New To Ray Peat: Questions And Criticisms



Feb 28, 2020
Are you gonna address the other questions I asked?

Where is the evidence that people on the forum are taking thyroid randomly? Or did you make that up? 'Cause it's looking like you're talking out of your @ss right now.

I just saw a thread yesterday where a guy said that he started taking t3 (even though it looked like he had perfect thyroid bloodwork) and he had a bad reaction from it and people told him to just keep taking it anyways
Jun 16, 2017
I just saw a thread yesterday where a guy said that he started taking t3 (even though it looked like he had perfect thyroid bloodwork) and he had a bad reaction from it and people told him to just keep taking it anyways
Post the link then.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
It’s a forum I’ve never been to. So I wouldn’t know where to look for newbies.

Also Any videos of Ray Peat himself are very long winded, poor quality, and hard to understand due to his way of speaking, so it’s quite hard to find what exactly his “principles” are,

Judging by what I’ve seen from his followers online he advocates consuming milk and refined sugar, and haphazardly taking thyroid medication even when bloodwork doesn’t warrant any need, and without endocrinologist supervision

You seem like a prick. It took me about an afternoon of research to figure what his principles are. Here you go:

Avoid pufa especially vegetable oil like the plague

Don’t eat iron fortified foods (the iron is in a very toxic form)

Try to find the right balance of sugar and starch in your diet

Sugar should come from fruit, but some additional honey and sugar is not going to hurt you if consumed within reason

Watch out for goitrogens in certain vegetables like brocolli and kale

Milk contains virtually all of the vitamins and minerals one needs


Feb 28, 2020
You seem like a prick. It took me about an afternoon of research to figure what his principles are. Here you go:

Avoid pufa especially vegetable oil like the plague

Don’t eat iron fortified foods (the iron is in a very toxic form)

Try to find the right balance of sugar and starch in your diet

Sugar should come from fruit, but some additional honey and sugar is not going to hurt you if consumed within reason

Watch out for goitrogens in certain vegetables like brocolli and kale

Milk contains virtually all of the vitamins and minerals one needs

I’m pretty sure I’ve read posts by Peat saying how starch is bad and is the actual cause behind diabetes and other negative things


Oct 1, 2019
Quality trolling
I’m pretty sure I’ve read posts by Peat saying how starch is bad and is the actual cause behind diabetes and other negative things
..... up until that comment.
Now this is just lazy.


Oct 1, 2019
Luckily I have time for your trolling.

Can you tell me where he says "starch is the ACTUAL cause behind diabetes"? Because diabetes is only mentionend 1 time in your link:
"Bread and pasta consumption are strongly associated with the occurrence of diabetes, fruit consumption has a strong inverse association.”
Directly followed by:
“When starch is well cooked, and eaten with some fat and the essential nutrients, it’s safe, except that it’s more likely than sugar to produce fat, and isn’t as effective for mineral balance.”


Oct 1, 2019
It seems to me at this point you are just deliberately trying to confuse people. Same with your lie on the beginning of the page.
Last edited:


Jul 6, 2013
Peat is all about context. I’ve seen him okaying all different types of foods before, as long as it doesn’t cause you problems or digestive upset. Some people do well on starch and others don’t. If you have a compromised gut function and intestinal barrier, persorption can be a problem and so he’d recommend not eating starch in that context.

as for him “haphazardly” recommending thyroid I don’t think that’s anywhere close to the truth. He’s always suggesting dietary changes first.

it would be a wonderful world if everyone’s health problems were easily fixable “naturally” but some people’s aren’t and need medical intervention.


If not completely a troll, OP certainly has a taste for drama
Jun 16, 2017
@Rafael Lao Wai I think he means this thread 1 Drop Of Thyroid Gave Me A Panic Attack?

...Not a single person told the guy to keep taking it it anyways.
Thanks, boris.

Hahahaha, @BBRP, congrats, you just made yourself look like an absolute idiot. You can't back up what you claim, and you keep trying to look all naive and innocent. "Look at me, i'm a newbie, so don't mind if I accidentally insult some forum members, or cause some confusion, or even say things that have no foundation whatsoever in reality, just to make the forum look bad. Opsie. hehe".

