Rockefeller "Reset The Table" Food Supply Tyranny

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Mar 10, 2021

Heard this today and found it pretty fitting, from a 2018 interview:

Ray Peat (16:16): "They talk about the welfare, keeping people from starving, but it's the government that is keeping them poor, that creates the starvation, by following the rules of whatever the corporations want to write into the economic system." [...] "The story that people need welfare to prevent starvation, that's very downstream part of the story. First you create the starvation and then you decide wether to alleviate it slightly."
Yep! Here is exactly that process, taking place in 2014 when this book, I am reading, was written. So much farther down the rabbit hole we have gone since. How does anyone think that the world is not heading for communism for all, America included.


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Aug 10, 2012
@Lollipop2 @Rinse & rePeat @Regina

I think her last posts were in this thread. She was upset, but everyone else was taking it as a joke.

It is a huge loss for the RPF šŸ˜ž
Oh no. She had the flu about 2 weeks ago. I'm not sure she's over it. At least she must be tired. I didn't see this where she was upset.

Somebody said Peatness was still posting though. So, I hope she hasn't left. She could be taking a break.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Yep! Here is exactly that process, taking place in 2014 when this book, I am reading, was written. So much farther down the rabbit hole we have gone since. How does anyone think that the world is not heading for communism for all, America included.

Communism would have been ruthless to the "useless eaters" and would have never allowed them to be become "useless eaters" in the first place. Most of those people would have been sent for compulsory re-education at hard-labor camps, The commies even had laws against "social parasitism", while the current system openly encourages parasitism, as Peat has said as well, so that the system can then intervene and "relieve" the problem that it itself created.

So, despite communism being portrayed in the West as some kind of welfare state, nothing can be further from the truth. The only people it became a welfare state for was the corrupt Party elite that eventually got to the top and destroyed the system in the process. In fact, the motto for everybody (even the elite, before it got corrupted) during communism was "everybody works, even the (partially) disabled, no free ride". Sounds like any Republican's wet dream, right? Well, that was the motto and practice of the entire Soviet block (at least initially) and the same is true for at least the social structure of China now. It is VERY far from being a welfare state. I always felt that the common people from the USSR and USA had a lot more in common than either system allowed them to realize. Somehow both systems got corrupted, and interestingly by the same type of "elite", and now the West, as the sole Cold War survivor, is basically some abominable combination of the worst features of both systems, and somehow being a negation of both. Both true capitalists and true communists feel absolute disgust towards the current system. It is anti-human in every sense of the word, and even if there is any political/ideological component I believe it is either entirely for show (to rile up the masses to follow orders) or takes a very distant and unimportant backseat compared to the true, apolitical goal of absolute nihilism and transhumanism. Ironically, the USSR started to look a lot like the current system, shortly before collapsing completely. The same people who corrupted and brought down the USSR are now hellbent on doing the same in the USA. They are neither communist, nor capitalist but almost like a separate species that is an enemy of life. No other known life form behaves like that.
"...This has arisen because the non-West now sees clearly that post-modern West is not a civilisation per se, but really something akin to a de-cultured ā€˜operating systemā€™ (managerial technocracy). Europe of the Renaissance did consist of civilisational states, but subsequent European nihilism changed the very substance of modernity. The West promotes its universal-value stance, however, as though it be a set of abstract scientific theorems which have universal validity."

"...In his address, Xi attributed the break-up of the Soviet Union to ā€˜ideological nihilismā€™: The ruling strata, Xi asserted, had ceased to believe in the advantages and the value of their ā€˜systemā€™, yet lacking any other ideological coordinates within which to situate their thinking, the Ć©lites slid unto nihilism: ā€œOnce the Party loses the control of the ideology, Xi argued, once it fails to provide a satisfactory explanation for its own rule, objectives and purposes, it dissolves into a party of loosely connected individuals linked only by personal goals of enrichment and powerā€. ā€œThe Party is then taken over by ā€˜ideological nihilismā€™ā€."

"...The midterm elections, the ā€œmost important elections of our lifetimes,ā€ are over. Whoever won, it wasnā€™t really going to change much. Todayā€™s system is simply too deeply entrenched. While the much-touted differences between Americaā€™s political parties get obsessive, hysterical attention, the sameness of Imperial corruption, waste and squalor regardless of whoā€™s in power gets little notice. Scrape away the differences ā€” mostly in domestic and cultural issues ā€” and we see the dead hand of Imperial Corruption is on the tiller."

