Wokism is profitable, Ilhan Omar’s husband ‘got $635k in Covid bailout


Feb 18, 2016
Speaking of bailouts @haidut
Covid19 has been a tax payer funded cash machine for big business in general, we have scandal after scandal worldwide, millions In the UK for PPE contracts given to friends etc

Now we have one of the darlings of wokism in America and worldwide funneling bailout money to her ironically "white" husband because of covid19.

Many of the global woke brigade writing books on white privilege etc are "white" and keeping the profits of said books to pass onto their "white" kids.
The diversity industry is worth billions globally and achieves little to nothing for those it’s supposedly represents ,it does however make profit for those involved in pumping the narrative.
BLM money was funneled to the woke Democratic Party for example.
Just think about what could have been done with above money for kids from the lower socioeconomic class with this money, how many homes could have been built etc

The group of said husband is called E street group -"The E Street Group is a left-of-center political consulting firm which focuses on communications and data-driven campaigns for progressive candidates".
Does this sound like a company that is essential to our society and required a tax payer bailout ? Small and medium businesses are going under everywhere,the loan scheme for them is a joke.
This company is however essential for woke globalism, this is where our tax money is going, toward an agenda nobody will have a referendum on outside the UK of course.
Its also masquerading as left of center, genuinely left of center would be promoting working class views and issues of class, this lot promote wokism via middle class folks off their heads on antipsychotic SSRI’s, this is to the benefit of the liberal globalist types, wokism is centered around human capital markets which the likes of Bill Gates and Eric schmidt of google desire, an infinite supply of ever increasing consumers with lower general intelligence on average.

This is the new politics ,using big data via search words and the like to influence the narrative accordingly, this is why its Google and big tech thats in control of information and forming meanings in society, governments just respond to the narrative. Google and big tech also funnel your searches toward a particular narrative that suits the woke agenda, think fact checkers etc
The reality is also more nefarious when you keep in mind google could filter certain topics to legislators that are not actually searched for, this would benefit their own big tech agenda, an example would be not telling politicians that people are distrusting of google or we care little for a 24/7 news cycle on transgender "issues".

I’m not taking sides here because they are all criminal in my mind at this point, Can you imagine what the woke brigade would be saying if this was Ivanka Trump?

Wokism is for profit, it’s the same with the migration human capital Ponzi scheme, keep the consumers rolling in for big business.
Go woke go broke just got fixed,go woke, go broke,get tax payer funded bailout, rinse and repeat, if anyone questions this call them a racist or a transphobe even if their POC and trans because woke logic is paradoxical.

ILHAN Omar's husband received $635k in Covid bailout funds for his firm, on top of over $1million from the Democrat's campaign, records show.

Documents reveal Tim Mynett, co-founder of E Street Group, was given over half a million dollars in emergency coronavirus aid, as the company was paid millions by his Minnesota rep wife's political campaign.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Speaking of bailouts @haidut
Covid19 has been a tax payer funded cash machine for big business in general, we have scandal after scandal worldwide, millions In the UK for PPE contracts given to friends etc

Now we have one of the darlings of wokism in America and worldwide funneling bailout money to her ironically "white" husband because of covid19.

Many of the global woke brigade writing books on white privilege etc are "white" and keeping the profits of said books to pass onto their "white" kids.
The diversity industry is worth billions globally and achieves little to nothing for those it’s supposedly represents ,it does however make profit for those involved in pumping the narrative.
BLM money was funneled to the woke Democratic Party for example.
Just think about what could have been done with above money for kids from the lower socioeconomic class with this money, how many homes could have been built etc

The group of said husband is called E street group -"The E Street Group is a left-of-center political consulting firm which focuses on communications and data-driven campaigns for progressive candidates".
Does this sound like a company that is essential to our society and required a tax payer bailout ? Small and medium businesses are going under everywhere,the loan scheme for them is a joke.
This company is however essential for woke globalism, this is where our tax money is going, toward an agenda nobody will have a referendum on outside the UK of course.
Its also masquerading as left of center, genuinely left of center would be promoting working class views and issues of class, this lot promote wokism via middle class folks off their heads on antipsychotic SSRI’s, this is to the benefit of the liberal globalist types, wokism is centered around human capital markets which the likes of Bill Gates and Eric schmidt of google desire, an infinite supply of ever increasing consumers with lower general intelligence on average.

This is the new politics ,using big data via search words and the like to influence the narrative accordingly, this is why its Google and big tech thats in control of information and forming meanings in society, governments just respond to the narrative. Google and big tech also funnel your searches toward a particular narrative that suits the woke agenda, think fact checkers etc
The reality is also more nefarious when you keep in mind google could filter certain topics to legislators that are not actually searched for, this would benefit their own big tech agenda, an example would be not telling politicians that people are distrusting of google or we care little for a 24/7 news cycle on transgender "issues".

I’m not taking sides here because they are all criminal in my mind at this point, Can you imagine what the woke brigade would be saying if this was Ivanka Trump?

Wokism is for profit, it’s the same with the migration human capital Ponzi scheme, keep the consumers rolling in for big business.
Go woke go broke just got fixed,go woke, go broke,get tax payer funded bailout, rinse and repeat, if anyone questions this call them a racist or a transphobe even if their POC and trans because woke logic is paradoxical.

ILHAN Omar's husband received $635k in Covid bailout funds for his firm, on top of over $1million from the Democrat's campaign, records show.

