America's new anthem - "Fake Woke"


Jan 1, 2013
it strenghtens my argument that the higher the socioeconomic factor of poverty is, the more likely it is that crimes are committed.

What ?

Raping out of being poor ?

Enslaving to get out of poverty ?

You should apply to the democratic party, i see a bright future for you.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Now sure why being popular in music is a metric of quality.

It is not, and if you look at my original post I said it may simply be a metric of "relevance" - i.e. usually it is controversial and it probably pushes people's buttons on topics that no political "side" wants to discuss.


Nov 23, 2020
It is not, and if you look at my original post I said it may simply be a metric of "relevance" - i.e. usually it is controversial and it probably pushes people's buttons on topics that no political "side" wants to discuss.


Jul 8, 2019
I only listened to "Fake Woke" and "Cancelled". I didn't hear any content that I would consider "Alt-Right".

For reference, the current 2021 definition of alt-right is the following according to Merriam-Webster:

Alt-right is simply rebellious against the totalitarian left. The white nationalist label is just to keep normies confused.


May 1, 2016
Hi Georgi! I joined the forum a few years back primarily for health reasons. I have struggled with GI issues for over half of my life (I am 51). I have gleaned a LOT of solid, interesting information from the forum as well as Ray Peat's work, his interviews on KMUD and with you and Danny, and I listen to you and Danny on Friday nights fairly often. So, yeah, mostly for the health stuff, but I definitely resonate with the anti-authoritarian "vibe" here (I am a registered Libertarian living in Northern California. I know, God help me, right? And apparently, I may end up on some list if John Brennan gets his way. Haha!). I have always considered myself an outlier, a weirdo, nerd, non-conformist, so even in academia, I never felt as though I fit in 100%. I especially don't fit in right now. I describe myself now as a heretical divergent heterdox wrong-thinker who is awakened not woke. Anti-woke, pretty much. After the killing of George Floyd, my faculty union sent out an email to members that included all of this hateful language about how white silence is violence, white silence is complicity, etc. I was enraged. Not everyone working hard for racial justice is an activist. I am not. I am not big on crowds and don't feel comfortable joining up with protesters,, etc because as we know all too well, they end up going south real quick. What I do on a daily basis, that I have been doing for over 21 years that I have been at my institution, which is a large state university, is work with students from all backgrounds and all walks of life. I am well aware of my middle class upbringing and all that, and I am not ashamed of being white or for not being poor or having had to struggle in my childhood or whatever. It's my life; I do not feel bad about it. I am awake, aware, and humble, and yes, I am privileged, but I am not ashamed. I certainly don't need people telling me that I am somehow now racist because of an immutable characteristic and no matter what I do, or don't do, nothing will change that.

I got fed up after seeing several emails from the union, opening with "Dean Union Comrades," of course, and decided to quit, after being a member since I first started in 1999. I have myself a raise, basically (they were taking $130/month out of my paycheck). Critical race theory is being pushed hard, and anyone who offers a different perspective is racist, basically. The SJWs who fully believe in the CRT simply cannot believe that anyone would not agree with CRT. There's been a push to mandate trainings, decolonize our syllabi, etc. I am counting down the years until I can retire. And honestly, when I get that low and focus on leaving, I am saddened. I truly enjoy working with my students (I do a lot of major advising). But I am slowly reaching my limit.

As for the current populations' state of "zombie-hood" or basically being braindead, yeah, I agree, it is frustrating. I do see the propaganda influence on my students from other classes. but at least with me, they get someone who not only thinks outside the box, but who throws the box away. I push hard for viewpoint diversity and point out emphatically that this is the one type of diversity that gets no attention or discussion by administration. None. Zip. Universities are illiberal, leftist echo chambers with words like equity and inclusion bandied about on the daily if not more. Like some others who are critical of CRT and the SJW movement or whatever, like Peter Boghossian of Portland State and Michael Rectenwald, formerly of NYU, I firmly believe that universities today have jumped the shark and are too far gone to return back to any state of "normalcy" in terms of open discourse, true critical thinking, and a real liberal arts education. On the horizon, I foresee developments of new institutions; institutions of higher learning that foster and support true liberal arts, logic, reason ... western values of science, etc. If there is an opportunity for me to join that effort, I will do so.

