Media: Endotoxin (LPS) drives obesity/diabetes


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I did not think we will ever see such a headline in a major news outlet, but here is is. And in The Guardian of all places, which is a newspaper that rarely deviates from the official medical narrative on any condition, especially obesity and diabetes. The official narrative for those conditions is that they are caused by too much eating and not enough exercising, in the context (as usual) of the mysterious "genetic susceptibility". A number of high-profile studies have come out over the last 5-6 years and shattered this fake narrative by demonstrating that average current caloric intake is much lower than early 20th century, while others showed that modern adults move a lot more than their ancestors from the early 20th century. And since a lot of the people involved in those recent studies are at least partially descended from the lean beasts living in the early 1900s, the genetic narrative also falls apart. So, medicine is now forced to "pivot" (a euphemism for covering up fraud) and search for new explanations, and there are few legitimate such explanations remaining other than chronic inflammation, in this case driven by endotoxin (also known as LPS). Even more importantly, the study did confirm that the main mechanism of endotoxin action is reduction of the basal metabolic rate (by increasing inflammation)! This admission, in my opinion is a giant step for mankind, and the only thing missing is the admission that there is also an exogenous driver of inflammation that synergizes strongly with endotoxin, and that driver is PUFA. We actually have experimental confirmation of this hypothesis, in the form of animal (and some human) studies demonstrating that a sterile gut (resulting in elimination of endotoxin) and/or elimination of most of dietary PUFA results in rapid weight loss (in case of already present obesity) or striking resistance to developing obesity for lean organisms, even in presence of caloric intake that is 4-5 times higher than baseline/control. Unfortunately, instead of recommending well-known anti-endotoxin remedies such as eating easily digestible foods, avoiding resistant starches, eating a good amount of insoluble fiber, taking substances with anti-endotoxin effects (charcoal, saturated fats), etc the study concludes with a giant ad for Big Pharma - i.e. bariatric surgery. That is the (expensive and risky) procedures, which, according to the authors, is the answer to the chronic low-grade endotoxemia that is the cause of most cases of obesity/diabetes around the world. Even if endotoxin production is not addressed, something as simple as restoring the gut barrier with niacinamide and/or vitamin E would still be preferable, in my opinion, to bariatric surgery.

The impact of metabolic endotoxaemia on the browning process in human adipocytes - PubMed
Toxins from gut damage fat cells and drive weight gain, study suggests

"...Fragments of bacteria leaking into the body from the gut are damaging fat cells and driving weight gain, research suggests. Scientists at Nottingham Trent University have found that these microbe fragments, known as endotoxins, are able to enter the bloodstream and directly affect how well fat cells function. The researchers said their findings, recently published in the journal BMC medicine, help shed light on how endotoxins may drive obesity and associated disease such as type 2 diabetes. They also added that weight loss interventions such as bariatric surgery “can reverse the damage our gut can pose to our fat cells, which ultimately will have a major impact on our health”.

"...Lead researcher Prof Mark Christian, of Nottingham Trent University’s school of science and technology, said: “Gut microbe fragments that enter the blood stream reduce normal fat cell function and their metabolic activity, which is exacerbated with weight gain, contributing to increased diabetes risk. “It appears that as we gain weight, our fat stores are less able to limit the damage that gut microbe fragments may cause to fat cells. “Endotoxin from the gut reduces fat cell metabolic activity and its ability to become ‘brown-like fat cells’ that can be useful to help lose weight. “Our study highlights the importance of the gut and fat as critical interlinked organs that influence our metabolic health.” He added: “As such, this work suggests the need to limit endotoxin-induced fat cell damage is even more important when you have excess weight, as the endotoxin contributes to reduce healthy cellular metabolism.”
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It is a surprise to see this being covered by the Guardian.

Other mainstream media outlets are covering obesity a lot at the moment. Seems there are a number of novel solutions ready to go

I guess vitamin E would come in handy for gut barrier/pufa protection



Aug 5, 2015
Still perplexed by the function of internal "Brown Fat".
Im guessing it is oxidized PUFA??


Apr 28, 2018
I have a wonderful neighbor who is dying before my eyes as her 5th year of psoriasis covers her body with thick silvery scaled thickened skin. She is aware that "endotoxins", dehydration (she refuses to drink water) and inflammation from diet plays a large part, but she is failing fast. Huge weight gain, boils now popping up in every crease, and the mindnumbing itching burning has robbed her of the ability to think. I think she is 70, has tried many doctors that only give her topicals that do nothing to penetrate her night and day reality. Yes, got her to make carrot salad, more hydration and she quit drinking hi-test coffee 15hrs a day because no sleep, she is always exhausted. She cooks with organic tallow from the organic gr. beef they eat, but low quality white bread and potatoes because few teeth...
Its heartbreaking to see her face and neck encased in red, the dark eye circles, her struggles to breathe and reliance on an inhaler. I have her last bloodwork showing high white cell, glucose,crp and CI.notes from her doc warned against spaghetti, potatoes noodles and bread, also stop magnesium supps. I feel so helpless watching her fail before my eyes.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I guess vitamin E would come in handy for gut barrier/pufa protection

Yep, great option and another one is niacinamide.


