Multi Racial Society - The Biggest Stressor Of Them All?


Mar 21, 2021
Tucker Carlson, who is by far the most popular and controversial host on Fox News, has completely disavowed any White Identity politics or anything along those lines. The farthest Tucker goes is to push a bit back on the Anti-White vitriol fomented by the System, which is good, but he is far from promoting any sort of White Identity let alone Politics along those lines.

However, since anyone who actually is pushing Identity Politics is completely censored, Tucker Carlson gets all of the attention for being a "White Supremacist" despite having very mild views.

As far as the Internet goes, anyone promoting White Identity Politics has been relegated to Telegram and Odysee because anything of censorship on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit etc. i.e. all the highest traffic platforms.

How can you claim the Deep State has been using White Identity politics since Nixon, when by every measure the USA has been shaped by what White Identity Politics doesn't want and has warned against?

Trump, yes did appeal to White Identity to get elected, and then nothing tangible resulted from it.

The "Elites", better said Jews, have power because the ADL gets their way in Government and the Media - not Identity Politics.
First off you realize history didn’t start yesterday.

You have to evolve your thinking.

We started this nation under slavery. After the civil war there was Jim Crow laws up until the 60’s

The Democratic Party was the segregationist party.

The Republican Party was the pro corporate party. That courted black votes.

Starting with JFK and with LBJ signing the Civil rights act pist off many of the southern democrats and Nixon saw an opportunity to get the votes of disaffected white southern voters and came up with the southern strategy.

“The phrase "Southern Strategy" refers primarily to "top down" narratives of the political realignment of the South which suggest that Republican leaders consciously appealed to many white Southerners' racial grievances to gain their support.”

The Nixon / Allen Dulles connection who started the cia.

From the book the devil chess board a book about Allen Dulles and the rise of the Cia and also many suspected him behind the assassination of JFK.

The congressman’s new enthusiasm for Truman’s ambitious proposal did not go down well with his conservative supporters back home. But Nixon was shrewd enough to figure out that senior members of the GOP’s East Coast elite like Dulles and Herter could be of more benefit to him than the Southern California citrus growers and businessmen who had launched his career.

The political relationship forged between the rising politician from California and Dulles’s East Coast circle would become one of the most significant partnerships of the postwar era. Nixon grew into a potent political weapon for the Dulles group, a cunning operator who managed to accrue solidly conservative credentials with the Republican Party’s popular base while dependably serving the interests of the GOP’s privileged leadership class. Together, the Dulles circle and Richard Nixon would bring about a sharp, rightward shift in the nation’s politics, driving out the surviving elements of the New Deal regime in Washington and establishing a new ruling order that was much more in tune with the Dulles circle’s financial interests. The Dulles-Nixon alliance proved masterful at exploiting the Cold War panic that gripped the nation, using it to root out Rooseveltian true believers from government, along with a few genuine Communist infiltrators who posed a marginal threat to national security. When Washington’s anti-Communist witch hunt raged out of control and threatened to consume even those who had lit the flame, Nixon again proved of great use to Dulles, working with him to keep the inferno within safe boundaries. In return for his services, Nixon won the patronage of the kingmakers in the Dulles circle, ensuring the politician’s steady rise toward Washington’s top throne.

when young naval officer Richard Nixon was shuttling up and down the East Coast, wrapping up war-related business for the Navy. While sifting through the military paperwork, Nixon came across eye-opening Nazi documents that had been shipped to an old torpedo factory on the Virginia side of the Potomac. Some of these documents revealed how the Dulles brothers had helped launder Nazi funds during the war. Loftus, citing confidential intelligence sources, alleged that Dulles and Nixon proceeded to cut a deal. “Allen Dulles,” reported Loftus, “told him to keep quiet about what he had seen and, in return, [Dulles] arranged to finance the young man’s first congressional campaign against Jerry Voorhis.”

Dulles and his clients in the banking and oil industries had ample reason to target Voorhis, a five-term Democratic congressman and ardent New Dealer from Nixon’s home district in Southern California. The crusading congressman was a particularly troublesome thorn in the sides of Wall Street and Big Oil. Voorhis shook the banking industry by pushing for the federal government to take over the nation’s privately owned, regional Federal Reserve Banks—a radical proposal that briefly won President Roosevelt’s support, but ultimately failed to overcome the banking lobby. Voorhis was more successful in his efforts to curb the power of the major oil companies. In 1943.

