New To Ray Peat: Questions And Criticisms


Feb 28, 2020
Just stumbled upon the “Ray Peat Principles” a few months ago through discovering Matt Blackburn on Instagram.

a couple questions:

1. What exactly is the “Ray peat diet” or the “Ray peat principles”, and what are some resources to understand what is actually advocated. Why is it so hard to find a clear precise protocol of what he advocates? At first it seemed like it was just the advocation of eating fruit, milk, meat, and avoiding PUFA. But there seems to be a lot of drug advocation in this group as well (thyroid drugs, aspirin, “methylene blue”, aromatase inhibitors, anabolic androgenic steroid drug abuse, etc)

2. Why is there such differing opinions regarding vitamin E? Matt Blackburn is advocating that people take 3200 IUs of vitamin E a day, and then I read on here where that Georgi Dinki guy is saying to only take 100-200ius a WEEK or you’ll deplete your vitamin K and bleed to death or whatever. But to be fair, that Matt guy gave studies where they gave people large doses of Vitamin E and no side effects were mentioned.

And now a couple criticisms:

1. The drug use. Does nobody care about improving themselves naturally? It’s also kind of hard to take seriously any benefits that people claim by following the Ray peat diet when they’re also loading themselves up on drugs.

wow, you gained muscle and lost fat and have more energy after taking anabolic androgenic steroid drugs, anti-estrogens, and t3? Shocking. It must be thanks to the fruit and milk lol.

What’s with the aspirin worship? Intestinal bleeding much?

what’s with the pharma drug adoration? Everyone here must go to an endocrinologist to get these drugs? Isn’t the idea to be healthy without being on meds for the rest of your life?

2. What’s with the Georgi Dinki worship?

I mean, I already know why. I’ve seen it with other people time and time again. Someone who comes around and acts like they know everything and they know all the answers to your problems will draw a lot of people in... but is nobody addressing the elephant in the room?

He talks all about metabolism and serotonin and estrogen and cortisol and all these things that are supposed to be messing up your metabolism.. he sounds like an expert.

he should have the drug, diet, and supplement game on point better than anyone... yet he appears to be a fat man. At 5’10 210 I feel pretty fat... but he looks even fatter than me. Is he just not following his own advice and eating fried PUFA sandwiches all day long?

sorry for the harsh words, just some things I felt I had to point out. Hopefully this isn’t one of those forums where you instantly ban people for having differing opinions....


You seem to write a lot and not read enough.
Most your questions would have been answered if you did.


Feb 28, 2020
You seem to write a lot and not read enough.
Most your questions would have been answered if you did.

It’s a forum I’ve never been to. So I wouldn’t know where to look for newbies.

Also Any videos of Ray Peat himself are very long winded, poor quality, and hard to understand due to his way of speaking, so it’s quite hard to find what exactly his “principles” are,

Judging by what I’ve seen from his followers online he advocates consuming milk and refined sugar, and haphazardly taking thyroid medication even when bloodwork doesn’t warrant any need, and without endocrinologist supervision


May 30, 2018
Agree, that drug and supplement use is often over suggested here. It’s rarely intentional, discussion can just tend towards products to buy and try. Personally I’d recommend most people just to optimize digestion with simple things like homemade gelatin broth, lots of salt and maybe supplemental HCL for awhile before trying anything more advanced.


Aug 6, 2019
I think we trust Ray and Georgi and others even though they may not look like Gods because

  1. Their points and research follow logically and paint a pleasant and coherent picture of what nutrition and related habits can do for you. The picture they paint about the importance of energy is beautiful and evocative in some ways. Most things are connected, energy flows through everything, and YOU can tap into this. You are never 100% stuck in your rut.
  2. They put a massive amount of work into expanding and refining this picture. The longer this picture goes on not being disproved, and the more corroboration we see, the better we feel about it. And we assume they are rational and relatable, and would think it would be weird to sink so much time and effort into something not promising.
  3. Their motivations and influences are relatively more clear, and seemingly sincere, than most other sources

Looks are greatly influenced by the environment, and as long as people can't control the environment, it makes more sense to rely on logic, and your own sensations to come to conclusions, instead of using looks as a reliable gauge
Jun 16, 2017
It’s a forum I’ve never been to. So I wouldn’t know where to look for newbies.

