End the emergency use authorization

Nov 21, 2015

The American people are not being told the truth about Covid, masks, social distancing, lockdowns, mortality or vaccines. In fact, the only thing of which we can be 100 percent certain, is that the government, the public health officials and the media have been lying relentlessly and remorselessly on virtually every topic for the better part of the last year. As far as I can see, lying has become the official state policy. Am I wrong?

For example, we are now being told that the sudden uptick in deaths in various parts the country, are the sign of a “4th Wave”. Naturally, these fatalities are being blamed on the “variant” which is the current ‘hobgoblin du jour.’ What the media and the pundits fail to mention is that the unexpected rise in cases and deaths is only taking place in areas that are engaged in mass vaccination campaigns, a fact that can be easily extrapolated from the chart below.

I don’t know why this is happening, and I certainly don’t think the drug companies have laced their injections with Covid-19. But it certainly deserves to be investigated, don’t you think? And the people deserve to know what’s going on instead of being hoodwinked with some far-fetched fiction about a respiratory infection that persists into the summer months. That’s not what’s happening at all. Here’s how talk show host and author, Steve Deace, summed it up in an article at The Epoch Times:

“The two main objectives of our health care system—informed consent and second opinions—were denied to us at COVID… If the average American knew that almost half of the deaths in America with COVID occurred in nursing homes where less than one percent of Americans live, we would have never ever gone along with this level of subjugation. These are the sorts of data points that have been kept from the American people, so they have not been given the right to informed consent.” (“Steve Deace on ‘Faucian Bargain’: Second Opinions About COVID-19 Denied to Americans” The Epoch Times)
What we need to know now, is whether the Covid vaccines are safe or not? It’s a simple question, but getting answers is like pulling teeth. As everyone knows, any information that doesn’t support the ‘pro-vaccine agenda’ is scrapped by the media and promptly removed from both FB and Twitter. How does that serve the public interest? How is “informed consent” possible without a thorough airing of contrary views in public forums and the media?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

The American people are not being told the truth about Covid, masks, social distancing, lockdowns, mortality or vaccines. In fact, the only thing of which we can be 100 percent certain, is that the government, the public health officials and the media have been lying relentlessly and remorselessly on virtually every topic for the better part of the last year. As far as I can see, lying has become the official state policy. Am I wrong?

For example, we are now being told that the sudden uptick in deaths in various parts the country, are the sign of a “4th Wave”. Naturally, these fatalities are being blamed on the “variant” which is the current ‘hobgoblin du jour.’ What the media and the pundits fail to mention is that the unexpected rise in cases and deaths is only taking place in areas that are engaged in mass vaccination campaigns, a fact that can be easily extrapolated from the chart below.

I don’t know why this is happening, and I certainly don’t think the drug companies have laced their injections with Covid-19. But it certainly deserves to be investigated, don’t you think? And the people deserve to know what’s going on instead of being hoodwinked with some far-fetched fiction about a respiratory infection that persists into the summer months. That’s not what’s happening at all. Here’s how talk show host and author, Steve Deace, summed it up in an article at The Epoch Times:

What we need to know now, is whether the Covid vaccines are safe or not? It’s a simple question, but getting answers is like pulling teeth. As everyone knows, any information that doesn’t support the ‘pro-vaccine agenda’ is scrapped by the media and promptly removed from both FB and Twitter. How does that serve the public interest? How is “informed consent” possible without a thorough airing of contrary views in public forums and the media?

I think many of the requirements for informed consent are currently suspended, at least on paper. Most of them have been waived for the military and how many have been waived for the civilians varies widely across states/counties/cities. They may do a lip service to the requirement, but while the state of (public health) emergency remains in effect (by decree) they can probably get away with injecting you with pretty much anything they want, without even telling you. Tuskegee anyone??
"...The COVID-19 pandemic has many healthcare providers wondering whether they can suspend their consent and admission processes. Although state and federal regulators have waived some consent requirements to provide greater flexibility and emphasis on patient care and social distancing, these waivers are narrow."


Jun 20, 2015
For example, we are now being told that the sudden uptick in deaths in various parts the country, are the sign of a “4th Wave”. Naturally, these fatalities are being blamed on the “variant” which is the current ‘hobgoblin du jour.’ What the media and the pundits fail to mention is that the unexpected rise in cases and deaths is only taking place in areas that are engaged in mass vaccination campaigns, a fact that can be easily extrapolated from the chart below.
There is something wrong with the graph.

In Germany we are in lockdown since November. When the lockdown started also the mortality started to rise, but only in the age group 80+. Vaccination started on 27 December, and at that time the mortality started to fall, but much slower than what you see normally. (Normally you have a sharp rise followed by a sharp fall.) There have been numerous reports in local newspapers of outbreaks in nursing homes shortly after the vaccination started with many residents dying, but it's by no means as dramatic as in Israel or in England.
Nov 21, 2015
I'm sure the graph is all wrong. I can't imagine how any of these numbers mean much of anything. But the article hits on good points.

