America's new anthem - "Fake Woke"


Mar 30, 2020
Wow, now, this is censorship! I hope he sues the hell out of Apple as there is nothing in his art that incites violence or promotes racism, which they claimed are the only 2 reasons for banning a person from their platform.

I'm not sure where they state that in their ToS? There doesn't seem to be a bit about inciting anything, but there is a whole section on liability, (he basically can't ever sue them) and there are lots of bits which essentially say "we'll remove your music whenever we feel like it".


Jan 25, 2014
These "private" companies are fronts for government terrorists. Their advertising spending far far exceeds what they could bring in from legitimate representation. Look them up. Puny little outfits.

Most, if not all, tax reduction websites and tax shelter promoters are government fronts that gather names and info on tax haters for easy takedown as a group.

Going to those sites is as dumb as searching for how to poison your spouse and collect on life insurance...and then leaving the computer in your house after the deed is done.

Tax Shelter promoters..... maybe. But the "Tax Reduction" and "Tax Relief" places aren't. If you listen to the ads for those companies, they are still basically saying "pay income taxes." The days of Irwin Schiff advertising on the radio are long gone, he hasn't run ads since the early 2000s (and he passed away in jail a while ago). They actually talk to people who haven't paid or have underpaid. When they say "settle your debt for a fraction of what you owe," they are still saying "pay." You can negotiate a deal like this with the IRS yourself, as can any tax lawyer or CPA. With over 40 Million people not paying the IRS (or underpaying), and the IRS underfunded as it is, they can't put them all in jail. They don't even try. They only go after the famous ones.... Wesley Snipes, Willie Nelson, Martha Stewart.

Even though the US has the largest prison population in the world by far (and by both total prisoners and per capita), at 2.3 Million or so, that's still only about 5% of people who don't pay income taxes, or underpay. And most of those people aren't in there for "tax crimes." It's usually violent criminals, or drug offences. Although all courts in this country are pretty much commercial courts at this point, all operating under Maritime/Admiralty law, through they don't call it that.

In fact, the IRS doesn't want you in jail. Because then, you won't be paying them.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I'm not sure where they state that in their ToS? There doesn't seem to be a bit about inciting anything, but there is a whole section on liability, (he basically can't ever sue them) and there are lots of bits which essentially say "we'll remove your music whenever we feel like it".

Any company can put whatever they want in their ToS, but it does not mean it will stick in court or that he can't even sue. An illegal clause can be (and has been) thrown out of a ToS, especially when imposed by a quasi-monopolist like Apple.


Mar 30, 2020
Any company can put whatever they want in their ToS, but it does not mean it will stick in court or that he can't even sue. An illegal clause can be (and has been) thrown out of a ToS, especially when imposed by a quasi-monopolist like Apple.

I suppose that sounds reasonable, I'll take your word for it; I do know courts tend to side with the label/publisher/distributor on these matters, and sometimes it's even impossible to recoup legal fees if you win (which obviously favors the label). I know he hasn't got any kind of exclusivity with Apple on any of his tunes (they're all available elsewhere), though. I'd be fascinated to see someone try, though.

In any case, it seems from comments on hangovergang's Instagram page like he did it himself (through cynical design or genuine accident we may never know... until he mentions it in future lyrics), and is already capitalizing on the discussion it's generating, partly by appearing on his partner's new single in the meantime. I mean goodness, this is ostensibly a stunt which has generated a record-breaking amount of discussion for a single track here at the RPF! He did tell you that he "ain't gonna keep this a secret, my marketing genius..."

I'm still curious as to where you saw that apparent commitment to anti-racism from iTunes though? I'm not sure I've ever come across that, and I couldn't easily find anything about it after searching - if you have a source/link I'd be grateful. It surprised me; I mean, Azaelia Banks is still on there and she's been pretty open about promoting race hate in the past - in fact, she got suspended from Twitter for it eventually, but apparently not from Apple's services.
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