Multi Racial Society - The Biggest Stressor Of Them All?


Oct 11, 2015
Perhaps we ought to be focusing on the foreign policy that destroys third world countries and makes it impossible for those countries to prosper. When people are poor with no long term prospects they migrate. Remember what happened during the mandates. Many on this forum were considering alternative countries to run to.
To the extent that Foreign Policy is damaging these countries, like in the Middle East, it's because we're doing so on behalf of Israel's interests in the Middle East. We should not have to take in the entire Middle East as a refugee because Israel and Jews in general control our countries. And the premise that we are behind the economic misfortune of everyone who is poor is wrong.

The only data cited was from Hitler’s racial hygiene [inaudible]got me interested in studying what was going on there And I saw that by studying that period, I saw that Konrad Lorenz was the architect of the racial hygiene, but he created the rationale based on American IQ racism. He created the rationale for exterminating inferior people. Konrad Lorenz was a Nazi. I think it was his last book. He repeated exactly the arguments of his 1942 and the founding papers of genocide. He repeated the exact arguments except he replaced exterminate with some slightly mild translation, but he never repented from this idea of eliminating genetic inferiority and…

Ray is wrong here. First, because there was no "Genocide" either planned or carried out and Second, because German Anti-Semitism was based on the malicious behavior of Jews, not because of IQ tests or something like that. Hitler talked about how Jews were behind Communism, stabbed Germany in the back in World War I, controlled National and International Finance and Media interests etc. The Nazis burned books because Jews were pushing Transsexualism and Sexual Degeneracy even back then.


I can not think of a single instance where Hitler or someone else in the Third Reich cited IQ Tests as a reason why Jews are either to be mistrusted or need to leave Germany - which is all they wanted - for the Jews to leave Europe.

I urge people to re-consider the so called "Holocaust". It's a Lie that was invented to justify destroying the Third Reich after World War Two and is now used to justify the destruction of the entire Western World. I will attach a flier I made addressing this Hoax.


  • Holocaust_Flier_pic.png
    60.3 KB · Views: 39


Oct 2, 2018
Because all of those nations have far more diversity than the US, especially in positions of power.

India - self explanatory, even more diverse than Europe
Really? India more racially diverse than the US. When has India had a migration policy and accepted peoples from all over Europe, Africa, the Middle East, China and SE Asia, Southern and Middle America?

Brazil - also self explanatory, recent colonial mixing which still hasn't evened out

Russia - many different ethnicities, including visible minorities, huge republics like Sakha, Tuva, Buryatia, where governments are staffed by indigenous Siberian people
China - 90% Han, but the huge provinces of Tibet and Xinjiang are governed by Uyghurs and Tibetans
China - how is being 90% Han making China more ethnically diverse than the US?

"Flooding" it with immigrants "from many cultures" using the 1965 Hart Cellar act did nothing bad, and only good.
I think that is a rose coloured view of immigration. I could list many immigrant communities that have bought their homeland issues and problems to the US rather than leaving them behind.


Sep 9, 2019
Perhaps we ought to be focusing on the foreign policy that destroys third world countries and makes it impossible for those countries to prosper. When people are poor with no long term prospects they migrate. Remember what happened during the mandates. Many on this forum were considering alternative countries to run to.
+ 11

Your point here stands alone and it shouldn't be complicated for anyone to see this.

I'm compelled to add a touch of nerdy systemics. Foreign policy intersects with domestic monetary, economic and fiscal policy through IFIs. Academia can and do obfuscate but it's not as complicated as we're nudged to feel it is. If only there was a way to stop discourse being derailed, keep it in truth and for it not be an exercise in deferral to "thought leaders" and "experts". There's a vacuum here that may have something to do with Schwab's "angrier world".

Thank you for the Peaty citings Ms. I don't see how anyone could dispute his points about race and IQ in the video and transcript in good faith.

Also this.

I've known people from different parts of the world and I'm yet to find one that didn't share the same emotions as me.



Aug 21, 2020
Russia is far from an ethnically homogenous country (ethnical Russians are only about 80% of the population).
It is, however, more or less culturally homogenous, owing to centuries of centralisation in all spheres of life.

As in Western Europe, there is some resentment against minority groups, which are far more frequently involved in violent crime.
And just as in Western Europe, population collapse is only being delayed by a few ethnic groups – Russians not being among them.


Mar 26, 2014
@michael94 There is no way most people will question that which is so unquestionably true, it is verboten to question it. Sorry mate.

