Need Help Understanding Possible Reaction After MMS Trial


Oct 23, 2018
So I personally had great success using MMS (CLO2), and still use it internally on occasion.

My girlfriend decided that she wanted to try it as well out of curiosity and whether or not she would get any benefits from it.

For about two weeks she would occasionally dose 3 drops, hour by hour for anywhere from maybe 3 to 6 hours a day. Whenever timing permitted so, similar to how I would consume it.

For those two weeks she really didn't notice much. She either stopped because of that fact or because I think she may have started to encounter die off symptoms.

Here's the problem, and whether or not this is related to the use of MMS these problems haven't really dissipated as of yet.

My girlfriend started to notice some joint and soft tissue pains as well as headaches. But the biggest problem is she now has a pretty severe case of carpal tunnel in both hands. She has always had some very minor stuff like that, but not to this extent. She is only 28 years old.

I am no stranger myself to carpal tunnel, as I have destroyed the bones in my wrists over the years, so I know how bad it can be. I also feel it can be aggravated by gut and fungus issues. As well as stress and other things.

She is no doubt more stressed at this point in time as we are selling her house to purchase a larger home and all of this is quite stressful regardless.

But I have a feeling the MMS may have dislodged or help shift an imbalance in microbes, that now seek refuge in other places of the body.

Everything she is experiencing now is a never before thing, especially to the extreme that it currently is.

What can we do at this point? Do we continue with the MMS in an effort to correct this? Try other means?

I know how devastating the carpal tunnel thing can be. For myself it's due to injury, overuse, and chronic consumption of alcohol. She doesn't have or do any of that, so it really bugs me she is going through this.

Any help or suggestions you folks can provide would be a life saver!

I know personally the ONLY thing that provides relief from the burning, stinging and numbness is simply hanging your hand or arm off say the edge of a bed or couch. I have tried all the typical tricks, vitamins, herbs etc. And for myself nothing ever worked. I actually ended up having surgery at one point but it saved my hand.

I want to understand the microbe connection better, because I have had it hit hard simply overnight, and be a problem for months. Although in my girlfriend's case, possibly linked to the brief use of MMS. However I couldn't really find any information about this sort of thing happening in this way.


So I personally had great success using MMS (CLO2), and still use it internally on occasion.

My girlfriend decided that she wanted to try it as well out of curiosity and whether or not she would get any benefits from it.

For about two weeks she would occasionally dose 3 drops, hour by hour for anywhere from maybe 3 to 6 hours a day. Whenever timing permitted so, similar to how I would consume it.

For those two weeks she really didn't notice much. She either stopped because of that fact or because I think she may have started to encounter die off symptoms.

Here's the problem, and whether or not this is related to the use of MMS these problems haven't really dissipated as of yet.

My girlfriend started to notice some joint and soft tissue pains as well as headaches. But the biggest problem is she now has a pretty severe case of carpal tunnel in both hands. She has always had some very minor stuff like that, but not to this extent. She is only 28 years old.

I am no stranger myself to carpal tunnel, as I have destroyed the bones in my wrists over the years, so I know how bad it can be. I also feel it can be aggravated by gut and fungus issues. As well as stress and other things.

She is no doubt more stressed at this point in time as we are selling her house to purchase a larger home and all of this is quite stressful regardless.

But I have a feeling the MMS may have dislodged or help shift an imbalance in microbes, that now seek refuge in other places of the body.

Everything she is experiencing now is a never before thing, especially to the extreme that it currently is.

What can we do at this point? Do we continue with the MMS in an effort to correct this? Try other means?

I know how devastating the carpal tunnel thing can be. For myself it's due to injury, overuse, and chronic consumption of alcohol. She doesn't have or do any of that, so it really bugs me she is going through this.

Any help or suggestions you folks can provide would be a life saver!

I know personally the ONLY thing that provides relief from the burning, stinging and numbness is simply hanging your hand or arm off say the edge of a bed or couch. I have tried all the typical tricks, vitamins, herbs etc. And for myself nothing ever worked. I actually ended up having surgery at one point but it saved my hand.

