Day 7 of thyroid supplementation, few questions



Hello all, I have been taking T4/T3 (2:1 ratio) for seven days now, slowly titrating up. I began with 3 mcg T3 and 6 mcg T4 once daily and now am up to triple both doses on day 7 (too fast?), split into three doses throughout my day. I have upped my calories and I am including as many nutrients as possible... especially electrolytes which I had an issue with the first few days.

Initially, felt some moderate improvements in mood and energy and a temporary relief from my cold hands. Also, life felt more real if that makes sense. More grounded and became much more social like I used to be a long time ago. Strong increase in my libido too. Eventually, this went away so I introduced more nutrients through liver, etc. and now I can get it 'to work' pretty well for half of my day every day. Morning temperature definitely warmer and I wake up feeling very rested now. As my day goes on though, everything starts to fall back into how it was before. There's definitely some sort of missing nutrient that I'm not hitting because my metabolism ramps up and down at the most seemingly random times. I do also take some supplements, VitD, VitE (tocovit) K2, magnesium, thiamine, riboflavin (r-5-p), niacinamide, occasional taurine but I don't megadose anything really. I may be not getting enough protein this past week so I will try that next. I weigh 195 lbs, 6' 0 and I'm a male. I'm hitting over 3000 calories daily as of now. Prior to starting thyroid my TSH was 0.70-1.0 but FT4 was slightly under the middle and I've never tested FT3 but I know hypothyroidism runs in my family, probably a conversion issue involved too. Symptoms progressively got worse over the years.

Anyways, I have a few questions from what I've noticed so far:

1. Increase in shedding, like by a good amount. I slowly thinned out over the years and peating stopped the shedding completely for many months prior to this. Is this normal during the transition? I am now at 9 mcg T3 and 18 mcg T4 a day on Day 7. I'm not pulling clumps or anything but running my hand through sheds hairs almost every time. Strangely I'm shedding zero thick hairs, only the small weak hairs. Normally when I was progressing through MPB I shed hair regardless of thickness. This time it seems like only the 'weak' hairs are shedding.

2. What nutrient would you recommend I look at next because I'm clearly missing something. My carb intake has to be adequate, I can't imagine needing more than what I'm already consuming?

3. Is all of this normal even with adequate caloric/nutrient intake in the beginning?

4. When ones metabolism rises, and temperature rises, obviously you would feel warmer. But a couple of these days my morning temperature actually went over 97 for the first time, but I felt really hot. What I'm trying to say is, is it expected for small increments in temperature to feel a lot warmer than you'd expect? I'm assuming because I haven't been in this state in so long that small rises in temperature feel much warmer than expected? weird question haha, i know

5. Suddenly have dandruff, any suggestions?

6. Any other advice and tips appreciated

Thank you all.


Oct 6, 2021
Hi Pointoutside,

as i dont know you personally, all i can do is guess coming from my own experience.
1 looks like an increased turnover, dont stress out about it
2 what makes you think that you need a specific nutrient? Do you provide enough of the basics? What do you eat?
3 Seven Days with increasing dosage and you wonder why your metabolism goes up and down like a rollercoaster? -> stay at the dose you are currently and observe - take notes about when you feel best and stay there for at least a couple of weeks.
4 Yes of course - would. In theory. But due to increased metabolism you are quite prone to running out of "fuel" - happens easily over night - then stress hormones take over and thus you can feel heat / hot as well - but you think its from thyroid - and actually it is your body on stress. it takes some time to feel the difference.
5 Could be that your sudden increase in T4/T3 converts your cholesterol / fats into hormones faster than you expected. There is probably a correlation about your sudden increase in "strong" libido. But thats basics. Turn on the metabolic gas pedal - via medication -> provide enough cholesterol bricks and you should do fine.
6 Why do you even started thyroid meds?
Just some basics -> easy digestible carbohydrates -> increases metabolism. think of carbs as firewood. As your metabolic fire is in a good condition, more hard to breakdown materials such as fats and proteins are more readily converted into hormones and so on. but they decrease your metabolic rate if you dont watch for an adequate ratio in favor of carbs > protein > fat.
all the best for now


Hi Pointoutside,

as i dont know you personally, all i can do is guess coming from my own experience.
1 looks like an increased turnover, dont stress out about it
2 what makes you think that you need a specific nutrient? Do you provide enough of the basics? What do you eat?
3 Seven Days with increasing dosage and you wonder why your metabolism goes up and down like a rollercoaster? -> stay at the dose you are currently and observe - take notes about when you feel best and stay there for at least a couple of weeks.
4 Yes of course - would. In theory. But due to increased metabolism you are quite prone to running out of "fuel" - happens easily over night - then stress hormones take over and thus you can feel heat / hot as well - but you think its from thyroid - and actually it is your body on stress. it takes some time to feel the difference.
5 Could be that your sudden increase in T4/T3 converts your cholesterol / fats into hormones faster than you expected. There is probably a correlation about your sudden increase in "strong" libido. But thats basics. Turn on the metabolic gas pedal - via medication -> provide enough cholesterol bricks and you should do fine.
6 Why do you even started thyroid meds?
Just some basics -> easy digestible carbohydrates -> increases metabolism. think of carbs as firewood. As your metabolic fire is in a good condition, more hard to breakdown materials such as fats and proteins are more readily converted into hormones and so on. but they decrease your metabolic rate if you dont watch for an adequate ratio in favor of carbs > protein > fat.
all the best for now
Thank you for taking the time to answer all of my questions. First I want to respond to why I’m on thyroid medication. Besides obviously having obvious symptoms of a poor metabolism / hypothyroidism, I never recovered in the past from my use of steroids. Thyroid has been incredible so far, something just clicked in my body especially these past two days with an even higher caloric intake and finally getting some good liver in me. Went from near nonexistent straight to powerful libido. Went from poor erections to nearly painful erections. The energy has been getting better and better. I feel more alive to be quite honest with you. Continuing to supply my body with the necessary nutrients to hopefully keep this going. The majority of the issues in my initial post have subsided and I plan on staying on thyroid.
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