What is happening in our K-12 public schools is nothing short of hate-filled indoctrination. Period. If I had children, I would do all I could to put them in private school of some kind. Since I don't have kids, I don't feel comfortable elaborating beyond that, but in terms of future generations, wow, it's scary. These kids who getting this hate-filled crap for 12 years or whatever will be our future leaders, CEOs, etc. If something does not change, the future is not looking good, at least from my perspective. As for my own views, I view people as individuals and determine what I think about them and feel about them based on their character, their actions, values, etc., nothing more. Certainly not their race or ethnicity or gender or whatever. I know no other way to roll. This is woven through my DNA. That,, and to be kind, respectful, taking the high road, bringing love and light to the world, and definitely not hate. I cannot be anything but that: love in action. These SJWs and CRT supporters have inverted everything, knowingly for many, unwittingly, for some, as there are many who think they are doing the right thing. (Honestly, I think a lot of these admin people at universities and colleges think this whole thing is as crazy and disturbing as I do but would never say anything lest they risk tar and feathering, so to speak.) As Douglas Murray so eloquently put it,, what is happening is the re-racialization of society. I would not be surprised if some of these woke folk think MLK Jr is racist. Seriously! And imagine that. I think it's terrible. Anyway ... I have rambled on plenty.

I will finish with this. There are others in academia, like me. Voices in the wilderness who are speaking out at times, at others, doing all we can to push back within our classrooms, through our writing assignments, our conversations with students and such. In the past, I have assigned books that question the official 9/11 narrative (a book by David Ray Griffin) and others that are openly and highly critical of the CIA, highlighting that agency's involvement in MK Ultra mind control experiments, horrific unethical research experiments, Operation Paperclip, the Phoenix Program and more. So, I do what I can to shed light on the truth and provide them with information and a perspective that they won't get from other profs.

Lastly ... I am using your products, Georgi (Energin, CamphoSol, and Magnoil), and they're great! So thank YOU for all you do with the forum, the podcasts/videos, etc. It's awesome, and I appreciate it! Cheers and peace, Sue
I describe myself now as a heretical divergent heterdox wrong-thinker who is awakened not woke.
Or you could call yourself a classical liberal ;)

An interesting thing I looked into recently is that fraternities and sororities originated from the idea of having a club for students to debate ideas they were learning in class, more freely from the classroom and professors.

Perhaps debate training and classes, not just as voluntary clubs but as offered course, are a good key thing to bring back (as they seem to have been more prominent in the past in the academy, in high school too. This seemed to be far more emphasized in the past, even recent past, alongside oratory, with the consequence of a better ability to speak eloquently whilst thinking on your feet, quickly with an ability and comfort at grappling with opposition, clash, dispute and challenging of one's ideas in the moment, in person, civilly, respectfully and learning to control the inevitable emotions that arise with those being contradicted, one's judgement challenged, and finally thus a sharper, keener, more considerate and less "zombified and flock following" mind, and in order to better develop the ability to entertain opposing theses, to rest in uncertainty, to suspend judgement, resist the pull to making a finalized decision and adopt a belief hastily, and so be a bulwark in the minds of many against the epistemological absolutism that seems to be pushed as a package deal along with critical theory/cultural egalitarianism lacing and laundering in courses and proximal structures these days.

