Dietary Fat And Its Oxidation Drives Cancer Metastasis


Jan 1, 2013
This is interesting:
Cancer: Disorder and Energy
"The alkaline cancer cell surrounds itself by the acid that it emits, and this extracellular acidity increases the ability of fatty acids to enter the cell (Spector, 1969); cancer cells, although they are synthesizing fat, also avidly take it up from their environment (Sueyoshi and Nagao, 1962b). This fat avidity is so extreme that cancer cells in vitro will eat enough polyunsaturated fat to kill themselves.


In this thread, (Dr. Emanuel Revici Used Fatty Acids To Kill Cancer) there's a rare video of Revici explicitly stating his most important discovery during his 70 years career lies in the fact tumors contain free fatty acids, and that one can thus target tumors by incorporating diverse molecules ( mainly sulfur) into fatty acids which will be selectively captured by them.

In this patent, he chooses to incorporate potassium.Patent US4649152 - Composition and method for treatment of potassium deficiency
He states that the most favorable oil to be used is polyunsaturated vegetable oil.

The present disclosure concerns a method to treat various conditions resulting from potassium deficiency and preparations for same.

It is known that the abnormal cells in general and the neoplastic cells in particular are poor in potassium, a fact which is considered as including and enhancing their abnormal character. It is also known that the blood plasma of subjects with such abnormal conditions is especially rich in potassium, apparently due to the body's attempt to correct the cellular potassium deficiency. The form under which the potassium is circulating in the blood, that is, mainly as ceruloplasmin, however, is not the proper form from which the potassium can be taken by the abnormal cells.

The invention comprises novel compositions of fatty acids, ester, or oils which include potassium incorporated therein. These composition are made by heating the oil component to a temperature of at least above 230° C. for a sufficient time to incorporate a predetermined amount of potassium into the oil. At least about 0.1% can be used, although between 1 and 10% is preferred.

These compositions of the invention may be administered to a patient who has cells or tissue which are deficient in potassium to increase the potassium content as well as to treat the symptoms of diseases or adverse effects caused by the potassium deficient cells or tissue.

I have found that in general, the abnormal cells and tissues in the body have free lipids. Thus, a lipid or compound having a lipidic character introduced into the body can be selectively taken by the abnormal cells. Accordingly, it is believed that a potassium compound having lipidic properties is useful as a therapeutic agent for patients who have such abnormal cells.

I have found that potassium can be incorporated in the molecule of a fatty acid by heating together an organic or inorganic salt of potassium with a fatty acid or its oil. Preferably, the fatty acid or oil is previously oxidized by being heated and mixed with air or oxygen. The mixtures of potassium and fatty acids or oil are heated at a temperature above about 230° C. for a time until an exothermic reaction is observed, which reaction indicates that the incorporation is taking place.

The allylically unsaturated compound is preferably a naturally occurring oil containing polyunsaturated fatty esters, such as an animal, vegetable, or fish oil, and, particularly, polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Sesame oil, a vegetable oil consisting largely of triglycerides, is the most advantageous composition found to date in the practice of this invention.

The products obtained have the potassium incorporated in general at the level of the double bonds of the different unsaturated fatty acids, this causes their toxicity to be exceptionally low. The injection of 1 ml of a product having 5% potassium to a mouse does not kill it.

The incorporated potassium is believed to be absorbed by the abnormal cells, thus compensating for their low potassium content. This treatment produces objective and subjective improvement in the conditions, of patients having a variety of diseases based upon such abnormal cells. The neoplastic diseases are examples of diseased in which low cellular potassium abnormal cells are found.

Such low cellular potassium abnormal cells are believed to cause an catabolic imbalance in the body. This catabolic imbalance can be analyzed and diagnosed by blood and urine analyses. A low eosinophilia (below 100/cmm), a high red cell sedimentation rate (above 15 ml/1 hour), a high serum potassium (above 4.5 mEq), a urinary acid pH (below 7), high specific gravity (above 1.016), low surface tension (below 89 dynes/cm), and low calcium or chloride excretion are indications of an catabolic imbalance. (The opposite analyses would indicate a anabolic imbalance.)

These analyses and clinical manifestations have to be changed by the administration of the incorporated potassium compound. In a 5% potassium incorporated preparation, amounts from about 1/10 to 2 ml daily are predilectly used for the treatment of this catabolic imbalance. For other conditions with anabolic imbalances, doses from about 2 to 10 ml daily are predilectly used. In general the higher the dose used, the better are the clinical results.