I want to understand the microbe connection better, because I have had it hit hard simply overnight, and be a problem for months. Although in my girlfriend's case, possibly linked to the brief use of MMS. However I couldn't really find any information about this sort of thing happening in this way.
Suggestions?........ well for starters I would never use anything with CLO2. I have been in the printing industry and copier industry for decades. That stuff was used to bleach the materials paper is made from. Can't imagine how bad it would be to ingest that in a supplement. Sounds dangerous to me.


Oct 23, 2018
Suggestions?........ well for starters I would never use anything with CLO2. I have been in the printing industry and copier industry for decades. That stuff was used to bleach the materials paper is made from. Can't imagine how bad it would be to ingest that in a supplement. Sounds dangerous to me.
Clo2 is a gas.

Are you sure you aren't referring to sodium chlorite? NaClo2?

The percentages of that chemical used in industry are very strong. Before adding acid to form the gas, the solution is 28%, and only a few drops are used.

Clo2 is used to purify tap water in just about every municipal district.

It has been used to treat malaria and many other ailments for over two decades now.

Even before that, for likely a century, sodium chlorite was used alone for the same purposes.


Clo2 is a gas.

Are you sure you aren't referring to sodium chlorite? NaClo2?

The percentages of that chemical used in industry are very strong. Before adding acid to form the gas, the solution is 28%, and only a few drops are used.

Clo2 is used to purify tap water in just about every municipal district.

It has been used to treat malaria and many other ailments for over two decades now.

Even before that, for likely a century, sodium chlorite was used alone for the same purposes.
If you want to put chlorine compounds in your body, go right ahead. My point was in my opinion that is a very bad idea. And not sure why you took the time to point out that the usual state of matter for CLO2 is a gas at normal temperatures. I am pretty sure he is not supplementing it in a gaseous form, but part of a liquid solution. And if it is NaCLO2, the end product that compound generates is almost certainly CLO2. My brother works in water treatment in New York. Chlorine compounds in water treatment are in no way good for you. But it is better than dying from pathogens in untreated water like our ancestors often did. Water treatment has probably saved more lives than almost anything else you could think of, with the possible exception of antibiotics. But that does not make chlorine benign or a good thing to ingest. Even your human body which uses chlorine to kill things only does it in precise targeted local applications. Chlorine is a destructive agent that denatures proteins and kills things.

I say this not to be argumentative, He requested suggestions, I am trying to help with my best advice. It is my belief , based on the science, that it is detrimental.
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Oct 23, 2018
If you want to put chlorine compounds in your body, go right ahead. My point was in my opinion that is a very bad idea. And not sure why you took the time to point out that the usual state of matter for CLO2 is a gas at normal temperatures. I am pretty sure he is not supplementing it in a gaseous form, but part of a liquid solution. And if it is NaCLO2, the end product that compound generates is almost certainly CLO2. My brother works in water treatment in New York. Chlorine compounds in water treatment are in no way good for you. But it is better than dying from pathogens in untreated water like our ancestors often did. Water treatment has probably saved more lives than almost anything else you could think of, with the possible exception of antibiotics. But that does not make chlorine benign or a good thing to ingest. Even your human body which uses chlorine to kill things only does it in precise targeted local applications. Chlorine is a destructive agent that denatures proteins and kills things.

I say this not to be argumentative, He requested suggestions, I am trying to help with my best advice. It is my belief , based on the science, that it is detrimental.


Feb 28, 2020
I am a big fan of chlorine dioxide. Gets parasites out, cures malaria, helps revert autism in kids, much more. Check out the Universal Antidote if you haven't seen it. Over the years I've gone very slowly when starting it up again. One drop in 8 oz in water, spread out thru day. Upping by one drop the next day etc. So her 3 drops 6x/day some days is a lot. I don't know if the cts is connected to the CD but do know Egoscue therapy can help with that pain. Here's a little info but def buy Pain Free by Pete Egoscue. Carpal Tunnel? Elbow Pain? Shoulder Pain? — Pain Free Clinic of Denver
And stress makes everything way worse as we know!


