If You Don't Want Low Testosterone DO NOT FAST


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I am familiar with this. I haven't finished the book, but Breuss seemed to think that people's bodies were much more capable of handling fasting if fed an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals from the juices and teas, the cancer being much more susceptible to being wiped out completely than the individual. It's easy to see how this is a no-brainer for some if they have nothing to lose.

One thing he also mentions early on in the book is that people without cancer who just want to heal some chronic condition, lose some weight, etc. do perfectly fine with a 21-day fast. He insists that 42 days is minimum to starve cancer though.

I've considered a 7-day fast for awhile similar to the controlled water fast Westside always talks about, but 7 days of veggie juice actually sounds more sensible (and appetizing).

Do you know anybody personally who has done a 40+ day fast? By personally, I mean observe their progress first-hand?


Aug 2, 2013
Do you know anybody personally who has done a 40+ day fast? By personally, I mean observe their progress first-hand?

No way. Most people I know wouldn't even consider it. I know a few folks who do well on the 6/1 or 5/2 eating/fasting schedules, and that I have done a couple times, but "fasting" is usually 500-700 calories of non-fat yogurt and some potatoes and broccoli. I know a handful of folks who might benefit from a longer one though, especially the really obese ones. There are definitely risks and things to consider, and I think planning/preparing properly would be essential, but historically I think it's way too obvious that we have much higher access to food (24/7) in the last several decades than we ever did in the past. Not just access but our lifestyle and habits have changed. If you lived on a farm 100 years ago, maybe you had access but your parents had you up early working the farm and busting it all day. Everyone sat down to eat maybe 2-3 times a day at set times and they did well and most were "healthier" than we are today. So fasting as a way for a sick person to jumpstart a reversal of the sick or "diseased" state seems more like a hail mary, but if done carefully it seems the benefits could outweigh the risks.

One other thing, my dad is one of the "healthiest" people I know despite being a smoker and eating pretty much whatever he wants. He's 58, 6'0", 170 lbs, still has all his hair and most of its color (sandy blonde/brown with a bit gray now, so I guess salt & pepper?) and I've attributed it for awhile now to 2 things: 1) He works outside and walks around outside pretty much all day (construction manager). He stays active, doesn't lift heavy or do hard labor, just light lifting and movements occasionally, and walks a lot. 2) He "intermittent fasts" frequently. Almost daily he skips breakfast other than a cup of coffee, eats a sandwich for lunch, and has a nice huge dinner. During the hot summer he often skips lunch too ("it's too hot to eat" he says) and just has 1 giant meal per day at dinner. I've literally seen him eat 3 platefuls of food at a time dozens and dozens of times, I don't even know where he puts it all. Maybe he's stressed, maybe there are things to criticize, but he definitely looks good for his age (no doubt a fast oxidizer LOL). I will post a pic of him sometime when I get a chance. He's kinda got a Chuck Norris vibe going on (Chuck also looks good for his age, but I think he colors his hair).
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Sep 30, 2016
That’s your problem.
Keep fasting it’s a patch that’s working for you,the very think gbolduev claims Peat can only offer,patches,yet gbolduev is now recommending many of the things Peat has spoke about from hormones and supplements.

Why do want to see the gbolduev multiple accounts? What’s the concern that he posts with multiple usernames on many forums? It’s not going to change anything your doing,the bottom line is people should know it so they can be a guinea pig and genuinely know it and make decisions accordingly. Don’t you think it’s reasonable if gbolduev made claims of healing others in the past only for those guys to have symptoms return?
If gbolduev is data mining on health forums collecting bloods and mineral analysis etc he should state that,The bottom line is you are going with it either way so it’s not your concern.

The one thing dhair has wrong is that your in good health,probably not the worst but as asked earlier why the obsession for PFS?
The problem with what the op is saying is your own projection,Fasting lowers testosterone in majority of cases,your claim it increases after fasting and for how long? Clearly the problem persists if you do fasting twice per year.

What am I patching, what problem do I have since you are now all of a sudden an expert on the health of my body?

