Not Reading For A Day Per Week


Aug 16, 2017
In the "generative energy" podcast #24 by Danny Roddy Haidut mentioned that he tries not to read anything for one day per week and to open his mouth as little as possible to quiet down the verbal center. Because that would lead to being more analytical and therefore approching the serotinin system.
I was not able to verify this through any sources. Is there someone here who was able to do so or has been experimenting with this method himself?


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Like the Sabbath?

Also, verbalizing probably lowers serotonin: hence why people who have excess serotonin tend to be very talkative, language-oriented (as with writing), collectivist, schizophrenic, etc.

There's the idea that writers "bleed on the paper" so to speak, as a way of purging the invasive chatter from their psyche.
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Oct 11, 2015
The english language was designed to create dis-harmonic frequencies when spoken ( not sure about others ). Perhaps that has something to do with it as well.

In most militaries since antiquity soldiers are told to not speak unless following or giving an order.
Dec 25, 2014
The english language was designed to create dis-harmonic frequencies when spoken ( not sure about others ). Perhaps that has something to do with it as well.

In most militaries since antiquity soldiers are told to not speak unless following or giving an order.

Designed by whom and for what purpose? I already have an idea but I would like your take.

Given the large variation in regional, temporal, and cultural accents, how could thry be certain these frequencies would remain the same?
Dec 25, 2014
Sounds ridiculous and self defeating IMO. Anylising the situation and setting up rigid rules all in an effort to combat analysis and rigidity.

How about picking up an instrument or a paintbrush and being visually or musically creative so you access the dopamine system. Even whittling a stick will do that.

You don't have to be good you just have to lose yourself and get in the flow.


Mar 15, 2014
Sounds like Haidut/Danny independently deduced the brachycephaly phenomenon


Oct 11, 2015
Designed by whom and for what purpose? I already have an idea but I would like your take.

Given the large variation in regional, temporal, and cultural accents, how could thry be certain these frequencies would remain the same?
English is a slave language. Britain comes from the hebrew word berith meaning covenant.
Covenant - Easton's Bible Dictionary Online

Great Britain's existence is a deal with the devil basically.

I dont know exactly when or the specifics behind the frequencies but I am 100% positive that English is very negative energetically when spoken. Not sure about dialects, maybe some aren't bad.
Dec 25, 2014
English is a slave language. Britain comes from the hebrew word berith meaning covenant.
Covenant - Easton's Bible Dictionary Online

Great Britain's existence is a deal with the devil basically.

I dont know exactly when or the specifics behind the frequencies but I am 100% positive that English is very negative energetically when spoken. Not sure about dialects, maybe some aren't bad.

Why are you so certain?
How is English a slave language?
Why does it's etymology in hebrew matter?
What does negative energetically mean specifically?
Nov 21, 2015
I like reading novels. There is huge benefit to restricting reading to novels some days.
We sought to determine whether reading a novel causes measurable changes in resting-state connectivity of the brain and how long these changes persist. Incorporating a within-subjects design, participants received resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scans on 19 consecutive days. First, baseline resting state data for a “washin” period were taken for each participant for 5 days. For the next 9 days, participants read 1/9th of a novel during the evening and resting-state data were taken the next morning. Finally, resting-state data for a “wash-out” period were taken for 5 days after the conclusion of the novel. On the days after the reading, significant increases in connectivity were centered on hubs in the left angular/supramarginal gyri and right posterior temporal gyri. These hubs corresponded to regions previously associated with perspective taking and story comprehension, and the changes exhibited a timecourse that decayed rapidly after the completion of the novel. Long-term changes in connectivity, which persisted for several days after the reading, were observed in bilateral somatosensory cortex, suggesting a potential mechanism for “embodied semantics.”


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Interesting on the "talkativeness". Would you elaborate on the "etc". You now have me curious. Also does collectivist in your definition mean community oriented? Thanks in advance @DaveFoster
One can be community-oriented without being collectivist. It's similar to the difference between motivation and compulsion; one derives from the outflow of energy, and the other as an obligation to serve another individual or group.

A fundamental understanding of the difference between an adaptive, healthy and playful individual versus a maladaptive, degenerated and serious person would be the delineation between Platonic and Aristotelian modes of thought. By playful, I don't mean hedonistic, as children do not rigidly pursue highs for their own sake.