Documents reveal Tim Mynett, co-founder of E Street Group, was given over half a million dollars in emergency coronavirus aid, as the company was paid millions by his Minnesota rep wife's political campaign.

Unsurprising, to say the least. To add flavor to the story, her current husband was actually her political aide and lover for years while her Somali husband was back home taking care of the (3) kids. Speaking of kids, her 3rd kid was fathered and born while she was married to another man (both lover and then-husband are Somali). The lover, with whom she had been partners for years, married in 2018, by which time she had already been cheating on him as well for several years with another (married) lover, and they divorced just a year later.
Putting blame aside, to me it speaks volumes about her character. When the news of all this broke out, the "wokists" immediately came to her defense claiming that she was only doing what "privileged white men" had been doing for centuries. and. if anything, it was a "hopeful sign" of a shift towards equality between men and women. When a journalist in the crowd during the press conference her PR team was giving on the issue pointed out that gender equality should apply to all 47+ genders Omar claimed to be recognizing and defending (and not just men and women ), her team said that when it comes to "personal matters" (i.e. serial infidelity, out of wedlock children, home-wrecking, etc) it was most certainly a "women's right" issue and not a "gender rights" issue. I wonder how many of her LGBTQ voters realize she would throw them under the bus any chance she gets if it furthers somehow her political career... Don't get me wrong. the men in politics are just as rotten, but to "sell" her to the voters as some kind of beacon of hope and progress is laughable...and sad that so many people buy that message.


Feb 18, 2016
Unsurprising, to say the least. To add flavor to the story, her current husband was actually her political aide and lover for years while her Somali husband was back home taking care of the (3) kids. Speaking of kids, her 3rd kid was fathered and born while she was married to another man (both lover and then-husband are Somali). The lover, with whom she had been partners for years, married in 2018, by which time she had already been cheating on him as well for several years with another (married) lover, and they divorced just a year later.
Putting blame aside, to me it speaks volumes about her character. When the news of all this broke out, the "wokists" immediately came to her defense claiming that she was only doing what "privileged white men" had been doing for centuries. and. if anything, it was a "hopeful sign" of a shift towards equality between men and women. When a journalist in the crowd during the press conference her PR team was giving on the issue pointed out that gender equality should apply to all 47+ genders Omar claimed to be recognizing and defending (and not just men and women ), her team said that when it comes to "personal matters" (i.e. serial infidelity, out of wedlock children, home-wrecking, etc) it was most certainly a "women's right" issue and not a "gender rights" issue. I wonder how many of her LGBTQ voters realize she would throw them under the bus any chance she gets if it furthers somehow her political career... Don't get me wrong. the men in politics are just as rotten, but to "sell" her to the voters as some kind of beacon of hope and progress is laughable...and sad that so many people buy that message.

Woke logic, basically anything goes when big money is backing them.
The information war to create meanings is all about amplification, money amplifies, reality and critical thinking is not necessary, control the signal to noise ratio and you win. Maybe when folks have to starting "experiencing" the type of society this lot want the spell will break,


Aug 17, 2016


Feb 18, 2016

Im not surprised by this if true, it’s all about amplifying the lie regardless of the reality ,whoever can amplify the loudest wins, both sides are liars and propagandists.
Whenever anyone creates another amplifying outlet like Parler the ruling class look to shut it down, the usual narrative is then pumped, terrorism etc


the new woke wave is largely an an attempt by big business and finance to distract from actual issues such as the declining standard of living and rising debt and economic inequality. The new wokism seemed to start not long after occupy wall street showed a certain fed-up-ness with the system.

It's very sad to see the current state of the American Left which, besides some very good voices on the margins, seems to care only about the theatre of identity politics have proven to be very divisive and alienating for most people


Feb 18, 2016
the new woke wave is largely an an attempt by big business and finance to distract from actual issues such as the declining standard of living and rising debt and economic inequality. The new wokism seemed to start not long after occupy wall street showed a certain fed-up-ness with the system.

It's very sad to see the current state of the American Left which, besides some very good voices on the margins, seems to care only about the theatre of identity politics have proven to be very divisive and alienating for most people

Yep, the hilarious thing is the wokists believe they are winning, they are performing a circus sideshow for an elite white/Asian ruling class that has streamlined their power at the top, what do the wokists get? Well, they can date a transgender "person" in public and not be shamed, they also get gender pronouns along with the twitter echo chamber becoming a safe space. They can also claim penises and the like are "social constructs".


Mar 10, 2016
I think the moral here is that being Ilhan Omar's husband is profitable :sweatsmile:


Aug 17, 2016
Yep, the hilarious thing is the wokists believe they are winning, they are performing a circus sideshow for an elite white/Asian ruling class that has streamlined their power at the top, what do the wokists get? Well, they can date a transgender "person" in public and not be shamed, they also get gender pronouns along with the twitter echo chamber becoming a safe space. They can also claim penises and the like are "social constructs".


  • woke.jpg
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Feb 18, 2016
LOL! :clap :clap :clap

The doctor is an economist really, it’s costs more to remove a penis.


Feb 18, 2016
I think the moral here is that being Ilhan Omar's husband is profitable :sweatsmile:

Being woke is profitable for now, as long as they can distract from the real profit extraction which is the big banks and big corporate groups receiving trillions in bailout money, all is good, wokists can receive a few hundred grand here and there along with millions for woke books, nothing to the billionaire class, cheap smoke and mirrors.


Feb 18, 2016
Non woke memes are the best, wokists can’t meme.
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