The ideal of free spirited debate was formed back when this skill was developed and focused on more centrally in teaching, I believe. My experience visiting a university debate club training day once opened my eyes to just how much it may develop and put people not only ahead cognitively from other university students(or more generally... people!), but, like essay writing has as one of its core intentions to achieve, I got the sense that debate training absolutely would have the effect of making people more "free-spirited" in that sense: comfortable confronting opposing viewpoints. More willing to be exposed to them, deal with them, acknowledge and work with them, defend them, play devil's advocate for them, and thus develop in their minds a better skepticism, a "realm of sober second thought" as they call the Senate up in Canada, when ideas enter their head, before just being taken up as doctrine via authoritativeness and repetition(i.e. in-doctrination). In debate clubs, the format is like the studies showing a gravitation towards the view subjects were told to write an essay defending; you are put onto opposing teams and arbitrarily assigned to either defend or rebut a proposition or thesis.

I suspect this can counter the behavior of learned avoidance and sheltering and/or other irrational extreme and occasionally non-civil behavior that we tend to see popping up more and more pathologically and metastatically across so many places and situations as a result of sudden cognitive dissonance/anguish felt when one encounters what is ultimately just mere disagreement, but, due to lack of exposure to such dissent, it ends up feeling that much more repudiatingly rejecting and threatening/unsettling of one's beliefs than it otherwise would... and hence an avoidance of exposure and growing hatred and intolerance for hearing dissenting views.

I think debate training is an essential key that is lacking... It also creates a taste for exploring dissent and independence of thought, but also a toolset to better navigate that.

Anyways, happy to see a professor on here, discovering and carrying on Peat's ideas, contributing to the relatively excellent sophistication here. And I mainly wanted to say this: it is exactly the intelligence and evident concomitant creativity of people like you that are needed to either actively or passively foster, formulate and gradually conceive of the counter arguments, counter theses and counter ideas to the unfortunate unpredicted madness things have turned to these last few years. To help gradually reform from within. It's a dangerous time for that, but so too was it for "la resistance" in World War 2, and the honor there is among the greatest in our history.... for a reason. What is hopeful is I believe it seems a universal and powerful process the one of a "disillusionment" leading to a "walk away" phenomenon from basically one lie too many becoming a final straw, and I think that process is a very basically human phenomenon of a will towards liberty, a natural resistance to authoritarianism, independent of being "right" or "left", arbitrary terms which ironically derive from the original French Parliament. I say: Vive la resistance!


Nov 23, 2020

Nice post, unfortunately debating is something that is lacking in most parts of the educational system around the world, I can't recall anyone feeling like debating much, more like everyone was trying to convince the other how the established opinions are not to be challenged, surely the dictatorship mentality is still felt in the action and reactions of people today in various parts of the world.


Dec 8, 2016


Jan 25, 2014
Not much if the mafia pays for healhcare and provide a safety net for those who need it.

Ah. So criminal activity is fine as long as it supports other criminal industries.

That aside.... you should still be 100% against income taxes in the US then (I know, you don't live in this country). After all, not a single penny of collected income taxes from the US Federal Government goes to any program like that. It only goes towards paying interest on the Federal Debt. The Grace Commission report exposed this fact.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
Whats wrong with taxes?
Nothing's wrong with taxes.

What's wrong is threats of violence and imprisonment and impoundment.

If the people aren't willing to fund "government " services out of the goodness of their little bitty hearts, then the "government" should reduce the scope and level of services down to the level the people with money will happily pay for.

Only people with money should pay taxes because the only payment the government accepts is money in the bank.

Violence, terrorism, thuggery to collect taxes is pure evil.

Lee Simeon

Mar 3, 2017
Ah. So criminal activity is fine as long as it supports other criminal industries.

That aside.... you should still be 100% against income taxes in the US then (I know, you don't live in this country). After all, not a single penny of collected income taxes from the US Federal Government goes to any program like that. It only goes towards paying interest on the Federal Debt. The Grace Commission report exposed this fact.
By other criminal industries, do you mean healthcare? Yeah I dont like to say taxes are either good or bad because its depends on how its used, but I dont see it as bad in of itself

Lee Simeon

Mar 3, 2017
Nothing's wrong with taxes.

What's wrong is threats of violence and imprisonment and impoundment.