Dude, seriously, stop being a troll. We know what you're doing, no use in going on and on with this. Your credibility has taken a huge hit.


Feb 28, 2020
Thanks, boris.

Hahahaha, @BBRP, congrats, you just made yourself look like an absolute idiot. You can't back up what you claim, and you keep trying to look all naive and innocent. "Look at me, i'm a newbie, so don't mind if I accidentally insult some forum members, or cause some confusion, or even say things that have no foundation whatsoever in reality, just to make the forum look bad. Opsie. hehe".

Dude, seriously, stop being a troll. We know what you're doing, no use in going on and on with this. Your credibility has taken a huge hit.

You think I really need to post proof for you to “back up my claim” as if rampant drug abuse isn’t promoted here??

Well here you go,

By posting that quote, the user was basically advocating to the guy that he should just keep trying or that his “nervousness” wasn’t caused by an overload of t3 and that it was actually all in his head... even though it’s commonly known that nervousness is a typical symptom of hyperthyroid.

It’s like saying, “wow, I’m all shakey, it must be all this caffeine I’m taking” and then someone says, “nope, it isn’t the caffeine. Caffeine can’t cause nervousness or shaking. Georgi Dinkov said so!!”

Typical forum user who thinks everyone is a troll if they come to the site and don’t kiss everyone’s ****
Jun 16, 2017
You think I really need to post proof for you to “back up my claim” as if rampant drug abuse isn’t promoted here??

Well here you go,

By posting that quote, the user was basically advocating to the guy that he should just keep trying or that his “nervousness” wasn’t caused by an overload of t3 and that it was actually all in his head... even though it’s commonly known that nervousness is a typical symptom of hyperthyroid.

It’s like saying, “wow, I’m all shakey, it must be all this caffeine I’m taking” and then someone says, “nope, it isn’t the caffeine. Caffeine can’t cause nervousness or shaking. Georgi Dinkov said so!!”

Typical forum user who thinks everyone is a troll if they come to the site and don’t kiss everyone’s ****
Your claim was that people here use thyroid randomly.The quotes are from people who have studied hypothyroidism in depth, so there you go, you're DEAD- WRONG about the thyroid usage here being random. Nice lie, jack- @ss. Whether or not drug use is rampant here is completely irrelevant to the assertion that I asked you to back up.

The person you're quoting didn't advocate for the guy to keep taking thyroid. He was quoting the speech of other people to help the person figure out what may be happening. Nothing more than a suggestion. Perceive, Think, Act. That right there is enough to completely dismantle your ridiculous argument, since he ddin't tell anyone to do anything.

And there is big difference between telling someone to take thyroid while they investigate nutrient deficiencies( which are likely the reason they may feel worse initially) and just tell people to keep taking thyroid without addressing nutrient intake. But you already knew that, right?

Typical troll who thinks that he can fool others by misrepresenting the situation. Haha, funny how you've changed your stance. You seem a bit less naive and more agressive now. Seeing your comments in that other thread about Georgi corroborates how much of a little sh!t you are.
Jun 16, 2017
I’m pretty sure I’ve read posts by Peat saying how starch is bad and is the actual cause behind diabetes and other negative things
Ray has NEVER said anything about starch being the cause of diabetes. That's completely false. Once again, you lie.

If you spent more time studying Peat and less time trolling, you would know that he never said.

Ray has said that starch can trigger high levels of insulin, which will cause hypoglycemia after some time, and that will trigger the release of stress hormones. It's the stress hormones that will do the damage that's commonly prescribed to starch/ high glycemic foods.

Deleted member 5487

A2 diary(jersey, goat, sheep).
Butter-Grass Fed
Fatty Red Meat
Gelationoues Meats(shank/oaxtail)
Dessicated beef Organ Pills, or Goose/Duck/Chicken Liver pattess. Beef liver is OKAY, but extremly high in Vit A. Need to be cooked in bacon fat for vitamin D(lard)
Fruit-Orange Juice, Apricots, Mango. Which come with beta caroteine(orange). Dates and white sugar waste vitamin A.

