Nov 21, 2015
Resveratrol, rate of living,
C02, and aging

A·year ago GlaxoSmithKline bought Sirtris, a
company focusing on the biological effects of
resveratrol, for $720,000,000. Harvard Medical
School's website, atld broadcasts. by Barbara
Walters and Morley Safer have publicized
as a longevity-increasing drug, and
Ill1lhons of people are spending large amounts of
money for resveratrol capsules.
The main claim being made about resveratrol
is that it can mimic the anti-aging effects of
calorie restriction, without having to restrict food
This involves silencing genes,
blocking theIr production ofRNA and protein.
The mass media and some medical journals
aren't giving a balanced description ofthe biologi-
cal effects of resveratrol, but many biologists are
being influenced too, by the same simple
arguments that the television reporters SUIll1lla-
rized. The academic biology culture, the medical
culture, and the basic American culture itself, are
all permeated by the idea of genetic determinism,
so when a DNA molecule in yeast is identified as
th<> "ant"I-agmg gene,"dan a rnoIeCillel'IS fOli..Tld that
activates it, that molecule, or something similar,
seems to them clearly to be an anti-aging drug,
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