My Grandma Has Cancer And I Want To Help Her


New Member
Jun 15, 2018

My grandma/best friend has lung cancer. She has had it for years and has taken chemo pills. Unfortunately, the chemo has stopped being effective. After months of complaining to her oncologist about a pain in her leg, the doctor just kept saying
‘We will keep an eye on it’ well, 2 months later, come to find out she has cancer in her femur and it has deteriorated her bone so badly that she will now need a rod in her leg.

Does anyone know what I can do for her or what her nutrition should be like to fight her lung cancer?

Natural remedies maybe?

Any advice is immensely appreciated!

Her cancer has metastasized in many places. Until now, it was under control.

The doctor wants to switch her to a new chemo pill but they are really dragging their feet and the earliest appointments to get switched aren’t for a few weeks. Meanwhile, the cancer festers.

Any advice is sincerely appreciated—thank you!

A. squamosa

Sep 27, 2016


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Over and over, I hear aspirin and vitamin K recommended for fighting cancer - 1mg vitamin K per standard 325mg aspirin tablet, up to several grams of aspirin and equivalent vitamin K, daily.

Gabor Mate, MD and author of "When the body says no", suggests lung cancer has to do with repressed emotion, specifically repressed anger. Perhaps additional treatment for her lung cancer could be to get to express some anger that she may or may not be holding on to.

My mother had lung cancer, so its close to my heart. Good luck to you and your grandma.

This will be worth your time to read:
Aspirin, brain, and cancer


Apr 5, 2016
Very sorry to hear about your grandmother. I second what @jamies33 says regarding aspirin and vitamin k there is a lot of research for aspirin and its anti-cancer effects. Just remember you have to be as thorough as you can in your research and take all things into account. If you can try to present to her doctors the evidence for aspirin and cancer.

You will find extracts and links to studies in the links below:

It's Official - Aspirin Stops Breast Cancer In 80% Of Patients, Even Terminal Ones

Aspirin Stops Breast Cancer; Reprograms Cancer Cells Into Normal

Something else to consider is glycine. You can find more info on this thread linked below.

Glycine May Treat Lung, Brain And Other Cancers

This one might sound a bit far fetched but there is research to demonstrate that the caffeine might be able to treat Lung cancer through the inhibition of phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4). Link below:

Caffeine As A Potential Treatment For Cancer

There is also a great deal of evidence to show that Niacinamide (vitamin b3) can treat cancer as well as an ongoing clinical trial for lung cancer using Niacinamide.

Here is a link to the trial: "Anticancer Activity of Nicotinamide on Lung Cancer" (nicotinamide is just another name for niacinamide).

There have been no results of the trial posted yet however there are plenty of other studies showing the use of Niacinamide for other cancers including liver, pancreatic, breast, colon, skin cancer and brain cancer. I've posted threads that discuss this below these threads also have links to the studies as well as excerpts from them.

Niacinamide Fully Prevents Breast Cancer Metastasis

Niacinamide Can Cure Liver (and Maybe Pancreatic) Cancer

Niacinamide May Treat Brain Cancer (neuroblastoma)

High-dose Vitamin C Or Niacinamide May Treat Advanced Colon Cancer

Niacinamide May Prevent Melanoma

Very important to note a lot of these are mouse studies and human equivalent dosages or efficacy have not been fully established. A lot of guidance, discussion and theory as to what the appropriate human dose or the possible human efficacy can be found within the individual threads so I would recommend reading through them and don't be afraid to ask, people are very open to helping and willing to respond. Also I am not a doctor and can't explicitly recommend to you any treatments. Just presenting to you studies and evidence that suggest these treatments might be effective.

All the best to you and your grandmother during this difficult time.


Apr 5, 2016
Also I don't know what your grandmother's diet is like but there is growing evidence that lipolysis aka the breakdown of fat for fuel plays a big role in the pathology of cancer. Basically if the body does not have sufficient energy/glucose and has to rely on the breakdown of fat tissue for fuel this metabolism has been shown to accelerate cancer.

Cancer Addiction To Fat Confirmed; Niacinamide As Possible Treatment

Also another b-vitamin that might be helpful with cancer is Thiamine (vitamin b1). Some research shows allithiamine to be better absorbed than regular thiamine.
Thiamine Treats Cancer In Humans, Its Deficiency May Cause Cancer


May 8, 2017
Oh man I am so sorry. I was almost word-for-word [* well, I mean... figuratively, kinda tired] in the same situation. I lost my grandmother to cancer related to lung, and she was the person I loved most in the family (that's a weird thing to say, but we're on the internet, so who cares). She died shortly after starting chemo. No one will ever admit this but I assume that it weakened her body fatally because it seemed to greatly precipitate the events.

Unfortunately I only ever saw cancer research peripherally, much less had any advice to give at that time. Every week it crossed my mind if maybe I could have done something. I'm always too late. But quite a few posters here have researched it, so I hope you find something. Use the search for "cancer" and limit it to titles. [Also: search all posts by Travis]
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May 8, 2017
Maybe you could post her current diet and lifestyle for "us". [Quite a few "hardcore" medical conditions aren't that much helped by dietary changes in my opinion, but based on my limited knowledge of it I think that cancer can be influenced by it even in short term]


Feb 13, 2016
Dr. Peat recommends many things for cancer, but I think the one thing he recommends most often is very high doses of aspirin (6-7 grams daily) with 1mg (milligram, not microgram) of Vitamin K per 325mg of aspirin. Here are his specific recommendations for lung cancer: Ray Peat Email Exchanges - Ray Peat Forum Wiki


Mar 29, 2014
I'm sorry you Grandmother is having to deal with this.
Glad she has your support.

I'm no expert, and there are many ideas you could research, but if
you are looking for ideas to read about, here are a couple more:
- the thread on Gerson therapy : Gerson Therapy
- the threads on Koch
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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