Asking help for girlfriend, she's on 30 mg of methylphenidate for ADHD and hears voices in her head


Jul 3, 2016
Hey all, my girlfriend suffers from ADHD and she takes 30 mg of methylphenidate for it everyday, and she has been taking it since childhood. She's 18 now. She hears voices telling her to harm herself, harm me and me housemate. Actual commands. When she is alone, she hears these voices the most intense. The voices are in her own sound of voice. It's 2 voices, sometimes more. They also tell her sometimes to not trust me and that I'm using her. Her therapist said the voices are made by herself and that it's because some brain chemical is made in her brain. Her brother was also on methylphenidate and suffered from hearing voices, the voices stopped completely when he stopped the methylphenidate.

I gave her magnesium glycinate 250 mg yesterday and she felt weak in her body and dizzy. She even fell from the stairs due to her dizziness but she didn't get hurt. She says she has had dizziness in the past every month for a week. But in the 2 months we've been together she didn't have dizziness at all.

What can she do? The doctors don't want her to taper off from it because she's still emotionally unstable. She is not that emotionally unstable imo but the doctors think otherwise. The pharmacy told her that indeed hearing voices are a side effect of taking methylphenidate. She's not on any other drug and she has no history of schizophrenia or psychosis nor in her family.

Thank you
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Jul 3, 2016

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Hey all, my girlfriend suffers from ADHD and she takes 30 mg of methylphenidate for it everyday, and she has been taking it since childhood. She's 18 now. She hears voices telling her to harm herself, harm me and me housemate. Actual commands. When she is alone, she hears these voices the most intense. The voices are in her own sound of voice. It's 2 voices, sometimes more. They also tell her sometimes to not trust me and that I'm using her. Her therapist said the voices are made by herself and that it's because some brain chemical is made in her brain. Her brother was also on methylphenidate and suffered from hearing voices, the voices stopped completely when he stopped the methylphenidate.

I gave her magnesium glycinate 250 mg yesterday and she felt weak in her body and dizzy. She even fell from the stairs due to her dizziness but she didn't get hurt. She says she has had dizziness in the past every month for a week. But in the 2 months we've been together she didn't have dizziness at all.

What can she do? The doctors don't want her to taper off from it because she's still emotionally unstable. She is not that emotionally unstable imo but the doctors think otherwise. The pharmacy told her that indeed hearing voices are a side effect of taking methylphenidate. She's not on any other drug and she has no history of schizophrenia or psychosis nor in her family.

Thank you
Why trust doctors? Have they helped her before?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Hey all, my girlfriend suffers from ADHD and she takes 30 mg of methylphenidate for it everyday, and she has been taking it since childhood. She's 18 now. She hears voices telling her to harm herself, harm me and me housemate. Actual commands. When she is alone, she hears these voices the most intense. The voices are in her own sound of voice. It's 2 voices, sometimes more. They also tell her sometimes to not trust me and that I'm using her. Her therapist said the voices are made by herself and that it's because some brain chemical is made in her brain. Her brother was also on methylphenidate and suffered from hearing voices, the voices stopped completely when he stopped the methylphenidate.

I gave her magnesium glycinate 250 mg yesterday and she felt weak in her body and dizzy. She even fell from the stairs due to her dizziness but she didn't get hurt. She says she has had dizziness in the past every month for a week. But in the 2 months we've been together she didn't have dizziness at all.

What can she do? The doctors don't want her to taper off from it because she's still emotionally unstable. She is not that emotionally unstable imo but the doctors think otherwise. The pharmacy told her that indeed hearing voices are a side effect of taking methylphenidate. She's not on any other drug and she has no history of schizophrenia or psychosis nor in her family.

Thank you

Not a doctor, but sounds like acute psychotic reaction. I find it hard to believe though that the doctors refuse to change drugs/doses if she tells them she hears voices telling her to harm herself or others. In many countries, this will trigger immediate reaction from the doctors. Psychosis is usually driven by serotonin, and this drug is known to facilitate serotonin syndrome, so in all likelihood it elevates serotonin levels in the brain. I can't give advice, but if I were you I would push the doctor for answers and make sure he/she knows about the voices and threats of harm. If her current doctor ignores her/you then seek another one. Neither psychosis nor serotonin syndrome are walks in the park.
"...Methylphenidate may inhibit the metabolism of vitamin K anticoagulants, certain anticonvulsants, and some antidepressants (tricyclic antidepressants, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Concomitant administration may require dose adjustments, possibly assisted by monitoring of plasma drug concentrations.[87] There are several case reports of methylphenidate inducing serotonin syndrome with concomitant administration of antidepressants.[88][89][90][91]"


