TAURINE The Key To Restoring Metabolic Function?


Jun 2, 2017
I think it may be because it crashed my sugar, and also because I am already borderline HYPER-Thyroid, I feel like it sent me overboard... Not a nice feeling at all.
Thankfully I have Lemon Balm and Fenugreek on standby which can lower thyroid function and I was also smashing heaps of broccoli to lower my thyroid, which seems to have brought my temperature down and the ravenous hunger.
Thanks for sharing.


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Mar 26, 2016
I don't think I can tolerate Taurine, unless I simultaneously raise my CORTISOL and blood sugar levels. I am SO hot, and getting all symptoms of HYPER thyroid. I realise now that its no fun being HYPER thyroid - and is in fact, associated with impaired glucose tolerance and even insulin resistance, which I am trying to figure out the mechanisms...


Mar 20, 2013
I've been having Taurine daily in my morning coffee. I usually add a little heavy cream and a tablespoon of sugar and collagen hydrolysate.

I use either 1/4 tsp or 1/2 tsp. I don't remember how much that amounts to.

I am typically very sensitive to caffeine and get jittery from it. The Taurine seems to greatly mitigate the jitters. I actually have been using 1/4 tsp more often because 1/2 tsp seems to almost completely suppress the buzz I get from caffeine, which I like to help with my strength training.

The difference in caffeine's effects on my body when consumed without Taurine and with Taurine are very obvious to me. I've read that stores of Taurine in the body can build up over time with repeated dosing. I also have been adding Beta Alanine into the mix but it's been so long since I've used it, I can't remember what it's supposed to do, or if it works synergistically with Taurine.


Jun 2, 2017
I've been having Taurine daily in my morning coffee. I usually add a little heavy cream and a tablespoon of sugar and collagen hydrolysate.

I use either 1/4 tsp or 1/2 tsp. I don't remember how much that amounts to.

I am typically very sensitive to caffeine and get jittery from it. The Taurine seems to greatly mitigate the jitters. I actually have been using 1/4 tsp more often because 1/2 tsp seems to almost completely suppress the buzz I get from caffeine, which I like to help with my strength training.

The difference in caffeine's effects on my body when consumed without Taurine and with Taurine are very obvious to me. I've read that stores of Taurine in the body can build up over time with repeated dosing. I also have been adding Beta Alanine into the mix but it's been so long since I've used it, I can't remember what it's supposed to do, or if it works synergistically with Taurine.
This is my experience as well, but for me the taurine usually wins out, outlasting the caffeine effects and making me groggy. I’ll have to try it again, to test. I also used to take Beta-Alanine, but the last time I took it I got a side effect of extreme jaw and tooth pain, which I never had prior. I swore I’d never take it again after that. I’d be curious if anyone has experienced this or has any theories as to why it happened.


Oct 5, 2014
Around 4-5 grams taurine a day caused me serious sleep problems after a few days of use. Like not being able to sleep until 5am

1-2 grams seem to be ok.

It is quite androgenic also.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
I never noticed an increase in Libido from Taurine. But Homotaurine gave me homosexual thoughts, LMAO.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
- Taurine: a conditionally essential amino acid in humans? An overview in health and disease (already post'd elsewhere)

"In wealthy humans, dietary foodstuffs are the main sources of taurine: high concentrations are found in animal sources whilst undetectable in vegetables (table I)[2,20]. Since vegetarians have no dietary intake of taurine and often eat low sulphur amino acid diets, plasma concentrations are lower in vegetarians[20,21]. Methionine and cysteine are precursors of taurine, however synthesis ability varies widely amongst species[1]; the maximal human synthesis rate is unknown. The average daily synthesis in adults ranges between 0.4-1.0 mmol (50-125 mg)[1]; under stress the synthesis capacity may be impaired; therewith some authors consider taurine as a conditionally essential amino acid, whereas for others it remains nonessential[1,2,12]."

"The amount of taurine excreted daily varies from individual to individual, and in the same individual from day to day; it may reach 0.22-1.85 mmol [30-230 mg] and is influenced by various factors including genetics, age, sex [gender (unrelated to music) in this case], current dietary intake, renal function and clinical conditions[1,20,21,34]."

"Given taurine's considerable biological significance, deficiency clearly has the potential to cause clinical consequences. Deficiency may be due to inability to synthesise or conserve taurine or to an inadequate supply relative to requirements[1,2]. In theory, the provision of sufficient methionine or cysteine should guarantee adequate synthesis. But this assumes efficient metabolic pathways and adequate enzymatic function, including enough vitamin B6[29]. If endogenous synthesis is not enough, if dietary intake of taurine is severely limited or absent for extended periods, or if there are increased demands[15], depletion is likely. As a consequence there are specific groups at risk for taurine depletion and these individuals may benefit from supplementation."

"The liver is the pivotal metabolic organ and the major site for enzymatic reactions involved in taurine synthesis. Hepatic dysfunction disturbs amino acid synthesis and adversely affects sulphur amino acid status. Patients with severe liver damage or cirrhosis have low plasma taurine, cysteine and glutathione concentrations, an elevated plasma cystathionine concentration, decreased urinary taurine excretion, and increased cysteine and cystathionine excretion[95,100,101]. Vitamin B6 deficiency may also concur, especially in alcoholics'[23]. All these factors contribute to disturb the taurine enzymatic pathway."