Lee Atwater a political strategist for Ronald Regan and George h Bush who was director of the cia.

Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy​

The forty-two-minute recording, acquired by James Carter IV, confirms Atwater’s incendiary remarks and places them in context​

You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”


Then you had the rise of rightwing radio and Fox News. And the election of George w bush with connections to his dad of course and **** Cheney who secretary of defense under GHW and ceo of Halliburton.

Then you had Barrack Obama coming in after George w bush with two war and a major recession and the entire democratic base coming after Wall Street and the military industrial complex. The anti-war democratic base wasn’t so anti-war when Obama was dropping the bombs. And the famous meeting Obama had with the banker and told them I am the only one protecting you from the pitchforks.

So the deep state saw how a democrat could keep anti-war anti-wall street anger under control.

Then we saw Trump take out Jeb Bush in the primaries and go on to win the presidency using the playbook started by Nixon and perfected by Lee Atwater and blasted all over the airwaves by rightwing radio and Fox News.


So the deep state and the billionaires corporate buddies took their money power and influence of media, social media platforms and in government turned it super woke to sway public opinion against this outsider Trump.


Mar 21, 2021
in October 1980, officials in Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign, including future CIA Director William Casey, made a secret deal with Iran to delay the release of the American hostages until after the election; in return for this, the United States purportedly arranged for Israel to ship weapons to Iran.

The Cia / deep state is running this country and has been since the 1970 and are using whatever manipulation tactics they need to get their puppets in power.


Oct 11, 2015
in October 1980, officials in Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign, including future CIA Director William Casey, made a secret deal with Iran to delay the release of the American hostages until after the election; in return for this, the United States purportedly arranged for Israel to ship weapons to Iran.

The Cia / deep state is running this country and has been since the 1970 and are using whatever manipulation tactics they need to get their puppets in power.


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Oct 2, 2018
First off you realize history didn’t start yesterday.

You have to evolve your thinking.

We started this nation under slavery. After the civil war there was Jim Crow laws up until the 60’s

The Democratic Party was the segregationist party.

The Republican Party was the pro corporate party. That courted black votes.

Starting with JFK and with LBJ signing the Civil rights act pist off many of the southern democrats and Nixon saw an opportunity to get the votes of disaffected white southern voters and came up with the southern strategy.

“The phrase "Southern Strategy" refers primarily to "top down" narratives of the political realignment of the South which suggest that Republican leaders consciously appealed to many white Southerners' racial grievances to gain their support.”

The Nixon / Allen Dulles connection who started the cia.

From the book the devil chess board a book about Allen Dulles and the rise of the Cia and also many suspected him behind the assassination of JFK.

The congressman’s new enthusiasm for Truman’s ambitious proposal did not go down well with his conservative supporters back home. But Nixon was shrewd enough to figure out that senior members of the GOP’s East Coast elite like Dulles and Herter could be of more benefit to him than the Southern California citrus growers and businessmen who had launched his career.

The political relationship forged between the rising politician from California and Dulles’s East Coast circle would become one of the most significant partnerships of the postwar era. Nixon grew into a potent political weapon for the Dulles group, a cunning operator who managed to accrue solidly conservative credentials with the Republican Party’s popular base while dependably serving the interests of the GOP’s privileged leadership class. Together, the Dulles circle and Richard Nixon would bring about a sharp, rightward shift in the nation’s politics, driving out the surviving elements of the New Deal regime in Washington and establishing a new ruling order that was much more in tune with the Dulles circle’s financial interests. The Dulles-Nixon alliance proved masterful at exploiting the Cold War panic that gripped the nation, using it to root out Rooseveltian true believers from government, along with a few genuine Communist infiltrators who posed a marginal threat to national security. When Washington’s anti-Communist witch hunt raged out of control and threatened to consume even those who had lit the flame, Nixon again proved of great use to Dulles, working with him to keep the inferno within safe boundaries. In return for his services, Nixon won the patronage of the kingmakers in the Dulles circle, ensuring the politician’s steady rise toward Washington’s top throne.

when young naval officer Richard Nixon was shuttling up and down the East Coast, wrapping up war-related business for the Navy. While sifting through the military paperwork, Nixon came across eye-opening Nazi documents that had been shipped to an old torpedo factory on the Virginia side of the Potomac. Some of these documents revealed how the Dulles brothers had helped launder Nazi funds during the war. Loftus, citing confidential intelligence sources, alleged that Dulles and Nixon proceeded to cut a deal. “Allen Dulles,” reported Loftus, “told him to keep quiet about what he had seen and, in return, [Dulles] arranged to finance the young man’s first congressional campaign against Jerry Voorhis.”

