Hypothesis- Transgender Mania and Jeffrey Epstein links


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
bloodwork of notorious pedophiles to understand what's going on.

Many studies on this have already been done...and you can probably guess what they revealed.
"...Eighty-eight pedophiles, 45 incest offenders, and 44 community controls with no history of sexual or violent crime were compared on eight hormones: androstenedione, cortisol, estradiol, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin, and testosterone, and on sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Results showed that sex offenders had elevated levels of four hormones: androstenedione, cortisol, estradiol and prolactin, when they were compared to normal controls, suggesting some stress-related factors. Covarying out the effects of age, education, and drug or alcohol abuse reduced only the between-group difference for estradiol. Contrary to previous findings, few sex offenders (only 2.3% to 11.8%) had either high, or low, serum testosterone levels. Incestuous and pedophilic men also did not differ from community volunteers on FSH and LH as might be expected from earlier reports. The relative value of static baseline hormonal levels in the peripheral blood and the more dynamic "challenge" tests of the endocrine system are discussed."

Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
You're mixing him up with Weinstein.

Not only are you incorrect, but you didn't even have the common sense to watch the 1 minute of video evidence I shared above in which the detective describes Jeffrey's johnson.

Epstein was not amused!

Edit: I'm not saying Weinstein doesn't also have an egg-shaped member; I just haven't seen evidence of that specific claim although some of his victims have described him as having a micro-phallus.

Epstein, Weinstein.. one might be so bold as to hypothesize that the male faction of a certain ethno-religious demographic suffers disproportionately from genital[-derived] trauma and are predisposed to sexual perversion and/or predation. But I am not that bold!

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Feb 18, 2016
@charlie Is possible to put this thread into a different sub forum? Politics? I’m not sure what I done to end up in mental issues.


Feb 18, 2016
Many studies on this have already been done...and you can probably guess what they revealed.
"...Eighty-eight pedophiles, 45 incest offenders, and 44 community controls with no history of sexual or violent crime were compared on eight hormones: androstenedione, cortisol, estradiol, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin, and testosterone, and on sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Results showed that sex offenders had elevated levels of four hormones: androstenedione, cortisol, estradiol and prolactin, when they were compared to normal controls, suggesting some stress-related factors. Covarying out the effects of age, education, and drug or alcohol abuse reduced only the between-group difference for estradiol. Contrary to previous findings, few sex offenders (only 2.3% to 11.8%) had either high, or low, serum testosterone levels. Incestuous and pedophilic men also did not differ from community volunteers on FSH and LH as might be expected from earlier reports. The relative value of static baseline hormonal levels in the peripheral blood and the more dynamic "challenge" tests of the endocrine system are discussed."


Thanks for this, I think you have posted on this elsewhere in the past also.
The tissue specific aspect of the many different corticosteroids is more involved in many disorders IMO, they show up high in many studies around sexuality, the research hasn’t caught up yet.
The fact that paedophiles have this hormone profile should be grounds to prove it’s incoherent behavior, if said hormone profile is shown to be correlated with other health disorders it moots the point that it’s "love" according to paedophile sympathizers. ,I’m convinced the wokists will start propaganda around the age of consent over the next few years, they are in denial of empirical based biology so its possible they will cancel the discussion.

21-Deoxycortisol showed up in some interesting studies around hair growth when I was searching around for hormone profiles in relation to sexual incoherency, not sure if you looked into it.



Apr 15, 2020
Thanks for this, I think you have posted on this elsewhere in the past also.
The tissue specific aspect of the many different corticosteroids is more involved in many disorders IMO, they show up high in many studies around sexuality, the research hasn’t caught up yet.
The fact that paedophiles have this hormone profile should be grounds to prove it’s incoherent behavior, if said hormone profile is shown to be correlated with other health disorders it moots the point that it’s "love" according to paedophile sympathizers. ,I’m convinced the wokists will start propaganda around the age of consent over the next few years, they are in denial of empirical based biology so its possible they will cancel the discussion.

