is caused or cultivated by these influencers, intentionally or not, a good part of these influencers who themselves manifest a certain degree of
fear-driven"orthorexia" ,it is funny because at first when you tend to the fear driven"orthorexia",the "pay attentions to your feelings"can sounds like some woo-woo shits that we quickly dismiss

Despite it being meant well,....isn't your post one big contradiction and confusion to what you're preaching here?

First you're saying to basically let go of what (dietary) gurus say and all the mindchatter that comes with it.
Then you start giving 'dietary suggestions' (about muscle meats)...


Apr 15, 2015
Hi,i tryed all kind of muscles meat,from different animals,fresh,dryed aged,wet aged,different duration between slaughter and consumption,differents raisers,most of the times very fresh muscle meat tasted bland,the fat was the part with the highest flavor potential.aged meat developped flavors on his own even when it was not fatty.

meat does increase muscles fullness for me,the "theoric"reason does not matter to me,i dont eat "starches"and "pufa",
i did not imply that meat was allergenic,and i talked specifically about muscle meat,not all parts of the animals

i wish you fun
I suppose you don't eat it raw.
We are all different , I don't know the size of portion of meat you would eat at one sitting that it causes you to swell...there is no theoretical explanation for that apart from quality of meat or too much fat.
By meat I usually imply lean beef. Pork and chicken are in a different meat category
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Despite it being meant well,....isn't your post one big contradiction and confusion to what you're preaching here?

First you're saying to basically let go of what (dietary) gurus say and all the mindchatter that comes with it.
Then you start giving 'dietary suggestions' (about muscle meats)...
hi,i suggest there is 0 contradiction in the first post i wrote you are refering to,

i gave 0 "dietary suggestions",i shared my experience with muscle meat,it did not imply"eat that" or "eat more/less of that".

others' anecdotal experiences can eventually lead you to further experimentation and be time-saving shortcuts, which is why I've shared mine, ideally those anecdotal experiences are shared in a way that doesn't arouse negative emotions and fear and does not cause the person to ignore their feelings in favor of the "theories"

i wish you fun


raw cold,raw warm,cooked in different manners.i am not blowing up like a balloon,it made the muscles relatively fuller than usual,

i wish you fun
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Nov 24, 2022
I definitely have periods where I go all out buying beef, eggs and potatoes. Eating those daily and feeling like I had missed them for too long, until after a couple days I can't get myself to eat them. I just assume that my body knows best and that I got what I wanted out of them for the moment.
I also find that I crave these foods more when the weather sucks and I have no access to sunlight, though trying to make a rule out of it doesn't work
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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