If the people aren't willing to fund "government " services out of the goodness of their little bitty hearts, then the "government" should reduce the scope and level of services down to the level the people with money will happily pay for.

Only people with money should pay taxes because the only payment the government accepts is money in the bank.

Violence, terrorism, thuggery to collect taxes is pure evil.
Oh this is something I can agree with!


Jan 25, 2014
By other criminal industries, do you mean healthcare? Yeah I dont like to say taxes are either good or bad because its depends on how its used, but I dont see it as bad in of itself
Oh yeah. According to Barbara Starfield's report, healthcare is the third leading cause of death in the US. From an interview with Jon Rappoport-

The Starfield study, “Is US health really the best in the world?”, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, came to the following conclusions:

Every year in the US there are:

12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgeries;

7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals;

20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals;

80,000 deaths from infections acquired in hospitals;

106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines.

The total of medically-caused deaths in the US every year is 225,000. 2.25 MILLION PEOPLE PER DECADE.

This makes the medical system the third leading cause of death in the US, behind heart disease and cancer.

I'm always surprised at members of this forum that think all doctors and nurses and the healthcare system is nothing but good people doing great things. If that's true, how did you come to be interested in anything Ray Peat has to say? I've heard Peat state that he is very wary of doctors and the medical system in general, and that he likely wouldn't even see a doctor for a broken bone. He said he's seen farmers set broken bones well, and doctors set broken bones poorly.

Is this really an industry the government should be subsidizing in general?

Worse yet, the more doctors and patients are separated by third party payers (be that insurance companies or governments), the less quality doctors need to render. I think a large reason why dangerous and ineffective "treatments" remain for so long is due to this sort of subsidy, along with cover from those same governments for criminal prosecution. After all, if the government pays a doctor $10,000 to accelerate the death of an older person, they probably aren't going to turn around and prosecute that doctor for murder.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
Oh this is something I can agree with!
Notice All those millions of TV and Radio Ads everyday offering tax representation services to people who owe the IRS.

WHO do you think can afford to pay for all that super expensive advertising?

It's pure government deception and terrorism. Same goes for ALL the threatening phone call scammers that popped up over the last several years.

Who do you think is behind that scare the little people tactic?

Reality is ugly!


Jan 25, 2014
Notice All those millions of TV and Radio Ads everyday offering tax representation services to people who owe the IRS.

WHO do you think can afford to pay for all that super expensive advertising?

It's pure government deception and terrorism. Same goes for ALL the threatening phone call scammers that popped up over the last several years.

Who do you think is behind that scare the little people tactic?

Reality is ugly!

That advertising is paid by private companies, though they do re-enforce the image of the IRS being a monster.

How many people can you name that went to jail for not paying income taxes? Think of their names.

Now a guess.....

They were all celebrities, right? Wesley Snipes, Willie Nelson, Martha Stewart. Not your Uncle Joe or friend Karen, or friend of a friend of a friend Todd, or whatever. If they weren't super famous, another guess...... they were names like Irwin Schiff, who challenged the idea of an income tax law, or one of the others that appeared in that Aaron Russo movie.

People know that the IRS can levy your bank account, but they don't generally know that they have to give you 30 days notice before they do it, and there is nothing stopping you in that 30 days from taking all (or most) of your money out of that account, and that once they levy it, they can't do it ever again. Congress simply won't let them.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
These "private" companies are fronts for government terrorists. Their advertising spending far far exceeds what they could bring in from legitimate representation. Look them up. Puny little outfits.

Most, if not all, tax reduction websites and tax shelter promoters are government fronts that gather names and info on tax haters for easy takedown as a group.

Going to those sites is as dumb as searching for how to poison your spouse and collect on life insurance...and then leaving the computer in your house after the deed is done.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Seems to have been removed from itunes.

Wow, now, this is censorship! I hope he sues the hell out of Apple as there is nothing in his art that incites violence or promotes racism, which they claimed are the only 2 reasons for banning a person from their platform.
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