21-Deoxycortisol showed up in some interesting studies around hair growth when I was searching around for hormone profiles in relation to sexual incoherency, not sure if you looked into it.

Haha I don't think paedophilia will become mainstream any time soon. If it does well... We are ******


Feb 18, 2016
Haha I don't think paedophilia will become mainstream any time soon. If it does well... We are ******

The wokists are pushing gender reassignment for teenagers, it should be the teenagers choice they say, hormone blockers for kids currently need parental approval, kids can approve of vaccines without their parents approval, the wokists are also mentally deranged, they are normalizing mental disorders as not disordered.

Its only a matter of time before they arrange a few kids like Greta thunberg to start a "global" campaign for kids right to choose what they do, the narrative will be designed around the parents being incompetent, we see kids on twitter calling out their parents, getting them canceled and arrested. The elites can easily protect their kids from this behavior, again this will be aimed at the lower caste in society.
The degeneracy is real.

Expect MSM headlines soon along the lines of "should kids get to veto parents decisions over their life?" This is the soft entry into the narrative.


Feb 18, 2016
This is a good article on how transgender human rights is in contradiction to the human rights of women, one of the creators of the transgender declaration is admitting they were wrong to ignore woman’s rights when writing it, he was also a gay man, most of the other signatories were transgender.
It also points out that woman was reported to the police for asking a man with his genitals on display to leave, keep in mind how changing rooms work, in male and female changing rooms in most countries their is no age restriction, a man acting as a woman with his genitals on display can be present around under 18’s.

Politicians really didn’t think this through and just signed it off thinking it wasn’t a big deal, it will be when young girls are complaining a man with his genitalia in display is present in their changing room, it’s that or it’s the Jeffrey Epstein connected elites trying to normalize their depravity, the hate speech laws are designed for this and also unquestioning authority. It’s probably a case of both.
Misgendering a transgender individual can land you in prison for 3 years in Norway, really impressive for something the woke psychotics claim is a social construct, it’s also highlights the authoritarian psychosis of the wokists.

The whole woke movement is centered around sexual depravity, there are sexual predators all around it.

Since then, increasing evidence of the impact on women of males self-identifying as the opposite sex — with and without formal certification — has emerged. In the UK, Canada, Argentina, and Ireland, female prisoners have been locked up with trans women with histories of violence, including a trans woman described as a “grave threat to women”.

A woman was reported to the police for having asked a male (with visible male genitalia) to leave the women’s changing room in a gym
Ireland has laws that allow for self-identification of sex, including for those under the age of 18, without any requirements of having had a “meaningful” transition or having lived for a length of time as the opposite sex.

When Ireland passed its version of the law that allows trans people to legally self-identify as the opposite sex in 2015, Human Rights Watch hailed the country as a “global transgender leader”. Ireland is held up by trans rights activists as the gold standard model of self-ID, with claims that no woman has been adversely affected.

In December 2019 a judge sentenced a trans woman to six years and six months imprisonment (with six months of the sentence suspended) for ten counts of sexual assault of a child and one of child cruelty over a period of two years.

The appellant (who cannot be named to protect the victim’s identity) transitioned around the time of the offences against the child. Appealing against the sentence, a lawyer for the trans woman argued that the sentencing judge did not have “sufficient regard” to the difficulties his client, as a transgender woman, would have in prison. The appellant is being held in a women’s prison pending judgment of the appeal.

In 2015 the Council of Europe passed a resolution on Discrimination Against Transgender People in Europe. Maltese MP Deborah Schembri authored the resolution and visited the UK on a fact-finding mission prior to drafting it. No feminist organisations critical of transgender ideology and self-identification were consulted, either in the UK or Malta, but plenty were that advocate replacing legal sex with gender identity. Schembri is no friend to feminists: after major scandals involving male colleagues that were exposed as having visited brothels during state visits, she proposed new tougher privacy laws to protect them.

