Does fat loss cause Estrogen release?


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Oct 28, 2020
For instance, If one had started to lose weight, would estrogen stored in fat release estrogen into the system and one would have symptoms of high estrogen, such as hot flashes?

After reading more of Ray's articles I was thinking maybe this new thyroid med (compounded, extended release) is ramping up my metabolism and I am losing weight basically doing nothing different in my eating/exercising. So, I lost 8 lbs in 1 month and previously have only been gaining weight consistently even with hardcore exercise and food restriction in the past....have corrected my way of thinking on that after finding the Peat way.

I was on Armour Thyroid (120mg) for 20+ years but not optimal and still very hypothyroid and is why I wanted to try something else.
I am 51 yo female, so the two dr.s I went to think these are menopausal hot flashes.
I am having these 24 hrs a day and NOT sleeping AT ALL even with sleep aids. Plus, very cold most of the time. So my body is going very cold and very hot, but my actual temp isn't that high--the highest I saw was 98.8 1x but the last few days it is 97.4 to 98.1F.
I am taking Progesterone in vit E, but maybe not enough? 15-20 mg 3x daily. and have tried to take a big dropper full during the night when the flashes are so bad.

I'm not totally discounting it is menopause but they literally came out of nowhere and from what I've heard from people, hot flashes don't continue 24 hrs a day for weeks and weeks.
The other thing is something more complicated and needs further investigation.
I have stopped my thyroid pill now for 3 days to see if they get better.


Oct 3, 2016
i believe this to be the case as ive experienced similar situations when burning fat, fat from what i understand tends to have a high expression of the aromatase enzyme, not only that if your fat stores being burned are pufa they will have a more. powerful anti-thyroid estrogenic effect, i think its also good to mention that alot of endocrine disruptors we accumulate seem to store in fatty tissues so i think when we are burning fat it can have a temporary inflammatory anti-metabolic effect, in my opinion though i think its always better to shed the fat if it has estrogenic properties, along with the nutritional support to defend the body against the anti metabolic effects, this is interesting and i would like to learn more about this idea too


Sep 9, 2021
I think it is correct yes. I would try to do all you can to support your liver and digestion. Are you having a carrot salad every day and do you drink coffee to support your liver? I think I am in somewhat similar situation to you (52 y.o. female). I ramped up my progesterone intake (to about 35mg a day spread out over the day) to try and lose some belly fat but I think I went too fast and wasn't supporting my excretory system enough. I had terrible hot flushes and couldn't sleep. I am just thinking that I need to go extremely slowly with the progesterone or else I am just not going to be able to remove the excess estrogen/pufa/toxins from my body fast enough and that will wreak more havoc than I want right now.

I also take a grain of tyromax a day. I have been able to keep at the same dosage of progesterone and tyromax but I have gone all out with the carrot etc. and added a coffee enema every so often, activated charcoal and drinking milk before I go to bed and that has made all the difference (no more hot flushes and I sleep all night long).


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Oct 28, 2020
I really have an issue with caffeine so I don't drink coffee. I never drank it in all my life--just green and herbal teas, but after reading about Peat ideas, I tried. I just get a lot of heart fluttering and on top of my insomnia, I didn't want to add that to it. Do you now if decaf coffee has any benefit? I believe it is the caffeine in coffee that makes the difference, correct?
I have been doing liver support supplements, activated charcoal and clay. I do the carrot salad but not religiously--I will start doing that daily.
My liver needs help as I've been on oxycodone and lyrica recovering from spinal fusion. I originally thought it was those meds and weaned off/down and can say with almost certainty that it isn't those meds.
I am heartbroken stopping my thyroid med because other than the hell of the hot/cold, I have other good improvements, weight loss being one of them. I am going to split my thyroid meds in half and try that after 1 week of being off them. Original dose was 90 mg, so I'll go to 45 and see if I can work more slowly up to where I need to be. On 90 my labs are still not optimal so I know eventually I need more than that.
I am going to ramp up my progesterone as well targeting 100mg per day. Peat says 300 mg is needed to eliminate hot flashes so I want to work up to that.
My new PCP wanted to put me on a SSRI. Nope.
Thanks for your input and suggestions-much appreciated!!