I am beginning to think that this tendency for nihilism is inherent in every advanced civilization. I mean, all of previous ones on Earth have collapsed, right? Why would the current one be any different? Harmony with nature is a requirement for survival in small societies, and such nature-oriented behavior instills meaning in life. In an empire or any other advanced civilization, the society becomes very abstract-oriented (as the article above mentions) and its theories and practices gradually become completely detached from real life. There is a great analogy in economics. In a healthy society, money is the result of creating value and usually this value comes from making things (interacting with matter). In an unhealthy/corrupt society money has no relation to value and is mostly derived from manipulating other money. A commonly-used phrase is industrial capitalism VS financial capitalism, but this dichotomy is not inherent to only capitalism. I think it is just a property of society, depending on overall "health" of the society. More generally, while knowledge is extracted from observing and interacting with matter (inductive), it tends to be useful and progressive. Once "knowledge" starts getting primarily derived from other knowledge (deduction, information manipulation, AI) the system becomes reductionist and is on its way down.
In addition, since an advanced civilization usually accumulates a lot of power, ultimately the elite of said civilization becomes corrupt (Yoda: absolute power corrupts absolutely), nihilistic and self-deified as it thinks it can control life and death, but its abstract theories are meaningless and wrong. Of course, all this hubris can achieve is eventual collapse and even (world) war.
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Nov 18, 2019
I am beginning to think that this tendency for nihilism is inherent in every advanced civilization. I mean, all of previous ones on Earth have collapsed, right? Why would the current one be any different? Harmony with nature is a requirement for survival in small societies, and such nature-oriented behavior instills meaning in life. In an empire or any other advanced civilization, the society becomes very abstract-oriented (as the article above mentions) and its theories and practices gradually become completely detached from real life. In addition, since an advanced civilization usually accumulates a lot of power, ultimately the elite of said civilization becomes corrupt (Yoda: absolute power corrupts absolutely), nihilistic and self-deified as it thinks it can control life and death, but its abstract theories are meaningless and wrong. Of course, all this hubris can achieve is eventual collapse and even (world) war.
You pretty much summed up this book I just finished reading. This Elite single ruler centralized tyranny stopped working and thrust us from the late Bronze Age into the Iron Age with small decentralized units.

Eric H. Cline

1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed: Revised and Updated (Turning Points in Ancient History, 6)​

1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization... Amazon product ASIN 0691208018View:

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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
You pretty much summed up this book I just finished reading. This Elite single ruler centralized tyranny stopped working and thrust us from the late Bronze Age into the Iron Age with small decentralized units.

Eric H. Cline

1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed: Revised and Updated (Turning Points in Ancient History, 6)​

1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization... Amazon product ASIN 0691208018View:

View attachment 45220

View attachment 45220

Very interesting, thanks. Have not read it, but this synopsis seems interesting and very apt for the current environment we are in.
"...panorama of the empires and globalized peoples of the Late Bronze Age and shows that it was their very interdependence that hastened their dramatic collapse and ushered in a dark age that lasted centuries."

So, despite the obvious parallels of the above to our times, the author did not draw any comparisons? Or it was just left out from the summary/synopsis?


Aug 17, 2016
Communism would have been ruthless to the "useless eaters" and would have never allowed them to be become "useless eaters" in the first place. Most of those people would have been sent for compulsory re-education at hard-labor camps, The commies even had laws against "social parasitism", while the current system openly encourages parasitism, as Peat has said as well, so that the system can then intervene and "relieve" the problem that it itself created.

So, despite communism being portrayed in the West as some kind of welfare state, nothing can be further from the truth. The only people it became a welfare state for was the corrupt Party elite that eventually got to the top and destroyed the system in the process. In fact, the motto for everybody (even the elite, before it got corrupted) during communism was "everybody works, even the (partially) disabled, no free ride". Sounds like any Republican's wet dream, right? Well, that was the motto and practice of the entire Soviet block (at least initially) and the same is true for at least the social structure of China now. It is VERY far from being a welfare state. I always felt that the common people from the USSR and USA had a lot more in common than either system allowed them to realize. Somehow both systems got corrupted, and interestingly by the same type of "elite", and now the West, as the sole Cold War survivor, is basically some abominable combination of the worst features of both systems, and somehow being a negation of both. Both true capitalists and true communists feel absolute disgust towards the current system. It is anti-human in every sense of the word, and even if there is any political/ideological component I believe it is either entirely for show (to rile up the masses to follow orders) or takes a very distant and unimportant backseat compared to the true, apolitical goal of absolute nihilism and transhumanism. Ironically, the USSR started to look a lot like the current system, shortly before collapsing completely. The same people who corrupted and brought down the USSR are now hellbent on doing the same in the USA. They are neither communist, nor capitalist but almost like a separate species that is an enemy of life. No other known life form behaves like that.
"...This has arisen because the non-West now sees clearly that post-modern West is not a civilisation per se, but really something akin to a de-cultured ā€˜operating systemā€™ (managerial technocracy). Europe of the Renaissance did consist of civilisational states, but subsequent European nihilism changed the very substance of modernity. The West promotes its universal-value stance, however, as though it be a set of abstract scientific theorems which have universal validity."