Interesting results are those concerning pain, the changes induced in the lesions manifesting first an action upon pain. Manifest changes in the tumors and in the subjective manifestations of the neoplastic diseases are obtained even in a very short time. Thus, the incorporated potassium appears as a predilect treatment of the symptoms of neoplastic conditions, and possibly to the treatment of such condition themselves.

Good results were also obtained in the use of the incorporated potassium compounds for the different manifestations of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) as well as for the ARC (AIDS related complex).

Interesting also are the results in almost all the different conditions, such as neurological conditions, epilepsy and others, the problem of cellular potassium deficiency being a general pathological occurrence. Interesting is the action of the lipidic potassium products on the viral infections.


Oct 27, 2016
In this thread, (Dr. Emanuel Revici Used Fatty Acids To Kill Cancer) there's a rare video of Revici explicitly stating his most important discovery during his 70 years career lies in the fact tumors contain free fatty acids, and that one can thus target tumors by incorporating diverse molecules ( mainly sulfur) into fatty acids which will be selectively captured by them
Sulfur into fatty acids eh? Interesting. I've discussed the importance of sulfur a bit on the forum.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
one can thus target tumors by incorporating diverse molecules ( mainly sulfur) into fatty acids which will be selectively captured by them

If that is true then taurine should be able to treat cancer. It gets inside the cell pretty easily and since it is also the master electrolyte regulator, is capable of restoring potassium/sodium balance in the cell. Reminds me of this post, as bizarre as the study there is:
Vitamin D And Taurine As Actual Treatment For Many Cancers


Jun 19, 2014
He also proposed copper in same basic scenario.

Patent US4677118 - Composition and method for treatment of copper deficiency

It may seem interesting that he chose unsaturated fats. But if you look at his description, he is oxidizing the mineral (potassium or copper in these two cases) and then introducing it to the unsaturated fat. Under the right conditions, it would potentially produce a saturated acid, ie, one not able to be further oxidized. I wonder if it would be possible to do same with saturated fats. Lauric acid ought to be possible.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
He also proposed copper in same basic scenario.

Patent US4677118 - Composition and method for treatment of copper deficiency

It may seem interesting that he chose unsaturated fats. But if you look at his description, he is oxidizing the mineral (potassium or copper in these two cases) and then introducing it to the unsaturated fat. Under the right conditions, it would potentially produce a saturated acid, ie, one not able to be further oxidized. I wonder if it would be possible to do same with saturated fats. Lauric acid ought to be possible.

If cancer cells prefer PUFA then making a complex with the active ingredient and PUFA would be a great way to deliver it to the cancer cells. The assumption of course is that the benefits of the active ingredient will outweigh the growth stimulation caused by PUFA.


May 3, 2015
I have had neck cancer .so far so good .Regular checks show no metastasis after 5 years.should my diet be fat free?I have tried to eliminate fats and get really dry skin with cracks on the corner of the mouth.(alleviated by Gla and oily fish).My carbs are lots of white sugar and chocolate.I was previously having a lot of potatoes but made me feel sluggish and bunged up.Eating lots of steamed veg and bowels working better although not quite sure I am taking in enough carb calories.If low fat is the way to go then it is really difficult get in the calories unless one eats huge amounts of sugar(as in my case)
Hi Andy. You are right that if you eat low fat you need to eat high carbs. High fruit is a solution. Eg.

Most days I drink 3 litres of orange juice (not from concentrate) eat about 5 bananas, 5 dried figs, some dates etc. This provides a lot of carbs in the form of sucrose which doesn't cause blood sugar or insulin issues. There is also potassium and other vitamins and minerals.

My gut is happy with the fruit and I don't need any steamed veggies, though I do eat a bit of Vegemite (salty yeast extract), some roast potatoes and roast pumpkin and a little raw spinach and lettuce with red wine vinegar and salt.

I also have some animal protein in the form of about 300g total of gelatin, eggs, fish, molluscs, chicken, beef, lamb, parmasan cheese etc.

I also have 100mg aspirin with some sugared coffee.

I still have a few health issues so it may need some tweaks, but fruit is a tasty substitute for fat.


Sep 20, 2015
the fat I eat is the fat I wear

Thanks, Westside. I'm putting this dictum to the test! I think it will work.


