Self-recovered From Low Testosterone


Apr 26, 2014
Ray Peat Community,

Just checking in with an update on my health journey and success that has seen the my testosterone triple (lab confirmed) and libido sky-rocket in all but a year.

Back in 2015 was when it all began. Fatigue, insomnia, depression, constipation, erectile dysfunction; these are just some of the ills that I was to face day after day. I couldn't understand how this happened as I felt that I was leading a healthy lifestyle. This took its toll not only physically but mentally. I was desperate, and nearly dropped out of university to a non-functioning brain. Having visited an Endocrinologist and being told I had the hormone levels and vitality of an 80 year old castrated man, I knew I was in serious trouble. Immediately placed onto TRT and pumped full of medications including thyroid, I couldn't help but feel my future was bleak and my health was out of control; I was dependent on drugs at 21 years old. I wanted to resolve this naturally, and to restore the vitality I had in years before this nightmare, but I felt that there was nowhere to turn and nobody to help. I was alone.

I was given the contact details of consultant, who prided himself with offering advice in restoring the youthful hormones & claimed to be an expert in resolving low testosterone. Calling himself the Androgen Coach, I was initially fully skeptical. I approached him to ask what could be done and what options were available to me. He put me at ease immediately having outlined his own personal battle and recovery. Without pressure and after free consultation, I ended up following one of his programmes. Within weeks I saw mass improvements and positive changes. within months all aspects of my life were being turned around. My issues were resolving and I was able to complete my degree.

Where am I today; free from medication, supplements and passion and thirst for life. My testosterone is at an all time peak and I am now a fully confident male with bright future that will hopefully include a family now that I am functioning downstairs.

I would not have been able to achieve this without Jeremy (the Androgen Coach), for his mass of research and self-experimentation and experience. If you would like to get in touch with him send me a private message for his contact details.

May I just add to any man on this forum reading this post who suffered some of the ills outlined above, TRT and hormone replacement therapy is not the only option open to you. Life can be cruel but it can also be changed. Never feel defeated. As the great Danny Roddy says: "Your health is in your own hands.". Remain open-minded and positive. Low Testosterone can be overcome.

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Oct 5, 2014
Thanks Jay for sharing this story! I'm glad you made it!!!

Could you please share the basics of the solution Jeremy gave you ? Like... was it only with nutrition, or supplements, or lifting weights or what ? Did it have something similar to Ray Peat approaches ?

Thanks again. And congratulations.


Apr 26, 2014
Hi Makrosky & thanks for your kind words. Are you experiencing male issues?

Without trying to undersell his work, what I really like and appreciated about Jeremy is that he covered all aspects of my life. His focus is to cover the full spectrum to maximize ones genetic hormonal potential. To do this he covers the key areas: nutrition, training, supplements, and lifestyle. He offers a variety of services from customized meal plans to weight-training programme suggestions. He really understood the need to find the root cause of the issue and resolve from there upward, and tailors his recommendations following on from free consultations.

He is very much in line with Peat's principles, which is how I found this community from his suggestion, but deviates to offer a less authoritarian and regimented approach.


Jul 3, 2015
Could you elaborate and share with us about what things and natural approaches led you to recovery?


Oct 5, 2014
Hi Makrosky & thanks for your kind words. Are you experiencing male issues?

Without trying to undersell his work, what I really like and appreciated about Jeremy is that he covered all aspects of my life. His focus is to cover the full spectrum to maximize ones genetic hormonal potential. To do this he covers the key areas: nutrition, training, supplements, and lifestyle. He offers a variety of services from customized meal plans to weight-training programme suggestions. He really understood the need to find the root cause of the issue and resolve from there upward, and tailors his recommendations following on from free consultations.

He is very much in line with Peat's principles, which is how I found this community from his suggestion, but deviates to offer a less authoritarian and regimented approach.

Thanks Jay! I'm not experiencing the same issues as you. I was just curious about the similarities there could be between your coach and RP. And how someone could make you miraculously recover from such a bad shape you were in. And more amazingly, permanent healing. I don't think you are going to undersell his work if you provide a little bit more detail, quite the opposite I think. If people see your recovery and sees that he's not an alternative kind of paleo/coach/vegan/spiritual/alternative/youname it quack, then it's good advertisement for him. Win-win.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Jan 12, 2014
Did he give you a discount?



Apr 26, 2014
Did he give you a discount?
Lol; fair point. Beleive it or not he didn't. I agree there is some promotion going on here, but I've been here on this forum long enough to see these issues popping up time and time again. In all honesty, I feel the least I can do is to let others ware of his services, for he can help those who feel there is no where to turn. I guess its because he understood my problems, the phases of recovery and he was there to offer the emotional support that is also required. He wasn't just and not another supplement or FAD.

Zachs, if this is junk mail to you, that is fine.

