Multi Racial Society - The Biggest Stressor Of Them All?

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
i considered making a burner account for this one because i dont want people to stop giving me good advice but im going to trust that the users here are mature enough to not take this personally.

living in a big European city, dealing all the immigrants is naturally very stressful to me. but this can be attributed to the fact that they hassle me every time i take the subway or the fact that they are more likely to be violent/criminal. but ever since i was a small child, before i had even started judging people based on their skin color, i was always unhappy being around non-white kids. this feeling never went away as i grew older. though i try not to judge other people based on race there is just this deep natural feeling of stress from seeing them. i grew up with a very small amount of immigrants in my small town, so at this point it wasnt even because of the huge immigrant problem we have now. i just can not be happy or relaxed knowing there are other races around me. its not like walking down the street and seing a Chinese person ruins my day, but constantly seeing people of all colors around me just makes me depressed and angry.
of course, arabic and black people stress me out the most, because they most are likely to hurt me. but even the peoples that i know are not a problem, being around them to much makes me feel alone and isolated and this deep unnatural frustration.

(americans who have not visited a northern european city in the last 5 years, please do not tell me about what our situation is like)

surely fighting these instincts must cause harm

i cant think of any people that wouldn't be happier surrounded by their own kind. racism is a deep natural instinct and completely suppressing it must be so tiresome and exhausting. i think the fact we we teach kids from the moment they are born to not categorize people is dumbing down the population. the brain WANTS to categorize and generalize. we are fighting our natural way of understanding the world.

who actually feels happier in a multicultural society? you are constantly put on guard.


Jan 11, 2019
Thinking that racism is a natural instinct everyone feels simply because you feel it is just one symbol of your egocentricism.

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
Thinking that racism is a natural instinct everyone feels simply because you feel it is just one symbol of your egocentricism.
why has every single society ever in the past been super racist? why do africans shun albinos? why is it that virtually everyone who is not exposed to mainstream media or school ends up very racist? im not saying everyone feels it, im saying everyone is born feeling it.


Aug 23, 2018
I feel the same as you. Given two strangers I will naturally trust someone that feels more like me. I don't think it's limited to skin color, there is a vibe in people that makes you feel more or less connected to them. People of different origins tend to have different upbringings that would influence their mannor.

I must had though that it's not racism and it only applies to people I am not acquainted with. For example, I'm more likely to approach someone that seems intellectual vs someone that's physically strong. Once I know someone, I don't need to be relying on preconceived ideas. I can judge her by our interactions and relationships.


Nov 22, 2017
I am happy in a multiracial society, but perhaps it's because where I live, immigration has been done relatively well and at a slower pace so integration is better.

As early as kindergarten half of my class was african, another quarter middle eastern or asian. And we all grew up together within the same popular culture. They have the same indigenous accent I do, if they were muslim or christian growing up most are not really religious anymore, we follow the same sport teams etc.

That being said, I can see why it would be a problem, and you are not racist for saying so. Several european cities (stockholm, amsterdam, paris etc.) are overrun by simply too many immigrants and integration is not possible, and therefore there is a cultural clash, as well as a lot of resentment on both sides. It's important to acknowledge that a fundamental part of the problem stems from immigrants of islamic countries. It's not complicated, the cultural frameworks are simply not compatible with western societies for the majority of people. It can work, but not if the immigration is beyond a certain threshold.

A multiracial society with integration (which requires slower pace of immigration) can be successful, and I personally enjoy it a great deal, because I've seen how successful it can be. But I know in most places that is not the case because of the ridiculous policies of the past 30 years.

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
I am happy in a multiracial society, but perhaps it's because where I live, immigration has been done relatively well and at a slower pace so integration is better.

As early as kindergarten half of my class was african, another quarter middle eastern or asian. And we all grew up together within the same popular culture. They have the same indigenous accent I do, if they were muslim or christian growing up most are not really religious anymore, we follow the same sport teams etc.