I'll answer your questions:

"Why do want to see the gbolduev multiple accounts? What’s the concern that he posts with multiple usernames on many forums?"
  • Because you are straight up full of crap. You don't have anything and you are just attacking and slandering him at a personal level because you can't debate him on substance like Haidut does. Haidut has no issue debating him, he doesn't cry that he is creating a strawman and try to slander him by saying he is scamming people with zero evidence to back it up like you do. Given the fact that this is the 3rd time I asked you to present the evidence you continue to keep dodging the question means you have nothing. #russiancollusionboy
  • If I just wanted to know personally I would have asked you via PM for the evidence. I want everyone to see that you have nothing. What other usernames is he under here? Show us the evidence.
Don’t you think it’s reasonable if gbolduev made claims of healing others in the past only for those guys to have symptoms return?
  • Who did he heal that symptoms returned? Show me some evidence.
The one thing dhair has wrong is that your in good health,probably not the worst but as asked earlier why the obsession for PFS?
  • Lol, I'm glad you are now an expert on my health now- thanks for the great analysis.
  • I think you have the obsession with PFS, for someone who doesn't or never had it, you sure love to talk about it all the time but oddly don't know anything about it. Why you are you obsessed with discrediting nicotine? You make post after post shaming nicotine. Are you a previous chain smoker who is overweight and has health issues or something? I never seen someone so against a substance that never had any prior experience with it- very odd. All your posts you keep saying you are trying to get a "bodybuilders physique" so I assume you are either skinny fat or overweight.
  • I talk about PFS because 3 years ago I went from being extremely athletic to not getting out of bed, zero physical and mental energy, horrible metabolism, digestive problems, low libido etc. so when you go for 3 years straight of that I think you become obsessed with trying to solve it as soon as possible. The vast majority of the people on this forum come from some sort of struggle or health issue in the past that they are trying fix and become "obsessed" in your words or in my words have the will power and will do anything to get their health back on track, but I guess you didn't Mr. Perfect.
  • For the tenth time, stop asking me about PFS on this thread, there is a 200+ page on this forum about it, I'm happy to discuss it there otherwise your comments on this thread about it will be ignored going forward.
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Feb 18, 2016
What am I patching, what problem do I have since you are now all of a sudden an expert on the health of my body?

I'll answer your questions:

"Why do want to see the gbolduev multiple accounts? What’s the concern that he posts with multiple usernames on many forums?"
  • Because you are straight up full of crap. You don't have anything and you are just attacking and slandering him at a personal level because you can't debate him on substance like Haidut does. Haidut has no issue debating him, he doesn't cry that he is creating a strawman and try to slander him by saying he is scamming people with zero evidence to back it up like you do. Given the fact that this is the 3rd time I asked you to present the evidence you continue to keep dodging the question means you have nothing. #russiancollusionboy
  • If I just wanted to know personally I would have asked you via PM for the evidence. I want everyone to see that you have nothing. What other usernames is he under here? Show us the evidence.
Don’t you think it’s reasonable if gbolduev made claims of healing others in the past only for those guys to have symptoms return?
  • Who did he heal that symptoms returned? Show me some evidence.
The one thing dhair has wrong is that your in good health,probably not the worst but as asked earlier why the obsession for PFS?
  • Lol, I'm glad you are now an expert on my health now- thanks for the great analysis.
  • I think you have the obsession with PFS, for someone who doesn't or never had it, you sure love to talk about it all the time but oddly don't know anything about it. Why you are you obsessed with discrediting nicotine? You make post after post shaming nicotine. Are you a previous chain smoker who is overweight and has health issues or something? I never seen someone so against a substance that never had any prior experience with it- very odd. All your posts you keep saying you are trying to get a "bodybuilders physique" so I assume you are either skinny fat or overweight.
  • I talk about PFS because 3 years ago I went from being extremely athletic to not getting out of bed, zero physical and mental energy, horrible metabolism, digestive problems, low libido etc. so when you go for 3 years straight of that I think you become obsessed with trying to solve it as soon as possible. The vast majority of the people on this forum come from some sort of struggle or health issue in the past that they are trying fix and become "obsessed" in your words or in my words have the will power and will do anything to get their health back on track, but I guess you didn't Mr. Perfect.
  • For the tenth time, stop asking me about PFS on this thread, there is a 200+ page on this forum about it, I'm happy to discuss it there otherwise your comments on this thread about it will be ignored going forward.

Clearly another response for your brahs reading in,make it seem like it’s a legit refute with bullet points,your points being emotional ranting.
What problems do you have?people can read your previous posts as I mentioned,I’m not putting your quotes or links in here,I’m not lowering myself to your level,any brahs out there reading in can just read your previous posts to see where you prolifically post.

