PCOS & Tumor On Thyroid - Possible Treatments


New Member
Mar 25, 2020
Hello everyone,
this is my first post here, however I am a long time reader of this forum. I greatly appreciate all the information and great community here.

I would like to consult my current problem, as I hope to find someone who was similar issue.

I was on occasional health check of my thyroid, where a tumor was found on the right lobe of thyroid. The doctor recommended surgery. Complete outpatient report with blood tests is attached.

Additional info:
Age 29, height 170cm, weight 70kg, generally very active person.
I am diagnosed with PCOS since young age - because of this, most of the time I do not have regular period.

Last few months I started to apply Ray ideas into practice, so now my diet consists mostly of OJ, beef, cheese, liver (once a week), potatoes, mushrooms/carrot salad (daily), honey, ...

Supplements: Mag. bisglycinate,
NDT (now 3 grains, gradually built up),
vit. E 400 IU daily,
vit. D (only during winter months),
aspirin 1g daily

Waking temp ca. 36.0 °

Do you think there are other possible ways of treatment of the tumor (non surgical ?), as I am not really fan of removal half of my thyroid?

The second question: Is there any way to get Ray´s email? I would like to consult this issue also with him personally.

Thanks in advance for your responses,


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Feb 23, 2020
Hi Naty,

PCOS (ie hyperandrogenism) being caused by insulin resistance, you would probably be inspired by testimonials of women on a ketogenic / carnivore diet that have reversed their disease.
What a very low carbohydrate diet is increase SHBG which binds up to the excess androgen.

give it a shot for a month or two - potatoes have a very high insulin index which drops SHBG and frees up more androgens. Likewise, orange juice spikes insulin too much even if it does have fructose. Its glycemic load is simply too high. You want rock stable blood sugar up until you’re normalized.

judging by ongoing discussions with other people in here that have low body temperature, your best bet for thyroid is to increase saturated fat (coconut,tallow) and use iodized salt


Mar 25, 2020
Welcome Naty,

You could look into Radio Frequent Ablation (RFA) therapy for shrinking the thyroid tumor instead of surgery. It's an safe and precise therapy where they only burn the tumor tissue which leaves the rest of the thyroid intact and functioning, and the tumor will eventually shrink over time. I have a very large multinodular goiter but even in my case I allready starting to see effect after my RFA treatment.


Nov 26, 2012
Besides contacting Ray, I urge you to look on the product lines of this pharmaceutical laboratory's line of ( mostly ) myo-inositol based supplements:
Look for Inofolic line as well as Tiroxil 4.0.


New Member
Mar 25, 2020
Thank you for all the replies.

@guapeat Thanks, I will look for healthcare clinic recommendations in Slovakia, where I currently live. Good to read that you see the results - how many RFA treatment sessions you already did?

@S.Seneff Thanks for the resources. I have already noticed that haidut does amazing job in this community - collecting research, designing supplements etc... But I didn't know about his blog.

@Wilfrid I did some research and definitely give Myo-Inositol a try. Thanks.

I have also done some research regarding progesterone and pregnenolone, possibly I'll give them a try in the future.

Last week I have spent quite a bit time on the sun (several hours daily). My waking temps has raised by 0.2-0.3 °C - last week they were around 36.2
The raise in temps might be related to the period - I can't tell for sure, as in last months my cycle is quite messed up.

I'll keep this thread updated with any changes in lifestyle/supps/treatments etc.

Be well & stay healthy :)



Mar 25, 2020
Usually one RFA treatment is enough. In my case, with a very large multinodular goiter, it took 3 treatments each spaced apart by 3 months which allows time for the body to breakdown the scar tissue.


Jan 9, 2019
Welcome Naty,

You could look into Radio Frequent Ablation (RFA) therapy for shrinking the thyroid tumor instead of surgery. It's an safe and precise therapy where they only burn the tumor tissue which leaves the rest of the thyroid intact and functioning, and the tumor will eventually shrink over time. I have a very large multinodular goiter but even in my case I allready starting to see effect after my RFA treatment.
how is this different than hyperthermia treatment?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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