May 13, 2015
So thiamine and niacinamide or niacin could help?
Spend some time watching Elliot Overton's videos about thiamine:

I've learned via these videos that some people have poorly functioning enzyme(s) that require thiamine as a cofactor. It is believed that this is a genetic problem. According to the videos, the solution is to provide high dose thiamine to compensate for the poorly functioning enzyme. It appears to work. Both of my siblings became mentally incapacitated in their late teen's and heard voices. I suspect that it was due to this genetic glitch. My own health history includes many issues that could have been caused by thiamine deficiency.

watch this one:


Please note that a B-complex is a good idea to take when supplementing with high dose thiamine, along with supplementing some magnesium. Although Elliot Overton likes TTFD thiamine best, I found that I could not tolerate it and so I supplement with thiamine hcl instead. I take 2 grams/day of it and it has helped me a lot.

I think niacinamide is much better to take than niacin. Ray Peat, PhD Quotes on Therapeutic Effects of Niacinamide – Functional Performance Systems (FPS)

There is information on line that thiamine lowers serotonin; if true, it makes sense that a thiamine deficiency could exacerbate elevated serotonin and make the person vulnerable to serotonin syndrome.
see: Serotonin Syndrome and Thiamine: Is There a Connection? - Hormones Matter
and: Vitamin B1, anti-estrogenic, pro-DHT, anti-serotonin, pro-dopamine » MENELITE
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Apr 25, 2018
Not a doctor, but sounds like acute psychotic reaction. I find it hard to believe though that the doctors refuse to change drugs/doses if she tells them she hears voices telling her to harm herself or others. In many countries, this will trigger immediate reaction from the doctors. Psychosis is usually driven by serotonin, and this drug is known to facilitate serotonin syndrome, so in all likelihood it elevates serotonin levels in the brain. I can't give advice, but if I were you I would push the doctor for answers and make sure he/she knows about the voices and threats of harm. If her current doctor ignores her/you then seek another one. Neither psychosis nor serotonin syndrome are walks in the park.
"...Methylphenidate may inhibit the metabolism of vitamin K anticoagulants, certain anticonvulsants, and some antidepressants (tricyclic antidepressants, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Concomitant administration may require dose adjustments, possibly assisted by monitoring of plasma drug concentrations.[87] There are several case reports of methylphenidate inducing serotonin syndrome with concomitant administration of antidepressants.[88][89][90][91]"
What medication do you recommend for psychosis and voices in your head? Doc wants to prescribe risperdal


May 13, 2015
What medication do you recommend for psychosis and voices in your head? Doc wants to prescribe risperdal
Thiamine. Thiamine is a natural substance, vitamin B1, that your body needs on a daily basis for many things, including neurological health. Pharmaceutical drugs are patented, which means they are not found in nature; if they were, it would be illegal to patent them. They are, by definition, toxic to the body. No one is interested in promoting thiamine because it is cheap and money cannot be made from it.


Feb 13, 2021
Oof, sorry for what she [and you] are going thru.

In some cultures, those who hear voices are viewed as simply being sensitive to the spiritual realm. These cultures normally provide guidance to such people and help them hear from benevolent sources - not malicious ones.

Not discounting the idea of serotonin excess/energy deficiency here - just an idea.

You might consider a special kind of mushroom (the kind that some people call magical). According to Paul Stamets, people who hear voices have been greatly helped by microdosing.

Perhaps the long-term anti-serotonin activity of the shroom broadens the lens one sees life thru, allowing for more lovingkindness and interconnectivity with others...and less fear? Perhaps there's also a spiritual component to the way the 'shrooms work.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Would a magnetic pulser help with her ADHD? I have seen devices that can be worn on the head. Transcranial magnetic stimulation works, the EartPulse magnetic pulser lifted my elder brother out of a coma after an 11 hour operation where he suffered a 7 minute heart arrest, lung embolism and stroke. He unfortunately had another stroke and passed away but the pulser worked. There was another patient next door, she also was in a coma. We gave the family another EartPulse device, and the doctors or nurses placed it under her pillow and just a day later she opened her eyes for the first time but did not gain consciousness, the brain damage was too high, unfortunately.

Those devices do work!

By stimulating the brain with frequencies that the brain naturally produces while studying, for example, this can help people with ADHD to focus more easily. The EartPulse device has several programs, also a sleep program that works very well. But it is too big and not battery operated, so you can’t walk around with it. Look for a portable or wearable device.