The only reason haidut gets a random mention in a response to me is you trying to give yourself "cred" by association implying you have any clue what he talks about,if you had read Haidut’s posts in the past you would see where gbolduev gets his ru486 ideas from and other ideas,if you understood haidut you would be a lot more informed than you are now,also read Peat about ru486.
I pointed out how crap the study you linked was with examples as to why,people can read this earlier in the thread,most have and are wondering what is your response about.
Nicotine shrinks blood vessels in some cases,can effect scalp vessels and cause erectile dysfunction from said mechanism.....

No not full of crap,why do you care more like? You have your cure as you mentioned so what difference is this to you?
You now sadistically want to cause more confusion and chaos with members who are trying to see if they can get anything from the information manically being posted.

Remember fasting is a cure for low testosterone and PFS,it even your hair grows your back........

Your second last paragraph,it’s clear victim seeking,you know little about anyone on here or what they come from,your now the big alpha dog,question is which state is the depressed state? "Donkeys prefer garbage to gold"

Your last paragraph about being ignored going forward sums you up pseudo big alpha dog,like your in your demand for responses,just like the PFS thread your in here taking up megabytes with pointless rants trying to save face.
Feb 4, 2015
Ramadan lowered androgens, the thing that muslims do where they can still eat but not during the day? That lowers testosterone.

I don't doubt that but that's not the same as WOF. That's not really fasting. That's a delayed eating window.

Feb 4, 2015
Do you know anybody personally who has done a 40+ day fast? By personally, I mean observe their progress first-hand?

Yes. I was at True North in June and I met an Aussie guy named Mark who was re-feeding after 40 days. He was in his 50's. He was a very knowledgable natural doctor who was not just there fasting but collecting data and doing research. He wasn't a vegan or anything that one would assume, he was just a cool older Aussie guy who I loved talking to because it's not everyday you meet people who will sit and talk with you for an hour or more about natural health. I wish I recorded our talk on my phone because he said some cool stuff. He mentioned this one thing about the difference between ketones in the urine vs. the blood. I do not think water-only fasting is a panacea and magical cure all. It's just a tool in the toolbox. Something one can try for whatever reasons they want. The staff there does not say that they can cure your cancer or make any illegal claims. But they do tell you how much weight you will lose and they can tell you almost exactly how much fat tissue you lost, muscle tissue you lost and water weight. The most successful people who do it are type 2 diabetics who often still have plenty of fat tissue on their body even after a 21 day fast, because you only lose about .5 lb of adipose tissue per day, the rest is water. But the interesting thing is even though they lost a lot of fat in that 21 days and they still have some more fat on them, their insulin resistance is gone. Same with hypertension. Those are the two things that they can almost guarantee will reverse. Most don't do 40 days because they don't need to. Most do 10 days or 21 days. People don't want to be on camera or share a lot of info with testimonials because there is a taboo against water-only fasting. Plus people feel embarrassed about how they looked before with all that extra fat and water bloat. Again, I'm not saying everyone should do it or that it's a panacea. I'm just interested in it because I find it fascinating that we have this natural built in adaption and certain things happen while we are in that unique state. You don't reach that unique state by just delaying your feeding window or intermittent "fasting" or juice "fasting." It's not the same. And there's not a lot of data on it because there's not a lot of places that do it and collect data.
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Feb 4, 2015

Context. That depends on where someone is at. If I took this test and found anything I would do a WOF. WOF induces autophagy of senescent cells.

The woman with lymphoma I posted did 21 days and her tumors disappeared so Gerson's statement wasn't true for her.



Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Context. That depends on where someone is at. If I took this test and found anything I would do a WOF. WOF induces autophagy.

The woman with lymphoma I posted did 21 days and her tumors disappeared so Gerson's statement wasn't true for her.

Yeah, he took care of debilitated people. I'm sure none of them would handle fasting in any form.


Sep 30, 2016
Clearly another response for your brahs reading in,make it seem like it’s a legit refute with bullet points,your points being emotional ranting.
What problems do you have?people can read your previous posts as I mentioned,I’m not putting your quotes or links in here,I’m not lowering myself to your level,any brahs out there reading in can just read your previous posts to see where you prolifically post.

