
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This study is presented as groundbreaking and unexpected but in fact big pharma has been quietly working on anti-serotonin therapy for obesity/diabetes for more than a decade. I think the importance of this study is the admission that serotonin causes obesity/diabetes in humans, as one of the authors says. Apparently, as the scientist says, the role of serotonin in these pathologies is well-known. Funny, the unsuspecting public never got the memo...But quietly and without much fanfare, pharma companies have started several trials with TPH inhibitors for treating obesity and diabetes, and many others are underway abroad where big pharma does not have to comply with so many regulations.
Serotonin as a New Therapeutic Target for Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity

Anyways, I suppose the good news is that even hardcore dogmatics in mainstream medicine can change their mind and improve people's health as a result. Now, the study below talks about reducing gut serotonin as therapeutic and for most scientists this means some sort of inhibition of serotonin synthesis. However, since the main trigger of gut serotonin synthesis is endotoxin, perhaps something as simple as the 5-HT3 antagonist approach mentioned in this thread could work.
Serotonin/endotoxin/PUFA As Primary Causes Of Depression And Diabetes; Can Be Easily Blocked

Unlike 5-HT3 antagonists, of which there are plenty and all are well tested, TPH inhibitors are much harder to come by and even older ones like Fenclonine do not really have much experimental safety track record. Furthermore, I have received reports from several people that even a BCAA/tyrosine combination seems to improve their digestion and help them lose weight, so there is hope that this can still be achieved with dietary serotonin restriction without the use of pharma drugs.

Augmented capacity for peripheral serotonin release in human obesity
"...In a new development in gastrointestinal research, researchers from Flinders University, SAHMRI and the University of Adelaide have found more evidence that elevated concentrations of serotonin, the crucial neurotransmitter that chemically transmits messages to nerve cells in the body, is also linked to obesity. Only recently have researchers understood that this "gut serotonin" is actually bad for our metabolism, as it increases blood glucose and fat mass, thus endangering us of developing diabetes and obesity. The new research demonstrates for the first time in humans that this gut serotonin is doubled in obese individuals. This new insight now paves the way to try and find potential new treatments for obesity by focusing on the cells in our gut that produce this hormone. The South Australian researchers were part of a large international research team including University of Adelaide experts that found human obesity is characterised by an increased capacity to produce and release serotonin in the gut."

"...We know from a raft of recent high profile publications that gut-derived serotonin causes diabetes and obesity, but we didn't know if this was relevant to such disorders in humans. Our findings are the first work implicating serotonin as a driver of worsening obesity in humans," says Professor Keating. "Having established this, we can now focus on understanding why this happens, so we can develop methods to reduce circulating serotonin levels. These sorts of therapeutic outcomes are exactly why Pfizer decided to partner with us in this research area over the past four years." University of Adelaide Senior Research Fellow, Associate Professor Richard Young, says these findings also indicate that obese humans secrete excess serotonin from the upper gut at rest, as well as during a meal. "This has revealed new ways that we may be able to control the release of serotonin from within the gut, and in turn, further improve the outlook for people living with obesity", says senior co-author on the paper Associate Professor Young."


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Why is weight gain a secondary side effect of cyproheptadine?

Most likely because of increased appetite and blockade of histamine. All antihistamines have weight gain as a side effect. A pure serotonin antagonist like metergoline or ritanserin/ketanserin do not have weight gain listed as side effects.


Feb 20, 2013
How long will it take do you think that doctors will stop prescribing SSRIs and other serotonin-increasing drugs to the public to treat mental disabilities such as depression?
When will anti-serotonin drugs be available to the masses?
My guess is that it will take 30 years or something.
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Feb 20, 2013
Why is weight gain a secondary side effect of cyproheptadine?
What haidut said, and also because of the fact that cypro decreases stress hormones.
Stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol actually increase blood sugar, leading to lowered appetite.
Some weight gain is actually healthy, for example increased muscle mass.
If you are worried about too much fat gain when taking cypro
try to minimize extra calories from fat, and eat more carbs and protein.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
How long will it take do you think that doctors will stop prescribing SSRIs and other serotonin increasing drugs to the public?
When will anti-serotonin drugs be available to the masses?
My guess is that it will take 30 years or something.