The lack of respect for informed consent, the propaganda and censorship of any dissenting voices gives people a biased point of view and prevents them from reaching conclusions different from MSM and Big Medicine. I doubt the numbers quoted mean anything at all.

I think we have to look at all cause mortality. Do you have any reliable German numbers year over year for all cause mortality @Giraffe


Jun 20, 2015
I think we have to look at all cause mortality. Do you have any reliable German numbers year over year for all cause mortality @Giraffe
I downloaded the official data and sorted them in a way that makes sense to me.

In the first graph you see all cause mortality over several years with all its peaks. For the other two graphs I looked at a 13-weeks period. The interval chosen starts just a few days after vaccination was launched.


  • DE All cause mortality 2016-2021.GIF
    DE All cause mortality 2016-2021.GIF
    17.7 KB · Views: 48
  • DE All cause mortality week 1-13.GIF
    DE All cause mortality week 1-13.GIF
    21.8 KB · Views: 46


Nov 18, 2019
Thank you for this thread @ecstatichamster. I agree - a need to end now. @Nemo posted a good link of a Doctor speaking to the CDC to stop EUA. I don’t remember which thread but maybe Nemo you could post it here as well?


Jun 20, 2015
What we need to know now, is whether the Covid vaccines are safe or not? It’s a simple question, but getting answers is like pulling teeth. As everyone knows, any information that doesn’t support the ‘pro-vaccine agenda’ is scrapped by the media and promptly removed from both FB and Twitter. How does that serve the public interest? How is “informed consent” possible without a thorough airing of contrary views in public forums and the media?
In Germany it's now official that AstraZeneca and J&J often (1-10%) cause thrombocytopenia. It's stated in the information sheet, but MSM hardly talk about it.
Nov 21, 2015
I downloaded the official data and sorted them in a way that makes sense to me.

In the first graph you see all cause mortality over several years with all its peaks. For the other two graphs I looked at a 13-weeks period. The interval chosen starts just a few days after vaccination was launched.

wow. Thank you.


Jul 8, 2019
Another thing you want to know is whether the vaccine efficacy claims are real or not to see whether the real efficacy is worth the risk. Remember those claims of 95% efficacy?

Fleming explains they didn't use any quantitative measures of vaccine efficacy (measured T-cell or antibody responses).

All they used were the same old phony PCR tests, which tell you nothing.

So right now there is no reason to think they have any efficacy at all.

First 11:00 minutes of this video, Fleming discusses the lack of proof of efficacy of the J&J, Pfizer and Moderna shots.

He also explains that the J&J vaccine contains actual SARS-CoV-2 double stranded DNA, so they certainly did lace their vaccines with that. SARS-CoV-2 is the virus. Covid-19 is the inflammo-thrombotic disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. I think he explains that too in the first 11 minutes. If not, it's in the top video on the video page of flemingmethod.com.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5ax3GF5-PY


Jul 8, 2019
Another thing you want to know is whether the vaccine efficacy claims are real or not to see whether the real efficacy is worth the risk. Remember those claims of 95% efficacy?

Fleming explains they didn't use any quantitative measures of vaccine efficacy (measured T-cell or antibody responses).

All they used were the same old phony PCR tests, which tell you nothing.

There's a great Fleming passage starting at 41:46.

He has just explained that Covid-19 is not the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus genetic material. Covid-19 is presence of the inflammo-thrombotic disease.

Then he explains what they are doing is using the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus genetic material as the criterion for confirming the disease. But they lowered the number of PCR cycles used to find the SARS-CoV-2 genetic material after vaccination in order to make sure they got a "positive effect" from the vaccine.

Get it? Those imps. They used to find Covid-19 in everyone because they did 40-some cycles. Few actually had symptoms, but the Covidian Cult didn't care. Now for the vaxed, they've lowered it to 27 cycles (if I remember the number correctly) and they hardly ever find it.

But wait, there's more. He says J&J actually did quantitative measures of their vaccine efficacy (measured T-cell or antibody responses) but never published the data. It just evaporated into the ether (because it didn't show sufficient vaccine efficacy even to meet the laughable minimum standard).

Bonus points: J&J screwed up and accidentally gave some of the placebo test subjects the vax and some of the vax test subjects the placebo.

By the end of the video, Fleming is cracking up at all the goofs. They can't even add up percentages right.
Last edited:


Jul 8, 2019
Last thing I'm posting on Fleming's discussions of the Emergency Use Authorization request documents of Pfizer, Moderna & J&J.

Table 14 of J&J's document (see 54:11 in the video above), a table designed to show their vaccine efficacy, actually shows those vaccinated with the placebo did better than those vaccinated with the vax.


Jul 8, 2019
Thank you for this thread @ecstatichamster. I agree - a need to end now. @Nemo posted a good link of a Doctor speaking to the CDC to stop EUA. I don’t remember which thread but maybe Nemo you could post it here as well?

Here's the transcript of her testimony, Lollipop:


David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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