The only reason haidut gets a random mention in a response to me is you trying to give yourself "cred" by association implying you have any clue what he talks about,if you had read Haidut’s posts in the past you would see where gbolduev gets his ru486 ideas from and other ideas,if you understood haidut you would be a lot more informed than you are now,also read Peat about ru486.
I pointed out how crap the study you linked was with examples as to why,people can read this earlier in the thread,most have and are wondering what is your response about.
Nicotine shrinks blood vessels in some cases,can effect scalp vessels and cause erectile dysfunction from said mechanism.....

No not full of crap,why do you care more like? You have your cure as you mentioned so what difference is this to you?
You now sadistically want to cause more confusion and chaos with members who are trying to see if they can get anything from the information manically being posted.

Remember fasting is a cure for low testosterone and PFS,it even your hair grows your back........

Your second last paragraph,it’s clear victim seeking,you know little about anyone on here or what they come from,your now the big alpha dog,question is which state is the depressed state? "Donkeys prefer garbage to gold"

Your last paragraph about being ignored going forward sums you up pseudo big alpha dog,like your in your demand for responses,just like the PFS thread your in here taking up megabytes with pointless rants trying to save face.

Look, I don't get what your end goal is in this and I'm not even sure what point you are trying to make, you clearly have some sort of mental issue (OCD, ADHD etc?) which is fine, maybe that is why you decided to join RP in the first place but don't want to admit it. Your sentences are all over the place, why do you space some stuff and not others, do you have a space bar on your keyboard? It looks like a 6 year old typed it?

I answered your questions like you asked, I addressed every single one of them with simple and clear bullet points (not sure why that makes me emotional? I think you meant organized). I ask you one simple yes or no question and you can't answer it given you were the one who brought up the topic and made the claim in the first place. I'm glad you embarrassed yourself with false accusations of people and Gbol doesn't have any fake accounts thank you for finally clearing that up. For someone who claims to be in perfect health, you seem very angry and defensive about something but don't know exactly what it is, I think you are overweight, high estrogen, beer belly?

Regarding nicotine, did you even read your "brah's" view (Peat) on nicotine?

From Ray Peat directly:
"After middle age, nicotine isn't likely to become addictive, and in small amounts it has nerve protective effects. Some of those effects probably overlap with the nerve protective effects of niacinamide. I haven't experimented with nicotine or tobacco, but I think transdermal application is preferable to smoking; carbon monoxide and other serious toxins are produced by burning the tobacco."

Do you agree or disagree with him? You associate nicotine in the same category as PUFA. Because here in your post below it seems you don't think smoking is dangerous and that it is today's diet that is the main cause off issues. Like I said you are all over the place on your view points, you just magically switch to whatever narrative you are targeting or slowly try to change your view point back from radical to neutral once you realize you don't have any evidence to support your claims.

Drareg said:
I know of people born pre 1940 that smoked daily that lived until over 80, these people had better diets ,more saturated fats ,cleaner food, it's interesting to note that their children are not doing so good born after 1940. The older folks had good diets at a crucial time in life,childhood, their expectations of life in general were also realistic
Nicotine [Through A Peat Prism?]

Lol, it is not victim seeking, you repeatedly asked me over and over again in this thread about PFS, I told you to go the PFS thread and ask about it if you really want to know because this thread isn't about PFS. I answered your question for you (i.e. "why are you obsessed with PFS?") as detailed as possible and in return you say, "Oh see now it is clear your victim seeking and acting like the big alpha dog". I didn't even want to talk about it in the first place, you kept asking..Really??
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I got hit by asbestos and lead from a construction site . It was a nightmare. It completely screwed up all my systems. My wife got mesothelioma from it and died within a year, I got lymphoma and a melanoma. Since my copper was just not working at all from lead toxicity. Panic attacks, I felt like my head was disconnected from my body. can you imagine that feeling you walk on the street and your head is 1 foot away fro your neck feeling. It was the weirdest things that i have ever experienced. I had fatique like crazy, I lost most of my hair. It was just the END
Fiberglass fibers cause lung diseases and cancer
May 7, 2017
During fasting, the body goes into a state of chronic metabolic stress, and it begins to essentially eat itself alive for energy. According to Ray Peat, this process will begin with dissolving the thymus gland and then move on to the vital organs.
I suspect people feel good after fasting because their cortisol is high but doesn't fluctuate too much in that state, which is well known to cause a feeling of euphoria in some people. As far as the "resetting" of the "receptors" is concerned, I will not even consider it as a valid theory until it is confirmed by before and after blood tests in multiple subjects.
I think this thread is necessary as a warning to those who are desperate and considering this approach. My health is in shambles right now, but I would not embark on a 10 day fast if you put a gun to my head.

why is your health in shambles?
what's wrong with you?

water and juice fasting has helped guys with PFS. It's one of those things that has the potential to help one of the many systems in our bodies that have been messed up. For me a single seven day juice fast helped my digestion.