"...In his address, Xi attributed the break-up of the Soviet Union to ā€˜ideological nihilismā€™: The ruling strata, Xi asserted, had ceased to believe in the advantages and the value of their ā€˜systemā€™, yet lacking any other ideological coordinates within which to situate their thinking, the Ć©lites slid unto nihilism: ā€œOnce the Party loses the control of the ideology, Xi argued, once it fails to provide a satisfactory explanation for its own rule, objectives and purposes, it dissolves into a party of loosely connected individuals linked only by personal goals of enrichment and powerā€. ā€œThe Party is then taken over by ā€˜ideological nihilismā€™ā€."

"...The midterm elections, the ā€œmost important elections of our lifetimes,ā€ are over. Whoever won, it wasnā€™t really going to change much. Todayā€™s system is simply too deeply entrenched. While the much-touted differences between Americaā€™s political parties get obsessive, hysterical attention, the sameness of Imperial corruption, waste and squalor regardless of whoā€™s in power gets little notice. Scrape away the differences ā€” mostly in domestic and cultural issues ā€” and we see the dead hand of Imperial Corruption is on the tiller."

I am beginning to think that this tendency for nihilism is inherent in every advanced civilization. I mean, all of previous ones on Earth have collapsed, right? Why would the current one be any different? Harmony with nature is a requirement for survival in small societies, and such nature-oriented behavior instills meaning in life. In an empire or any other advanced civilization, the society becomes very abstract-oriented (as the article above mentions) and its theories and practices gradually become completely detached from real life. There is a great analogy in economics. In a healthy society, money is the result of creating value and usually this value comes from making things (interacting with matter). In an unhealthy/corrupt society money has no relation to value and is mostly derived from manipulating other money. A commonly-used phrase is industrial capitalism VS financial capitalism, but this dichotomy is not inherent to only capitalism. I think it is just a property of society, depending on overall "health" of the society. More generally, while knowledge is extracted from observing and interacting with matter (inductive), it tends to be useful and progressive. Once "knowledge" starts getting primarily derived from other knowledge (deduction, information manipulation, AI) the system becomes reductionist and is on its way down.
In addition, since an advanced civilization usually accumulates a lot of power, ultimately the elite of said civilization becomes corrupt (Yoda: absolute power corrupts absolutely), nihilistic and self-deified as it thinks it can control life and death, but its abstract theories are meaningless and wrong. Of course, all this hubris can achieve is eventual collapse and even (world) war.
Mar 10, 2021
Communism would have been ruthless to the "useless eaters" and would have never allowed them to be become "useless eaters" in the first place. Most of those people would have been sent for compulsory re-education at hard-labor camps, The commies even had laws against "social parasitism", while the current system openly encourages parasitism, as Peat has said as well, so that the system can then intervene and "relieve" the problem that it itself created.

So, despite communism being portrayed in the West as some kind of welfare state, nothing can be further from the truth. The only people it became a welfare state for was the corrupt Party elite that eventually got to the top and destroyed the system in the process. In fact, the motto for everybody (even the elite, before it got corrupted) during communism was "everybody works, even the (partially) disabled, no free ride". Sounds like any Republican's wet dream, right? Well, that was the motto and practice of the entire Soviet block (at least initially) and the same is true for at least the social structure of China now. It is VERY far from being a welfare state. I always felt that the common people from the USSR and USA had a lot more in common than either system allowed them to realize. Somehow both systems got corrupted, and interestingly by the same type of "elite", and now the West, as the sole Cold War survivor, is basically some abominable combination of the worst features of both systems, and somehow being a negation of both. Both true capitalists and true communists feel absolute disgust towards the current system. It is anti-human in every sense of the word, and even if there is any political/ideological component I believe it is either entirely for show (to rile up the masses to follow orders) or takes a very distant and unimportant backseat compared to the true, apolitical goal of absolute nihilism and transhumanism. Ironically, the USSR started to look a lot like the current system, shortly before collapsing completely. The same people who corrupted and brought down the USSR are now hellbent on doing the same in the USA. They are neither communist, nor capitalist but almost like a separate species that is an enemy of life. No other known life form behaves like that.
"...This has arisen because the non-West now sees clearly that post-modern West is not a civilisation per se, but really something akin to a de-cultured ā€˜operating systemā€™ (managerial technocracy). Europe of the Renaissance did consist of civilisational states, but subsequent European nihilism changed the very substance of modernity. The West promotes its universal-value stance, however, as though it be a set of abstract scientific theorems which have universal validity."

