Multi Racial Society - The Biggest Stressor Of Them All?


Sep 17, 2022
New Hampshire
It goes beyond government. Someone higher...
Since eating wheat my believe in conspiracy theories dropped a lot. I remember being 100% sure there is an sadistic elite ruling the world and doing all the „forbidden“ stuff behind our backs. Especially when I was eating exclusively raw meat and honey. Very interesting.

Now I‘m not so sure.


Sep 10, 2019
Since eating wheat my believe in conspiracy theories dropped a lot. I remember being 100% sure there is an sadistic elite ruling the world and doing all the „forbidden“ stuff behind our backs. Especially when I was eating exclusively raw meat and honey. Very interesting.

Now I‘m not so sure.
You’re not sure or you don’t care? The WEF exists whether or not you’re eating wheat. As did Epstein Island.
Nov 17, 2017
It would be fine if it weren't for all these menacing threats and hints of a future reckoning for crimes that I had nothing to do with and don't truly benefit from. It's just a way of preventing class solidarity. The rich have little to fear from racial strife. Stupid people will get manipulated in both directions.


Mar 22, 2022
White guy here. I read the first page.

I kinda get what you mean, but I have some very good friends who are Asian and Indian, to the extent I feel more comfortable around them then a lot of white people. I enjoy thinking I feel energy, not race. A lot of people have disgusting energy and I would rather not be around them. You're also talking to a human who obsessively watched Korean dramas in the 90s before this got trendy in the last number of years. I speak a few languages and generally find Europeans and Asians to be awesome! To be fair, I met most of the while traveling and everybody in travel mode seems to be more friendly than usual. There are lots of things concerning white people I don't like. Some of the scariest people I've found are white. White people can be disgusting and racist and ignorant. At least half my country is.


Mar 22, 2022
With that in mind, I've never seen a white supremacist that is a good example of his race.

Probably because if you're smart, you wouldn't be a supremacist.

They all have the I-didn't-finish-elementary-school energy. You can feel the narcissism. Or likely I can, cuz I have a narcissist mom so I know what it's like.

They're quite scary, primarily becasue they can't think and tend to be fat and hairy and have lots of guns.


Mar 22, 2022
And generally, Asians are quiet and respectful, which make then good people to live around. Loud people are the ******* worst. No one wants to hear your movies, turn your ***t down you inconsiderate ****.

My Korean friend, when a few of them got a place together, they played their tv while talking to each other remotely to see how loud they could turn it up and not allow it to bother people.


Mar 22, 2022
That being said, my most annoying neighbors have been black and Hispanic. Just ******* loud all the time. Every day. I literally moved out of two places because of this. Talking to management did nothing. Talking to them did nothing.

But to be honest, I had a white roommate who was loud as **** all the time, constant music all day and night, shaking the entire house with bass, literally gave me c-ptsd.

This is why I loathe shitty people rather than races actually.

And one of my best friends is Mexican, so, deal.
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Mar 22, 2022
Furthermore, the figures on the first page, the composites, the guy on the left looks like a serial killer and the guy on the right looks like a neat dude.


Feb 12, 2020
I think it's not so much race, but physical dissimilarity. They're related but different concepts.

You can be a multiracial homogeneous society (Chileans, most European countries)
You can be a multiracial heterogeneous society (USA, UK, most of Latin America)

Once the races blend, the dissimilarities blend as well, and you start seeing the traits of both groups being found throughout the population. Of course, there are still vestiges of that mixture left if you look hard enough. In some groups you still see skin color differences, in the European case you see eye color differences:


Facial averages of blue eyed and brown eyed Europeans.

But another factor is the knowledge of racial mixture. For example, Europeans are heavily mixed between indigenous European ancestry and "Basal Eurasian" ancestry from the Middle East, which is an extremely divergent lineage from all the other peoples of Eurasia.

But nobody cares about this mixture because it is not repeated in the popular media. It is not repeated because it happened in the late neolithic (so it's not in living memory) but more importantly, because modern Europeans control the vast majority of wealth/resources, and such a fact is politically incorrect and insulting for most of them to acknowledge--thus pop science outlets tend to "sugarcoat" it, ancestry testing services omit the data, etc, otherwise they wouldn't make money.

Because this event is so politically hidden, and because the mixed eye colors are so evenly distributed that they're even found within individual European families and siblings, it is very unlikely that you'll see a blue-brown eye war anytime soon lol.

The western hemisphere is a newly settled region and it hasn't reached equilibrium yet, so of course there is stress. Europe during the time of the Aryan invasions was stressful as well, to say the very least.
very true

dark eyed europeans are completely different from blue eyed europeans and are treated as such. The difference in facial features is obvious. This would be difficult for americans to grasp. Europe is quite elitist

As a southeastern european stuck in a northwestern country due to the encouragement of my naive parents, I've had much better luck socialising with indians and middle easterners due to their culture (they're warm blooded), and our genetic proximity and facial resemblance. Attempts to connect to light eyed europeans have felt like a dead end most of the time, it's been a dispiriting experience.

I wouldn't say nobody cares about the admixture. Most white supremacist groups do not consider Mediterraneans and Pontids to be pure europeans. Europeans can tell on a subconscious level that there's a difference even if they're not aware of the genetic background/history of mixing. Theres a superiority/inferiority complex dynamic going on between the two groups.


Mar 10, 2016
I have lived in 1 predominantly white country and 1 predominantly non-white country. So, my experience is limited.
The former had better sanitation and air quality. Also, there was less waiting involved.
The latter was more connected on a human level. People were more inclusive and affectionate toward each other.