Sep 9, 2021
I really have an issue with caffeine so I don't drink coffee. I never drank it in all my life--just green and herbal teas, but after reading about Peat ideas, I tried. I just get a lot of heart fluttering and on top of my insomnia, I didn't want to add that to it. Do you now if decaf coffee has any benefit? I believe it is the caffeine in coffee that makes the difference, correct?
I have been doing liver support supplements, activated charcoal and clay. I do the carrot salad but not religiously--I will start doing that daily.
My liver needs help as I've been on oxycodone and lyrica recovering from spinal fusion. I originally thought it was those meds and weaned off/down and can say with almost certainty that it isn't those meds.
I am heartbroken stopping my thyroid med because other than the hell of the hot/cold, I have other good improvements, weight loss being one of them. I am going to split my thyroid meds in half and try that after 1 week of being off them. Original dose was 90 mg, so I'll go to 45 and see if I can work more slowly up to where I need to be. On 90 my labs are still not optimal so I know eventually I need more than that.
I am going to ramp up my progesterone as well targeting 100mg per day. Peat says 300 mg is needed to eliminate hot flashes so I want to work up to that.
My new PCP wanted to put me on a SSRI. Nope.
Thanks for your input and suggestions-much appreciated!!

I have read on the forum that you can benefit from decaf yes. Just go really slow. I read that sensitivity to coffee is an indication of the state of your liver and the more you can eventually tolerate, the more it will help your liver (sorry I don't have the original source for that piece of info). I got up to three cups over a few months. I do the carrot salad now religiously and it really really makes a difference. I split the carrot and have half in the morning and half before bed, I would say that if I miss the evening portion then I will more than likely have a bad night's sleep - I can pretty much predict how it will go according to the carrot. lol.


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Oct 28, 2020
Wow-that is incredible that your sleep can be affected by missing your evening carrot:). I know my liver needs help so I do take multiple supplements for it--TUDCA, NOW Liver Refresh (lots of good ingredients besides milk thistle). I took liposomal glutathione for a couple months post surgery too. I will go back to decaf coffee and add a little caffeine slowly. I suffer from extreme insomnia and even though I know it shouldn't affect that, in my desperation to sleep I've been laying off caffeine just in case it would contribute. I am making my carrot salad right now. lol!


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Oct 28, 2020
I've been searching on here for more information about estrogen--high and low, etc.
I found Ray Peat actually saying that women can temporarily poison themselves with estrogen when they lose fat.


starting at 23:44


Sep 9, 2021
Wow that is fantastic, thank you for posting that interview! I am so pleased that I have been going really slowly with the progesterone, I was on 20mg a day for about 6 months whilst I concentrated on thyroid and diet but when those seemed to be more or less sorted, I ramped up the progesterone a little and I am starting to lose some belly fat. I think I had that initial 'poison' reaction (but I also had covid at the same time so it could have been a coincidence) but I am starting to be able to tolerate more progesterone. I will experiment with going higher gradually and now we know that oestrogen poisoning exists for sure I will keep look out for the signs. Thankfully I have not got too much fat to lose even though I put on masses of weight in the last 8 months it was mainly muscle.

omg - "it would be beneficial for women to menstruate until the day they die." I had read about the benefits that women get from the point of iron build up but this is truly amazing to hear. I have always been extremely regular and my cycle is still going strong at 52 even though it is a little longer now (currently about 45 days). the only ones I have ever missed were when I was pregnant. I am not sure how I would feel about menstruating at 70 though, but why not? Wow, that has put a whole new perspective on things for me as I have literally just been waiting for it to stop. I wonder if this means you can still get pregnant at 70? I am blown away, I love Peat for this - always those tiny tidbits of information which can be so enlightening.

Anyway, please keep us informed @TAG145 about your progress and good luck, you sound as if you are really on top of the research and doing what you can to help your body find balance. I am glad you are back on the carrot, I thought of you as I ate mine this morning! Someone else also posted recently about pineapple, that may also be something to try perhaps? Did you find any benefit to taking TUDCA?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
i believe this to be the case as ive experienced similar situations when burning fat, fat from what i understand tends to have a high expression of the aromatase enzyme, not only that if your fat stores being burned are pufa they will have a more. powerful anti-thyroid estrogenic effect, i think its also good to mention that alot of endocrine disruptors we accumulate seem to store in fatty tissues so i think when we are burning fat it can have a temporary inflammatory anti-metabolic effect, in my opinion though i think its always better to shed the fat if it has estrogenic properties, along with the nutritional support to defend the body against the anti metabolic effects, this is interesting and i would like to learn more about this idea too
Does eating fat mean you’re burning less bodyfat?


Oct 3, 2016
Does eating fat mean you’re burning less bodyfat?
I wouldnt necessarily think so allthough im not sure of everything, but saturated fats such as coconut oil increase the metabolic rate which should in turn increase the turnover of fats

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I wouldnt necessarily think so allthough im not sure of everything, but saturated fats such as coconut oil increase the metabolic rate which should in turn increase the turnover of fats
same for dairy and beef fat then especially 100% grass fed?
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