Too Much Aspirin At Once: Massive Shedding


Apr 27, 2015
So I just took 1,5 g aspirin with coffee pretty much all at once. Reckless, I guess.

500 mg and a cup of coffee makes me feel pretty good, but it's a brief effect. So call it an "experiment".

At worst, I thought, I would feel a little off.

What actually happened is that I'm shedding like never before at the crown. My hair loss has been pretty much in control for years now, a little shedding in the front and crown, but very little and slow.

Right now, though, I'm getting handfuls every time I gently pull the hair over my crown. Four or five hairs each time. I have counted dozens of lost hairs already.

This must stop. Any tips?


Mar 15, 2014
Mast cell degranulation?

I took 800 mg once and saw no such problem, although I remember someone saying that they lost hair upon taking aspirin.

The only bad effect I got was a bruise on my side from the blood thinning.


May 21, 2015
Lipoxygenase is involved in prostate cancer and probably hair loss because it shares many mechanisms.

Arachidonic acid goes in two pathways, COX and lipoxygenase. When aspirin blocks the COX pathway (it only blocks this one) the arachidonic acid is diverted to the lipoxygenase pathway, so that 5-lipoxygenase and 15-lipoxygenase are increased. I think this is the most probable explanation, and lipoxygenase is very bad stuff for health overall.

See here, aspirin increases 5-lipoxygenase
Effect of the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor ZD2138 on aspirin-induced asthma. - PubMed - NCBI

Once, I asked Peat about "safe" lipoxygenase inhibitors. He told me "Emodin, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, caffeic acid and baicalein" . I haven't really experimented with those (except emodin a bit) but for each of them I could find studies that made them undesirable. I think one of its most potent inhibitors is simply omega-3 intake because it blocks arachidonic acid before it goes to either pathway, contrarily to aspirin. Vitamin E would work in the same way.

New aspects of the inhibition of soybean lipoxygenase by alpha-tocopherol. Evidence for the existence of a specific complex. - PubMed - NCBI

Vit K also effective
Vitamin K prevents oxidative cell death by inhibiting activation of 12-lipoxygenase in developing oligodendrocytes. - PubMed - NCBI

Btw I've had a similar experience, finding my hair quality to decrease when I used aspirin daily. I think in doses of 100mg it can be beneficial for hair loss because it has anti-cancer mechanisms independent of COX inhibition and at this dose it would not inhibit COX very much hence not creating the lipoxygenase problem.


Apr 27, 2015
Thanks for the replies.

Shedding is almost back to normal. Still more sensitive than usual at the crown. Maybe I'll try some vit E and see what happens (thanks for the advice, Elephanto).


Jul 29, 2014
Lipoxygenase is involved in prostate cancer and probably hair loss because it shares many mechanisms.

Arachidonic acid goes in two pathways, COX and lipoxygenase. When aspirin blocks the COX pathway (it only blocks this one) the arachidonic acid is diverted to the lipoxygenase pathway, so that 5-lipoxygenase and 15-lipoxygenase are increased. I think this is the most probable explanation, and lipoxygenase is very bad stuff for health overall.

See here, aspirin increases 5-lipoxygenase
Effect of the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor ZD2138 on aspirin-induced asthma. - PubMed - NCBI

Once, I asked Peat about "safe" lipoxygenase inhibitors. He told me "Emodin, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, caffeic acid and baicalein" . I haven't really experimented with those (except emodin a bit) but for each of them I could find studies that made them undesirable. I think one of its most potent inhibitors is simply omega-3 intake because it blocks arachidonic acid before it goes to either pathway, contrarily to aspirin. Vitamin E would work in the same way.

New aspects of the inhibition of soybean lipoxygenase by alpha-tocopherol. Evidence for the existence of a specific complex. - PubMed - NCBI

Vit K also effective
Vitamin K prevents oxidative cell death by inhibiting activation of 12-lipoxygenase in developing oligodendrocytes. - PubMed - NCBI

Btw I've had a similar experience, finding my hair quality to decrease when I used aspirin daily. I think in doses of 100mg it can be beneficial for hair loss because it has anti-cancer mechanisms independent of COX inhibition and at this dose it would not inhibit COX very much hence not creating the lipoxygenase problem.

Interesting post!