Dulles and his clients in the banking and oil industries had ample reason to target Voorhis, a five-term Democratic congressman and ardent New Dealer from Nixon’s home district in Southern California. The crusading congressman was a particularly troublesome thorn in the sides of Wall Street and Big Oil. Voorhis shook the banking industry by pushing for the federal government to take over the nation’s privately owned, regional Federal Reserve Banks—a radical proposal that briefly won President Roosevelt’s support, but ultimately failed to overcome the banking lobby. Voorhis was more successful in his efforts to curb the power of the major oil companies. In 1943.

Lee Atwater a political strategist for Ronald Regan and George h Bush who was director of the cia.

Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy​

The forty-two-minute recording, acquired by James Carter IV, confirms Atwater’s incendiary remarks and places them in context​

You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”


Then you had the rise of rightwing radio and Fox News. And the election of George w bush with connections to his dad of course and **** Cheney who secretary of defense under GHW and ceo of Halliburton.

Then you had Barrack Obama coming in after George w bush with two war and a major recession and the entire democratic base coming after Wall Street and the military industrial complex. The anti-war democratic base wasn’t so anti-war when Obama was dropping the bombs. And the famous meeting Obama had with the banker and told them I am the only one protecting you from the pitchforks.

So the deep state saw how a democrat could keep anti-war anti-wall street anger under control.

Then we saw Trump take out Jeb Bush in the primaries and go on to win the presidency using the playbook started by Nixon and perfected by Lee Atwater and blasted all over the airwaves by rightwing radio and Fox News.


So the deep state and the billionaires corporate buddies took their money power and influence of media, social media platforms and in government turned it super woke to sway public opinion against this outsider Trump.

I think the rot goes back further than that. How about the establishment of Washington D.C. and then the establishment of the Federal Reserve Banking Act in 1913. The US major institutions of banking, media, universities and think tanks have all been led and infiltrated by people of a certain race and creed, who have been pushing their agenda and buying power and influence for a long time now.

You keep labouring the point about us all having monkey brains and not being able to evolve. That completely ignores the difficulties of living in a multiracial society where the reality is that many of the people now in multicultural countries have completely opposing values and morals, as well as using the rules of the country they migrate too, but not following those rules themselves or bending them as much as possible. The division may be amplified for purposes of power, but the division is absolutely real. Do you think people like Ilhan Omar want to keep America the way it was? Of course not. She just wants to extract as much financially as she can while trying to re-make America more like the homeland she fled. That story is repeated over and over. Of course that annoys the non-migrant population.


Mar 21, 2021
I think the rot goes back further than that. How about the establishment of Washington D.C. and then the establishment of the Federal Reserve Banking Act in 1913. The US major institutions of banking, media, universities and think tanks have all been led and infiltrated by people of a certain race and creed, who have been pushing their agenda and buying power and influence for a long time now.

You keep labouring the point about us all having monkey brains and not being able to evolve. That completely ignores the difficulties of living in a multiracial society where the reality is that many of the people now in multicultural countries have completely opposing values and morals, as well as using the rules of the country they migrate too, but not following those rules themselves or bending them as much as possible. The division may be amplified for purposes of power, but the division is absolutely real. Do you think people like Ilhan Omar want to keep America the way it was? Of course not. She just wants to extract as much financially as she can while trying to re-make America more like the homeland she fled. That story is repeated over and over. Of course that annoys the non-migrant population.
How has immigrants effected you personally. Don’t be like a covidian who was freaked by the same corporate media that pushed the Covid narrative.

First off what power does Omar have to change the culture? She is congressman that is hated by republicans and corporate democrats which represents 80 percent of the party.

And 99 % of Congress is corrupt, with all those choices of corrupt leaders using culture to get elected so they can do the bidding of their corporate masters, you bring up someone jaywalking, while the mob is having shoot outs in the Streets and shaking down local businesses owner for protection money.

And we can go back to the dawn of time with the powerful using tactics to gain power. I am talking about the current tactics that the elites are using in the age of internet and radio and television media.


Mar 21, 2021
@michael94 I get your point the Jews elites are corrupt. Have you read any of Whitney webs work.

But it’s the Jews collaborating with all types of races and religions and the Cia was started by Allen Dulles who collaborated with nazis.
The elites don’t waste their time with the tribal mind thinking, they want money and money.