That being said, I can see why it would be a problem, and you are not racist for saying so. Several european cities (stockholm, amsterdam, paris etc.) are overrun by simply too many immigrants and integration is not possible, and therefore there is a cultural clash, as well as a lot of resentment on both sides. It's important to acknowledge that a fundamental part of the problem stems from immigrants of islamic countries. It's not complicated, the cultural frameworks are simply not compatible with western societies for the majority of people. It can work, but not if the immigration is beyond a certain threshold.

A multiracial society with integration (which requires slower pace of immigration) can be successful, and I personally enjoy it a great deal, because I've seen how successful it can be. But I know in most places that is not the case because of the ridiculous policies of the past 30 years.

i live in stockholm. you are very right about the Muslims. the blacks are not so much a problem as the Muslims. they seem to have a deep hatred for us. from their perspective, i also think moving from a warm climate drinking fresh goat milk and no emf, to this cold dark emf hell with crap food would make anyone go nuts. and even though your kids grew up in sweden, you still came from a completely different climate.

Jem Oz

Jun 13, 2016
Good thread. We are supposed to live in small local communities with similar people. It’s not racist, it’s natural and beautiful. Multiculturalism seems great on paper, but I agree it creates huge stress and guilt.

I find it funny that we praise places like Japan for having a strong national identity and proud, uniform tradition. Yet we don’t extend that same thinking to ‘the west’. There is SO much self loathing inside progressives.

no one ever went to Syria or Kenya or Japan and said: you’re not doing enough for diversity, you’re not inclusive enough, your local culture is inherently discriminatory against foreigners etc.

As a white man, I feel I’ve been denied the right to belong to my own tribe. In fact I’m not even supposed to say I have one, cos that immediately = “white supremacy”.

I sincerely hope there is a backlash against all this SJW bs at some point in my life


Nov 22, 2017
i live in stockholm. you are very right about the Muslims. the blacks are not so much a problem as the Muslims. they seem to have a deep hatred for us. from their perspective, i also think moving from a warm climate drinking fresh goat milk and no emf, to this cold dark emf hell with crap food would make anyone go nuts. and even though your kids grew up in sweden, you still came from a completely different climate.

It's resentment, most of them feel alienated from the mainstream society which at some level they would like to be really part of. At the same time they are pulled in the other direction by Islam. Many may have either been born in Sweden or have kids born there like you said, so they often don't even have a real sense of attachment to their country of origin. If you don't feel like you belong in the country where you live, nor your country of origin, and don't see good opportunities for fulfilling work and social relationships, the only thing that's left to define your identity is Islam. They seek refuge in Islam and its ideology and in doing so become more radicalized and dissociated from the rest of the society.

And yes, you're right, I think it takes some special type of mindset and constitution to withstand the dark and frigid climate of the nordic countries. It's bound to be a factor.
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Feb 18, 2018
I don’t think the racial background is as important as the cultural one. I have a natural proclivity to open up and be myself more around people that I perceive to share similar values, hobbies, and interests as I do. I’m equally as likely to get along with a fellow who’s of any racial type so long as they meet the aforementioned criteria. Given the probability for people of certain racial types to grow up in certain cultures usually creates this assumption that it is the skin that dictates the person, but it’s necessary to look past that and see that it is the values they embrace that dictate who they really are. The definition by race is just an easy, but short-sighted way of defining certain cultural types. A black family growing up in a conservative, America Christian culture will adopt all the values of this culture, and is “white” in everything but skin color.

Perhaps the real discussion should be whether a multicultural society is one that is good, and what do we mean by multicultural. What values must remain central and shared for the members of an area to feel united and at peace with one another? Perhaps the cultural practices can be different, but the values must remain shared for their to be peace. In this then setting, the cultures may be different and interacting, but there is still harmony.