Apologies to all for the low serotonin post. About to leave for my TikTok and canola oil infusions, normality will be resumed shortly.
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Apr 28, 2018
In Anchorage, Alaska the Pacific Rim Asian immigrants appear to have divided the city into their own territorial districts. AnchPoliceDepartment recognizes 26 distinct "gangs". Hmong, Thai, Laotian, Vietnamese, and many subdivisions of Chinese bring tribal and territorial ideologies to the public domain. They are joined by Pacific Islanders Tongans, Hawaiians and Samoans. This port city and hub of commerce for the state 5X the size of Texas, has been dubbed "Los Anchorage" for nearly 4 decades.
Russia is far from an ethnically homogenous country (ethnical Russians are only about 80% of the population).
It is, however, more or less culturally homogenous, owing to centuries of centralisation in all spheres of life.

As in Western Europe, there is some resentment against minority groups, which are far more frequently involved in violent crime.
And just as in Western Europe, population collapse is only being delayed by a few ethnic groups – Russians not being among them.
So interesting! Would you say that the 20% can still be "culturally homogenous" via language? Or maybe minor differences as Spanish to Mexican languages?


Apr 21, 2021
So interesting! Would you say that the 20% can still be "culturally homogenous" via language? Or maybe minor differences as Spanish to Mexican languages?
Homogeneous in language but definitely not culture. It’s more of a mosaic. Different mindsets, religions, traditions, the way food is flavored…

“Despite the homogeneous language of Russians, from Smolensk to Vladivostok (including only some differences in the accent), Russians are not homogeneous in mentality and in their history. Russian communities are not homogeneous as well. Moreover, Russians are very familiar with diversity. Different parts of contemporary Russia are, literally, worlds apart. For example, the city of Moscow, a great world city, represents nowadays an island in the country and is totally different from the rest of Russia. Cities such as Murmansk in the Arctic, Vladivostok on the Pacific, Volgograd and Samara on the Volga River, Rostov or Krasnodar with the Black Sea nearby, the cities of Siberia—all these offer their inhabitants totally different horizons. Differences between and within regions are huge.



Apr 21, 2021
Homogeneous in language but definitely not culture. It’s more of a mosaic. Different mindsets, religions, traditions, the way food is flavored…
One similarity is that most have traditional values.

Cuisine overlaps in many regions (borsch, plov/pilaf) but can taste completely different due to local spices and variations.


Aug 21, 2020
So interesting! Would you say that the 20% can still be "culturally homogenous" via language? Or maybe minor differences as Spanish to Mexican languages?
I'm not qualified to give a complete answer, but I do think the Russian language has been and is still a strong unifying factor. As I started learning Russian, I was amazed at the almost complete lack of regional variation for a country with eleven time zones.

The Soviet Union was in many respects a societal project, and erasing cultural differences was deemed essential to achieve true equality. Even today, Russian society is considered to be far more conformist than the West's, and perhaps more importantly, it is dominated by an undemocratic, stable government that actively promotes conservative values and keeps identity politics at bay.


Apr 28, 2018
@stoic thankyou. A good and useful assessment despite your protest as unqualified. There are many who are qualified to speak on how language unifies peoples, that posit problems in USA today are from language adulterations between generations (Whole other thread topic). Your observations match the theme that similar language can unite a large country with culturally diverse elements.


Apr 21, 2021
As I started learning Russian, I was amazed at the almost complete lack of regional variation for a country with eleven time zones.
I’m amazed by this as well and wonder how that happened.

perhaps more importantly, it is dominated by an undemocratic, stable government that actively promotes conservative values and keeps identity politics at bay.
Traditional values are more tied to the fact that most people identify with a conservative religion (orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism).

And from my view Russia remains heterogeneous because the government helps promote each local culture (keeps them happy). So Russia is politically homogenous, but not culturally.

For example, the govt building thousands of mosques and Islamic schools over the last 20 years.



Dec 10, 2016
Race isn't just skin color and "skin color" isn't only a superficial trait either. Ray Peat was mistaken about the nature of Race and it's importance in human affairs. He was basically an environmental determinist, completely disregarding how fundamental actual people and their natures are in creating those environments in the first place.
I wouldn't say Ray was mistaken, but that he set a different focus in his perspective. He focused on improving the environment, which will elevate all races irrespective of their current heritage. He would have never disagreed that different races have different average starting points concerning various characteristics based on their history though.


Mar 21, 2021
I wouldn't say Ray was mistaken, but that he set a different focus in his perspective. He focused on improving the environment, which will elevate all races irrespective of their current heritage. He would have never disagreed that different races have different average starting points concerning various characteristics based on their history though.
Haidut has brought up the study where they took a mouse that wasn’t scared of cat urine and then they introduced cat urine with hissing cat behind a cage and the babies of that mouse and for the next 14 generations became afraid of the smell of cat urine even thought there was no cat. So who knows what traits are passed in humans for generations. We know women being stressed while a woman is pregnant on top of thousands of medications and chemicals in the environment have effect on the baby. Environment plays a great role and possibly environments from generations ago effect the current generations.

