Targeting Metastasis-initiating Cells Through The Fatty Acid Receptor CD36


Oct 5, 2014
I don't know enough body biochemistry to have a conclusion but it's hitting the news this week. They claim that palmitic acid (saturated fat) is responsible for cancer metastasis. Rodent study btw and only oral cancer.

@paymanz @haidut

Targeting metastasis-initiating cells through the fatty acid receptor CD36
27 January 2027
16 November 2016
Published online
07 December 2016


The fact that the identity of the cells that initiate metastasis in most human cancers is unknown hampers the development of antimetastatic therapies. Here we describe a subpopulation of CD44bright cells in human oral carcinomas that do not overexpress mesenchymal genes, are slow-cycling, express high levels of the fatty acid receptor CD36 and lipid metabolism genes, and are unique in their ability to initiate metastasis. Palmitic acid or a high-fat diet specifically boosts the metastatic potential of CD36+ metastasis-initiating cells in a CD36-dependent manner. The use of neutralizing antibodies to block CD36 causes almost complete inhibition of metastasis in immunodeficient or immunocompetent orthotopic mouse models of human oral cancer, with no side effects. Clinically, the presence of CD36+ metastasis-initiating cells correlates with a poor prognosis for numerous types of carcinomas, and inhibition of CD36 also impairs metastasis, at least in human melanoma- and breast cancer-derived tumours. Together, our results indicate that metastasis-initiating cells particularly rely on dietary lipids to promote metastasis.
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Jan 6, 2015
It is interesting ,thank you makrosky.

I know ray mentioned in an email that fats in diet if being from low PUFA sources can be as high as 50% of total calories.

But probably he doesn't see it as optimal,that much fats probably push some cells to beta oxidation.

Apparently even some organs like heart(which is famous to be a fat oxidizer) performs better by burning sugar, as shown in mildronate trials.

Achilles Heel Of Cancer Found - Its Addiction To Fat


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I don't know enough body biochemistry to have a conclusion but it's hitting the news this week. They claim that palmitic acid (saturated fat) is responsible for cancer metastasis. Rodent study btw and only oral cancer.

@paymanz @haidut

Targeting metastasis-initiating cells through the fatty acid receptor CD36
27 January 2027
16 November 2016
Published online
07 December 2016


The fact that the identity of the cells that initiate metastasis in most human cancers is unknown hampers the development of antimetastatic therapies. Here we describe a subpopulation of CD44bright cells in human oral carcinomas that do not overexpress mesenchymal genes, are slow-cycling, express high levels of the fatty acid receptor CD36 and lipid metabolism genes, and are unique in their ability to initiate metastasis. Palmitic acid or a high-fat diet specifically boosts the metastatic potential of CD36+ metastasis-initiating cells in a CD36-dependent manner. The use of neutralizing antibodies to block CD36 causes almost complete inhibition of metastasis in immunodeficient or immunocompetent orthotopic mouse models of human oral cancer, with no side effects. Clinically, the presence of CD36+ metastasis-initiating cells correlates with a poor prognosis for numerous types of carcinomas, and inhibition of CD36 also impairs metastasis, at least in human melanoma- and breast cancer-derived tumours. Together, our results indicate that metastasis-initiating cells particularly rely on dietary lipids to promote metastasis.

Other in vivo studies showed palmitic acid to be protective while oleic acid to be the preferred substrate of tumor cells. Actually cancer loves PUFA the most and can even die from excessive PUFA consumption. This may explain some of the benefit of the Gerson therapy but obviously it can backfire badly since it is not know is the PUFA would not trigger secondary cancer elsewhere.
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