Oily Fish And Erectile Dysfunction


Jun 23, 2016
Hi everyone .Just wondered if anyone know what is happening to my body.I am nearly 50 .Have been peating for a number of years .Initially libido great(erections great etc) only down side was a massive belly bloat and acne.My bloating seems to have got a lot better but what I have found is eventually my skin became very dry on face and back of neck.I stated to take 3g of evening primrose oil to deal with it and it seemed to help( did not cause and ed)I then started to eat Mackerel (tins ) 3 times a week and for the first time my skin looked a lot better (even got compliments)HOWEVER after about a week got erectile dysfunction(very depressing)I eat liver 2 times a week ,have 2 raw eggs ,2 pints of milk ,white sugar etc.could some one please shed light on why my skin has improved with fish . Are there any supplements to take.Asprin I am worried about due to potential ear damage.Thanks for any helpl.(By the way to keep weight on I am eating some junk food(bisucuits and chocolate and do feel caloriesl are very important although part of me feels I am damaging body with the junk food)thanks for a great forum!
Nov 21, 2015
Reaching for pufas seems irrational to me. The fish oil suppresses inflammatory processes temporarily. If you are following Peat's ideas why would this be your solution?


Apr 18, 2016
Acne/dry skin was most likely caused by some sort of allergic response to something you eat, not an unsaturated fat deficiency.


Oct 15, 2016
Dairy gives me awful acne quick, primrose oil is likely responsible for a good part of your problems, they just did not appear over night imo.


Oct 9, 2016
Hi wagner, not sure exactly about your entire history of diets and all but I'll share my what I have read on multiple other forums about omega-3 fatty acids.
First of all they are absolutely necesarry for the brain, however EXCESSIVE amounts of omega3 fatty acids increase serotonin ( everyone responds different and has a different set point, keep that in mind ).
This usually seems to happen in people that are prone to serotonin inbalances.

On top of that there are a few studies (animal studies though) out there (busy at work at the moment you will have to google them yourself) showing that HIGH levels of omega3 fatty acid intake does lead to lower reproduction levels, hormonal as motivational wise.

Hope this helps you out, all the best.
Sep 29, 2016
Florida, USA
Acne/dry skin was most likely caused by some sort of allergic response to something you eat, not an unsaturated fat deficiency.

Recently started milk, oj and cheese switching from ketogenic diet. I'm getting acne on the nose and places in the head. This happens whenever I had a cheat day with desserts filled with sugar and chocolate. Will stay with milk, oj, and cheese to see.

Hi everyone .Just wondered if anyone know what is happening to my body.I am nearly 50 .Have been peating for a number of years .Initially libido great(erections great etc) only down side was a massive belly bloat and acne.My bloating seems to have got a lot better but what I have found is eventually my skin became very dry on face and back of neck.I stated to take 3g of evening primrose oil to deal with it and it seemed to help( did not cause and ed)I then started to eat Mackerel (tins ) 3 times a week and for the first time my skin looked a lot better (even got compliments)HOWEVER after about a week got erectile dysfunction(very depressing)I eat liver 2 times a week ,have 2 raw eggs ,2 pints of milk ,white sugar etc.could some one please shed light on why my skin has improved with fish . Are there any supplements to take.Asprin I am worried about due to potential ear damage.Thanks for any helpl.(By the way to keep weight on I am eating some junk food(bisucuits and chocolate and do feel caloriesl are very important although part of me feels I am damaging body with the junk food)thanks for a great forum!

I'm in your age group so I was curious about the thread. Could you explain "Initially libido great(erections great etc) only down side was a massive belly bloat and acne."? What was it exactly you had changed to bring great libido? and how long did your belly boat and acne last? What was your junk food like? Till recently, I have been a ketogenic diet where I ate lots of oily fish and meat. Although no erectile dysfunction, my libido has never been optimal; worse with ketogenic vs lean gains IF where I had rotating carbs (rice, potatoes and noodles).


Jun 23, 2016
Hi there.Basically my diet before was based on ensure plus( due to my neck cancer).My doctor advised to have it to keep up my weight.I am 10 stone normally .The ensure plus has 300kcal per drink .The main oil is rapeseed oil.I was having about 6 a day (1800 kcal)There is no lactose in the product.What I will say is my skin for the first time became really well cosmetically and erections no problem.sense of wellbeing also really good.Any way stopped eventually and went on perfect health diet ( no sugar,no milk) and carbohydrate source was potato.proteins were chicken ,oily fish and eggs.Also some junk in form of chocolate.Eventually stopped the diet because found out after trial and error that potaotes definitely effect me negatively(absolutely no erections) making me think starches are no good for the manly bits.Stopped the diet.Went Ray peat way.This includes semi-skimmed milk (2pints),2 raw egg yolks,about 10tblsp of whtite sugar,coconut oil,chocolate,apple juice(oj dries skin) liver twice a week ,also maybe a cake .Downsides if have no evening primrose oil then skin goes very dry(the epo also relieves anxiety)Mackerel only once a week for cosmetic effect.From my experience sugar and milk is vital for libido and erections with small amouts of pufa(I take 3g epo)If I cut out the pufa then massive anxiety and dry skin and low libido and erections.I wish I could say pufa is bad but I cannot based on my experience.Having mackerel 3 times a week definitely kills my chance of any erections.I would say I will stick with my diet.Have started to take niacinamdie(500mg day ) and hands now nice and warm .Also take vit e,vit d, K,10mg pregnenolone, and feeling very manly.Hope this helps.


Jun 23, 2016
Sorry forgot to mention that when I did start the Peat diet I did swell up like a balloon .Also lots of acne on chest and back of legs.Took antibiotics and eventually thinks have got better.The diet does take time to adapt.Acne of chest clear but back of thighs seem to have acne scarring.When I was not having any milk my skin did start to clear .Milk for me has numerous benefits but also there are some negativers in terms of skin health and bowel health.
Sep 29, 2016
Florida, USA
Hi wagner, not sure exactly about your entire history of diets and all but I'll share my what I have read on multiple other forums about omega-3 fatty acids.
First of all they are absolutely necesarry for the brain, however EXCESSIVE amounts of omega3 fatty acids increase serotonin ( everyone responds different and has a different set point, keep that in mind ).
This usually seems to happen in people that are prone to serotonin inbalances.

On top of that there are a few studies (animal studies though) out there (busy at work at the moment you will have to google them yourself) showing that HIGH levels of omega3 fatty acid intake does lead to lower reproduction levels, hormonal as motivational wise.

Hope this helps you out, all the best.

@Quality, this makes sense for me.

Last 6 months I have been on Jack Kruse's epi-paleo diet where seafood was my primary protein intake like salmon, yellow tail, mackerel, shrimp and smoked oysters, etc., and with added raw nuts. I did, however, curtail raw nuts intake trying to balance omega 3 and omega 6.

How would I check to see if my serotonin level is high without labs?

I wonder my intermittent fasting (16/8) of 7 plus years had on my metabolism?
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