So while we fight the tribal wars they create , they take all the money and power


Logically that would be a mono racial society. Impractical and inhumane for a whole country now, of course.
Yes, impractical and inhumane. For instance, who would be the rightful owners of your country? You could end up in the category “immigrant”.

To the extent that Foreign Policy is damaging these countries, like in the Middle East, it's because we're doing so on behalf of Israel's interests in the Middle East. We should not have to take in the entire Middle East as a refugee because Israel and Jews in general control our countries. And the premise that we are behind the economic misfortune of everyone who is poor is wrong.

Ray is wrong here. First, because there was no "Genocide" either planned or carried out and Second, because German Anti-Semitism was based on the malicious behavior of Jews, not because of IQ tests or something like that. Hitler talked about how Jews were behind Communism, stabbed Germany in the back in World War I, controlled National and International Finance and Media interests etc. The Nazis burned books because Jews were pushing Transsexualism and Sexual Degeneracy even back then.
I’m not motivated to spend my time finding material to debunk your thesis. Btw it would be relatively easy to do. If I had to chose between believing Hitler or Ray Peat I will always chose to believe Ray Peat. You keep saying Ray Peat is wrong but as this is a Ray Peat forum. Ray Peat gets to be right here. But I do appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post.

+ 11

Your point here stands alone and it shouldn't be complicated for anyone to see this.

I'm compelled to add a touch of nerdy systemics. Foreign policy intersects with domestic monetary, economic and fiscal policy through IFIs. Academia can and do obfuscate but it's not as complicated as we're nudged to feel it is. If only there was a way to stop discourse being derailed, keep it in truth and for it not be an exercise in deferral to "thought leaders" and "experts". There's a vacuum here that may have something to do with Schwab's "angrier world".

Thank you for the Peaty citings Ms. I don't see how anyone could dispute his points about race and IQ in the video and transcript in good faith.

Also this.


I'm glad you can see the bigger picture 🙏

As in Western Europe, there is some resentment against minority groups, which are far more frequently involved in violent crime.
And just as in Western Europe, population collapse is only being delayed by a few ethnic groups – Russians not being among them.
I'm not a social historian but there was a time in this country when knife crime was mostly a white crime - it wasn't that long ago. Then something shifted. I don't really know what happened. Recently, thanks to the opposition leader Keir Starmer, there has been an attempt to associate child sex crimes with the Asian community. Not everyone is buying it. That's not to say that Asian gangs have not been linked to these crimes but it's not exclusively an Asian crime.

The biggest criminals are governments and everyone who enables them.


Mar 21, 2021
Why is it that siblings fight so much? They come from they same DNA, eat a lot the same food, live in the same house , go to the same schools. Same moral upbringing, possibly go to the same church.


Aug 17, 2018
Ray is wrong here. First, because there was no "Genocide" either planned or carried out and Second, because German Anti-Semitism was based on the malicious behavior of Jews, not because of IQ tests or something like that. Hitler talked about how Jews were behind Communism, stabbed Germany in the back in World War I, controlled National and International Finance and Media interests etc. The Nazis burned books because Jews were pushing Transsexualism and Sexual Degeneracy even back then.

I read somewhere that it takes about three generations for the lie to come up and perhaps it's that time.

Also, bitchute has a good documentary on this subject - Europa, the last battle.


Mar 21, 2021

Fox News went against the deep state narrative and the elites are crushing them. The lost all their advertising. Now losing lawsuits for 787 million when all media defames corporations and people all the time.


Why is it that siblings fight so much? They come from they same DNA, eat a lot the same food, live in the same house , go to the same schools. Same moral upbringing, possibly go to the same church.
Bad parenting.
The owners of my country inform me that they are the rightful owners, so it all worked out OK in the end.
Good to know. :thumbup


Oct 11, 2015
. Recently, thanks to the opposition leader Keir Starmer, there has been an attempt to associate child sex crimes with the Asian community. Not everyone is buying it. That's not to say that Asian gangs have not been linked to these crimes but it's not exclusively an Asian crime.

The biggest criminals are governments and everyone who enables them.
But if there's a disproportionate amount of crime from a certain group, especially crimes like this of an extremely serious nature, you have to expect that people are going to righteously furious.

You can't just throw up your hands and say "Well actually Government are the biggest criminals what are you gonna do?"