As I mentioned in another thread, the new SSRI drugs have more and more anti-serotonin properties and will eventually likely become almost exclusively anti-serotonin. So, the name SSRI won't mean anything in the future but at least big pharma does not get blamed for pushing a wrong/deadly idea for 80 years.
Serotonin/endotoxin/PUFA As Primary Causes Of Depression And Diabetes; Can Be Easily Blocked

Pfizer is almost done with the clinical trials on their terguride (simply lisuride with extra hydrogen atom) and once it is approved it will likely be quickly licensed for other conditions like obesity/diabetes as well. But none of these drugs are marketed as "serotonin antagonists" for fear of exposing the deadly lie. They are all listed as "serotonin modulators".


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
What haidut said, and also because of the fact that cypro decreases stress hormones.
Stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol actually increase blood sugar, leading to lowered appetite.

Yep, antiserotonin drugs lower cortisol and this can be anabolic for a lack of a better word. Also, serotonin has direct inhibitory effect on appetite (aside from raising cortisol) through inhibition of pancreatic function, gastric acid production, colon motility, and sense of smell. So while serotonin is high the organism is not drawn to food as it senses that it won't digest it.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Type 1 diabetes too?

Potentially yes. I posted a study showing that serotonin is the likely cause of pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer (which is just the ultimate fibrotic endpoint of chronic pancreatitis, similar to hepatic cancer and hepatitis). The role of serotonin, NO and FFA in the damage of pancreas seen in diabetes I is well known. Almost all sudden onsets of diabetes I occur after extreme exhaustion/trauma/injury of some sort where FFA/cortisol/serotonin/NO are high.
A combination of serotonin antagonist and niacinamide can probably do wonder for all of these conditions.


Jan 6, 2015
Most likely because of increased appetite and blockade of histamine. All antihistamines have weight gain as a side effect. A pure serotonin antagonist like metergoline or ritanserin/ketanserin do not have weight gain listed as side effects.
Plus they usually lower tnf alpha so thats other mechanism for weight gain probably.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Most likely because of increased appetite and blockade of histamine. All antihistamines have weight gain as a side effect. A pure serotonin antagonist like metergoline or ritanserin/ketanserin do not have weight gain listed as side effects.

What haidut said, and also because of the fact that cypro decreases stress hormones.
Stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol actually increase blood sugar, leading to lowered appetite.
Some weight gain is actually healthy, for example increased muscle mass.
If you are worried about too much fat gain when taking cypro
try to minimize extra calories from fat, and eat more carbs and protein.
Thank you both


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Plus they usually lower tnf alpha so thats other mechanism for weight gain probably.

Yep, that too. It is the main mechanism touted for ketotifen's "bulking" action and I think this is why many bodybuilders use it.


Apr 30, 2015
Anyways, I suppose the good news is that even hardcore dogmatics in mainstream medicine can change their mind and improve people's health as a result.

At some point, the population has become so sick/fat that the money to be made getting them healthier outweighs the profit on the other side. I am surprised it has taken so long to get to this point to be honest, but I have no doubt we are getting there and we might see some good stuff come out of pharma.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
At some point, the population has become so sick/fat that the money to be made getting them healthier outweighs the profit on the other side. I am surprised it has taken so long to get to this point to be honest, but I have no doubt we are getting there and we might see some good stuff come out of pharma.

Hadn't thought about it from this angle but it makes perfect sense. I doubt pharma companies suddenly developed conscience so it must be profit involved somehow.


Apr 30, 2015
Hadn't thought about it from this angle but it makes perfect sense. I doubt pharma companies suddenly developed conscience so it must be profit involved somehow.
I also doubt they have real evil, like Columbine evil or something. Maybe some, because evil is everywhere to a certain smallish extent, but they probably just want profits and will follow that.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I also doubt they have real evil, like Columbine evil or something. Maybe some, because evil is everywhere to a certain smallish extent, but they probably just want profits and will follow that.

That is the medical definition of evil. Lack of emotion is the giveaway of a psychopath. The people we think usually of as evil - i.e. causing harm and experiencing maniacal joy doing it, are mostly movie creations. True evil, as in serial killers, is just that - lack of any empathy and just following the defined (not perceived) goal mechanically. So, pharma companies are evil, as is any other robotic, zombified behavior commonly referred to as "business as usual".


Apr 30, 2015
That is the medical definition of evil. Lack of emotion is the giveaway of a psychopath. The people we think usually of as evil - i.e. causing harm and experiencing maniacal joy doing it, are mostly movie creations. True evil, as in serial killers, is just that - lack of any empathy and just following the defined (not perceived) goal mechanically. So, pharma companies are evil, as is any other robotic, zombified behavior commonly referred to as "business as usual".