In Malta trans prisoners are housed with people of the sex in which they identify, and female prisoners have no voice or opportunity to speak out. The same is true in Denmark and Norway.

Rosa Freedman, professor of law at the University of Reading, points out: “There are only six million people in Denmark. And women’s rights and the women’s movement is central to that society. Yet there are already cases of violence against women and rape by self-identifying ‘women’ who have accessed women’s spaces. The same is true of Norway.”

In June 2016, Norway allowed anyone to change their legal sex without the requirement of a diagnosis, medical reports, or proof of having lived as the opposite sex for any length of time. The age limit was set at six years old, providing the child has at least one parent’s consent. As trans woman Debbie Hayton learned from speaking to women in Norway, soon after the law went through, a woman was reported to the police for having asked a male (with visible male genitalia) to leave the women’s changing room in a gym. The case dragged on for more than two years until the woman was eventually cleared of harassment at appeal, but only because the tribunal decided that her comments were not directed at the trans woman.

Not only are self-declared trans women able to use all women-only facilities, but they are also protected from “transphobic hate speech” that could include “misgendering”, with a maximum jail term of three years. Hate speech legislation does not protect natal women.

Towards the end of 2020 Amnesty International Ireland signed a letter calling on politicians to “no longer provide legitimate representation” to those who “stand against the right to self-identification of transgender people”. The letter prompted condemnation from the grand-daughter of Amnesty’s founder. Wintemute struggles to understand Amnesty’s stance. “I agree with the vast majority of the demands of the trans rights movement. But there are limits when those demands affect the rights of others.”


Aug 10, 2012
Texas determines sex-change surgery for minors is child abuse - TheBlaze

Whether children should be able to undergo sex reassignment surgery or other kinds of gender transition procedures has become a hot-button political issue of late,. .
While on the campaign trail last year, President Joe Biden signaled supportfor children as young as 8 years old being able to change their genders.

Then, ..... Dr. Rachel Levine, who identifies as a transgender woman,... United States assistant secretary for health.
...... refused to rule out allowing a child to override parental consent in sex-change surgery.



Feb 18, 2016
Texas determines sex-change surgery for minors is child abuse - TheBlaze

Whether children should be able to undergo sex reassignment surgery or other kinds of gender transition procedures has become a hot-button political issue of late,. .
While on the campaign trail last year, President Joe Biden signaled supportfor children as young as 8 years old being able to change their genders.

Then, ..... Dr. Rachel Levine, who identifies as a transgender woman,... United States assistant secretary for health.
...... refused to rule out allowing a child to override parental consent in sex-change surgery.

For me at this point this is clearly a eugenic styled sterilization project, the trans community have high autism rates and become obsessive very easily, they have fallen into a trap by following big corporate ruling class sponsored trans mania.
In the past trans never took hormones like they are taking now, it was more sporadic and inconsistent, everything was more cosmetic, given hormone blockers ta 5 years of age will almost certainly sterilize them, potent amounts of estrogen and DHT will do the same to adults over time, even female to male trans taking testosterone will be converting most of that to estrogen epigenetic residue in tissues.

The hype is also part spectacle for broader society so we don’t focus on the ongoing financial fascism.

One way to test this narrative is to start hyping trans to have children if not for themselves but for other trans, this narrative won’t get hyped.


Feb 18, 2016
This article is quite good, it’s highlighting the rise of MAPS "minor attracted person", paedophiles, as is typical of the new degenerate woke the language is adjusted to sneak it into society. The usual cliches being touted, MAPS have human rights etc
Erect penises and a set of testicles are now legally allowed to enter female changing rooms even with young girls present, all said penis and testicles has to say is he’s a woman, you declare your gender, the legislation allows for this process within reality, the woke gender maniacs will try claim this is alarmism and it will never happen, it’s legal therefore it will.

