Medical Martial Law: Is There An Exit Strategy? Anywhere?


Oct 1, 2019
@lampofred Georgi talked about this in the latest Butter Living podcast with Georgi and Danny. It is not the best idea in his opinion.


Feb 18, 2016
Is it just me or do most of the catastrophes that people talk about on "alt" message boards never really pan out? Darkness in world governments for sure, very slow and progressive loss of freedoms no doubt, but never the big catastrophe.

Is the perception or intuition off? Frankly, it's all very reminiscent of an authoritarian cult I escaped a few years ago...where there was sort of the expectation of doom, a kind of chorus of dread, getting specifically worked up over 'the end', a belief that things 'wax worse and worse'.

I also can't help but notice a significant Trump-respectful base here, despite his clear ability to artfully deceive....mixed with a base that seems ....for lack of a better word....Christianity-infused....which naturally lends itself to group cultic mindsets....and I guess I'm just saying that it doesn't feel very Peaty. Peat is not our authority or our leader, but he does present to be your own authority, to create your own system, let free.

I don't know, let's all take a Pregnenolone? lol. I'm not diminishing concerns at all, just offering my own sense of balance. I can get into a catastrophic mindset too, but im trying to take more solace in my own autonomy from the world, exercising that Blakeian imagination, imagining the best, creating my own best environment, stepping away from the "mental manacles" hopefully.

Its Hegelian dialectics of sort, there is a problem and everything has 2 choices to solve the problem ,good or bad and the outcomes or side are relative to your current perception and dynamic of memory building via past experiences , the pop culture TV heads can only think this way, I mean hours everyday of tv shows that have simple narratives of good person -bad person, win-lose etc, there memories are infused with this narrative which wouldn’t be the case if they had more real world experience which is becoming less and less ,at least the majority of jobs in the past got you 8 hours with real interaction with all the nuances ,I’m not so sure now.

The seeking of importance and hero’s status is also continually infused into the memories via pop culture and TV shows, sports,somebody is a god because of an ability to put a round ball in a net ,everything in the now is perceived through this lense.
The reason we get so many different facets of extreme cults is possibly because importance seeking and hero status seeking is available to everyone via an abundance of information where meaning can be made from it,at no point in history did we have so many different views.

What trump is - a blank canvas for projecting onto to, he is a screen with a multitude of different movies being projected onto by those who would rather escapism than reality.
IMO though it’s best to encourage the conspiracy’s for now if it can dent the current system at the top.

Humans still have issues with our inevitable mortality, this is an aspect of future and reality we can predict very accurately yet the one we want to escape the most.
obviously it’s not the entire answer .


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
The article charlie posted from is greatly overexaggerated.
Bummer. :( I will be leary and better check if I run across them again. I think thats the first time I have seen them. Thanks for sussing that out. :hattip


Jun 26, 2017
I see it. No one makes eye contract in Chicago anymore. The polite city with friendly people is just a memory.
I think, oh, it's just that it's not sunny and it's still cold. No one wants any engagement whatsoever with any other person.
If I try to smile in a "what a cute dog" kinda way, they turn and go the other way.
And, of course, on every new walk each day there are more 5G towers and cameras and floodlights.
What a shock and awe scam.
My daughters live there, so I know a little about the city. I lived and worked in the suburbs in the 70's. Chicago was dominated by the original Mayor Daley then - but he ran a tight ship and the city was so much cleaner and even safer in the entertainment areas than my native Baltimore.

But surprisingly I have noticed the same in my mid-size southern city - no eye contact and people casually moving away so as to pass at a larger-than-safe distance. I think it is embarrassing to move away from people as if they are seen as "potentially infected", so that makes one avoid eye contact because good people don't want to offend other good people by moving away from them as if they are lepers. Yet that is exactly what we are instructed to do - treat others as if they were lepers. This offends our dignity as we would normally never avoid people we pass by unless they looked truly scary. It is difficult, if not impossible, to appear friendly while dodging sideways to avoid everyone we pass outside or in the grocery store.

I think the psychological damage created by this "social distancing" protocol will have huge unintended consequences that will persist long after the shutdown dissipates.


Mar 29, 2016
This is the best history of the coronavirus pandemic so far

"the fastest roll-up of power in human history."

Covid-19 time capsule. Before, during and what's coming - Adam Townsend

Very nice. Thanks for sharing. The timeline, what was said, what was not said, by the fake experts and by real experts, and what was either not reported or misreported - if there were a zapper to let people who couldn't be bothered to know know - like a reverse truth serum - a nation of zombies could break out of their spell - and there would be actual change.


Feb 18, 2016
Good read.
It was March when the markets started to go down, they probably realized the covid 19 was the perfect cover for the inevitable bailout of wall street, if they didn’t have the covid cover the public would be outraged. Fascinating to see the headlines change mid March.
The banks still were in need of a bailout but that wouldn’t stop them from shorting the market mid March, By doing this they were knowingly hurting average American and people around the world ,the probably even went short on their own stock price, psychopaths .

