
Jun 19, 2014
They say "There were altogether 107 volunteers, 25 to 82 years old (43.6 ± 1.0 years), divided into four age groups; their blood serum samples were analyzed.." but there's no data on what the peoples diets and other markers were like. Not objective. This study also used mice for some of its data. This study also contends that obesity is a factor in CVD, something that contradicts other studies you've posted.
That is a potential failure to control for spurious variables. It is not a failure of objectivity. Unless you are alleging that they intentionally recruited people based on undisclosed shared diets/other markers.


Jul 3, 2017
Am I right in thinking that NO and CO2 are antagonistic towards each other? I.E raising CO2 lowers NO and vice versa?

I've been taking Goats Milk Kefir for the past ten days and have felt much better for it. energy levels are much more stable, particularly around 5-7pm when i'm in the process of leaving work/cooking food. I used to feel relatively weak and anxious, and would usually grab something to 'tide me over'.

I'm just wondering if i'm potentially getting lower NO levels and higher CO2? My original strategy was raising CO2 with underbreathing (though it's never fun to do when you're feeling breathless).

I ate half a burrito yesterday and the rest for lunch today, and felt slightly breathless & anxious withfrozen hands in that 5-7pm window. 5 minutes underbreathing brought me back to an acceptable feeling and 5 minutes of red light made me feel great again.

The fasting to combat endotoxin is really interesting by the way. from the age of 19 i went through a phase of delaying meals for as long as i could manage. I chalked this up to pure neglect/mindless behaviour as i was heavily into video games. Looking back this could have been a bit of a coping strategy...


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Quite a few times

He said it in a few of the KMUD interviews and 2 newsletters. I am not against fasting where a meal or two are skipped. But I a lot less sure about the benefits of multi-day fasting unless the person is quite healthy or has an inflammatory intestinal condition (Chron's, UC) that can benefit from fasting. Btw, fasting usually makes fungus (candida) worse. So, maybe fasting could be made safer with anti-fungal drugs and antibiotics.


Apr 30, 2015
They say "There were altogether 107 volunteers, 25 to 82 years old (43.6 ± 1.0 years), divided into four age groups; their blood serum samples were analyzed.." but there's no data on what the peoples diets and other markers were like. Not objective. This study also used mice for some of its data. This study also contends that obesity is a factor in CVD, something that contradicts other studies you've posted.

Quite a few times? I've only seen him say it once in response to my email in which he then said that "fasting has often eliminated all symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.." Not an endorsement but nor a censure either. All of his other comments on fasting are on rodent and human calorie restriction and not human water-only in appropriate selection and setting.

The word "fast" is only mentioned once in the study. They use the word "starvation" which shows their ignorance. Starvation is when you're burning your muscles and organs for sugar after all fat is gone. This can be achieved through anorexia nervosa but the context is not comparable to MSWOF. Anorexics take in just enough calories to keep them alive. That has nothing to do with MSWOF.

They say: "After studying one of the most frequent variants of alimentary mechanism of the induction of atherosclerosis (crapulence and obesity), we believed it would be important to consider also the opposite aspect: how starvation can influence the SE indices, the more so that fasts are present in the ceremonial laws of all religions and are hardly hazardous to health.."

saying "hardly hazardous to health" referencing the work of Dr. Yuri Nikolayev which shows positive results from MSWOF. They said "In this research group, we also studied the patients (the mean age is 41.3 ± 3.6 years) with obesity (but only first degree one) who had received actually no food for a long time (starvation diet by the method of Prof. Nikolayev [12])."

The Five Stages of Fasting – Dr. Nikolayev [Russian Case Studies]

"However, it turned out that the situation was reversed already in a few days, when the LPS concentration increased twofold.." we don't know what the context was there because they don't say what they ate and other markers.


Thanks Westside for giving the alternative view. Do you worry that fasting, which you think can be very health giving, can so easily verge into causing significant damage? Like I always wonder about people who I see talk big on fasting, and yes I know they are not doing a proper water fast at a clinic. I am amazed that they are playing with this thing that can so easily cause years and years of grief if they just overdo it a little. And it is so so hard to realize you are overdoing it with all those happy hormones coursing through you as your body burns up. .
Feb 4, 2015
Do you worry that fasting, which you think can be very health giving, can so easily verge into causing significant damage?

Only if done incorrectly. Other than that, no I don't worry. I wouldn't use the term health "giving" because MSWOF doesn't "give" you health. What gives you health is healthful living. Health results from healthful living. If you want to be healthy, you have to live healthy. What it does is let your body recover from the consequences of dietary excess (hypertension, T2D, obesity), (or in the case of a lean person with an issue that can be healed by MSWOF, i.e., absorption issues, they may be able to benefit so that wouldn't be caused from dietary excess, but that's rare, most problems are the other way).

MSWOF is just a temporary tool that can be utilized. It's proponents usually do it only about once per year and for only 7 days on average. That's one week per year. One of out 52. It's what you do during those other 51 weeks that will determine your health, outside of blunt force trauma, being unintentionally exposed to noxious chemicals, and/or having a genetic disease. That's only 7 days out of 365. What are you doing those other 358 days?, is the question.

Like I always wonder about people who I see talk big on fasting, and yes I know they are not doing a proper water fast at a clinic.

So you should know that they are not the same thing. Only one "camp" is really talking about, using and studying MSWOF. Everything else, even though they use the word "fasting," is not the same. Those other things can still show benefits but they should not be lumped into the same category just because they share a word incorrectly.

I am amazed that they are playing with this thing that can so easily cause years and years of grief if they just overdo it a little. And it is so so hard to realize you are overdoing it with all those happy hormones coursing through you as your body burns up. .

In the case of calorie restriction aka intermittent "fasting", I would agree because there is really no use for it. My view is either do a real fast or GTFO. Not eating until a certain time everyday is not the same as water-only induced ketosis in a resting state anywhere from 5-40 days while being supervised by experienced professionals who've had success for over 30 years at this specific thing, with the addition of having been thoroughly medically prescreened.
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