Famotidine Is A Powerful Anti-serotonin Drug, Can Even Treat Serotonin Syndrome


Oct 6, 2021
Famotidine does something to my eyes. after taking 10-20mg for a week I started to experience eye problems. I felt little pressure around my eyes and my vision was declined.
Yea never take it again. There are even people got blind.

I also took it and seems to do nothing about serotonin. Neither for the stomach pain for wich is mostly perscribed. I ate two pears few days ago and got very bad pain in stomach and later down in the small intestines. Must have beeen sibo and endotoxin. 2 famotidines 20 mg didn't do sht. Last time this happened I maybe took 4-5 without any relief


May 6, 2015
If you look at the User Reviews for this product on Drugs...com, you will see that prior to 2019 many people describe it as a miracle drug. In 2020 around the time of the arrival of the unwanted guest (c--19), it was removed from store shelves for about six months. After it returned, the reviews are largely nightmarish. It now seems to do the opposite of what it used to.

It Should be on everyone's avoid list.


Mar 15, 2022
If you look at the User Reviews for this product on Drugs...com, you will see that prior to 2019 many people describe it as a miracle drug. In 2020 around the time of the arrival of the unwanted guest (c--19), it was removed from store shelves for about six months. After it returned, the reviews are largely nightmarish. It now seems to do the opposite of what it used to.

It Should be on everyone's avoid list.
I bought this drug in Bulgaria (over the counter) as well as via Amazon and also as a prescription here in Australia.

I'm positive that the one I bought in Bulgaria works much better.
They all list 20mg as the dose.

It's almost like with the Amazon or Australian one, I have to take two or three times the dose to get the same effect.


Nov 29, 2017
I guess we don't have any good sources of famotidine in Canada by lack of responses. Can anybody recommend a clean brand that can be ordered online?????


Dec 11, 2020
At my wits end with my histamine issues and severe chemical hypersensitivity and my hair dresser shared her success with a combo of allegra and famotidine for this issue- completely cured her. i think we both have what is termed mast cell disorder.

Dr. Peat only recommended the first generation antihistamines like benadryl and cyproheptadine. however, he advised it would be dangerous to combine famotidine with cyproheptadine, I am presuming because they both have a strong anti-seretonin effect; so i am experimenting with benadryl and famotidine combo. She takes 25 mg famotidine and one 24 hr allegra together morning and night. Trying to figure out how to use benadryl since my capsules are only 4-6 hrs duration. This morning poured contents of benadryl capsule into water and took with a 20 mg tablet of famotidine. so will see.

I echo the frustration with all the excipients in the famotidine formulations- the generic drugstore brand was cleanest but still pretty bad. thought about dissolving tablet in water and letting excipients settle separately and drinking the water. Does that sound right for extracting the excipients from a 20 mg famotidine tablet?

Does anyone have experience using a combo of antihistamine and famotidine for mast cell disorder, mcs, severe allergies and chemical sensitivities? my reactions are off the charts and despite all other measures and excellent health otherwise, this issue has persisted life long- nothing else has werked and i ve adressed all else- thyroid, hormones, intestine, diet and nutrition etc. Blood work looks phenomenal yet i live with this severe hypersensitivity that is out of control. if this works i will start a company to make pure famotadine. Any update on a source for this? is idealabs going to provide it? thanks!!!


Aug 17, 2016
At my wits end with my histamine issues and severe chemical hypersensitivity and my hair dresser shared her success with a combo of allegra and famotidine for this issue- completely cured her. i think we both have what is termed mast cell disorder.

Dr. Peat only recommended the first generation antihistamines like benadryl and cyproheptadine. however, he advised it would be dangerous to combine famotidine with cyproheptadine, I am presuming because they both have a strong anti-seretonin effect; so i am experimenting with benadryl and famotidine combo. She takes 25 mg famotidine and one 24 hr allegra together morning and night. Trying to figure out how to use benadryl since my capsules are only 4-6 hrs duration. This morning poured contents of benadryl capsule into water and took with a 20 mg tablet of famotidine. so will see.

I echo the frustration with all the excipients in the famotidine formulations- the generic drugstore brand was cleanest but still pretty bad. thought about dissolving tablet in water and letting excipients settle separately and drinking the water. Does that sound right for extracting the excipients from a 20 mg famotidine tablet?

Does anyone have experience using a combo of antihistamine and famotidine for mast cell disorder, mcs, severe allergies and chemical sensitivities? my reactions are off the charts and despite all other measures and excellent health otherwise, this issue has persisted life long- nothing else has werked and i ve adressed all else- thyroid, hormones, intestine, diet and nutrition etc. Blood work looks phenomenal yet i live with this severe hypersensitivity that is out of control. if this works i will start a company to make pure famotadine. Any update on a source for this? is idealabs going to provide it? thanks!!!
Have you tried ketotifen? (you can search the forum for numerous discussions on it).


