Magnesium Oil From the Ancient Zechstein Sea


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
Yes, been using it for a couple years. There are more than one brand sourced from it, and price can be all over the place. I found Life-flo brand locally for $9.44 for 8 oz, which was better than I've paid before.


Jul 22, 2012
Does this feel oil-y at all?
I've wondered how the "oil" thing got attached
to what would seem to be just water with magnesium salts in it...?


Sep 22, 2013
narouz, I think that's correct, that it's referred to as "oil" because of the slightly viscous texture when magnesium chloride is mixed with water. It is very subtle though.

Best value I have found is to buy the big 8 lb. bag of flakes and make your own magnesium oil. It is about $40 on Amazon.


Jul 22, 2012
loess said:
narouz, I think that's correct, that it's referred to as "oil" because of the slightly viscous texture when magnesium chloride is mixed with water. It is very subtle though.

Best value I have found is to buy the big 8 lb. bag of flakes and make your own magnesium oil. It is about $40 on Amazon.

Thanks, loess.
Would that be about the same, you think, as doing the same with Epsom Salts?
I do that...and it works okay.
But it seems like after the first application/spray, the salt just sets up on top of the skin.
Does the chloride form act differently?


Mar 21, 2014
BingDing said:
Yes, been using it for a couple years. There are more than one brand sourced from it, and price can be all over the place. I found Life-flo brand locally for $9.44 for 8 oz, which was better than I've paid before.

Everyone seems to report benefits, so I'm giving it a try. I know I need it. I don't think I'm getting it anywhere else. Wouldn't it be nice if all the suppliments came in a spray bottle!



Sep 22, 2013
I get pretty much that same result, narouz. Spray it, rub it in and once it evaporates it leaves a white residue.

I have to admit that between magnesium chloride baths, epsom salt baths, topical magnesium oil before a shower and occasionally at intervals throughout the day if I have to be out of the house (a few sprays here and there on my forearms is easy to rub in and then rinse off), and drinking magnesium bicarbonate water every day, magnesium supplementation is kind of a hassle, a full-time job. I don't do all of that every day. Truth be told I would love to get magnesium and other minerals by simply soaking in my own personal tropical hot springs while sipping on chocolate milk and chomping on cherimoyas :mrgreen:


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
I started using mag oil a few months before I started reading RP. I must have been drastically deficient because the first few times my whole body was vibrating, it was pretty dramatic. I use it occasionally now after a shower, I read somewhere that the skin absorbs more when it's warm and flushed. 25 sprays on each leg, 'twixt boxers and socks, and I just leave it on. It attracts moisture from the air and takes forever to dry, but I got used to feeling on my skin. Reminds me of swimming in the ocean and air drying on the beach, but without the sand in my drawers. :lol:


Mar 21, 2014
BingDing said:
I started using mag oil a few months before I started reading RP. I must have been drastically deficient because the first few times my whole body was vibrating, it was pretty dramatic. I use it occasionally now after a shower, I read somewhere that the skin absorbs more when it's warm and flushed. 25 sprays on each leg, 'twixt boxers and socks, and I just leave it on. It attracts moisture from the air and takes forever to dry, but I got used to feeling on my skin. Reminds me of swimming in the ocean and air drying on the beach, but without the sand in my drawers. :lol:




Jul 22, 2012
loess said:
I get pretty much that same result, narouz. Spray it, rub it in and once it evaporates it leaves a white residue.

I have to admit that between magnesium chloride baths, epsom salt baths, topical magnesium oil before a shower and occasionally at intervals throughout the day if I have to be out of the house (a few sprays here and there on my forearms is easy to rub in and then rinse off), and drinking magnesium bicarbonate water every day, magnesium supplementation is kind of a hassle, a full-time job. I don't do all of that every day. Truth be told I would love to get magnesium and other minerals by simply soaking in my own personal tropical hot springs while sipping on chocolate milk and chomping on cherimoyas :mrgreen:

I've been experimenting with magnesium mainly because I have had for several months now
this weird syndrome where
I can't take the amount of thyroid supp I need
(and used to be able to take)
to get my temps/pulse up to where they should be.
I get heart palpitations, racing, irregularities, skipped beats, etc.