I figured the ruling class are trying to normalize their depravity in the hope of adjusting legislation, we see this with legalizing prostitution and glamorizing sex work, they use these services more than anyone, they also are engaging in paedophilia, the sex workers are always from the lower social classes but social class is the actual taboo that won’t be spoken about in MSM, we won’t see bill gates’s daughters prostituting themselves anytime soon.

Throwing these narratives at the public even if they don’t stick still also creates cover for ushering in the neo feudal system, the so called woke progressive left are not the left, they are assisting the ruling class with their "activism" knowingly in some cases, many are just low intelligent impulsive idiots.

I covered the bioenergetic reasons why paedophiles are predators on here in the past, it’s clear as day they are pathologically dysfunctional/incoherent, its likely they cannot be changed once the reach adulthood, any counseling will achieve nothing.

Did the "academic" get canceled even though a petition was signed by thousands? Nope of course not, someone like Jordan Peterson is canceled, JK Rowling is canceled and threatened to be killed, say anything about black people and your canceled, a paedophile apologist is applauded.

She was responding to the debate sparked at Old Dominion University earlier this month, after word spread around campus that one of its professors, Allyn Walker, had released a book over the summer titled A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor-Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity. The book, according to its blurb, “offers a crucial account of the lived experiences of this hidden population”. In reality, all it offers is a disconcerting defence of paedophilia.

Walker, whose preferred pronouns are they/them, is concerned for the well-being of ‘minor-attracted people’ or MAPs, the new preferred term for individuals attracted to children. When asked about the use of MAPs in a recent interview, Walker responded: “I think it is important to use terminology for groups that members of that group want others to use for them. It is less stigmatising than other words like paedophile.” In other words: let’s not hurt the paedophiles’ feelings.

Throughout the interview, Walker deploys terms taken straight from the social justice playbook — as if paedophilia were just another sexual preference in need of its own Pride. Activists talk of “lowering stigma”; of a minority that is “at-risk” and “universally maligned”. As far back as 2017, in a PhD thesis titled Understanding Resilience Strategies among Minor-Attracted Individuals, Walker notes how “child pornography as a harm reduction technique has previously been theorised to be a potential strategy for MAPs to maintain abstinence from sexual contact with children”.

Yet despite such overwhelming condemnation from the student body, the university’s statement regarding the situation was short, vague, and inadequately critical of Walker’s views. For Walker, however, the university’s action reflected the “gravity of the threats to me and other people on campus”. Walker’s critics’ disapproval was part of a “coordinated effort” against the LGBTQ community and academic freedom.

I am a firm defender of academic freedom. And I believe the problem of paedophilia needs to be studied. But that does not mean that we can ignore the danger destigmatising paedophilia poses to children. We should not be normalising the idea that it is tolerable to fantasise about sex with children. A university and a university press should not be pushing this kind of harmful material.


Feb 18, 2016
Just linking this thread which highlights Ghislaine Maxwell on Reddit for 14 years propagating pro paedophilia information while her and Epstein’s were trafficking kids for the ruling class.



Feb 18, 2016
I don't remember if this was covered on here, Steve Bannon has supposedly interviewed Epstein in 2019, over 15 hours of footage, Bannon doesn't seem to speak about it. The tidbits in the clip are interesting, the future is run by women claims Epstein, interesting times when we now have legislation allowing biological males to claim they are "women".

View: https://youtu.be/gNEDia5y-TU


Oct 20, 2021
United States
I don't remember if this was covered on here, Steve Bannon has supposedly interviewed Epstein in 2019, over 15 hours of footage, Bannon doesn't seem to speak about it. The tidbits in the clip are interesting, the future is run by women claims Epstein, interesting times when we now have legislation allowing biological males to claim they are "women".

View: https://youtu.be/gNEDia5y-TU

Very interesting. Seems like incredibly rare footage.
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