Dec 11, 2020
Have you tried ketotifen? (you can search the forum for numerous discussions on it).
Started looking at threads here on it thank you.

i'm on day two of benadryl and famotadine. Ive been taking one benadryl capsule and one 20mg famotadine tablet morning and night. this morning i dissolved the famotatdine tablet in warm water and just drank the liquid after solids settled to bottom of glass, so hoping that takes care of excipients.

Intestine was as little weird this morning so wondering if it is from the drugs themselves or the excipients in them? guess ill find out today since im dissolving them. The benadryl is a generic drugstore brand in capsules so i pour out the contents of capsules into water; but when i dissolve the powder in water nothing separates out so wondering if the contents are just the active ingredient - but doubtful.

allergies are definitely much better on the drugs- not waking up nearly as congested. Response to chemicals remains to be seen. I had been using cyproheptadine for years anywhere from 1 mg in the evening to 4 mg in a day without much relief. So decided it is time to try something else.

Very curious to understand the differences, different indications for each of these and the pros and cons for benadryl vs. cyproheptadine vs ketotifen vs and/or famotidine? Would be helpful to know the distinctions in order to choose what is best in addition to trial and error. What are each known to address more so than the others and what are advantages and disadvantages of each in comparison to the others?

Very interested in input on this. Thanks!!


Aug 17, 2016
Started looking at threads here on it thank you.

i'm on day two of benadryl and famotadine. Ive been taking one benadryl capsule and one 20mg famotadine tablet morning and night. this morning i dissolved the famotatdine tablet in warm water and just drank the liquid after solids settled to bottom of glass, so hoping that takes care of excipients.

Intestine was as little weird this morning so wondering if it is from the drugs themselves or the excipients in them? guess ill find out today since im dissolving them. The benadryl is a generic drugstore brand in capsules so i pour out the contents of capsules into water; but when i dissolve the powder in water nothing separates out so wondering if the contents are just the active ingredient - but doubtful.

allergies are definitely much better on the drugs- not waking up nearly as congested. Response to chemicals remains to be seen. I had been using cyproheptadine for years anywhere from 1 mg in the evening to 4 mg in a day without much relief. So decided it is time to try something else.

Very curious to understand the differences, different indications for each of these and the pros and cons for benadryl vs. cyproheptadine vs ketotifen vs and/or famotidine? Would be helpful to know the distinctions in order to choose what is best in addition to trial and error. What are each known to address more so than the others and what are advantages and disadvantages of each in comparison to the others?

Very interested in input on this. Thanks!!
I don't have any special information. I tend to be a bit of a sloppy (dosages and logging effects) supplement taker. Just down the hatch and forget.
I bought a bunch of ketotifen from Ketasma 1mg (Ketotifen) - InhousePharmacy.vu
when I first encountered discussion of it on the forum. Probably around 2018.
I bought a bunch for my dog who use to suffer miserable allergies. And for me as a stash item--which I tried on a couple of occassion when I couldn't sleep. It worked great for that.
I hope you find relief. And that others more informed than me step in.


Dec 10, 2016
i dissolved the famotatdine tablet in warm water and just drank the liquid after solids settled to bottom of glass, so hoping that takes care of excipients.
I don’t think Famotidine is soluble in water.


Dec 11, 2020
I don’t think Famotidine is soluble in water.
you mean dissolving it wont work? there was definitely powder that settled to bottom- was that the famotadine and the excipients then? and i just drank plain water lol? it had a taste though and all of those excipients would not have dissolved in the water. so there is no way to get them out of these horrid combos?


Dec 11, 2020
I don’t think Famotidine is soluble in water.
Just found this on line so guess we cant get excipients out by dissolving in warm water arghhh: Famotidine is a white to pale yellow crystalline compound that is freely soluble in glacial acetic acid, slightly soluble in methanol, very slightly soluble in water, and practically insoluble in ethanol.

even the prescription versions i looked up are horrid re excipients- they pretty much outweigh the benefit of the drug in my opinion. Jessie on my other thread recommended a pure source. i wont try it again until i secure a pure source- it really made me sick and i suspect it was from the excipients which based upon this seems we cannot extract ourselves.

Old Irenaeus

Dec 24, 2020
Would it make sense for famotidine to cause stomach cramps? I broke up Pepcid-AC into 1/16 to 1/8 sections of the pill and let dissolve in my mouth. Was taking every 3-4 hours. This was an experiment to see if it would reduce excess sweating. Then I noticed some stomach cramping around my navel a few times, so I stopped taking it.


May 21, 2018
Pepsid is not available anymore for some time now on Amazon. Wonder what's going on, probably they don't want people getting better.


Feb 22, 2021
I just checked Amazon and Pepcid ac is available.