Nov 22, 2017


Jan 11, 2019
why has every single society ever in the past been super racist? why do africans shun albinos? why is it that virtually everyone who is not exposed to mainstream media or school ends up very racist? im not saying everyone feels it, im saying everyone is born feeling it.
Thats still a broad statement to make. Ive never felt it. Ever since i was little ive had friends of all sorts of colors, and it wasnt until i was older that i noticed my mom sometimes had racist views. I dont think its fair to assume everyone feels that way because you have some examples of some people feeling that way. I dont think isolating yourself based on subconscious fear is healthier than integrating and realizing theres nothing to be afraid of. Poor people are the most violent, just because they happen to be people of color sometimes doesnt mean it isnt spurious correlation. I think that if someone has a very healthy metabolism and thyroid they are more likely to embrace all cultures and be more willing to make friends with people of all walks of life :)


Nov 22, 2017
Thats still a broad statement to make. Ive never felt it. Ever since i was little ive had friends of all sorts of colors, and it wasnt until i was older that i noticed my mom sometimes had racist views. I dont think its fair to assume everyone feels that way because you have some examples of some people feeling that way. I dont think isolating yourself based on subconscious fear is healthier than integrating and realizing theres nothing to be afraid of. Poor people are the most violent, just because they happen to be people of color sometimes doesnt mean it isnt spurious correlation. I think that if someone has a very healthy metabolism and thyroid they are more likely to embrace all cultures and be more willing to make friends with people of all walks of life :)

Clearly, the serotonin and hypothyroid physiology can contribute to anger and fearfulness. It affects everyone living in the modern world negatively, sadly.


Oct 1, 2019
i grew up with a very small amount of immigrants in my small town

That is key. No one is born racist, it depends on your early childhood experiences. But you are right that it is a natural behaviour (maybe a safety mechanism of a stressed organism). People can lose that tension after getting to know a different culture or befriending someone. I know that the situation is difficult since a lot of the current immigrants in europe are immensely stressed themselves. Low social status, low income, poor nutrition, etc only makes it worse and can lead to aggressive behaviour.

Rats will help a stranger if they recognize his 'type' - Futurity
"It takes diverse social interactions during development or adulthood to expand helping behavior to more groups of unfamiliar individuals. Even in humans, studies have shown that exposure to diverse environments reduces social bias..."


“Rats are apparently able to categorize others into groups and modify their social behavior according to group membership,” Bartal says. “Genetic similarity or relatedness to another individual really has no influence at all.”

“Rats are not born with an innate identity or motivation to help their own type,” Mason says. “It’s only through social interactions that they form bonds that elicit empathy and motivate helping. There are no mirrors in nature, so what they see forms their identity.”

With these behavioral patterns established in an animal model, the researchers are optimistic the underlying biological mechanisms of helping and group categorization can be explored, and that these results can inform future studies in other social species, including humans.

“Exposure to and interaction with different types of individuals motivates them to act well toward others that may or may not look like them,” adds Mason. “I think these results have a lot to say about human society.”

its not like walking down the street and seing a Chinese person ruins my day, but constantly seeing people of all colors around me just makes me depressed and angry.
of course, arabic and black people stress me out the most, because they most are likely to hurt me. but even the peoples that i know are not a problem, being around them to much makes me feel alone and isolated and this deep unnatural frustration.

(americans who have not visited a northern european city in the last 5 years, please do not tell me about what our situation is like)

surely fighting these instincts must cause harm

It sounds to me like you have deep resentement. People sense this and will often mirror to you what you already think of them. A friend complained to me about the Germans sitting at the pub outside always giving him an angry look when he walks by because he is a foreigner. What he didn't notice is that he gave them an angry look first. Some people are not always aware of their own facial expressions.

I would keep in mind that many immigrants are not there because they wanted to, so you shouldn't be angry at them but at the people forcing them out of their homes with war.