Jan 1, 2013
If cancer cells prefer PUFA then making a complex with the active ingredient and PUFA would be a great way to deliver it to the cancer cells. The assumption of course is that the benefits of the active ingredient will outweigh the growth stimulation caused by PUFA.

In his 1985 patent, he explains his findings:

"A study of the biological activity of compounds has shown that they include either destructive-catabolic or constructive-anabolic actions in the human body. The manifestations of an abnormal condition, as symptoms, signs, pathology analyses and response to therapy are related to this dualism. Hypertension, arteriosclerosis and the growth of tumors are recognized as typical constructive anabolic manifestations. On the other hand, I have shown that the action of compounds upon the body has either an anabolic or a catabolic action. Thus, compounds can be classified as anabolic or catabolic by a series of tests.

By tests, such as of the effect on the second day wound crust pH, or on the curve of the healing of a wound, or on the blood eosinophile leukocytes and potassium, or on the urine pH, surface tension, specific gravity and chloride excretion, compounds can be established as either anabolic constructive or catabolic destructive.

Through the study from this point of view of the biological actions of the elements, I have shown that the members of the different series (vertical grouping) of the periodic table have either anabolic or catabolic actions. The IA series, to which the sodium belongs, has anabolic actions. The same for the IIIA, VA and VIIA, to which the chloride element belongs. Sodium chloride consequently produces high anabolic effects. Oppositely, I have shown that the series IIA, IVA and VIA have antagonistic catabolic effects.

I have further found that the elements of the same period (horizontal grouping) act at the same level of the body organization, such as subnuclear, nuclear, cellular, metazoic or systemic, and that the sodium and the chloride act at the same metazoic level (tissues and organs). The biological effect of sodium chloride is thus a strong anabolic action at the metazoic level. This explains the noxious action upon the blood pressure and arteries, leading to the anabolic-constructive arteriosclerosis.

Following the same systematization of the elements acting at the same metazoic level as the sodium and chloride but having an opposite catabolic action, it appeared that the use of one or more of the catabolic metazoic elements would produce the opposite action of this biological effect of the sodium chloride.

This was shown to be true experimentally. Magnesium was seen to be opposite biologically to sodium, while the sulfur biologically opposite chlorine. In the case of sulfur, it was found that the bivalent negative was more active than the tetra- and hexa-valent positive.

Based on these primary considerations, compounds having magnesium and sulfur were used, in order to show this antagonism as set forth in the following experiments.

The bilateral adrenalectomy in young rats, of below 150 g, was seen to have almost 100% mortality. The administration of 1% solutions of sodium chloride as drinking water was seen to protect the adrenalectomized animals and, if administered for a sufficient length of time, to prevent the death. The administration together with the sodium chloride of magnesium sulfate, the last in subcutaneous repeated injections of 0.5 ml of a 10% solution for 100 g of animal or orally as 1% in drinking water, was seen to be antagonistic to the action of the sodium chloride. In the adrenalectomized animals treated with sodium chloride and magnesium sulfate the mortality was over 80% instead of almost zero for the adrenalectomized animals receiving only the sodium chloride. The same for the older animals, to which the administration of magnesium sulfate (1% in drinking water) was seen to increase the mortality from 20% in controls to 75% in the animals receiving the magnesium sulfate. The use of the magnesium thiosulfate was still more effective than the magnesium sulfate"

I have detailed his views on salt causing enhanced atherosclerosis and enhanced tumor growth here: Salt Encourages Tumor Growth ( Revici Experiments)


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
In his 1985 patent, he explains his findings:

"A study of the biological activity of compounds has shown that they include either destructive-catabolic or constructive-anabolic actions in the human body. The manifestations of an abnormal condition, as symptoms, signs, pathology analyses and response to therapy are related to this dualism. Hypertension, arteriosclerosis and the growth of tumors are recognized as typical constructive anabolic manifestations. On the other hand, I have shown that the action of compounds upon the body has either an anabolic or a catabolic action. Thus, compounds can be classified as anabolic or catabolic by a series of tests.

By tests, such as of the effect on the second day wound crust pH, or on the curve of the healing of a wound, or on the blood eosinophile leukocytes and potassium, or on the urine pH, surface tension, specific gravity and chloride excretion, compounds can be established as either anabolic constructive or catabolic destructive.

Through the study from this point of view of the biological actions of the elements, I have shown that the members of the different series (vertical grouping) of the periodic table have either anabolic or catabolic actions. The IA series, to which the sodium belongs, has anabolic actions. The same for the IIIA, VA and VIIA, to which the chloride element belongs. Sodium chloride consequently produces high anabolic effects. Oppositely, I have shown that the series IIA, IVA and VIA have antagonistic catabolic effects.

