Rockefeller "Reset The Table" Food Supply Tyranny

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Jan 16, 2023



Apr 19, 2020
@Beatrix_ Yeah, signs of Greed gone Wild. Sick, truly sickening...... (Everyone has a name and address.... even if they get Google maps to "miss" them.)

I remember years ago hearing that the goal of Coca cola Co. was to insure all liquids were going to cost people money = business for life. I just did a quick search and - "*&%^$&%$#(^&( !!!" = lots of cursing going on here. When the Big Biz/ Int'l Corporations starts talking "Governance", they mean the government is useless and the Big Players will decide how the sheeple live (or die).

Taken from above:

The Coca‑Cola Company today announced three goals accelerating its action on water during the UN 2023 Water Conference.

Chairman and CEO James Quincey participated in events during the week to share how the company is prioritizing water investments where they are needed most. The company’s holistic 2030 water strategy aims to achieve water security in the company’s operations, local watersheds and communities—where it operates, sources agricultural ingredients for beverages and touches people’s lives.

“We recognize that water is essential to our business and to the communities where we operate, and are committed to being responsible stewards of this vital resource,” Quincey said. “We want to do this by improving water availability, quality, access and governance – and taking a more granular watershed-based approach. In short, we’re focusing on doing what matters most, where it matters most.”


Jan 16, 2023
@Beatrix_ Yeah, signs of Greed gone Wild. Sick, truly sickening...... (Everyone has a name and address.... even if they get Google maps to "miss" them.)

I remember years ago hearing that the goal of Coca cola Co. was to insure all liquids were going to cost people money = business for life. I just did a quick search and - "*&%^$&%$#(^&( !!!" = lots of cursing going on here. When the Big Biz/ Int'l Corporations starts talking "Governance", they mean the government is useless and the Big Players will decide how the sheeple live (or die).

Taken from above:

The Coca‑Cola Company today announced three goals accelerating its action on water during the UN 2023 Water Conference.

Chairman and CEO James Quincey participated in events during the week to share how the company is prioritizing water investments where they are needed most. The company’s holistic 2030 water strategy aims to achieve water security in the company’s operations, local watersheds and communities—where it operates, sources agricultural ingredients for beverages and touches people’s lives.

“We recognize that water is essential to our business and to the communities where we operate, and are committed to being responsible stewards of this vital resource,” Quincey said. “We want to do this by improving water availability, quality, access and governance – and taking a more granular watershed-based approach. In short, we’re focusing on doing what matters most, where it matters most.”
Just WOW.... Thanks for connecting the dots, I had completely forgotten about that.


Jan 16, 2023
Does anyone know of updates?

FDA To Propose to Permit Salt Substitutes to Reduce Sodium in Standardized Foods

Original Constituent Update

March 24, 2023

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will soon propose to amend the standards of identity (SOIs) to permit the use of salt substitutes in foods for which salt is a required or optional ingredient. The proposed rule would provide manufacturers with flexibility and facilitate industry innovation to reduce sodium in standardized foods. The FDA is making available the pre-publication text of the Federal Register notice.

The upcoming proposed rule is part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health. The National Strategy provides a roadmap of actions the federal government will take to end hunger and reduce diet-related diseases by 2030 – all while reducing disparities. The National Strategy was released in conjunction with the first White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health in over 50 years, hosted by President Biden on September 28, 2022. The upcoming proposed rule also complements the goals of the FDA’s voluntary sodium reduction targets for processed, packaged and prepared foods.

SOIs typically describe what ingredients a food must contain and what is optional. They may describe the amount or proportion of ingredients or components. Some SOIs also prescribe a method of production or formulation. There are more than 250 SOIs, and they include products like milk, milk chocolate, various breads, various cheeses and ketchup. Foods with SOIs are often referred to as standardized foods.

Salt substitutes are currently used in many non-standardized foods in the U.S., but most FDA SOIs do not permit the use of salt substitutes. The proposed rule would use a “horizontal” approach for SOIs, under which a single rule would apply to multiple SOIs across several categories of standardized foods. Specifically, the proposed rule would amend the 80 SOIs that specify salt as a required or an optional ingredient.  Because these 80 SOIs are referenced in other SOIs, 140 of the 250 SOIs currently established for a wide variety of foods could be affected. The proposed rule does not list permitted salt substitutes but defines them as safe and suitable ingredients used to replace some or all of the added sodium chloride and that serve the functions of salt in food. The extent to which salt can be replaced depends on the ability of a salt substitute to replace the functions of salt in food without compromising food safety and the characteristics of the food.