Makrosky - in regard to the miraculous recovery; I think it all depends on context. What state your health is in and how you got there. For me, I believe my hypogonadism was secondary and came about through poor lifestyle choices - bad eating, training and sleeping patterns, over-reliance on stress hormones etc. Deep down I knew my condition came around for a reason. I went through puberty and lost my masculinity after certain habits became a part of my life e.g. training intensely and frequently. There had to be some correlation. What Jeremy provided was a way to formulate specific actions to take. Would this work with people suffering from primary hypogonadism? I highly doubt it and Jeremy would be the first to admit that. I guess in hindsight that's why he runs his free introductory consultation to ensure eligibility.

I guess the fundamental basis for his recovery programme is minimizing the catabolic stress cascade and the specific ways of doing such. His approach centres around creating an optimal environment to ensure your body is given the stimuli required to build itself back up hormonally. An example of such would be his recommendations of daily activities and the need to have guy time or spend time with other males in what ever setting that suits. As for nutrition - what foods and what quantities, when and how much to eat are some examples. He is a big advocate of carbohydrates and minimizing PUFAS just like Dr Peat, but also focuses on the importance of insulin sensitivity, body fat and muscle mass, food tolerance and reactions to such foods.


Aug 5, 2015
San Francisco
Starting to think the jay in jaywills stands for Jeremy. :laughing:

In all seriousness, I'm glad something helped you with your issues. I think some folks will need help deciphering some of the work around the internet as it applies to themselves. Roddy also does private coaching, and interprets labs for folks. I was a customer for a time and his recommendations helped reverse my hair loss. Without his guidance my journey may have taken much longer or been less successful.


Mar 29, 2014
I can imagine a good coach could sometimes be helpful.
He is a big advocate of carbohydrates and minimizing PUFAS just like Dr Peat, but also focuses on the importance of insulin sensitivity, body fat and muscle mass, food tolerance and reactions to such foods.
Maybe you haven't got around to reading Peat on these subjects yet?


Mar 2, 2015
Ray Peat Community,

Just checking in with an update on my health journey and success that has seen the my testosterone triple (lab confirmed) and libido sky-rocket in all but a year.

Back in 2015 was when it all began. Fatigue, insomnia, depression, constipation, erectile dysfunction; these are just some of the ills that I was to face day after day. I couldn't understand how this happened as I felt that I was leading a healthy lifestyle. This took its toll not only physically but mentally. I was desperate, and nearly dropped out of university to a non-functioning brain. Having visited an Endocrinologist and being told I had the hormone levels and vitality of an 80 year old castrated man, I knew I was in serious trouble. Immediately placed onto TRT and pumped full of medications including thyroid, I couldn't help but feel my future was bleak and my health was out of control; I was dependent on drugs at 21 years old. I wanted to resolve this naturally, and to restore the vitality I had in years before this nightmare, but I felt that there was nowhere to turn and nobody to help. I was alone.

I was given the contact details of consultant, who prided himself with offering advice in restoring the youthful hormones & claimed to be an expert in resolving low testosterone. Calling himself the Androgen Coach, I was initially fully skeptical. I approached him to ask what could be done and what options were available to me. He put me at ease immediately having outlined his own personal battle and recovery. Without pressure and after free consultation, I ended up following one of his programmes. Within weeks I saw mass improvements and positive changes. within months all aspects of my life were being turned around. My issues were resolving and I was able to complete my degree.

Where am I today; free from medication, supplements and passion and thirst for life. My testosterone is at an all time peak and I am now a fully confident male with bright future that will hopefully include a family now that I am functioning downstairs.

I would not have been able to achieve this without Jeremy (the Androgen Coach), for his mass of research and self-experimentation and experience. If you would like to get in touch with him send me a private message for his contact details.

May I just add to any man on this forum reading this post who suffered some of the ills outlined above, TRT and hormone replacement therapy is not the only option open to you. Life can be cruel but it can also be changed. Never feel defeated. As the great Danny Roddy says: "Your health is in your own hands.". Remain open-minded and positive. Low Testosterone can be overcome.

Sounds like a promotional add with zero facts. Please expand.


Hi Makrosky & thanks for your kind words. Are you experiencing male issues?

Without trying to undersell his work, what I really like and appreciated about Jeremy is that he covered all aspects of my life. His focus is to cover the full spectrum to maximize ones genetic hormonal potential. To do this he covers the key areas: nutrition, training, supplements, and lifestyle. He offers a variety of services from customized meal plans to weight-training programme suggestions. He really understood the need to find the root cause of the issue and resolve from there upward, and tailors his recommendations following on from free consultations.

He is very much in line with Peat's principles, which is how I found this community from his suggestion, but deviates to offer a less authoritarian and regimented approach.

A less authoritarian and regimented approach? This person doesn't know anything about Peat.


Mar 29, 2014
A less authoritarian and regimented approach? This person doesn't know anything about Peat.
Yeah. Maybe he was thinking about some particular poster here on the forum, rather than reading Peat himself. And took someone's post as 'the way'.


Yeah. Maybe he was thinking about some particular poster here on the forum, rather than reading Peat himself. And took someone's post as 'the way'.

You are very generous to interpret the statement that way. The whole thing read like a pre-written advertisement to me. Oh, well...
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