New Soundbite- Jack Kruse on Ray Peat


Feb 18, 2016
Aahh, good 'ol fashioned "evolutionary biology" argument - the favorite tool of mainstream medicine. Pretty much any argument can be made to sound plausible from an "evolutionary" perspective but cannot be proven/disproven because evolution takes eons to do its magic. How about HE (Jack Kruse) proves that DHA is "essential" or necessary for health. There is only one way to settle this really - perform experiments to reproduce (or invalidate) the EFA hypothesis (which is based on a single study from the 1930). Everything else is just talk.

Exactly, we have been saying this for years on here, just do the experiments, instead folks are arguing about the quantum spin of DHA etc


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
That would be awesome to see, haidut!

I believe manganese, molybdenum and selenium were also lacking in the Burr's study. So increasing these would probably be necessary too, right? Since the metabolism of PUFA- free rats is something like 70% faster than regular, chow fed rats.

Yeah, those could have been involved as well. Most animal research centers now have a pretty good wide spectrum blood testing that can detect what is causing many of those symptoms the Burrs saw. If it is vitamin and/or metal deficiencies we will probably find out and supplement those.


Aug 24, 2020
I found some of his ideas helpful as a jumping off point when i first started trying to regain my health but i have always thought he was very unhealthy looking and additionally he seems incredibly arrogant and angry all the time. Not exactly someone I care to emulate. It’s amazing how so many in the paleo/keto/carnivore sphere are so obsessed with inflammation and yet they all seem mad as hell all the time. just total angry edgelords. I guess that’s what happens when you’re running on stress hormones at all times.


Aug 6, 2017
Does there exist studies that show DHA is present in the body if you don't conusume any? AFAIU Ray Peat argues that all unsaturated fats can be replaced by saturated ones, and the "normal" found in studies is just what we observe in a population that is 99.9% exposed to toxic unsaturated versions that make their way into the structure.

When the human body unsaturates lipids it is a stress response, like being able to keep things fluid in a hypothyoroid state when body temperature drops and completely saturated fats would solidify or as part of membranes make them too stiff.
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Feb 10, 2019
Guys, he is a classical red head! Usually people with his complexion have to be more cautious with the sun, but he is going completely the other way... I would tone it down with the solar radiation if I were him...
Also, in defense of his "looks": he didn't start out as a healthy person in his 50s... he was borderline obese, lead a super stressful life of a surgeon, and lead a generally unhealthy lifestyle (I used to read his posts years ago)... So the way he looks is not a good way to judge his thesis...

PS As far as fish oils are concerned, I've been listening to Ray. But previously living in Russia, I remember that the Omega 3 rich foods - like fish eggs/ caviar and salmon were considered a part of a traditional healthy diet for generations... So it is still hard for me to completely believe that it is as much of a poison, if not extracted into a product.


Nov 28, 2016
To my severely untrained eye it would seem to be a massive overload of O3, too few carbs and far too much sun. Whatever it is, he seems to be living proof of the consequences of many of the things Ray and others here advise against. He seems very hypothyroid to me, is aging quickly, is very aggressive, extremely short tempered, has a big messiah complex... I know looks can be superficial and are by no means the be all an end all for health, but compare him to Ray even at his advanced age (comparatively) and there is a stark difference in apparent 'wellness'. That's before we get into the fact I've never once heard Ray so much as raise his voice in many hundreds of hours of interviews, even in the face of hostile questioning. He acts and speaks with care, compassion and goes out of his way to help people make sense of things at their level. I know which horse I'd rather back.


Nov 28, 2016
Yes, but that's hardly a mindblowing take. Humans need sun, that's a given. Jack Kruse likes to pontificate and makes things seem more complicated than they are. I read his books, some very good ideas though.
"Jack Kruse likes to pontificate and makes things seem more complicated than they are."....Yes he's a legend in his own mind.


Nov 28, 2016
Guys, he is a classical red head! Usually people with his complexion have to be more cautious with the sun, but he is going completely the other way... I would tone it down with the solar radiation if I were him...
Also, in defense of his "looks": he didn't start out as a healthy person in his 50s... he was borderline obese, lead a super stressful life of a surgeon, and lead a generally unhealthy lifestyle (I used to read his posts years ago)... So the way he looks is not a good way to judge his thesis...

PS As far as fish oils are concerned, I've been listening to Ray. But previously living in Russia, I remember that the Omega 3 rich foods - like fish eggs/ caviar and salmon were considered a part of a traditional healthy diet for generations... So it is still hard for me to completely believe that it is as much of a poison, if not extracted into a product.
How old is he? I can't find anything about it on the net.


Oct 29, 2022
Yeah, those could have been involved as well. Most animal research centers now have a pretty good wide spectrum blood testing that can detect what is causing many of those symptoms the Burrs saw. If it is vitamin and/or metal deficiencies we will probably find out and supplement those.
Have your Bulgarian colleagues started on the EFA deficiency experiment yet? Up thread you mention the 6-month test was delayed due to the testing facilities being closed down from COVID. That is long past us now. Would love love love to know if EFAD has been proven or disproven.


Aug 10, 2018
What a piece of ***t.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I heard Kruse on a podcast years ago for the first time, and he was the most arrogant, rude person I had ever heard interviewed. After that, never gave him the time of day, no matter if he was right or wrong. That comment just puts an exclamation point on that opinion. Kruse should worry about his karma.


Feb 18, 2018
Just listened to his interview with Naudi Aguilar of Functional Patterns

It is nice to learn about the importance of light and the role it plays in our health, but I instantly from deep within me felt him to be drastically wrong about not focusing on the quality of nutrition. He talks about how our Mitochondria is like the engines of our vehicles and we should be focusing on making sure the engine is in tip top shape (metabolism), which like, yes I agree with. But not focusing on quality of fuel is going to limit the performance out of our vehicles. If you put 87 octane into a 93 octane engine, you are not going to get the same efficiency and power output, and the same is going to happen in our bodies if we gorge on seed oils. I mean, does he seriously expect that a human can thrive off of consuming a pure seed oil diet, so long as they are in sunlight all day long? The extreme hypothetical immediately points out the flaw in his reasoning, and if he concedes that no, you need at the least a well-rounded diet, then he immediately concedes that the type of fuel matters to at least a basic extent. However, in this video, he was implying here that the food does not matter, all that matters is the metabolism.
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