I was hoping coffee would have more caffeic acid than it turns out to have. According to the wikipedia article on caffeic acid, yerba mate seems to have quite a bit. I keep meaning to pick some up, and this gives me a good reason.

CLA may also work as a LOX inhibitor by competing with PUFA.
Influence of maternal diet enrichment with conjugated linoleic acids on lipoxygenase metabolites of polyunsaturated fatty acids in serum of their o... - PubMed - NCBI

"Our results indicate that CLA can compete with PUFA and influence serum concentration of PUFA and their LOX metabolites, which could partly explain the anticancerogenic action of CLA."

From what I've read CLA works better if total PUFA is kept low.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
It's likely not permanent. Think of hair loss as having two patterns. One pattern gradually results in hair loss over time as you age, while the other can be triggered by stress. Telogen effluvium is an example of the latter.

And yes, taking 3x the dose of any substance is dangerous and reckless. Luckily, aspirin is pretty mild.


Mar 10, 2016
Lipoxygenase is involved in prostate cancer and probably hair loss because it shares many mechanisms.

Arachidonic acid goes in two pathways, COX and lipoxygenase. When aspirin blocks the COX pathway (it only blocks this one) the arachidonic acid is diverted to the lipoxygenase pathway, so that 5-lipoxygenase and 15-lipoxygenase are increased. I think this is the most probable explanation, and lipoxygenase is very bad stuff for health overall.

See here, aspirin increases 5-lipoxygenase
Effect of the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor ZD2138 on aspirin-induced asthma. - PubMed - NCBI

Once, I asked Peat about "safe" lipoxygenase inhibitors. He told me "Emodin, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, caffeic acid and baicalein" . I haven't really experimented with those (except emodin a bit) but for each of them I could find studies that made them undesirable. I think one of its most potent inhibitors is simply omega-3 intake because it blocks arachidonic acid before it goes to either pathway, contrarily to aspirin. Vitamin E would work in the same way.

New aspects of the inhibition of soybean lipoxygenase by alpha-tocopherol. Evidence for the existence of a specific complex. - PubMed - NCBI

Vit K also effective
Vitamin K prevents oxidative cell death by inhibiting activation of 12-lipoxygenase in developing oligodendrocytes. - PubMed - NCBI

Btw I've had a similar experience, finding my hair quality to decrease when I used aspirin daily. I think in doses of 100mg it can be beneficial for hair loss because it has anti-cancer mechanisms independent of COX inhibition and at this dose it would not inhibit COX very much hence not creating the lipoxygenase problem.

So lipoxygenase is bad for your health; do you mean it is worse than PUFA that went down the COX path?
(Sorry if that is a very simple view on it. This is new stuff.)
Do you take aspirin?


Aug 6, 2015
Lipoxygenase is involved in prostate cancer and probably hair loss because it shares many mechanisms.

Arachidonic acid goes in two pathways, COX and lipoxygenase. When aspirin blocks the COX pathway (it only blocks this one) the arachidonic acid is diverted to the lipoxygenase pathway, so that 5-lipoxygenase and 15-lipoxygenase are increased. I think this is the most probable explanation, and lipoxygenase is very bad stuff for health overall.

See here, aspirin increases 5-lipoxygenase
Effect of the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor ZD2138 on aspirin-induced asthma. - PubMed - NCBI

Once, I asked Peat about "safe" lipoxygenase inhibitors. He told me "Emodin, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, caffeic acid and baicalein" . I haven't really experimented with those (except emodin a bit) but for each of them I could find studies that made them undesirable. I think one of its most potent inhibitors is simply omega-3 intake because it blocks arachidonic acid before it goes to either pathway, contrarily to aspirin. Vitamin E would work in the same way.

New aspects of the inhibition of soybean lipoxygenase by alpha-tocopherol. Evidence for the existence of a specific complex. - PubMed - NCBI

Vit K also effective
Vitamin K prevents oxidative cell death by inhibiting activation of 12-lipoxygenase in developing oligodendrocytes. - PubMed - NCBI

Btw I've had a similar experience, finding my hair quality to decrease when I used aspirin daily. I think in doses of 100mg it can be beneficial for hair loss because it has anti-cancer mechanisms independent of COX inhibition and at this dose it would not inhibit COX very much hence not creating the lipoxygenase problem.
Would it be why there are studies showing that aspirin increases nitric oxie and histamines?