Grains, even properly prepared soaked/sprouted are inferior and not really fit for human consumption
PUFA-Nuts/Plants/kale...etc.Anything that taste bad by itself.

EAT LIKE THIS go from 185 to 168 in 6 weeks.

Eat Like Conventional "PEAT INTERPRETATION" ADVICE (everyone posted before me) and blow up to 210 and waste 2 years of prime age. Been peating for 3 years...
Too much sugar
Too much Protein
Not enough Plamatic and steraic acid(cream and tallow)
Dairy Fat Successfully Replaced My Thyroid Medication

Just saved you three years of self expirementation, I need about 4 hours of sleep a night and no more coffee.. also went from working out 2x a week to 3x days in a row. Could go lift agian right now.


Mar 29, 2014
what are some resources
If you want to know Peat's views:
Ray Peat Resources & Quotes | Ray Peat Forum

to understand what is actually advocated
Various people here advocate various things. This is a forum for learning and discussing; its's not Peat's ow forum (he doesn't read or post here). There no reason to expect complete consistency, or perfect detailed advice.

Peat has not offered any specific protocols that he says are appropriate for everyone - such protocols don't fit with his approach. AIUI, Peat generally recommends:
Learning about physiology and observing, so we can think about what might make sense for each of us.
Keeping PUFA consumption low (he points out that PUFA's have various antimetabolic effects)
Nutrient rich diet - including all the micronutrients, as well as sugars, protein, saturated fats. Has mentioned in various contexts benefits of occasional liver, oysters, regular ripe fruit, milk, cheese, seems to work for some people.
Attending to gut function, avoiding excess exposure to endotoxin, and avoiding gut irritants
Attending to amino acid balance - not just muscle meats
Getting nutrition from food where practical, rather than supplements (he does occasionally suggest supplements for specific purposes)

But what is specifically helpful for each person may differ. (Not all of us thrive on milk, for example.)

I don't think there is such a thing as 'the Peat diet'.

That some people here advocate for drugs/medicines doesn't necessarily mean Peat would.
He does suggest observing signs and symptoms related to low thyroid function, and sometimes suggests carefully monitoring and carefully supplementing thyroid hormones. Read his articles on thyroid on his site to understand why.

Not sure what purpose this serves - just looks like a personal attack from here. Haidut has contributed a lot to the forum, including his own thinking and lots of references to research. No-one is obliged to agree with him about everything.
If you are of a 'lean proves healthy' view or perhaps a 'lean is more important than healthy' view, more reading may provide a wider perspective.

What’s with the aspirin worship? Intestinal bleeding much?
Read Peat's article on aspirin.
Judging by what I’ve seen from his followers online he advocates consuming milk and refined sugar, and haphazardly taking thyroid medication even when bloodwork doesn’t warrant any need, and without endocrinologist supervision
That's not my understanding at all.

Maybe try a bit harder with reading and listening to his articles and interviews. If you don't get it first time, it just might take a bit more repetition and concentration.
Or you can read someone else's interpretations and simplifications instead because it's easier. But then you'll get someone else's story, not necessarily Peat's views.

sorry for the harsh words
What are you here for?


Mar 29, 2014
I think it’s crazy that people are just randomly taking t3 like it’s nothing to be cautious of... thyrotoxicosis?
I think random and incautious use would be inadvisable and risky too. I've never seen Peat recommend that. Nor most people here. There are some people around in the world who will do and recommend risky things though, however much they are advised to be cautious.
The assertion about Peat encouraging the use of thyroid haphazardly is straight- up false. Not sure where you got that from.
Typical forum user who thinks everyone is a troll ...
Forum guidelines include politeness. If you can't express views or questions without attacking people, then maybe hold off till you can get a grip on this.
Well here you go ...,
This forum is about learning. Quotes from Broda Barnes are relevant to some of the forum's topics.


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
Are you gonna address the other questions I asked?

Where is the evidence that people on the forum are taking thyroid randomly? Or did you make that up? 'Cause it's looking like you're talking out of your @ss right now.
more to the point- why do you care? you seem to be extremely het up over what other people are doing? have you considered why this is so triggering for you?
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