Jan 30, 2021
I did the Rivera protocol (designed for curing regressive autism, which it does) for a year. That was after a lengthy and severe toxic mold exposure simply trashed my system. I started very low, as per the protocol, and within a couple days started seeing ascaris worms come out, AFTER a NEGATIVE parasite test. I got out HANDFULS of ascaris worms, and also saw liver flukes. I had to treat pinworms too. I got better overall over the course of a year and it was an extremely beneficial protocol for me (and I did include the Kalcker parasite protocol, but the ClO2 was what "started" the worms out.) After that year, and I was on my dose-by-weight for most of that year, I was immenesly better overall and even my eyes changed color, going from more green to more blue. I have to assume that the ClO2 somehow oxidized heavy metals, which is likely part of its effect in fixing regressive autism (regressive autism is where the kid did NOT have autistic symptoms until, usually, after a vaccine that contained mercury.)

I never had any reaction like the one you're referring to, although I did herx at times from who-knows-what dieoff. I distinctly remember there was reference to the "pissed off worms" syndrome that people had happen; and I also remember a very distinct "dead worm poop" odor. Not for the faint of heart but extremely beneficial for me. That, BTW, was at least ten years ago, and I have had a recurrence only of the pinworms and haven't had anything to take ClO2 "for" since then.

I personally would look elsewhere, but consider that for some reason she has had an inflammatory reaction to SOMETHING. Did she take ANYTHING else in that time frame? Almost sounds like FQAD to me. And of course, I have to assume that it's possible to have an inflammatory respose to the ClO2, but one would expect that to have subsided fairly quickly.


Mar 29, 2016
So I personally had great success using MMS (CLO2), and still use it internally on occasion.

My girlfriend decided that she wanted to try it as well out of curiosity and whether or not she would get any benefits from it.

For about two weeks she would occasionally dose 3 drops, hour by hour for anywhere from maybe 3 to 6 hours a day. Whenever timing permitted so, similar to how I would consume it.

For those two weeks she really didn't notice much. She either stopped because of that fact or because I think she may have started to encounter die off symptoms.

Here's the problem, and whether or not this is related to the use of MMS these problems haven't really dissipated as of yet.

My girlfriend started to notice some joint and soft tissue pains as well as headaches. But the biggest problem is she now has a pretty severe case of carpal tunnel in both hands. She has always had some very minor stuff like that, but not to this extent. She is only 28 years old.

I am no stranger myself to carpal tunnel, as I have destroyed the bones in my wrists over the years, so I know how bad it can be. I also feel it can be aggravated by gut and fungus issues. As well as stress and other things.

She is no doubt more stressed at this point in time as we are selling her house to purchase a larger home and all of this is quite stressful regardless.

But I have a feeling the MMS may have dislodged or help shift an imbalance in microbes, that now seek refuge in other places of the body.

Everything she is experiencing now is a never before thing, especially to the extreme that it currently is.

What can we do at this point? Do we continue with the MMS in an effort to correct this? Try other means?

I know how devastating the carpal tunnel thing can be. For myself it's due to injury, overuse, and chronic consumption of alcohol. She doesn't have or do any of that, so it really bugs me she is going through this.

Any help or suggestions you folks can provide would be a life saver!

I know personally the ONLY thing that provides relief from the burning, stinging and numbness is simply hanging your hand or arm off say the edge of a bed or couch. I have tried all the typical tricks, vitamins, herbs etc. And for myself nothing ever worked. I actually ended up having surgery at one point but it saved my hand.

I want to understand the microbe connection better, because I have had it hit hard simply overnight, and be a problem for months. Although in my girlfriend's case, possibly linked to the brief use of MMS. However I couldn't really find any information about this sort of thing happening in this way.