The FDA is requesting comments on potential salt substitutes that may be used as a result of the new flexibility provided in this proposed rule.

Most people in the U.S. consume too much sodium. Reducing sodium may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, a leading cause of heart disease and stroke. The majority of sodium comes from processed, packaged and prepared foods, not from table salt added to food when cooking or eating. In October 2021, the FDA issued guidance for industry that finalized short-term voluntary sodium reduction targets in over 160 categories of packaged and restaurant prepared food. If finalized, the proposed rule issued today may help manufacturers to meet these voluntary targets because a number of foods for which targets were established are covered by SOIs.


Jun 2, 2017
Does anyone know of updates?

FDA To Propose to Permit Salt Substitutes to Reduce Sodium in Standardized Foods

Original Constituent Update

March 24, 2023
Even more reason to cook at home.


Nov 27, 2018

"This meat poses no danger... I think it's unreasonable, but this is standard procedure for when African swine flu is detected," managing director Magnus Darth told AFP.

[...]The illness does not affect humans but is highly contagious and fatal for pigs and their wild relatives, and an outbreak is potentially devastating for the pork industry, experts say.

[...]Swedish authorities have blocked public access to forest and wildlife areas in a 1,000-square-kilometre swathe around the zone where the infected boars were found.

[...]On Monday they ordered the slaughter of all domestic pigs (around 50) in the zone, to prevent the virus from spreading to domestic pigs.

[...]The import stop is expected to lead to a loss of income of 50 million kronor per year, for an industry with annual revenue of around 30 billion kronor, Darth said.

So far a small blow to the industry but a devastating one to the farmer. And now all they need is to claim a positive test for swine fever in a wild boar to slaughter all pigs in an area.

In Netherlands and Ireland they're getting rid of cows by claiming claiming they impact climate change or the environment. With pigs and chickens it's swine fever and bird flu. If this trend continues, soon we have no alternative for a plant based diet nor even the right to grow meat for ourselves.


Jan 16, 2023

No, you didn't read that wrong. This summer, a biotech firm called Moolec Sciences unveiled their latest creation: a soy plant that grows pig proteins. The aptly named "Piggy Sooy" is part of a growing trend to produce animal proteins without animals. Using a process called molecular farming, Piggy Sooy's development involves inserting genetic material from a pig into soybean seeds.

The company says the success of its soybean platform has led them to “file a new patent utilizing a novel approach aiming to provide the company with a frictionless regulatory pathway going forward.”

As with other "animal-free" meats and proteins, there's no consensus on whether or not these products are vegan - but they are GMO.



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
And every time this dude talks, he emits verbal diarrhea. Which is bad for global boiling.
It's science!

I mean, they already openly stated what we on this forum suspected all along - we are the carbon and CO2 they want to reduce. Everything else is secondary.

To me this above, and the fact that it was front-page news in both US and Western Europe, is as close as it comes to a "smoking gun". After that, things like coffee, flights, vacations, ICE cars, meat, etc are all secondary as they all depend on humans wanting them and paying for them. Remove humans and those other climate "problems" disappear too. I am not a lawyer, but I believe openly advocating for widespread "culling" (i.e. genocide), especially by wrapping the advocacy in "science" is a crime in most Western countries, probably under some statute for inciting/advocating terrorism. It would be ironic if politicians pushing for this can get sacked under, say, the Patriot Act, which was passed precisely to terrorize the plebs, not politicians. So, when @Advocate2021 gets some free time from her other trials she can explore this too. One can only hope...


Jan 16, 2023
@haidut most people I know choose to blindly believe everything is said in the MSM newscast... It is their voluntary choice to be part of this reality... Even though their health is the worst in all the generations of their family, despite actually pretty good habits... I am so happy last month I could save another family member, now he knows that health advice from the MSM and governement is :skull:

Our community here is hopefully influencing and saving one soul at time!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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