Jan 11, 2019
If you take a look at history, you could make the argument that white people are the most likely to be violent ;) but im a white guy and a testament to that not being a universal truth. Theres a strong correlation between sorting people based on generalized traits and patterns and having an enlarged amygdala, the fear and anxiety center of the brain. I feel bad for you, and im sure life must be scary in that sense. Maybe email peat and ask if he has any advice to help you out. Best of luck to you man <3


Jan 11, 2019
That is key. No one is born racist, it depends on your early childhood experiences. But you are right that it is a natural behaviour (maybe a safety mechanism of a stressed organism). People can lose that tension after getting to know a different culture or befriending someone. I know that the situation is difficult since a lot of the current immigrants in europe are immensely stressed themselves. Low social status, low income, poor nutrition, etc only makes it worse and can lead to aggressive behaviour.

Rats will help a stranger if they recognize his 'type' - Futurity
"It takes diverse social interactions during development or adulthood to expand helping behavior to more groups of unfamiliar individuals. Even in humans, studies have shown that exposure to diverse environments reduces social bias..."


“Rats are apparently able to categorize others into groups and modify their social behavior according to group membership,” Bartal says. “Genetic similarity or relatedness to another individual really has no influence at all.”

“Rats are not born with an innate identity or motivation to help their own type,” Mason says. “It’s only through social interactions that they form bonds that elicit empathy and motivate helping. There are no mirrors in nature, so what they see forms their identity.”

With these behavioral patterns established in an animal model, the researchers are optimistic the underlying biological mechanisms of helping and group categorization can be explored, and that these results can inform future studies in other social species, including humans.

“Exposure to and interaction with different types of individuals motivates them to act well toward others that may or may not look like them,” adds Mason. “I think these results have a lot to say about human society.”

It sounds to me like you have deep resentement. People sense this and will often mirror to you what you already think of them. A friend complained to me about the Germans sitting at the pub outside always giving him an angry look when he walks by because he is a foreigner. What he didn't notice is that he gave them an angry look first. Some people are not always aware of their own facial expressions.

I would keep in mind that many immigrants are not there because they wanted to, so you shouldn't be angry at them but at the people forcing them out of their homes with war.

The part about the germans at the pub and lack of self awareness is so on point and accurate!


Mar 15, 2014
I think it's not so much race, but physical dissimilarity. They're related but different concepts.

You can be a multiracial homogeneous society (Chileans, most European countries)
You can be a multiracial heterogeneous society (USA, UK, most of Latin America)

Once the races blend, the dissimilarities blend as well, and you start seeing the traits of both groups being found throughout the population. Of course, there are still vestiges of that mixture left if you look hard enough. In some groups you still see skin color differences, in the European case you see eye color differences:


Facial averages of blue eyed and brown eyed Europeans.

But another factor is the knowledge of racial mixture. For example, Europeans are heavily mixed between indigenous European ancestry and "Basal Eurasian" ancestry from the Middle East, which is an extremely divergent lineage from all the other peoples of Eurasia.

But nobody cares about this mixture because it is not repeated in the popular media. It is not repeated because it happened in the late neolithic (so it's not in living memory) but more importantly, because modern Europeans control the vast majority of wealth/resources, and such a fact is politically incorrect and insulting for most of them to acknowledge--thus pop science outlets tend to "sugarcoat" it, ancestry testing services omit the data, etc, otherwise they wouldn't make money.

Because this event is so politically hidden, and because the mixed eye colors are so evenly distributed that they're even found within individual European families and siblings, it is very unlikely that you'll see a blue-brown eye war anytime soon lol.

The western hemisphere is a newly settled region and it hasn't reached equilibrium yet, so of course there is stress. Europe during the time of the Aryan invasions was stressful as well, to say the very least.
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Jan 11, 2019
I think it's not so much race, but physical dissimilarity. They're related but different concepts.