The acronym MMS has been used in different ways. There is alkaline MMS and there is acidified MMS. And then there is CDS. When you say "MMS (ClO2)" what do you mean? Taking CDS (chlorine dioxide solution, where chlorine dioxide is at a 3000 ppm solution, colored amber) does not have the same effect as taking alkaline MMS, where you only are taking a sodium chlorite solution prepared as a 25% solution (some are in a tenth concentration at 2.5%), in prescribed drops and diluted in a glass of water, where the intent is for the sodium chlorite to react with acid in an acidic environment in your body which is usually where the pathogen is.

If you aren't confused already, let me also say that there is also acidified MMS, where you combined the alkaline MMS with a 4% solution of HCl in a 1:1 ratio (say 3 drops to 3 drops) and take it diluted in a glass of water.

I'm assuming what you are referring to taking is alkaline MMS, is that right?

I recently read this article on MMS by the late Walter Last, which helped me understand MMS much better. Perhaps it will provide you with a better understanding of MMS as well, as he explains it much better than even Andreas Kalcker:

It gave me enough of an understanding to want to look further into how to use MMS and/or CDS correctly that fits my condition. Alternatively, there is a telegram channel which I've joined but never really dipped my feet into yet, which may be helpful in answering your questions. The group has Andreas Kalcker and Jim Humble as its members as well:

Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies
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Oct 23, 2018
The acronym MMS has been used in different ways. There is alkaline MMS and there is acidified MMS. And then there is CDS. When you say "MMS (ClO2)" what do you mean? Taking CDS (chlorine dioxide solution, where chlorine dioxide is at a 3000 ppm solution, colored amber) does not have the same effect as taking alkaline MMS, where you only are taking a sodium chlorite solution prepared as a 25% solution (some are in a tenth concentration at 2.5%), in prescribed drops and diluted in a glass of water, where the intent is for the sodium chlorite to react with acid in an acidic environment in your body which is usually where the pathogen is.

If you aren't confused already, let me also say that there is also acidified MMS, where you combined the alkaline MMS with a 4% solution of HCl in a 1:1 ratio (say 3 drops to 3 drops) and take it diluted in a glass of water.

I'm assuming what you are referring to taking is alkaline MMS, is that right?

I recently read this article on MMS by the late Walter Last, which helped me understand MMS much better. Perhaps it will provide you with a better understanding of MMS as well, as he explains it much better than even Andreas Kalcker:

It gave me enough of an understanding to want to look further into how to use MMS and/or CDS correctly that fits my condition. Alternatively, there is a telegram channel which I've joined but never really dipped my feet into yet, which may be helpful in answering your questions. The group has Andreas Kalcker and Jim Humble as its members as well:

Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies
In this case the MMS we take is 25% Sodium Chlorite, 3 drops 1:1 with 4.325% HCI, resulting in about 30-35ppm Clo2 when combined with 4oz distilled water.

I have studied this quite a bit, but it was interesting to me that I couldn't find any information about a reaction like what my girlfriend had. The issue has resolved on its own, and my gf has taken Clo2 since. I believe the problem was stress related.

My post was more so in search of information regarding the connection between fungus, bacteria and nerve related injury, although I didn't want to rule out the possibility of MMS liberating these types of microbes as endotoxins which may have caused an issue like stated.

The title of my post may have been incorrect for the information that I was seeking.

Thank you for the links. The testimonials, is that going to be different information than what can be found here?

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Mar 29, 2016
I'm this case the MMS we take is 25% Sodium Chlorite, 3 drops 1:1 with 4.325% HCI, resulting in about 30-35ppm Clo2 when combined with 4oz distilled water.

I have studied this quite a bit, but it was interesting to me that I couldn't find any information about a reaction like what my girlfriend had. The issue has resolved on its own, and my gf has taken Clo2 since. I believe the problem was stress related.

My post was more so in search of information regarding the connection between fungus, bacteria and nerve related injury, although I didn't want to rule out the possibility of MMS liberating these types of microbes as endotoxins which may have caused an issue like stated.