Two nights ago I took 2 regular aspirins for a headache. I don't usually take aspirin because it hurts my stomach but I am aware of it's good benefits. I can sometimes get away with taking an aspirin with no pain. But at 3 am I woke up with the awful stomach ache from the aspirin. I took a 20 mg Pepcid ac and in about 3 hours my stomach felt fine. And then later in the day, my blood glucose was lower than it had been. I think the Famotidine did what it is supposed to on my stomach lining. Thank goodness. And I enjoyed the lower glucose which had been shooting up because of eating junk food which I do when I'm exhausted and keep going. I wish I could take aspirin more frequently. Oh - of course - the aspirin probably helped bring the sugar down too. I can't take aspirin due to the stomach issue and I don't want to take Pepsid regularly bc I need the acid in my stomach to digest food plus I read somewhere that things like Famotidine and Benadryl use is associated with dementia which I'd like to avoid. But, the Pepcid is a valuable medicine to have around.

BTW-the Pepcid ac did not give me stomach cramps.


Mar 15, 2022
quick update on my famotidine experience;
Fantastic for the first weeks. Taking doses 10-20mg daily
Found it slowed my digestion over time and was not worth it.

Could be very helpful to use in conjunction with antiobitics while treating an infection but not helpful in the long term.
Cascara has been great for improving motility and I take it with vitamin K.


Aug 28, 2023
Well, raising dopamine is a complex subject which certainly deserves a separate thread - I am sure there are several. I will like to quickly highlight few points I learned about dopamine:

Good dopamine levels and its proper metabolism is a wonderful thing.

Dopamine has to be broken down. Ideally, in a healthy person, most is broken down via MAO-A and COMT enzymes. If one or both of these are not working well, body will do one or two of the following things:
1.) it will create a new enzyme, MAO-B, which poorly breaks down dopamine, creating reactive oxygen species (ROS) and hydrogen peroxide in the process. This will cause neural damage and may even lead to Parkinson's in those individuals prone to it.
2.) it will up-regulate DBH enzyme that converts dopamine to noradrenaline / adrenaline. This can cause rapid conversion of dopamine to adrenaline, so by raising dopamine we end up with elevated adrenaline instead.

So, unless MAO-A and COMT enzymes are healthy, raising dopamine will cause problems, more or less, depending on the state of the factors involved.

Often, dopamine is reduced and replaced with serotonin as a harm-avoidance mechanism, a trade-off to prevent greater damage.

Dopamine agonist have merits, but also side-effects. I personally use some occasionally, but so far, low dose Selegiline has been the safest route for me, both from experience and understanding. When used in low dose, it inhibits MAO-B enzyme specifically.
So if you have a slow working MAOA gene , would taking something like LDN be bad because it increases dopamine? I was on it for a couple weeks and it seemed to just cause a bunch of adrenaline rushes. I just have no idea how to get those MAOA enzymes functioning


Jul 25, 2013
So if you have a slow working MAOA gene , would taking something like LDN be bad because it increases dopamine? I was on it for a couple weeks and it seemed to just cause a bunch of adrenaline rushes. I just have no idea how to get those MAOA enzymes functioning

Difficult to answer, as lot of things happen when you take LDN (hormones usually go up), plus your particular biochemistry.
MAO-A needs Riboflavin and Copper. It will help clear out serotonin, and dopamine to a lesser degree. I don't recommend directly lowering serotonin. Ideally, serotonin is lowered when dopamine arrives, suppresses serotonin production, and steps in as a replacement. Serotonin is a poor man's substitute for dopamine, but an adaptive substitute it is. One of them should be up and running. Having both of them low is a bad place to be.


Aug 28, 2023
Difficult to answer, as lot of things happen when you take LDN (hormones usually go up), plus your particular biochemistry.
MAO-A needs Riboflavin and Copper. It will help clear out serotonin, and dopamine to a lesser degree. I don't recommend directly lowering serotonin. Ideally, serotonin is lowered when dopamine arrives, suppresses serotonin production, and steps in as a replacement. Serotonin is a poor man's substitute for dopamine, but an adaptive substitute it is. One of them should be up and running. Having both of them low is a bad place to be.
I’m the case of LDN, would that increase dopamine enough to decrease serotonin ? It’s probably the only thing I have to increase dopamine

My blood levels of serotonin were just measured and are high even though the urine tests were low, as I suspected. It’s not breaking down. I’ll increase riboflavin and copper supplementation I think. If I can be sure LDN wouldn’t increase serotonin id try that again as well.


Jul 25, 2013
I’m the case of LDN, would that increase dopamine enough to decrease serotonin ?

Assuming LDN is increasing dopamine: yes. Serotonin synthesis is directly suppressed by dopamine.

Naltrexone's job is to block opioid receptors, and as a side effect, dopamine may increase, but that is not its main purpose. Normally, hormones tend to go up on Naltrexone, which suggests elevated dopamine.
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