Mar 15, 2014
As a southeastern european stuck in a northwestern country due to the encouragement of my naive parents, I've had much better luck socialising with indians and middle easterners due to their culture (they're warm blooded)
You probably mean Punjabis. South Indians are the Desi version of Northern Europeans with respect to "warmness" (although probably not as bad as scandinavians)

I've noticed that a lot of the Russian Jews, Balkanites, act very similar to Punjabis and Gujaratis.

I wouldn't say nobody cares about the admixture. Most white supremacist groups do not consider Mediterraneans and Pontids to be pure europeans.
This is just silly white supremacists who are in denial about their admixture. The actual admixture has nothing to do with "whiteness", because otherwise you would not see dark-eyed long headed swarthy people in Scotland and Norway. And you would not see blue-eyed people in Greece.

The denial part is that almost all of Europe is very Middle Eastern (Anatolia neolithic ancestry).
Northern India is also pretty Middle Eastern (Iran neolithic ancestry)

Both Middle Eastern ancestries come from a common root, and is probably why these groups tend to act so similar.


Jun 22, 2021
I have lived in 1 predominantly white country and 1 predominantly non-white country. So, my experience is limited.
So wait, LET ME GUESS:

You grew up in a White-country, then decided to visit an African country to "find yourself", is that right?

On a scale of 1-10, how right am I?


Oct 6, 2021
Races only exist, biologically speaking, as a subspecies. There are no subspecies of humans, biologically speaking there are klines, which are geographically distributed traits. If races were biologically true, specifically linked klines would always show up together, but it is not predictable in that way. Race exists as a social cultural phenomenon. Race science was all manafactured by white scientists who wanted to prove that other races were inferior to them and this has been disproven many times.

68 IQ comment

Disregard obscurantist Orwellians like this. Everyone knows what a race is.


Mar 21, 2021
Racism is not really hate , but fear.
And people fear what the don’t understand. And people can prey on that fear. Many governments and institutions used fear to control the people and we just saw that with Covid and throughout history we have seen the divide and conquer strategy to gain control over the population. And they use that fear and turn it to hate.

The op message wasn’t hate , but fear and it was honest and I think he was trying to understand that fear and in today’s society he would automatically be called a racist.

If people could come out and be honest and try to come to an understanding so fear doesn’t take over.

But all those thoughts about those people wanting to hurt him are all in his head. Those people could have had those exact same thoughts about him and reading his body language or energy he is giving off as him wanting to hurt them.


Oct 2, 2018
Racism is not really hate , but fear.
And people fear what the don’t understand.
I don’t think it stems from people not understanding other ethnicities. It is more an evolutionary survival strategy that makes common sense.

In America Blacks commit a greatly disproportionate percentage of the crimes given their numbers in the population. Given that FACT and the history of the country it makes sense as a generalisation to avoid them as much as possible to reduce your risk of becoming a crime statistic. Of course that is unfairly tarring all Blacks with the same brush, but points of difference have always been used to determine friend from foe. It’s an old survival strategy.
But all those thoughts about those people wanting to hurt him are all in his head.
I disagree with that assessment. It isn’t all in his head. Many migrants despise the countries and the people in them that they migrate too. They just go there for the rule of law and better economic opportunities, not because they like the people that make up the country.

Look at the crime and sexual assaults in Germany from migrants from the Middle East, the no-go zones in Sweden, Paris, Belgium where it is no longer safe for original people of these countries to go.

These people do absolutely want to hurt you if they get the opportunity.


Mar 21, 2021
I don’t think it stems from people not understanding other ethnicities. It is more an evolutionary survival strategy that makes common sense.

In America Blacks commit a greatly disproportionate percentage of the crimes given their numbers in the population. Given that FACT and the history of the country it makes sense as a generalisation to avoid them as much as possible to reduce your risk of becoming a crime statistic. Of course that is unfairly tarring all Blacks with the same brush, but points of difference have always been used to determine friend from foe. It’s an old survival strategy.

I disagree with that assessment. It isn’t all in his head. Many migrants despise the countries and the people in them that they migrate too. They just go there for the rule of law and better economic opportunities, not because they like the people that make up the country.

Look at the crime and sexual assaults in Germany from migrants from the Middle East, the no-go zones in Sweden, Paris, Belgium where it is no longer safe for original people of these countries to go.

These people do absolutely want to hurt you if they get the opportunity.
That’s high serotonin monkey tribal thinking. It’s goes on both sides. That thinking was beneficial in tribal times, better to be suspicious and perceive this other person as dangerous then risk it and be killed.

but now we live in modern times with rule of law and that does not guarantee nothing bad will happen to you. But the elites know we have monkey brains and use fear to scare people to gain more power and control. Now that can be other people , but we just saw what they did with Covid.
You see it the news. They scare the conservative side with gays, trans and these perceived threats from different cultures and colors and the woke side they scared with Covid and trump.

I feel bad to because I see the truth and see all these people act like scared monkeys. It’s our Achilles heal that the elites use to gain power.

They throw the kitchen sink of fear through the news and that’s how they gain power. I honestly think they are the next evolution of people and they learned how to scare the average person who is slightly closer to the monkey then they are.




If black Americans committed most of the crime in American then I think America has a chance of surviving. As it stands America has a bigger problem than black Americans. I know it’s painful to face up to the fact that America was built by and is run by criminals. Meanwhile, look over there, it’s a black/brown person, a trans, a balloon..........
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