So...I've heard Peat say this can sometimes be due to difficulty hanging onto magnesium
if one is hypothyroid.

Kinduv a Catch-22:
-can't hang on to magesium because hypothyroid
-hypothyroid because (theoretically) can't hang on to magnesium.... :evil:

Another clue, in my mind, that I may be magnesium deficient:
I have some bouts of cramping.


Jul 22, 2012
BingDing said:
I started using mag oil a few months before I started reading RP. I must have been drastically deficient because the first few times my whole body was vibrating, it was pretty dramatic. I use it occasionally now after a shower, I read somewhere that the skin absorbs more when it's warm and flushed. 25 sprays on each leg, 'twixt boxers and socks, and I just leave it on. It attracts moisture from the air and takes forever to dry, but I got used to feeling on my skin. Reminds me of swimming in the ocean and air drying on the beach, but without the sand in my drawers. :lol:

I'll have to give that a shot, Bing.
I like the idea of it forestalling the drying.
That seemed like the weakness of applying it topically--
it would dry fast and then the salt would set up on top of the skin.
Maybe that is fine,
but it made me feel like it wasn't being absorbed unless wet.


Feb 4, 2014
narouz said:
loess said:
I get pretty much that same result, narouz. Spray it, rub it in and once it evaporates it leaves a white residue.

I have to admit that between magnesium chloride baths, epsom salt baths, topical magnesium oil before a shower and occasionally at intervals throughout the day if I have to be out of the house (a few sprays here and there on my forearms is easy to rub in and then rinse off), and drinking magnesium bicarbonate water every day, magnesium supplementation is kind of a hassle, a full-time job. I don't do all of that every day. Truth be told I would love to get magnesium and other minerals by simply soaking in my own personal tropical hot springs while sipping on chocolate milk and chomping on cherimoyas :mrgreen:

I've been experimenting with magnesium mainly because I have had for several months now
this weird syndrome where
I can't take the amount of thyroid supp I need
(and used to be able to take)
to get my temps/pulse up to where they should be.
I get heart palpitations, racing, irregularities, skipped beats, etc.

So...I've heard Peat say this can sometimes be due to difficulty hanging onto magnesium
if one is hypothyroid.

Kinduv a Catch-22:
-can't hang on to magesium because hypothyroid
-hypothyroid because (theoretically) can't hang on to magnesium.... :evil:

Another clue, in my mind, that I may be magnesium deficient:
I have some bouts of cramping.

Peat wrote this (or said it) about taking t3:

"Ray's response was "sometimes i think the products change and European thyroid supplements are unpredictable. Magnesium Deficiency can cause those symptoms. Thyroid makes your cells able to use magnesium and take it up. Big organs like your skeletal muscles and bones can take up so much from your blood that your heart and brain have trouble getting any magnesium they need to respond to the thyroid and then you get an exaggerated stress of adrenaline. Doses of about 100mg at a time as you take the 1 - 2 mcg cytomel. 100mg will be enough for a few hours to respond the the dose of thyroid."

The oil is interesting stuff. Sometimes it's intensely painful for me, most of the time not at all. It seems to absorb faster if I haven't used it that day and especially if I've been doing exercise. Regarding the salt left on the surface, its probable that if there's still a lot of salt on the skin it will inhibit absorption. Rinsing it off before applying the next layer seems to work well.


Mar 21, 2014
Aspekt said:
narouz said:
loess said:
I get pretty much that same result, narouz. Spray it, rub it in and once it evaporates it leaves a white residue.

