Lithium And Hyperparathyroidism - Help/Suicide


May 31, 2013
My mother struggles with major depression and its gone as far as she does not want to live anymore.
All this come crashing down after she stopped her years of doing Lithium by her doctor because she had developed a big Parathyroid gland, so they want to operate it away but first they stopped Lithium and tried other drugs but they does not help at all and it seems to make it worse.

She want leave the house, and just lie in bed or sit in the stool like a ghost. I just cant believe this, she is so smart and full of joy. Now its just she thinks everybody is talking about her outside so she want go out, and no she has come to the point that she does not want to live anymore.

I please need some help in terms of how i can get her back in Lithium and providing enough nutrition and supplementation so the Parathyroid can shrink down while she is on Lithium, if that is possible?

And i need it all to be proved in terms of studies or science so i can smash down the door and bring it to the doctor so he gets his finger out of his **** so i can save my mom.


Jun 20, 2015
Sorry, to hear about your mother. Not the answer to your question... You may want to check the threads on lithium, and the connection to sodium. Haidut and Such_Saturation have posted/linked quite a few studies.

lithium | Ray Peat Forum


May 31, 2013
Yeah i have read it all. The thing is i cant help my mother because im her son. She want listen to me much because thats just the mental aspects of family. The states she is in is terrible so i cant make her eat or do anything, the only thing that will help her get out of this is getting her back on Lithium. But doctor is the only one that can make that happen, and i need some good information to bring to him so he understands what the f**** is going on. And then give me enough good evidence that it makes him get her back on Lithium


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
she does not want to live anymore.
If it's a matter of life and death that should be a good enough reason for the doctor to help her. Suicidal ideation is considered a psychiatric emergency. I would call the office and tell the staff that you must speak with the doctor immediately and explain the situation. Another possible option is an inpatient treatment facility to get her stabilized.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I apologize @superhuman if my response seemed uncaring. I know this situation must be highly upsetting for you and at a time like this you should not have to be burdened with compiling evidence to convince a doctor to help your mom. I've seen too many people fall through the cracks in the medical system and I do not want you or especially your mom to have to suffer needlessly when there is a clear indication that she needs prompt care from the person who discontinued her lithium or another doctor if that isn't possible. Once she is stable then other measures can be explored for her long-term health. My response is only meant with the utmost concern for you and your family.


May 31, 2013
@Blossom no problem its all good.
Yeah its a frustrating situation because she is the only one that talks with her Doctor and she is just faking it when she has appointments it seems like. Like acting like she is better then she is.


May 31, 2013
But everything would be fixed, if she could only start back on Lithium. But then when she is back on that i need something that i can provide her with. Be it food or supplements etc that will not enlarge her Parathyroid more and maybe even shrink it down to normal which should be possible to do. I know calcium, magnesium, k2 and all that will help but i need something also that i can show to the doctor that will accept her to start back on Lithium. Like a supplement or medication that will help with the Parathyroid thing


Apr 17, 2015
But everything would be fixed, if she could only start back on Lithium. But then when she is back on that i need something that i can provide her with. Be it food or supplements etc that will not enlarge her Parathyroid more and maybe even shrink it down to normal which should be possible to do. I know calcium, magnesium, k2 and all that will help but i need something also that i can show to the doctor that will accept her to start back on Lithium. Like a supplement or medication that will help with the Parathyroid thing

Hi superhuman-- did you see the following article? It seems to have a lot of info about PTH.

Calcium and Disease: Hypertension, organ calcification, & shock, vs. respiratory energy


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
My mother struggles with major depression and its gone as far as she does not want to live anymore.
All this come crashing down after she stopped her years of doing Lithium by her doctor because she had developed a big Parathyroid gland, so they want to operate it away but first they stopped Lithium and tried other drugs but they does not help at all and it seems to make it worse.

She want leave the house, and just lie in bed or sit in the stool like a ghost. I just cant believe this, she is so smart and full of joy. Now its just she thinks everybody is talking about her outside so she want go out, and no she has come to the point that she does not want to live anymore.

I please need some help in terms of how i can get her back in Lithium and providing enough nutrition and supplementation so the Parathyroid can shrink down while she is on Lithium, if that is possible?

And i need it all to be proved in terms of studies or science so i can smash down the door and bring it to the doctor so he gets his finger out of his **** so i can save my mom.

I will defer for the parathyroid to the doctor, but do you know MB has been successfully used for treating severe and intractable depression in humans?
A Controlled Trial Of Methylene Blue In Severe Depressive Illness
Methylene Blue As A Treatment For Psychosis
Methylene Blue Studied for Bipolar as FDA Issues Warning | Psychiatric Times
Methylene Blue for Cognitive Dysfunction in Bipolar Disorder - Full Text View -

Sometimes regular doses of T3 can quickly lift off depression and improve immensely quality of life while the doctor deals with parathyroid. Btw, while Peat never said it explicitly, I don't think he would be against removing the parathyroid gland as to him it is an organ that just like the pituitary brings only misery and stress.


Mar 29, 2014
Yeah its a frustrating situation because she is the only one that talks with her Doctor and she is just faking it when she has appointments it seems like.
Her doctor may not be authorised to talk to you about your mother, but I don't think there is anything stopping you from providing crucial information to the doctor?
Good luck - hope you and/or dr can find a way to help her soon.


May 31, 2013
@StressedMom yes i have read it and its good but its to hard to convince the doctor and my mum to try and do all that in terms of nutrition etc.

@haidut thank you

@tara thanx

Update: Managed to get my mum back on Lithium now from the doctor so that is great news. What i need to do now is to get her to start with foods and esp supplements that will make her parathyroid shrink down to normal size while she is on Lithium. Is that possible and what are the important things to do ? would mean the world if that could happen. And then when the doctor looks at the blood test and scans and see that the parathyroid has shrunken it would be wonderfull and a big confidence boost to my mum in terms of the information i provide


Nov 1, 2012
Maybe supplement vitamin D besides calcium?

Parathyroid hormone (PTH)

"High parathyroid hormone will increase calcium and lower phosphate. I regularly use at least two quarts of milk per day, in the past I have averaged a gallon a day, high calcium intake helps to compensate for low vitamin D, but both vitamin D and calcium in the diet tend to lower parathyroid hormone, and the serum calcium level. Quite a few people are now recommending from 2000 to 6000 i.u. of vitamin D3 daily during the winter.

If your vitamin D was very low for a long time, I think your parathyroid glands probably enlarged, and might take some time to normalize under the influence of a generous amount of vitamin D and calcium."


May 31, 2013
@HDD she is taking 4000 IU`s of vit D and has been taking that for 1-2 months now.

Up the dose or?
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