I disagree a bit. I do not think many pharma companies are driven by people who are resentful, and have embraced a belief that life and existence are so flawed that it would be better not to be. Do you? I have not seen much Stalin-like behavior, in other words. Something like anger at god and existence, and willing to do what needs to be done to properly punish it.

I have not really thought of the whole zombie/high serotonin state of numbness. Not really sure where to classify that in my pantheon of evil.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
people who are resentful, and have embraced a belief that life and existence are so flawed that it would be better not to be

That's the point, they are NOT resentful. If they were, that would be like the movie villains but like I said those are mostly invented personality types. The people who kill on a mass scale and sleep well, are people who subscribe to the mantra "the death of one is a tragedy, the death of many is statistics". They can kill millions without breaking a sweat and brush it aside as "business as usual". That is evil - callous, numb, and not really moved by anything (good or bad).
The intense hateful/resentful emotion we see on TV is simply misplaced love (aka broken heart) for some reason. Those people are not evil, they are angry.


Apr 30, 2015
That's the point, they are NOT resentful. If they were, that would be like the movie villains but like I said those are mostly invented personality types. The people who kill on a mass scale and sleep well, are people who subscribe to the mantra "the death of one is a tragedy, the death of many is statistics". They can kill millions without breaking a sweat and brush it aside as "business as usual". That is evil - callous, numb, and not really moved by anything (good or bad).
The intense hateful/resentful emotion we see on TV is simply misplaced love (aka broken heart) for some reason. Those people are not evil, they are angry.

I wonder if we are kind of looking at the same thing from different angles. So like I see Stalin, and I see that he cursed God on his deathbed. I also look at how they treated Kulaks, and I don't see this numb calculus, but more of a "they deserve what they are getting." In the prison camps, the prisoners deserved their treatment and death. Maybe there was a numbness, but there seems to definitely be an underlying resentment at life, an urge to destruction.

Reading the Columbine kid's journals, they had huge rage and resentment against life. They wrote that humans should be exterminated, and the world given back to the animals. In more recent times, the last election did not go exactly how one party wanted it to go, and an enraged man tried to shoot up a bunch of politicians.

I just don't know, I think you have a point though on being able to sleep well after killing millions...but I think there is some aspect where in that person's mind, it is right that those people are dying, which kind of points away from a numbness. Can you be numb, and also embrace an ideology that gives massive pleasure and pain at its fulfillment or failure?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I wonder if we are kind of looking at the same thing from different angles. So like I see Stalin, and I see that he cursed God on his deathbed. I also look at how they treated Kulaks, and I don't see this numb calculus, but more of a "they deserve what they are getting." In the prison camps, the prisoners deserved their treatment and death. Maybe there was a numbness, but there seems to definitely be an underlying resentment at life, an urge to destruction.

Reading the Columbine kid's journals, they had huge rage and resentment against life. They wrote that humans should be exterminated, and the world given back to the animals. In more recent times, the last election did not go exactly how one party wanted it to go, and an enraged man tried to shoot up a bunch of politicians.

I just don't know, I think you have a point though on being able to sleep well after killing millions...but I think there is some aspect where in that person's mind, it is right that those people are dying, which kind of points away from a numbness. Can you be numb, and also embrace an ideology that gives massive pleasure and pain at its fulfillment or failure?

I think both descriptions (mine and yours) are valid. The people I describe usually go through a period of rage/resentment before turning into...machines. The people you describe are definitely bad, but still they are acting more on emotion than mechanically. True evil is where you talk about murder/rape as if you are ordering burgers. That's what psychiatry calls "personality disorder". Those people do not believe the victims got what they deserved, they simply cannot be bothered by a thought about the "business as usual". It's just work.
I am sure you have met these people who keep insisting that "it was business and not personal". Most specialist doctors over 50 are like that. The Stalins of the world are usually very personal and most often carry their deeds as a revenge for something they thought the world bestowed upon them unfairly. Same with the Columbine boys. Not saying it makes it OK, just that those cases are still...dare I say..."normal" humans. It's the dehumanized, mechanical, serotonergic zombies that are the real concern. You know what's scary - less than 2% of the population are like the Stalins/Columbiners. I did not make up that number, this issue has been studied. But guess what? Every person on SSRI is a "zombie" in the making. And that's 20% of the population, based on official prescription data. Your neighbor is much more likely to ruin your life than a random psycho hiding in the woods and plotting world revenge.
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