You can be a multiracial homogeneous society (Chileans, most European countries)
You can be a multiracial heterogeneous society (USA, UK, most of Latin America)

Once the races blend, the dissimilarities blend as well, and you start seeing the traits of both groups being found throughout the population. Of course, there are still vestiges of that mixture left if you look hard enough. In some groups you still see skin color differences, in the European case you see eye color differences:


Facial averages of blue eyed and brown eyed Europeans.

But another factor is the knowledge of racial mixture. For example, Europeans are heavily mixed between indigenous European ancestry and "Basal Eurasian" ancestry from the Middle East, which is an extremely divergent lineage from all the other peoples of Eurasia.

But nobody cares about this mixture because it is not repeated in the popular media. It is not repeated because it happened in the late neolithic (so it's not in living memory) but more importantly, because modern Europeans control the vast majority of wealth/resources, and such a fact is politically incorrect and insulting for most of them to acknowledge--thus pop science outlets tend to "sugarcoat" it, ancestry testing services omit the data, etc, otherwise they wouldn't make money.

Because this event is so politically hidden, and because the mixed eye colors are so evenly distributed that they're even found within individual European families and siblings, it is very unlikely that you'll see a blue-brown eye war anytime soon lol.

The western hemisphere is a newly settled region and it hasn't reached equilibrium yet, so of course there is stress. Europe during the time of the Aryan invasions was stressful as well, to say the very least.
Races only exist, biologically speaking, as a subspecies. There are no subspecies of humans, biologically speaking there are klines, which are geographically distributed traits. If races were biologically true, specifically linked klines would always show up together, but it is not predictable in that way. Race exists as a social cultural phenomenon. Race science was all manafactured by white scientists who wanted to prove that other races were inferior to them and this has been disproven many times.


Mar 15, 2014
I'm using "race" as a synonym for "pure genetic ancestry"
Everything is technically mixed, but sometimes a population is isolated for long enough that it develops a unique genetic identity of its own. I call this a "race".

The modern western definition of "race" is just appearance. There are "black" people who are more related to "white" people than to other "black" people. And vice versa.
This is because appearance is controlled by a handful of genes, while the total genetic difference between different races consists of 20 million+ genes. For comparison, 75% of eye color variation is controlled by 3 letters of genetic code. 50% of skin color variation is controlled by 2 genes.

Thus, race is an arbitrary social construct based on things like appearance, legends, politics, etc., and there are infinitely many of these arbitrary constructs depending on who you ask. Lebanese are "white" in the US but not in Finland.

But, race is also a genetic and quantifiable construct based on raw genetic similarity. And it is not inherently linked with skin or eye color.
Race science was all manafactured by white scientists who wanted to prove that other races were inferior to them
An evidence-based doctrine which finds that British people are 1/3 Middle Eastern doesn't exactly shout "white supremacy" to me



Aug 7, 2020
I think it has a lot to do with subconsciously sensing that one's position in the social hierarchy is being replaced as a result of an increasingly hostile and competitive world. It's no longer the 60s where you could easily find a job to support a family with, and a big house to shelter them with, and good, natural food to feed them with. We now live in a world where the magnates have a bigger labor pool to pick from as borders are increasingly withering due to this sole simple maxim: money over all else. This process is very mechanical and distinct from the human soul, and as such it is natural to feel alienated by it.


Jan 9, 2019
i live in stockholm. you are very right about the Muslims. the blacks are not so much a problem as the Muslims. they seem to have a deep hatred for us. from their perspective, i also think moving from a warm climate drinking fresh goat milk and no emf, to this cold dark emf hell with crap food would make anyone go nuts. and even though your kids grew up in sweden, you still came from a completely different climate.
Gotta love the way you generalize. Seems as though you have a deep hatred for "them." So it begs the question what came first... the chicken or the egg? Maybe overcoming your cultural ignorance will help you cope with living on a diverse planet, or do different species of animals stress you out too? Im sure we can find a mono climate for you to relax in.
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