The Platonist exhibits service to an idea (an abstract Form if you will), which can take the form of masculinity (as present in machoness), femininity, race (not with reference to behaviors, but in a romanticization of the idea), religion (not with reference to the implications of the values, but to the values themselves, as well as the symbols), and service to national identity (again, as a figure of authority, rather than the underlying values that compose a particular nation formed through observation).

The dichotomy of rationalism (as in Platonism) versus empiricism (as in Aristotelianism) appears as central to Dr. Peat's philosophy, and he talks about in his articles, as in Can art instruct science? William Blake as biological visionary:

"Rationalism is a system of symbols, in which each symbol is demonstrated to have its own proper place and status. To the extent that reason is held to be “innate,” the system will be prescriptive and judgmental, rather than simply descriptive, explanatory, and illuminating. When an alternative system is proposed, it may be considered a “heresy,” if the system from which it dissents is both rationalistic and authoritarian.

Except for the dangers involved in committing a heresy, it is very easy to follow the implications of the system that one finds in one’s own mind, since self-assertion contains no principle of corrective contradiction. Essentially, rationalism consists of thinking something is true because you thought of it.

I think of the philosophical Rationalists as being the bureaucrats of the mind, making everything tedious and boring and repetitive. Eliminating Rationalism, then actual individualized full mental life can begin."​


Aug 17, 2016
One can be community-oriented without being collectivist. It's similar to the difference between motivation and compulsion; one derives from the outflow of energy, and the other as an obligation to serve another individual or group.

A fundamental understanding of the difference between an adaptive, healthy and playful individual versus a maladaptive, degenerated and serious person would be the delineation between Platonic and Aristotelian modes of thought. By playful, I don't mean hedonistic, as children do not rigidly pursue highs for their own sake.

The Platonist exhibits service to an idea (an abstract Form if you will), which can take the form of masculinity (as present in machoness), femininity, race (not with reference to behaviors, but in a romanticization of the idea), religion (not with reference to the implications of the values, but to the values themselves, as well as the symbols), and service to national identity (again, as a figure of authority, rather than the underlying values that compose a particular nation formed through observation).

The dichotomy of rationalism (as in Platonism) versus empiricism (as in Aristotelianism) appears as central to Dr. Peat's philosophy, and he talks about in his articles, as in Can art instruct science? William Blake as biological visionary:

"Rationalism is a system of symbols, in which each symbol is demonstrated to have its own proper place and status. To the extent that reason is held to be “innate,” the system will be prescriptive and judgmental, rather than simply descriptive, explanatory, and illuminating. When an alternative system is proposed, it may be considered a “heresy,” if the system from which it dissents is both rationalistic and authoritarian.

Except for the dangers involved in committing a heresy, it is very easy to follow the implications of the system that one finds in one’s own mind, since self-assertion contains no principle of corrective contradiction. Essentially, rationalism consists of thinking something is true because you thought of it.

I think of the philosophical Rationalists as being the bureaucrats of the mind, making everything tedious and boring and repetitive. Eliminating Rationalism, then actual individualized full mental life can begin."​
Yay!! Nice job Dave


Mar 10, 2016
I dont know exactly when or the specifics behind the frequencies but I am 100% positive that English is very negative energetically when spoken. Not sure about dialects, maybe some aren't bad.

I just wanna hear more about this specifically.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut any chance for you to elaborate on this?

There is plenty of research that reading too much impairs memory formation, creativity, spontaneity and increases self-identification with authoritarian attitudes as well as some psychopathic tendencies. Based on personal experience, getting a day or two break from reading makes me much more open to the uncertainty in this world while reading a lot makes me very goal-driven and trying to control everything. I was just speaking to Danny about what I prefer to do, I am not saying it will work for everybody.


There is plenty of research that reading too much impairs memory formation, creativity, spontaneity and increases self-identification with authoritarian attitudes as well as some psychopathic tendencies. Based on personal experience, getting a day or two break from reading makes me much more open to the uncertainty in this world while reading a lot makes me very goal-driven and trying to control everything. I was just speaking to Danny about what I prefer to do, I am not saying it will work for everybody.
I think you are correct....
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