Also Any videos of Ray Peat himself are very long winded, poor quality, and hard to understand due to his way of speaking, so it’s quite hard to find what exactly his “principles” are,

Judging by what I’ve seen from his followers online he advocates consuming milk and refined sugar, and haphazardly taking thyroid medication even when bloodwork doesn’t warrant any need, and without endocrinologist supervision
Endocrinologists think that TSH is what matters the most when it comes knowing whether someone is hypothyroid or not, even though this is false. I would argue that the reason why the bloodwork may not warrant any need for thyroid is because of the person who is reading it doesn't understand how hormones work.

There is nothing wrong with experimenting with thyroid or other hormones, as long as you know what precautions to take, and also what doses not to go above. Basically, read as much as possible about a certain hormone before using it. And this goes for supplements too. The assertion about Peat encouraging the use of thyroid haphazardly is straight- up false. Not sure where you got that from.


Dec 12, 2015
Just stumbled upon the “Ray Peat Principles” a few months ago through discovering Matt Blackburn on Instagram.

2. Why is there such differing opinions regarding vitamin E? Matt Blackburn is advocating that people take 3200 IUs of vitamin E a day, and then I read on here where that Georgi Dinki guy is saying to only take 100-200ius a WEEK or you’ll deplete your vitamin K and bleed to death or whatever. But to be fair, that Matt guy gave studies where they gave people large doses of Vitamin E and no side effects were mentioned. YES, WE ARE ALL THE SAME AND MUST TAKE THE SAME DOSES AT THE SAME TIME

1. The drug use. Does nobody care about improving themselves naturally? YES, WE ALL GET TOGETHER AND DO DRUGS

What’s with the aspirin worship? Intestinal bleeding much? YES, WE BLEED BECAUSE WE BELIEVE


instantly ban people for having differing opinions....

I just love when people arrive kicking and screaming like we are the nutritional equivalent of scientology, yes, pay your money, take our supplements, we will get you to omega in no time flat.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
It’s a forum I’ve never been to. So I wouldn’t know where to look for newbies.

Also Any videos of Ray Peat himself are very long winded, poor quality, and hard to understand due to his way of speaking, so it’s quite hard to find what exactly his “principles” are,

Judging by what I’ve seen from his followers online he advocates consuming milk and refined sugar, and haphazardly taking thyroid medication even when bloodwork doesn’t warrant any need, and without endocrinologist supervision
I think you may of been good to be a bit patient before questioning everything, not that your questions/comments are not important, but instead of diving deep into the water, test the water out first. You say you don't know where to get info, but anybody knows to take a 'name' and google it, and you will come up with a website, namely Ray's website. If you would have started to read and study his theories on that site, most of your questions would be answered, and maybe you would be more reserved in your opinions. I think you are leaping without looking. Maybe study more and put your posts on hold for awhile.


Feb 28, 2020
Endocrinologists think that TSH is what matters the most when it comes knowing whether someone is hypothyroid or not, even though this is false. I would argue that the reason why the bloodwork may not warrant any need for thyroid is because of the person who is reading it doesn't understand how hormones work.

There is nothing wrong with experimenting with thyroid or other hormones, as long as you know what precautions to take, and also what doses not to go above. Basically, read as much as possible about a certain hormone before using it. And this goes for supplements too. The assertion about Peat encouraging the use of thyroid haphazardly is straight- up false. Not sure where you got that from.

Standard medical doctors think that, an endocrinologist shouldn’t think that way.

I’ve actually been to one because I have Hashimotos (actually haven’t had an appointment since 2017)

And they tested almost all thyroid blood markers - they have to so they can see if you have antibodies and what your actual t3/t4 numbers are

I think it’s crazy that people are just randomly taking t3 like it’s nothing to be cautious of... thyrotoxicosis?