One of the biggest frauds pumping the mask wearing narrative and giving it credence is Nassim Nicholas Taleb, he has a cult like following, he pumped the shutdown narrative also, Taleb worked with Mark Spitznagel who’s hedge fund returned over 3000% during March when the markets started going down. He’s investment strategy is basically covered in Talebs book the black swan.
It’s not that talebs views on how to limit deadly viruses are wrong, it’s the fact they knew this virus wasn’t as deadly as claimed ,he goes on to argue that in spite of its virulence you act in a risk averse manner, if we were to do this every flu season where would we be?

Ask yourself when you see people in positions of relative power shilling for lockdowns what might they have to gain from lockdowns?
Don’t get me wrong ,useful idiots are everywhere shilling as we write, they are infected with the pop cult virus that limits critical thinking capacity, the pop cult turns you into a parrot.
The saddest lot of all are the new covid twitter celebrities ,using covid hysteria to pump the number of followers ,social recognition brigade even if it means being controversial for the sake of it.

He forgot to add the Kawasaki hysteria the media were trying to pump a few weeks ago when the COVID numbers were not high enough, they we’re trying to link it to covid 19,they must have been hoping kids could get infected with this for absolute panic , think of the kids they were saying.
Kawasaki Disease and Covid-19 - Societi


Feb 8, 2020
+1 One of the sanest I have read.

Follow him on Twitter if you'd like @adamscrabble

Sane voice on china, geopolitics, elite power struggles, disinfo warfare, etc.

I argued with him in late Jan about coronavirus. Turns out he was right and I was wrong -- it's not severe at all.


Nov 18, 2019
Follow him on Twitter if you'd like @adamscrabble

Sane voice on china, geopolitics, elite power struggles, disinfo warfare, etc.

I argued with him in late Jan about coronavirus. Turns out he was right and I was wrong -- it's not severe at all.
Cool. He is on my radar for sure. Thank you for sharing his article! I am passing it on to a bunch of people...maybe some will wake up.


Jan 25, 2014
Good read.
It was March when the markets started to go down, they probably realized the covid 19 was the perfect cover for the inevitable bailout of wall street, if they didn’t have the covid cover the public would be outraged. Fascinating to see the headlines change mid March.

....except that the Markets started to go down in late February. The last seven days in Feb saw the DJI lose 5,000 points, which is massive, essentially wiping out an entire year's worth of trading. March saw a drop by a further 7,000 points, to the low in late March. I'm guessing anyone who "shorted" the Market in mid-March got screwed, as it started getting pumped up again shortly after that.

I don't know if you've read anything by Benjamin Fulford or not. His reports can be pretty "out there," but he has stated multiple times that all this was due to the US Corp Government missing a payment deadline on 2/16, essentially meaning bankruptcy. If you go back and read his reports from the time, they are predicting some pretty wild things, but many of those wild predictions pretty much came to pass-

Benjamin Fulford 2/17/20 Report: US Corporation fails to meet payments date and threatens to poison world’s water supply

Benjamin Fulford 2/24/20 Report: Bill Gates surrenders to the Chinese as secret war rages on

Benjamin Fulford 3/16/20 Report: It’s getting biblical folks as Pope vanishes, Mecca shuts down for the first time in history


Feb 18, 2016
....except that the Markets started to go down in late February. The last seven days in Feb saw the DJI lose 5,000 points, which is massive, essentially wiping out an entire year's worth of trading. March saw a drop by a further 7,000 points, to the low in late March. I'm guessing anyone who "shorted" the Market in mid-March got screwed, as it started getting pumped up again shortly after that.

I don't know if you've read anything by Benjamin Fulford or not. His reports can be pretty "out there," but he has stated multiple times that all this was due to the US Corp Government missing a payment deadline on 2/16, essentially meaning bankruptcy. If you go back and read his reports from the time, they are predicting some pretty wild things, but many of those wild predictions pretty much came to pass-

Benjamin Fulford 2/17/20 Report: US Corporation fails to meet payments date and threatens to poison world’s water supply

Benjamin Fulford 2/24/20 Report: Bill Gates surrenders to the Chinese as secret war rages on

Benjamin Fulford 3/16/20 Report: It’s getting biblical folks as Pope vanishes, Mecca shuts down for the first time in history

Sounds interesting.
Even with those dates it still seems the media start covering for the banks in mid March when people were realizing how bad the markets were, the article linked highlights all the headlines in MSM saying not to worry then we get hysterical like we are all going to die.
It made we wonder about gates pushing the mass vaccination also, are they being clowns of distraction to keep pop culture away from focusing on the financial system while testing the public’s appetite for vaccines? I posted a thread about the EU’s vaccination article from 2017 and the timelines are up to 2022 I think, in it they speak about public acceptance of vaccines and how to test the water and then educate/manipulate the masses.
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