I have to admit that between magnesium chloride baths, epsom salt baths, topical magnesium oil before a shower and occasionally at intervals throughout the day if I have to be out of the house (a few sprays here and there on my forearms is easy to rub in and then rinse off), and drinking magnesium bicarbonate water every day, magnesium supplementation is kind of a hassle, a full-time job. I don't do all of that every day. Truth be told I would love to get magnesium and other minerals by simply soaking in my own personal tropical hot springs while sipping on chocolate milk and chomping on cherimoyas :mrgreen:

I've been experimenting with magnesium mainly because I have had for several months now
this weird syndrome where
I can't take the amount of thyroid supp I need
(and used to be able to take)
to get my temps/pulse up to where they should be.
I get heart palpitations, racing, irregularities, skipped beats, etc.

So...I've heard Peat say this can sometimes be due to difficulty hanging onto magnesium
if one is hypothyroid.

Kinduv a Catch-22:
-can't hang on to magesium because hypothyroid
-hypothyroid because (theoretically) can't hang on to magnesium.... :evil:

Another clue, in my mind, that I may be magnesium deficient:
I have some bouts of cramping.

Peat wrote this (or said it) about taking t3:

"Ray's response was "sometimes i think the products change and European thyroid supplements are unpredictable. Magnesium Deficiency can cause those symptoms. Thyroid makes your cells able to use magnesium and take it up. Big organs like your skeletal muscles and bones can take up so much from your blood that your heart and brain have trouble getting any magnesium they need to respond to the thyroid and then you get an exaggerated stress of adrenaline. Doses of about 100mg at a time as you take the 1 - 2 mcg cytomel. 100mg will be enough for a few hours to respond the the dose of thyroid."

The oil is interesting stuff. Sometimes it's intensely painful for me, most of the time not at all. It seems to absorb faster if I haven't used it that day and especially if I've been doing exercise. Regarding the salt left on the surface, its probable that if there's still a lot of salt on the skin it will inhibit absorption. Rinsing it off before applying the next layer seems to work well.
What brand would you recommend? Does this look good to you. So is it it okay to start magnesium if you have low thyroid but not yet supplementing with thyroid?


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
RPmom, it's definitely OK to start magnesium. If you start thyroid supps or increase metabolism some other way your magnesium requirements may increase. Mg is a cofactor in oxidative respiration, which is to say metabolism.


Mar 21, 2014
BingDing said:
RPmom, it's definitely OK to start magnesium. If you start thyroid supps or increase metabolism some other way your magnesium requirements may increase. Mg is a cofactor in oxidative respiration, which is to say metabolism.

Thank you :)


Jul 22, 2012
Here's an interesting tidbit about magnesium.
I'll probably post it over on that other magnesium thread too
to see if others might've experienced this:

I read somewhere online a few months back
that cravings for chocolate could indicate a magnesium deficiency.

I added a lot of magnesium supplements to my diet,
and, sure enough, my chocolate cravings almost completely abated.


Jul 22, 2012
loess said:
I get pretty much that same result, narouz. Spray it, rub it in and once it evaporates it leaves a white residue.

I have to admit that between magnesium chloride baths, epsom salt baths, topical magnesium oil before a shower and occasionally at intervals throughout the day if I have to be out of the house (a few sprays here and there on my forearms is easy to rub in and then rinse off), and drinking magnesium bicarbonate water every day, magnesium supplementation is kind of a hassle, a full-time job. I don't do all of that every day. Truth be told I would love to get magnesium and other minerals by simply soaking in my own personal tropical hot springs while sipping on chocolate milk and chomping on cherimoyas :mrgreen:

loess--do you have cramping?
Are you hypothyroid?
And--if I may ask--what is your motive in the extreme magnesium dosing?


Sep 22, 2013
I am hypo, I feel a lot worse during the winter months when I don't get as much sun than I do in the spring and summer. No cramping. I did not mean to give the impression that I am high-dosing magnesium or spending all day scheming about how to get it in me :mrgreen: . Just wanted to list all of the different methods that I utilize. It varies a little but I would say I usually shoot for at least 900mg/day if I had to put a number on it? That is just a guesstimation though. Only motive I have is that I simply feel better and sleep better when I stay on top of it.
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