Aug 17, 2016
I did not think we will ever see such a headline in a major news outlet, but here is is. And in The Guardian of all places, which is a newspaper that rarely deviates from the official medical narrative on any condition, especially obesity and diabetes. The official narrative for those conditions is that they are caused by too much eating and not enough exercising, in the context (as usual) of the mysterious "genetic susceptibility". A number of high-profile studies have come out over the last 5-6 years and shattered this fake narrative by demonstrating that average current caloric intake is much lower than early 20th century, while others showed that modern adults move a lot more than their ancestors from the early 20th century. And since a lot of the people involved in those recent studies are at least partially descended from the lean beasts living in the early 1900s, the genetic narrative also falls apart. So, medicine is now forced to "pivot" (a euphemism for covering up fraud) and search for new explanations, and there are few legitimate such explanations remaining other than chronic inflammation, in this case driven by endotoxin (also known as LPS). Even more importantly, the study did confirm that the main mechanism of endotoxin action is reduction of the basal metabolic rate (by increasing inflammation)! This admission, in my opinion is a giant step for mankind, and the only thing missing is the admission that there is also an exogenous driver of inflammation that synergizes strongly with endotoxin, and that driver is PUFA. We actually have experimental confirmation of this hypothesis, in the form of animal (and some human) studies demonstrating that a sterile gut (resulting in elimination of endotoxin) and/or elimination of most of dietary PUFA results in rapid weight loss (in case of already present obesity) or striking resistance to developing obesity for lean organisms, even in presence of caloric intake that is 4-5 times higher than baseline/control. Unfortunately, instead of recommending well-known anti-endotoxin remedies such as eating easily digestible foods, avoiding resistant starches, eating a good amount of insoluble fiber, taking substances with anti-endotoxin effects (charcoal, saturated fats), etc the study concludes with a giant ad for Big Pharma - i.e. bariatric surgery. That is the (expensive and risky) procedures, which, according to the authors, is the answer to the chronic low-grade endotoxemia that is the cause of most cases of obesity/diabetes around the world. Even if endotoxin production is not addressed, something as simple as restoring the gut barrier with niacinamide and/or vitamin E would still be preferable, in my opinion, to bariatric surgery.

The impact of metabolic endotoxaemia on the browning process in human adipocytes - PubMed
Toxins from gut damage fat cells and drive weight gain, study suggests

"...Fragments of bacteria leaking into the body from the gut are damaging fat cells and driving weight gain, research suggests. Scientists at Nottingham Trent University have found that these microbe fragments, known as endotoxins, are able to enter the bloodstream and directly affect how well fat cells function. The researchers said their findings, recently published in the journal BMC medicine, help shed light on how endotoxins may drive obesity and associated disease such as type 2 diabetes. They also added that weight loss interventions such as bariatric surgery “can reverse the damage our gut can pose to our fat cells, which ultimately will have a major impact on our health”.

"...Lead researcher Prof Mark Christian, of Nottingham Trent University’s school of science and technology, said: “Gut microbe fragments that enter the blood stream reduce normal fat cell function and their metabolic activity, which is exacerbated with weight gain, contributing to increased diabetes risk. “It appears that as we gain weight, our fat stores are less able to limit the damage that gut microbe fragments may cause to fat cells. “Endotoxin from the gut reduces fat cell metabolic activity and its ability to become ‘brown-like fat cells’ that can be useful to help lose weight. “Our study highlights the importance of the gut and fat as critical interlinked organs that influence our metabolic health.” He added: “As such, this work suggests the need to limit endotoxin-induced fat cell damage is even more important when you have excess weight, as the endotoxin contributes to reduce healthy cellular metabolism.”
Niacinamide and vitamin E for the win. Yay!
No scoops of arabinex, glutamine and probiotics that a "wholistic" doctor would prescribe.


I have a wonderful neighbor who is dying before my eyes as her 5th year of psoriasis covers her body with thick silvery scaled thickened skin. She is aware that "endotoxins", dehydration (she refuses to drink water) and inflammation from diet plays a large part, but she is failing fast. Huge weight gain, boils now popping up in every crease, and the mindnumbing itching burning has robbed her of the ability to think. I think she is 70, has tried many doctors that only give her topicals that do nothing to penetrate her night and day reality. Yes, got her to make carrot salad, more hydration and she quit drinking hi-test coffee 15hrs a day because no sleep, she is always exhausted. She cooks with organic tallow from the organic gr. beef they eat, but low quality white bread and potatoes because few teeth...
Its heartbreaking to see her face and neck encased in red, the dark eye circles, her struggles to breathe and reliance on an inhaler. I have her last bloodwork showing high white cell, glucose,crp and CI.notes from her doc warned against spaghetti, potatoes noodles and bread, also stop magnesium supps. I feel so helpless watching her fail before my eyes.
Has she tried gelatin - oxtail, etc? I think glycine is a TLR4 antagonist

Fibrosis, free radical damage, inflammation, cell death from ATP depletion or calcium overload, mitochondrial damage, diabetes, etc., can be prevented or alleviated by glycine. Ray Peat


Dec 5, 2021
How would one know if one had endotoxin issues? Are there usual symptoms?
What would be a basic endotoxin prevention protocol for someone who is already pretty Peaty? I already get vitamin e in Progest e, and eat a raw carrot and usually some cooked mushrooms almost every day.


Apr 28, 2018
Has she tried gelatin - oxtail, etc? I think glycine is a TLR4 antagonist

Fibrosis, free radical damage, inflammation, cell death from ATP depletion or calcium overload, mitochondrial damage, diabetes, etc., can be prevented or alleviated by glycine. Ray Peat
Thankyou for responding @Peatress, I just got the blessing of her son to try again with some intervention. My approach will be critical, these are ppl with smartphones but never been on the internet in 30years.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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