So many people just think of genetics as set in stone and there is occasionally random mutations and that is pretty much learned helplessness thinking about themselves and others and it doesn’t matter about changing the environment.


Mar 21, 2021
I'm not qualified to give a complete answer, but I do think the Russian language has been and is still a strong unifying factor. As I started learning Russian, I was amazed at the almost complete lack of regional variation for a country with eleven time zones.

The Soviet Union was in many respects a societal project, and erasing cultural differences was deemed essential to achieve true equality. Even today, Russian society is considered to be far more conformist than the West's, and perhaps more importantly, it is dominated by an undemocratic, stable government that actively promotes conservative values and keeps identity politics at bay.
Identity politics in America is designed to divide and conquer to keep people infighting to gain power.

Russia will just put you imprison if you cross a certain line and Russians seem to me have a high serotonin personalities which makes the population easier to control.


Oct 11, 2015
I wouldn't say Ray was mistaken, but that he set a different focus in his perspective. He focused on improving the environment, which will elevate all races irrespective of their current heritage. He would have never disagreed that different races have different average starting points concerning various characteristics based on their history though.
Well that's a nicer way to put it definitely. But agreeing about improving Environment is not a reason to tolerate welcoming the fox into the chicken coop.

Identity politics in America is designed to divide and conquer to keep people infighting to gain power.

Russia will just put you imprison if you cross a certain line and Russians seem to me have a high serotonin personalities which makes the population easier to control.
Why is Identity Politics completely censored, slandered and misrepresented , at least when White Indentity politics is concerned?

Your claim is that the current Ruling Class, Power Structure, or whatever you want to call them have an interest in Identity Politics, because it divides people - but that doesn't match with their actual behavior at all.


Mar 21, 2021
Well that's a nicer way to put it definitely. But agreeing about improving Environment is not a reason to tolerate welcoming the fox into the chicken coop.

Why is Identity Politics completely censored, slandered and misrepresented , at least when White Indentity politics is concerned?

Your claim is that the current Ruling Class, Power Structure, or whatever you want to call them have an interest in Identity Politics, because it divides people - but that doesn't match with their actual behavior at all.
You are thinking like a monkey right now. If you expand your thinking to the next evolution of humans that the elites have achieved which has enabled them to gain power.

There is plenty of white identity politics on Fox News rightwing radio, many personalities on the internet.

The deep state used white identity politics under Nixon have you ever heard of the southern strategy by Nixon who was propped up by the cia and hand picked to be Eisenhower VP and they used it up until Obama. But when an outsider named Donald Trump used the white identity playbook to put himself in power , the deep state took the opposite position to take down trump and they continue that , because it only props trump up and all other of the deep state puppets that try to take the white identity mantle is crushed by trump and we Desantis crumbling now.

This is why the elites have the power. Whites , blacks , Asians Mexicans are stuck in monkey like thinking.

They will continue to have power because most of the human race hasn’t evolved enough.


Oct 11, 2015
There is plenty of white identity politics on Fox News rightwing radio, many personalities on the internet.
Tucker Carlson, who is by far the most popular and controversial host on Fox News, has completely disavowed any White Identity politics or anything along those lines. The farthest Tucker goes is to push a bit back on the Anti-White vitriol fomented by the System, which is good, but he is far from promoting any sort of White Identity let alone Politics along those lines.

However, since anyone who actually is pushing Identity Politics is completely censored, Tucker Carlson gets all of the attention for being a "White Supremacist" despite having very mild views.

As far as the Internet goes, anyone promoting White Identity Politics has been relegated to Telegram and Odysee because of censorship on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit etc. i.e. all the highest traffic platforms.

The deep state used white identity politics under Nixon have you ever heard of the southern strategy by Nixon who was propped up by the cia and hand picked to be Eisenhower VP and they used it up until Obama. But when an outsider named Donald Trump used the white identity playbook to put himself in power , the deep state took the opposite position to take down trump and they continue that , because it only props trump up and all other of the deep state puppets that try to take the white identity mantle is crushed by trump and we Desantis crumbling now.

This is why the elites have the power. Whites , blacks , Asians Mexicans are stuck in monkey like thinking.

They will continue to have power because most of the human race hasn’t evolved enough.
How can you claim the Deep State has been using White Identity politics since Nixon, when by every measure the USA has been shaped by what White Identity Politics doesn't want and has warned against?

Trump, yes did appeal to White Identity to get elected, and then nothing tangible resulted from it.

The "Elites", better said Jews, have power because the ADL gets their way in Government and the Media - not Identity Politics.
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