Oct 1, 2017
Where is the evidence that estrogen reduces sensitivity of androgen receptors? There are studies that conclude the exact opposite, which can explain how estrogen causes hair loss and prostate enlargement.
Nov 21, 2015
There something wonderful freeing about not being under a digestive burden all the time. It frees the mind, and frees the body.

There is probably a lot beneficial about occasional autophagy. I was always startled by how much I defecated when I water fasted. And how much I peed.

There are many issues with straight up water fasting . One is massive free fatty acids and cortisol. Another is electrolyte imbalance and compensations to body must make for preserving electrolytes.

Peat has said that you can accomplish the benefits of this probably by what I would call a “low residue” diet. Sugar from fruits, some protein, plenty of micro nutrients.

That seems to be a safe way to go, in A way that can become a regular lifestyle rather than a precipitous activity like water fasting.


May 30, 2017
Peat has said that you can accomplish the benefits of this probably by what I would call a “low residue” diet. Sugar from fruits, some protein, plenty of micro nutrients.

That seems to be a safe way to go, in A way that can become a regular lifestyle rather than a precipitous activity like water fasting.

This makes sense. You get some of the benefits of fasting without the downsides, and without forced fasting.


Feb 18, 2016
Look, I don't get what your end goal is in this and I'm not even sure what point you are trying to make, you clearly have some sort of mental issue (OCD, ADHD etc?) which is fine, maybe that is why you decided to join RP in the first place but don't want to admit it. Your sentences are all over the place, why do you space some stuff and not others, do you have a space bar on your keyboard? It looks like a 6 year old typed it?

I answered your questions like you asked, I addressed every single one of them with simple and clear bullet points (not sure why that makes me emotional? I think you meant organized). I ask you one simple yes or no question and you can't answer it given you were the one who brought up the topic and made the claim in the first place. I'm glad you embarrassed yourself with false accusations of people and Gbol doesn't have any fake accounts thank you for finally clearing that up. For someone who claims to be in perfect health, you seem very angry and defensive about something but don't know exactly what it is, I think you are overweight, high estrogen, beer belly?

Regarding nicotine, did you even read your "brah's" view (Peat) on nicotine?

From Ray Peat directly:

Do you agree or disagree with him? You associate nicotine in the same category as PUFA. Because here in your post below it seems you don't think smoking is dangerous and that it is today's diet that is the main cause off issues. Like I said you are all over the place on your view points, you just magically switch to whatever narrative you are targeting or slowly try to change your view point back from radical to neutral once you realize you don't have any evidence to support your claims.

Nicotine [Through A Peat Prism?]

Lol, it is not victim seeking, you repeatedly asked me over and over again in this thread about PFS, I told you to go the PFS thread and ask about it if you really want to know because this thread isn't about PFS. I answered your question for you (i.e. "why are you obsessed with PFS?") as detailed as possible and in return you say, "Oh see now it is clear your victim seeking and acting like the big alpha dog". I didn't even want to talk about it in the first place, you kept asking..Really??

Interesting you spend time from your life to go through my previous posts along with others on the forum,you have deluded capacity to project onto them and create meaning that reflects an individual who has no libido energy.
It’s too easy to go through yours,your popping pills everyday and clearly obsessed with PFS threads,baldness and erectile dysfunction,every week you were claiming 85% cured,ragging libido etc,it’s too easy,this is why I mentioned people should look for themselves.

This sums up your brah style responses in general,you think if you say something back you get "cred" from brahs regardless of what that is,you do realize that thinking beings reading this thread will have read your previous posts and see what your at here?
You can’t see this pattern of behavior in yourself and if you could you would find the source of hair loss issues and erectile dysfunction you clearly have and bizarrely want to deny.
Can you see how you respond to me is your projection of yourself? Read back your posts and all your issues are within them,these are the cause of your physical symptoms like libido issues,taking pills all the time for libido is not coherent moving forward.
Your responses to me and picking nicotine comments from the past are another example of your subconscious at work,your still smoking or doing another dodgy form of nicotine hence the random picking out of those posts.
Hilariously you quote Peat which I mentioned dozens of times in those threads talking about nicotine,how it can protect the elderly in some cases,lol you read through it yet don’t see it,your manically projecting. Bottom line he doesn’t recommend it when other safer adaptogens are available. Your hair loss and libido issues could well be from nicotine tightening blood vessels.