"...In his address, Xi attributed the break-up of the Soviet Union to ā€˜ideological nihilismā€™: The ruling strata, Xi asserted, had ceased to believe in the advantages and the value of their ā€˜systemā€™, yet lacking any other ideological coordinates within which to situate their thinking, the Ć©lites slid unto nihilism: ā€œOnce the Party loses the control of the ideology, Xi argued, once it fails to provide a satisfactory explanation for its own rule, objectives and purposes, it dissolves into a party of loosely connected individuals linked only by personal goals of enrichment and powerā€. ā€œThe Party is then taken over by ā€˜ideological nihilismā€™ā€."

"...The midterm elections, the ā€œmost important elections of our lifetimes,ā€ are over. Whoever won, it wasnā€™t really going to change much. Todayā€™s system is simply too deeply entrenched. While the much-touted differences between Americaā€™s political parties get obsessive, hysterical attention, the sameness of Imperial corruption, waste and squalor regardless of whoā€™s in power gets little notice. Scrape away the differences ā€” mostly in domestic and cultural issues ā€” and we see the dead hand of Imperial Corruption is on the tiller."

I am beginning to think that this tendency for nihilism is inherent in every advanced civilization. I mean, all of previous ones on Earth have collapsed, right? Why would the current one be any different? Harmony with nature is a requirement for survival in small societies, and such nature-oriented behavior instills meaning in life. In an empire or any other advanced civilization, the society becomes very abstract-oriented (as the article above mentions) and its theories and practices gradually become completely detached from real life. There is a great analogy in economics. In a healthy society, money is the result of creating value and usually this value comes from making things (interacting with matter). In an unhealthy/corrupt society money has no relation to value and is mostly derived from manipulating other money. A commonly-used phrase is industrial capitalism VS financial capitalism, but this dichotomy is not inherent to only capitalism. I think it is just a property of society, depending on overall "health" of the society. More generally, while knowledge is extracted from observing and interacting with matter (inductive), it tends to be useful and progressive. Once "knowledge" starts getting primarily derived from other knowledge (deduction, information manipulation, AI) the system becomes reductionist and is on its way down.
In addition, since an advanced civilization usually accumulates a lot of power, ultimately the elite of said civilization becomes corrupt (Yoda: absolute power corrupts absolutely), nihilistic and self-deified as it thinks it can control life and death, but its abstract theories are meaningless and wrong. Of course, all this hubris can achieve is eventual collapse and even (world) war.
I agree with the fact that ā€œuseless eatersā€ are not part of communism. How could it be? Somebody has to make the money to support the monster. Canā€™t you see the innocent beginning of the ā€œAnimal Farmā€ strategy here? ā€œTheyā€ make you reliant with everybody on the same page, giving you everything you need, then when you succumb, they start giving you less and less, while you keep giving and giving. When you are finally totally reliant, and the pigs are getting drunk, then they send you out to support their system or you disappear to the glue factory.


Nov 18, 2019
Very interesting, thanks. Have not read it, but this synopsis seems interesting and very apt for the current environment we are in.
"...panorama of the empires and globalized peoples of the Late Bronze Age and shows that it was their very interdependence that hastened their dramatic collapse and ushered in a dark age that lasted centuries."

So, despite the obvious parallels of the above to our times, the author did not draw any comparisons? Or it was just left out from the summary/synopsis?
He made the comparisons - synopsis left it out.


Nov 18, 2019
I got a message through someone else who contacted Peatness for me. She replied saying she left because of time restraints.
Awesomeness!! Thank you @Rinse & rePeat :): Happy the mystery is solved and perhaps she will come back. But I completely understand! Now that I work full time, my time just vanished. I only make quick responses and hardly post anymore :-(


Nov 18, 2019
@Lollipop2 I will definitely read that book, thanks for the recommendation!
You are welcome! I loved it. He does an excellent job of building the story from available archeological evidence! Not boring and dry. He does draw a comparison to ā€œCovidā€ pandemic - just ignore that one bias - but otherwise well done book and interesting :): I like history books.
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