Would it be why there are studies showing that aspirin increases nitric oxie and histamines?
Interesting. Do you have these studies @Parsifal? Can you post or put the link to a discussion here on the forum? Thank you in advance!


Mar 15, 2014
Once, I asked Peat about "safe" lipoxygenase inhibitors. He told me "Emodin, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, caffeic acid and baicalein" . I haven't really experimented with those (except emodin a bit) but for each of them I could find studies that made them undesirable. I think one of its most potent inhibitors is simply omega-3 intake because it blocks arachidonic acid before it goes to either pathway, contrarily to aspirin. Vitamin E would work in the same way.

Would be great to hear from someone who's taken emodin and aspirin simultaneously.


Apr 5, 2016
Lipoxygenase is involved in prostate cancer and probably hair loss because it shares many mechanisms.

Arachidonic acid goes in two pathways, COX and lipoxygenase. When aspirin blocks the COX pathway (it only blocks this one) the arachidonic acid is diverted to the lipoxygenase pathway, so that 5-lipoxygenase and 15-lipoxygenase are increased. I think this is the most probable explanation, and lipoxygenase is very bad stuff for health overall.

Vit K also effective
Vitamin K prevents oxidative cell death by inhibiting activation of 12-lipoxygenase in developing oligodendrocytes. - PubMed - NCBI

Another reason why Aspirin and vitamin K go so well together. As the study you linked states, "Administration of vitamin K (K(1) and MK-4) completely prevented the toxicity."
Although the abstract does not say anything about dose used it does say they were "nanomolar concentrations" not entirely sure what kind of dose would reach nanomolar concentrations in humans but it doesn't sound like a particularly large amount. Also I can't tell if the test was done in vivo or in vitro.

For my own experience I always take vitamin K with aspirin and have not noticed any shedding more than normal.


Jan 15, 2017
Considering even the most poisonous stuff like chemo takes usually 2 weeks for hair to begin to fall out, usually changes take weeks or a month or more to shed. How could this happen that fast to OP?


Mar 27, 2018
Considering even the most poisonous stuff like chemo takes usually 2 weeks for hair to begin to fall out, usually changes take weeks or a month or more to shed. How could this happen that fast to OP?

It's said that Marie Antoinette's hair turned gray overnight, but that was probably metaphorical.

I will say this - I took extra strength Tylenol+cold medicine (with Tylenol in it) and when I washed my hair in the shower later that night, I literally thought I got my shampoo mixed up with tile cleaner or something because of the SCARY amount of hair that was on the floor of the shower. To me, that's proof of acute liver damage and danger of Tylenol. But yeah, the effect on hair loss was instant (like less than 6 hours.)


Jan 15, 2017
It's said that Marie Antoinette's hair turned gray overnight, but that was probably metaphorical.

I will say this - I took extra strength Tylenol+cold medicine (with Tylenol in it) and when I washed my hair in the shower later that night, I literally thought I got my shampoo mixed up with tile cleaner or something because of the SCARY amount of hair that was on the floor of the shower. To me, that's proof of acute liver damage and danger of Tylenol. But yeah, the effect on hair loss was instant (like less than 6 hours.)

Ok so with that, obviously its a change in the skin caused by the drug or chemical.

The hairs that were affected were probably all telogen phase and this caused a mass ejection of them by shortening the amount of time they sat waiting to fall. Chemo is probably such a shock that it stops anything anagen related and puts hair immediately into telogen.

What is it that these items do that change the scalp so acutely that the hair rushes to ejecr?


Jul 29, 2016
But a typical dose is 325mg, and 1,5g with coffee could cause hair loss?
What other factors are there?


Jan 15, 2017
I thought of something after a sweaty nap following 81mg of aspirin.

Could it be an extreme uncoupling reaction, basically initiating a transient boost in metabolism but perhaps without enough glucose on hand(probably a good 60g or more of sugars) it caused a stress response?


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
It's likely not permanent. Think of hair loss as having two patterns. One pattern gradually results in hair loss over time as you age, while the other can be triggered by stress. Telogen effluvium is an example of the latter.

And yes, taking 3x the dose of any substance is dangerous and reckless. Luckily, aspirin is pretty mild.

Dave ,on a less related note, do you think glycine or gelatin could be excitotoxic? I have been thinking lately that I may be taking too much because sometimes I feel a bit "out of it".
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