And then if someone says they got a bad side effect people say to just keep trying lmao


Apr 17, 2017
Standard medical doctors think that, an endocrinologist shouldn’t think that way.

I’ve actually been to one because I have Hashimotos (actually haven’t had an appointment since 2017)

And they tested almost all thyroid blood markers - they have to so they can see if you have antibodies and what your actual t3/t4 numbers are

I think it’s crazy that people are just randomly taking t3 like it’s nothing to be cautious of... thyrotoxicosis?

And then if someone says they got a bad side effect people say to just keep trying lmao
I've seen some people here get criticized for not doing labs (and rightly so!) before embarking on a journey of supplements, especially so when they take hormones just cuz. Peat wants people to be able to think for themselves, he provides info that can be taken a bunch of ways which is how this forum grew so much. In his articles, he doesn't specifically say to eat or drink specific foods but seems to tell you what to avoid more than anything... like PUFA, irritating foods/spices, estrogenic substances..etc.. All interpretations of his work on this forum are exactly that, just interpretations. It's better to read his articles on his site and ask him questions directly, then work out what works for you and what doesn't
Jun 16, 2017
Standard medical doctors think that, an endocrinologist shouldn’t think that way.

I’ve actually been to one because I have Hashimotos (actually haven’t had an appointment since 2017)

And they tested almost all thyroid blood markers - they have to so they can see if you have antibodies and what your actual t3/t4 numbers are

I think it’s crazy that people are just randomly taking t3 like it’s nothing to be cautious of... thyrotoxicosis?

And then if someone says they got a bad side effect people say to just keep trying lmao
How is an endocrinologist not a standard medical doctor?

Did they test cortisol?

Randomly? Ok, you can quote a few examples easily then, if there are so many people " randomly" taking thyroid. And it's not like ingesting thyroid hormones is unnatural. Eating an animal nose to tail entails consuming the thyroid gland too. And I've taken t3 for almost a year, with no thyrotoxicosis. Just listen to your body, and make sure to make informed decisions.

Not sure where you saw people telling somebody to keep trying t3 even if it doesn't work. Haidut himself doesn't even use thyroid very regularly.


Oct 1, 2019
Standard medical doctors think that, an endocrinologist shouldn’t think that way.

I’ve actually been to one because I have Hashimotos (actually haven’t had an appointment since 2017)

And they tested almost all thyroid blood markers - they have to so they can see if you have antibodies and what your actual t3/t4 numbers are

I think it’s crazy that people are just randomly taking t3 like it’s nothing to be cautious of... thyrotoxicosis?

And then if someone says they got a bad side effect people say to just keep trying lmao

Thyroid: Therapies, Confusion, and Fraud

TSH, temperature, pulse rate, and other indicators in hypothyroidism


Feb 28, 2020
How is an endocrinologist not a standard medical doctor?

Did they test cortisol?

Randomly? Ok, you can quote a few examples easily then, if there are so many people " randomly" taking thyroid. And it's not like ingesting thyroid hormones is unnatural. Eating an animal nose to tail entails consuming the thyroid gland too. And I've taken t3 for almost a year, with no thyrotoxicosis. Just listen to your body, and make sure to make informed decisions.

Not sure where you saw people telling somebody to keep trying t3 even if it doesn't work. Haidut himself doesn't even use thyroid very regularly.

Endocrinologists are not the same as a general practitioner
Jun 16, 2017
Endocrinologists are not the same as a general practitioner
I never said they were.

I was asking how are endocrinologists not standard medical doctors. I never said anything about general practitioners.
Jun 16, 2017
Endocrinologists are not the same as a general practitioner
Are you gonna address the other questions I asked?

Where is the evidence that people on the forum are taking thyroid randomly? Or did you make that up? 'Cause it's looking like you're talking out of your @ss right now.
Jun 16, 2017

I've watched that video a couple of weeks ago. I like that guy's channel. Very informative. And relevant to the current situation :)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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