Hey all, my girlfriend suffers from ADHD and she takes 30 mg of methylphenidate for it everyday, and she has been taking it since childhood. She's 18 now. She hears voices telling her to harm herself, harm me and me housemate. Actual commands. When she is alone, she hears these voices the most intense. The voices are in her own sound of voice. It's 2 voices, sometimes more. They also tell her sometimes to not trust me and that I'm using her. Her therapist said the voices are made by herself and that it's because some brain chemical is made in her brain. Her brother was also on methylphenidate and suffered from hearing voices, the voices stopped completely when he stopped the methylphenidate.

I gave her magnesium glycinate 250 mg yesterday and she felt weak in her body and dizzy. She even fell from the stairs due to her dizziness but she didn't get hurt. She says she has had dizziness in the past every month for a week. But in the 2 months we've been together she didn't have dizziness at all.

What can she do? The doctors don't want her to taper off from it because she's still emotionally unstable. She is not that emotionally unstable imo but the doctors think otherwise. The pharmacy told her that indeed hearing voices are a side effect of taking methylphenidate. She's not on any other drug and she has no history of schizophrenia or psychosis nor in her family.

Thank you
This is actually one of the most common side effects with ADHD drugs. Seems like the "cure" is worse than the disease. She has no history of schizophrenia or psychosis nor in her family so, I find it shocking and unbelievable the doctors don't want to taper her off it or even have her try another ADHD med instead. Seems like common sense at this point that she is not tolerating that medication well. Hope her situation improves. Perhaps it's time to see a different doctor for advice?


Feb 18, 2018
The Netherlands
You should look up V2K (Voice to skull). There are some sick people on this planet doing all kinds of experiments. Maybe it seems far-fetched, but it wouldn't hurt to read about it before going the mental health route and be fed with shitty medication.
Apr 25, 2018
You should look up V2K (Voice to skull). There are some sick people on this planet doing all kinds of experiments. Maybe it seems far-fetched, but it wouldn't hurt to read about it before going the mental health route and be fed with shitty medication.
What exactly are your options if you are experiencing V2K though? Tinfoil hats?


Sep 27, 2018
I took this stuff twice in my party years. At the beginning of the drugs action I felt good, awake, speedy. Later in the night I got paranoid about the people at the party and went home through the night. I had the feeling that people were constantly whispering somewhere in the dark, even though noone was there but me. It went away the next day but was definitely scary. Wouldn't touch this stuff again and can't understand how doctors can give this to children.

For the treatment of her symptoms I'd try niacin or niacinamide a la Hoffer and low-moderate doses CBD.


Aug 23, 2018
The methyl in the drug's name makes me think it could be related to overmethylation.

Religiosity, hallucinations, dysperceptions, perhaps voices/psychosis/evil spirits (100% of chronic schizophrenics are overmethylated)


Sep 27, 2018
The methyl in the drug's name makes me think it could be related to overmethylation.

Caffeine is a methylxanthine. A lot of substances have a methylgroup, but that doesn't mean that it contributes to methylation reactions.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
Hey all, my girlfriend suffers from ADHD and she takes 30 mg of methylphenidate for it everyday, and she has been taking it since childhood. She's 18 now. She hears voices telling her to harm herself, harm me and me housemate. Actual commands. When she is alone, she hears these voices the most intense. The voices are in her own sound of voice. It's 2 voices, sometimes more. They also tell her sometimes to not trust me and that I'm using her. Her therapist said the voices are made by herself and that it's because some brain chemical is made in her brain. Her brother was also on methylphenidate and suffered from hearing voices, the voices stopped completely when he stopped the methylphenidate.

I gave her magnesium glycinate 250 mg yesterday and she felt weak in her body and dizzy. She even fell from the stairs due to her dizziness but she didn't get hurt. She says she has had dizziness in the past every month for a week. But in the 2 months we've been together she didn't have dizziness at all.

What can she do? The doctors don't want her to taper off from it because she's still emotionally unstable. She is not that emotionally unstable imo but the doctors think otherwise. The pharmacy told her that indeed hearing voices are a side effect of taking methylphenidate. She's not on any other drug and she has no history of schizophrenia or psychosis nor in her family.

Thank you
Unpopular opinion: Get out of this relationship. You have your life before you and you don't have the experience and resources to help her. It is her parents job to make her healthy. Find a healthy girlfriend. Sounds bad, feels bad but you have to leave this situation or it will destroy you. You won't believe it when you read this but you have to save yourself.
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