I have further found that the elements of the same period (horizontal grouping) act at the same level of the body organization, such as subnuclear, nuclear, cellular, metazoic or systemic, and that the sodium and the chloride act at the same metazoic level (tissues and organs). The biological effect of sodium chloride is thus a strong anabolic action at the metazoic level. This explains the noxious action upon the blood pressure and arteries, leading to the anabolic-constructive arteriosclerosis.

Following the same systematization of the elements acting at the same metazoic level as the sodium and chloride but having an opposite catabolic action, it appeared that the use of one or more of the catabolic metazoic elements would produce the opposite action of this biological effect of the sodium chloride.

This was shown to be true experimentally. Magnesium was seen to be opposite biologically to sodium, while the sulfur biologically opposite chlorine. In the case of sulfur, it was found that the bivalent negative was more active than the tetra- and hexa-valent positive.

Based on these primary considerations, compounds having magnesium and sulfur were used, in order to show this antagonism as set forth in the following experiments.

The bilateral adrenalectomy in young rats, of below 150 g, was seen to have almost 100% mortality. The administration of 1% solutions of sodium chloride as drinking water was seen to protect the adrenalectomized animals and, if administered for a sufficient length of time, to prevent the death. The administration together with the sodium chloride of magnesium sulfate, the last in subcutaneous repeated injections of 0.5 ml of a 10% solution for 100 g of animal or orally as 1% in drinking water, was seen to be antagonistic to the action of the sodium chloride. In the adrenalectomized animals treated with sodium chloride and magnesium sulfate the mortality was over 80% instead of almost zero for the adrenalectomized animals receiving only the sodium chloride. The same for the older animals, to which the administration of magnesium sulfate (1% in drinking water) was seen to increase the mortality from 20% in controls to 75% in the animals receiving the magnesium sulfate. The use of the magnesium thiosulfate was still more effective than the magnesium sulfate"

I have detailed his views on salt causing enhanced atherosclerosis and enhanced tumor growth here: Salt Encourages Tumor Growth ( Revici Experiments)

Interesting, thanks for the quotes. So, one (perhaps oversimplified) conclusion would be that magnesium sulfate would be a good supplement for cancer patients, right? It will have to be transdermal to bypass breakdown by the stomach acid and should probably be combined with something that raises ATP to ensure that magnesium sulfate enters the cell more easily and is retained sufficiently long.


Mar 25, 2016
Lol, I know right? Niacinamide for everything!
But seriously, if anybody knows of other CD36 inhibitors please share.

Haidut, what msg dosage of Niacinamide would one need to get protection, in your opinion?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Haidut, what msg dosage of Niacinamide would one need to get protection, in your opinion?

There was a more recent study I also posted on the forum, which used a HED dose of 15mg/kg to stop cancer growth, and in the case of established liver cancer to completely reverse it. So, if a person weight 100kg that would mean about 1.5g niacinamide daily, which is not that much. Niacinamide is officially considered safe my mainstream medicine in doses up to 3g daily.


Mar 18, 2017
@haidut @burtlancast
"Revici explicitly stating his most important discovery during his 70 years career lies in the fact tumors contain free fatty acids, and that one can thus target tumors by incorporating diverse molecules ( mainly sulfur) into fatty acids which will be selectively captured by them."

That's exatcly what Johanna Budwig did, a German cancer doctor & pioneer lipid researcher. The biggest part in her protocol was sulfur+plant PUFA mixture (she used sulfur-rich quark/cottage cheese & linseed oil). I haven't read her books but articles say the rationale behind it was that PUFAs would bind to and help transport sulfur into the cancer tissue.

There is a big Yahoo group with people's testimonials of curing all kinds of cancer with that diet, called FLAXSEEDOIL2.
Do you know of her work?
Mar 10, 2021
potatoes everytime ... i think they are the only food i can gratuitous amounts of and not suffer any symptom of overeating.

i had 2kg of gourmandine potatoes the othernight cooked in an infared oven with just salt and caprylic acid and i felt amazing afterwards LOL
Potatoes would be my pick too for cancer. There is an old saying, with some relation to jails and prisoners, as to why potatoes are good saying that potatoes “make a fat man skinny and a skinny man fat”. Ray Peat said that potatoes were nearly a perfect food.
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