The title of my post may have been incorrect for the information that I was seeking.

Thank you for the links. The testimonials, is that going to be different information than what can be found here?

I don't know if they're different or not.

But I dipped my toes inot the telegram channel..Confusing when you have people there who can't tell that 24000 ppm is the same as 2.4%. And so you really have to know how to do simple math to not get confused with the different opinions people give there. I think we have to be patient there looking for right answers from the right people or we can end up using the wrong information and end up hurting ourselves.



I'm going to preface my below comment with, I believe in the use and benefits of MMS, this is just a heads-up.

Just to point something out, that write-up you linked was authored by Dr Robert Young, who I can see from a quick google search, sells books and diet plans called 'The PH Miracle'. I know nothing of this guy so I'm not going to assert judgements, but it looks like he has financial incentive and so that study 'could' be slightly biased.

So I'm not saying the data is wrong, I too believe in MMS and its practical use, but I am saying be aware of who is funding the research because bias exists, whether its conscious or not.


Oct 23, 2018
I'm going to preface my below comment with, I believe in the use and benefits of MMS, this is just a heads-up.

Just to point something out, that write-up you linked was authored by Dr Robert Young, who I can see from a quick google search, sells books and diet plans called 'The PH Miracle'. I know nothing of this guy so I'm not going to assert judgements, but it looks like he has financial incentive and so that study 'could' be slightly biased.

So I'm not saying the data is wrong, I too believe in MMS and its practical use, but I am saying be aware of who is funding the research because bias exists, whether its conscious or not.
Most definitely!

And thank you for pointing that out.


Mar 29, 2016
In this case the MMS we take is 25% Sodium Chlorite, 3 drops 1:1 with 4.325% HCI, resulting in about 30-35ppm Clo2 when combined with 4oz distilled water.
That is what Walter Last calls ASC, or acidified sodium chlorite. He has this to say about it (from the article I shared):

The pH of acidified Sodium chloride (ASC), also known as acidified MMS, before dilution with water or juice for drinking is 2.3 to 2.5. Normally the stomach passage is not likely to make it more acid as most people take it after a meal with higher stomach pH. Therefore, the solution may pass the stomach with about 20 to 30% chlorous acid, 1 to 3% chlorine dioxide and the rest as sodium chlorite.

I have studied this quite a bit, but it was interesting to me that I couldn't find any information about a reaction like what my girlfriend had. The issue has resolved on its own, and my gf has taken Clo2 since. I believe the problem was stress related.
In the summary of his article, Last says this:

Individuals with inflammations or over-acid lymph fluid may also cause conversion to chlorous acid in other areas which may then lead to the possibility of healthy cells being attacked. Therefore individuals with alkaline lymph fluid and in the absence of infection may have little if any unpleasant reaction to MMS, while others will react according to the degree of their infection and/or general acidity.

This may explain your gf's initial reaction to acidified sodium chlorite.

I feel that it is usually the case that people do not know how to test whether their body is acidic or alkaline, and in what degree, so without knowing how to do that, people may just cross their fingers and hope they're not acidic. I don't know if you know how to test for it at home, but it's an important thing for me. I've shared how in some posts and have shared it with my siblings, but none of them take it seriously so they don't bother to do it. It is unfortunate as it is easy to do and costs very little, but provides a lot of insight.

I'm not sure if you really read the article but I had to keep reading the article many times over again as the idea Walter Last is sharing does not sink in the first time nor the second time for me. But each time I read it again I realize I had missed some points.


Mar 29, 2016

Another article worth reading, this time by Dr. Hesselink: Research Protocols And Precautions



Oct 23, 2018
That is what Walter Last calls ASC, or acidified sodium chlorite. He has this to say about it (from the article I shared):

The pH of acidified Sodium chloride (ASC), also known as acidified MMS, before dilution with water or juice for drinking is 2.3 to 2.5. Normally the stomach passage
Yes I did read it and I found it very informative.