How about execute every one of these criminals on the spot and put a complete ban on Pakistani Immigration or whatever country they're from. That would be a start

Also, the term "Asian" is used to lump Chinese, Japanese, etc.. who commit almost no violent or sexual crimes, with Pakistani and other Middle Eastern groups in the UK that have been.
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But if there's a disproportionate amount of crime from a certain group, especially crimes like this of an extremely serious nature, you have to expect that people are going to righteously furious.

You can't just throw up your hands and say "Well actually Government are the biggest criminals what are you gonna do?"

How about execute every one of these criminals on the spot and put a complete ban on Pakistani Immigration or whatever country they're from. That would be a start

Also, the term "Asian" is used to lump Chinese, Japanese, etc.. who commit almost no violent or sexual crimes, with Pakistani and other Middle Eastern groups in the UK that have been.
I was referring to a specific debate going on in the UK at the moment. Keir Starmer played a dirty political game which I think will back fire. I doubt that anyone here doesn’t really know who the real child sex criminals are. Real crime and crime reporting seem miles apart.


Aug 21, 2020
Traditional values are more tied to the fact that most people identify with a conservative religion (orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism).
Actually, religion in Russia might be even less relevant than in the West. The number of practicing Orthodox is extremely low (around 1% of the population), and even the Muslim population is, on the whole, much more secularised compared to Europe's.

The government is actively promoting religious sentiment among the population, but while it does have valid reasons to do so (increasing natality being the most notable), religious temples are being built based on political strategy, not popular demand.


Apr 21, 2021
Actually, religion in Russia might be even less relevant than in the West. The number of practicing Orthodox is extremely low (around 1% of the population), and even the Muslim population is, on the whole, much more secularised compared to Europe's.

The government is actively promoting religious sentiment among the population, but while it does have valid reasons to do so (increasing natality being the most notable), religious temples are being built based on political strategy, not popular demand.
Yes, many Orthodox don’t practice but they still strongly identify with it - know the songs, traditions, etc. That umbilical cord shapes their belief system. I’d guess it’s the same for Muslims.

Interesting about increasing natality. Hadn’t thought of that. I’d say the most notable political reason for building temples is stability. Stability/no radicalization is a very important part of Putin’s strategy for building up the country. Keeping the various groups happy achieves that.
Apr 1, 2021
In my country, we are all white, we got some gypsies but that's it. I went into deep connections with my people and they are all racist against the foreigner workers (Nepalese, Congolese, indians). That's normal. Imagine connecting emotions to your native language as everybody does and in some point in life you must speak English in almost every corner to be understood. Wouldn't that make you feel empty? Of course yes. Your people get divided. If you are friendly to them they will also be to you but it will be fake. They will still prefer their Nepalese friends because they see the world as we do. Children are the purest form of life. I lived my childhood in Spain and everybody was saying Ching Chong to the Chinese. The teachers didn't care because they knew that their place is not there. I think after some point you start accepting multiculturalism which translates to an adapted stressed state that you won't notice anymore.

The dumbest thing is to go to a black country and to think that you have the right of being racist there. It's like putting a puma into the Safari.


Mar 15, 2014
I find it hard to believe Jews "run" anything at all

They own a garbage piece of land smaller than New Jersey, dry for half the year and scheduled to get drier in the future

They were even more powerless centuries ago, but I'm supposed to believe that they "magically" just became powerful because they focused on banking?
In the words of a zoomer: "its ez bro they just bankmaxxxed"

Some say it was because "Christians were banned from usury" but kind of stupid king gives a foreign ethnicity a bunch of financial power?
Answer: Not a stupid king at all, because foreigners as bankers are kept on a tight leash due to their inherent foreignness, and also due to the inherent hatred people have for bankers. A cabal of foreign (Jewish) bankers cannot usurp or coup anything, because they would be exterminated by the local population the second they did.

1. have actual power
2. assign a bunch of foreigner Xs as your intermediaries
3. do whatever you want, the proles will blame your foreigner class and the foreigners will never be able to betray you
4. throw them under the bus when the system starts buckling

That's normal. Imagine connecting emotions to your native language as everybody does and in some point in life you must speak English in almost every corner to be understood. Wouldn't that make you feel empty? Of course yes. Your people get divided. If you are friendly to them they will also be to you but it will be fake. They will still prefer their Nepalese friends because they see the world as we do. Children are the purest form of life. I lived my childhood in Spain and everybody was saying Ching Chong to the Chinese.
>complains about English
>starts being rude to the Chinese
flawless logic
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