"Low plasma and muscle intracellular taurine concentrations are often found in patients with chronic renal failure, even though the precursor amino acids are normal or elevated. This suggests a metabolic block in the synthesis, probably linked to a decreased activity of the key enzyme, cysteine sulphinic acid decarboxylase. Intracellular taurine depletion may be responsible for muscle fatigue, a common symptom in uraemia; supplementation may be appropriate in chronic renal failure[12,102,103]. A recent cross-over trial suggests that nocturnal hemodialysis may increase taurine and improve uraemia[104]."


Nov 3, 2017
I feel like I need to take taurine everyday to feel good and be able to face work, the drama and stay calm and focus. During the week-end I don't take it.

I feel like I am almost dependent on it. It makes such a huge difference. I really feel great mentally and physically.

My everyday supplements are thyroid and taurine. Sometimes aspirin at night, progesterone before period, and sometimes lysine with taurine together. I have the impression to like people more with lysine and to be more approachable.

I would love to feel like that without a supplement.

Deleted member 5487

Taurine is not they "Key" to restoring metabolic funtion.

What it does is greatly lower Adrenaline, one of the main culprets preventing you from having a decent metabolic rate, liver glycogen, and oxidative metabolism.

Try quiting caffeine for a few days and see how long you can go between meals. A Long TIME.

Taurine increases liver glycogen, becuase it lowers adrenaline. Lowered Adrenaline lowers the release of FFA, which restore insulin sentitivity.

So Taurine, Lowered caffeine, and red light basking will do wonders for you.

If you must drink caffeine, you have to do it right. With Taurine, sugar, and cream. After meals.

The 6% increase energy requirements after a mere 50mg will shift most of you into adrenaline and cortisol after 30 minutes.
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Feb 3, 2019
I feel like I need to take taurine everyday to feel good and be able to face work, the drama and stay calm and focus. During the week-end I don't take it.

I feel like I am almost dependent on it. It makes such a huge difference. I really feel great mentally and physically.

My everyday supplements are thyroid and taurine. Sometimes aspirin at night, progesterone before period, and sometimes lysine with taurine together. I have the impression to like people more with lysine and to be more approachable.

I would love to feel like that without a supplement.
Maybe your test is low?


Nov 3, 2017
Taurine is not they "Key" to restoring metabolic funtion.

What it does is greatly lower Adrenaline, one of the main culprets preventing you from having a decent metabolic rate, liver glycogen, and oxidative metabolism.

Try quiting caffeine for a few days and see how long you can go between meals. A Long TIME.

Taurine increases liver glycogen, becuase it lowers adrenaline. Lowered Adrenaline lowers the release of FFA, which restore insulin sentitivity.

So Taurine, Lowered caffeine, and red light basking will do wonders for you.

If you must drink caffeine, you have to do it right. With Taurine, sugar, and cream. After meals.

The 6% increase energy requirements after a mere 50mg will shift most of you into adrenaline and cortisol after 30 minutes.

Hello, so you still advice to use taurine but in combination with caffeine? What quantity would you advise? I don't take more than 500mg per day, most of the time 250 is enough.

I drink like 3 or 4 coffees per day always with lots of white sugar and milk. Most of my day I sip on orange juice and coffee with milk. Red light raises my metabolism too much that I tend to have acne with it. I am honestly in a happy place. I just limit lysine because I started to cough a lot and I read somebody said he had to take antibiotics for tuberculosis, and ray is not raving about it, but it's one of those supplements that make you feel amazing.


Feb 3, 2019
Do you mean testosterone? I am a woman.
women still have more testosterone than estrogen, from what I've read. Taurine increases testosterone which is probably why it increases metabolic function and amino acid utilization
Maybe you could try to build some muscle mass as it helps synethsize and use more testosterone, basically a more steady taurine benefit

Deleted member 5487

Hello, so you still advice to use taurine but in combination with caffeine? What quantity would you advise? I don't take more than 500mg per day, most of the time 250 is enough.

I drink like 3 or 4 coffees per day always with lots of white sugar and milk. Most of my day I sip on orange juice and coffee with milk. Red light raises my metabolism too much that I tend to have acne with it. I am honestly in a happy place. I just limit lysine because I started to cough a lot and I read somebody said he had to take antibiotics for tuberculosis, and ray is not raving about it, but it's one of those supplements that make you feel amazing.

What ever you feel comfortable with I throw in 1-2grams.


Nov 3, 2017
women still have more testosterone than estrogen, from what I've read. Taurine increases testosterone which is probably why it increases metabolic function and amino acid utilization
Maybe you could try to build some muscle mass as it helps synethsize and use more testosterone, basically a more steady taurine benefit

I am quite thin with a flat belly, thin legs and abs. People think I often go to the gym while I don't at all. I have never been fat in my life, I tend to be skinny on the contrary.
I think I will continue on taurine as far as it suits me.


Feb 3, 2019
I am quite thin with a flat belly, swimming legs and abs. People think I often go to the gym while I mostly stay home and eat.
Well it doesn't sound like low test is your problem, however if you go the doctor maybe you can get it tested just in case
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