"Medical-type patents describe the use of stabilised sodium chlorite in oral, topical and intravenous applications for treating autoimmune diseases and chronic infections, also hepatitis and lymphoma, and for neutralising the neuro-toxic effects of acetaldehyde produced by Candida and other fungi. "

Seems strange to me that my gf took it for close to 3 weeks with zero side effects before having a CTS flare up. But perhaps there was a buildup somewhere. Or stress related due to the fact we are going out of our minds trying to purchase a new home.

But related or not, she still dabbles with it and the issue has resolved on its own.

I liked how at the end of the article it mentioned using non acidified SC to treat autoimmune disease. I will likely try the SC on its own like stated in the article.


Oct 23, 2018

Another article worth reading, this time by Dr. Hesselink: Research Protocols And Precautions

View attachment 37104
I never really had any bad side effects from using acidified MMS.

Maybe a mild heady feeling similar to how cannabis sativa might give, but very mild.

There is one effect I really want to figure out though, and this doesn't happen every time, but sometimes.

After a few hourly doses there will be an extreme state of well being. Feeling so good and happy like a very natural high. Similar to how I can recall a high dose of Phenibut feeling. It is great! And my gf noticed this once or twice as well.

Could this be attributed to more oxygen being placed into the blood once the chlorine molecule is liberated? Perhaps helping to deliver more nutrients to the brain?

It is so great and I love that about it.

I notice it seems to cross the blood brain barrier almost immediately, within minutes of ingestion. You can certainly feel it in your head. But it is a pleasant sort of feeling.


Jan 30, 2021
I did the Rivera autism protocol for a year, working on healing from the after-effects of an extreme, lengthy toxic mold exposure. I had a heavy parasite load (which I did NOT have before) and, frankly, I don't know what else.
For me, the main results were dumping HUGE loads of parasites, mostly ascaris worms (I mean HANDFULS of them....) and yes I did the parasite protocol included in the autism protocol.
I don't particularly remember specific herx symptoms, and agree with your conclusion that the tendon problems were very likely due to stress. Per the protocol, I ramped up the MMS dosage until I reached my dose-by-weight, and was on that level for at least nine of the 12 months. I stopped the treatment when I no longer was passing worms and have not, to my knowledge, had a worm problem since (that was about ten years ago.)
However, the acidified MMS protocol did me enormous good and was significant in my recovery. As a side comment, my eyes changed color from more green to more blue over the course of that year, and I concluded that although MMS is not technically a chelator, it oxidized and removed sulfur from my body. I am CBS A360A +\+ and have genetic problems in the sulfur pathway, so that makes perfect sense to me. I was given a sulfur-based antibiotic when I was a teenager, 55 years ago or so.


Feb 23, 2020
I did the Rivera autism protocol for a year, working on healing from the after-effects of an extreme, lengthy toxic mold exposure. I had a heavy parasite load (which I did NOT have before) and, frankly, I don't know what else.
For me, the main results were dumping HUGE loads of parasites, mostly ascaris worms (I mean HANDFULS of them....) and yes I did the parasite protocol included in the autism protocol.
I don't particularly remember specific herx symptoms, and agree with your conclusion that the tendon problems were very likely due to stress. Per the protocol, I ramped up the MMS dosage until I reached my dose-by-weight, and was on that level for at least nine of the 12 months. I stopped the treatment when I no longer was passing worms and have not, to my knowledge, had a worm problem since (that was about ten years ago.)
However, the acidified MMS protocol did me enormous good and was significant in my recovery. As a side comment, my eyes changed color from more green to more blue over the course of that year, and I concluded that although MMS is not technically a chelator, it oxidized and removed sulfur from my body. I am CBS A360A +\+ and have genetic problems in the sulfur pathway, so that makes perfect sense to me. I was given a sulfur-based antibiotic when I was a teenager, 55 years ago or so.
Interesting. Did you fix abdominal bloating after dumping that amount of parasites?

What symptoms were you suffering un that time and you fixed with the protocolo you mention?
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