You can dream another dream if you think you discredit me with your above posts,like a teenager with rejection issues your stream of consciousness,people on this forum know I stand over nothing rigidly,your obsession with "Cred" and your pseudo alpha male character armor are sad when we keep in mind the threads you post in,overcompensating is an understatement,all the cliches for men with manhood issues driving big cars spring to mind,people like you inspire them.

You answer nothing I put to you,you ranted with bullet points as your doing here,anyone reading this thread see it straight away, many people at this point know what forums gbolduev has been posting on,your getting concerned you are guinea pig for some Russian brahs with erectile dysfunction also,nobody will be telling you,keep following him,he will have all of you wearing zinc anc cooper penis rings soon,he actually recommended this on one forum lol!
May 7, 2017
Where is the evidence that estrogen reduces sensitivity of androgen receptors? There are studies that conclude the exact opposite, which can explain how estrogen causes hair loss and prostate enlargement.

I'm not sure if you are talking about Gbold' s theories in the 250 page thread that got shut down yesterday but it's not my understanding that Gbold (or anyone else in the thread) was saying that estrogen reduces sensitivity of androgen receptors.

Actually Gbold was saying that estrogen makes DHT more sensitive. He offered this as an explanation as to why guys with PFS get worse from taking an AI
May 7, 2017
Tubzy you keep repeating yourself to maintain faux credibility,keep dodging questions and points and we will keep wasting time with tit for tat although you pfs boys are lacking some "tat" evidenced by your responses ,maybe when you get your brief mojo back get involved. I understand your concerned your brahs are looking in.....
This back and forth is the exact nonsense that caused issues in the pfs thread and you blamed new people signing up,people were asking questions yet all of you were avoiding them,this is gbolduevs style,what’s to hide if this protocol has worked for him and many others,nobody gets this???

It was hard to get info from Gbold at times in the thread. But keep in mind tons of people where constantly asking him questions. Also Gbold never said that taking RU in an attempt to upregulate or downregulate the prog receptors "has cured tons" with P F S. That's putting words in his mouth. He has responded more than once to my questions "bud this is a theory".

it's a well thought out theory that he was nice enough to share. Finastride is indeed similar to a prog and may actually even be a progestin, a very strong prog. No one's taking what he says as a fact. We are simply testing his theory.

it's not that serious....

why is this an argument for you? We are simply taking his info for what it's worse and making a calculated decision while you are skimming through a very long thread and coming to incomplete and invalid conclusions while arguing with yourself for some odd reason.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
There is a particular user on this forum who had been proposing fasting as a way of "resetting the receptors".

The idea of course being that if you have low levels of a hormone you will experience an increased number of the proteins that the hormone interacts with. I am highly skeptical of this idea, and think it's dangerous advice. One area that this almost certainly isn't true in is the androgenic hormones.

As somebody who has spent a few years posting on bodybuilding/fitness forums I can tell you that when this comes to androgen this is absolutely not the case. When the good fellas over at the misc, getbig, anabolicminds, and steroidology forums look in to this topic they usually find the same, consistent results: the more androgens you have the more ARs you have.

This article perfectly sums up what you need to know.

In summary: Very high (bodybuilder doses) amounts of androgens increase the density of androgen receptors, without question. There have been some studies where going from zero to normal levels of testosterone have shown a decrease in androgen receptors, this could very well be because of estrogen (estrogen downregulates AR receptors itself).

The most important information is below:

-very high levels of testosterone/androgen increases AR density, this is almost 100% certain

-this has been confirmed in many actual humans (because there are many men who use steroids) and consistent increases in AR density is observed

-we have had very few chances to observe the effects of going from low to normal testosterone on male AR density, since lowering T so much would be bad for the subject's health

-given high level androgen use's effect on ARs it would seem likely that the decease in estrogen could explain the increase of ARs in extremely low testosterone environment

The idea that the decrease in testosterone seen in people who fast for long periods will be made up for by increased AR density rests on very little evidence, in fact the evidence points to receptors liking high testosterone, and proliferating in a high-androgen environment.

If you care about having optimal hormones DO NOT FAST.

Another study, which illustrates your point.
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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