Help , Cant Get Magnesium Levels Up!


Jun 29, 2017
Hello , after a lot of trial and error I have found that the root cause of my problems is magnesium deficiency.I will explain how I found it.

After deciding to supplement with 600mg mg of solgar chellated magnesium per day for trying to resolve a magnesium deficiency it didnt help.Then later I thought about megadosing it untill it gives me a loose stool.So I started taking around 300-400 mg every few hours.The same day I felt many benefits ,all my symptoms decreasing and my libido coming back again.

This didnt last long.Soon it had crashed me.I ended up lethargic , again no libido and a pain in my chest.Traced the heart pain to a potassium deficiency , since magnesium can deplete potassium ,and the lethargic feeling to a sodium deficiency.When I took potassium(deeping my finger in potassium chloride and licking it untill it tastes horrible,meaning I dont need more) the heart pain went away.Also took sodium and the lethargic feeling went away.

But the magnesium stopped working.The first thing that followed those megadoses never came back.Instead now I have a horrible insomnia.I am extremely wired but also very very tired.

Insomnia can be traced to potassium deficiency.And the potassium chloride doesnt taste bad , indicating I need it.

I dont know what to do.I think I am extremy close to resolving my issues ,I just need to understand this final part.

I amd thinking of supplementing magnesium bicarbonate but if my other two electrolytes are alreadylow this shouldnt help since It would just give me diarrhea.

I am asking if anyone ever had a similar situation with me or if he knows what could it be.

Judging from my experience ,magnesium depleted those two electrolytes.But why?Isnt magnesium supposed to help solve a potassium deficiency?The possible explanation I have come up with is that magnesium helped open the "cell door".So the cells started expelling toxic waste and also receiving much more potassium ,thus depleting the potassium I aldready had(The chest could have been caused by my body drawing potassium from the serum).The depletion was rapid since the cells started taking what they needed and that caused those intense potassium deficiency symptoms(heart pain).My body now has jumpstarted many enzymes and functions that all need some potassium.

So I am planning on supplementing potassium and also sodium and dropping the magnesium to see how it goes.

Any input would be greatly apreciated!!


Jun 29, 2017
You have to be careful with potassium. Too much can stop your heart.
That would happen if it was given intravenously.Normally the excess ,just gets excreted in the urine since it is an alkaline mineral.But to be safe I dont take very large doses.



Ray says more salt in the diet will help keep the magnesium you do ingest in your body. I have found it helps a lot.

Nov 26, 2013
I dont know what to do.I think I am extremy close to resolving my issues ,I just need to understand this final part.
In my experience, this is never true.

Judging from my experience ,magnesium depleted those two electrolytes.But why?Isnt magnesium supposed to help solve a potassium deficiency?
It probably made you lose them with the diarrhea.

Any input would be greatly apreciated!!
Try other forms like magnesium chloride or oxide. But we don't really know that low magnesium is your problem in the first place.


Mar 29, 2016
Such is right. Take magnesium chloride. I take 4.8g MgCl2 every day. I put it in a 600ml water bottle each morning. And drink 200ml after each meal - breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The potassium comes from my food, which comes from the meat. I also makes sure I have a banana after each meal. If you can have sweet potato for breakfast, also helps with it.

As for salt, I find that it's enough that your food is salted enough. I once tried taking 6 grams of salt each day with my drinks, but this ended with me urinating a lot. This ended up with me losing plenty of potassium as well as thiamine, and made my muscles weaken. Also, I had to wake up a lot at night to pee. This disturbed my sleep and I would feel lethargic during the day. I think a lot of this also has to do with the lack of sleep interfering with my liver producing glycogen stores for me to use during the day.

But it isn't true that magnesium depletes potassium. Where there isn't enough magnesium in the body, it won't accept potassium and potassium is simply excreted through urination. Potassium intake is effective only when there is sufficient magnesium in the body.

I once thought of supplementing with magnesium bicarbonate, but I didn't push thru with it. I think that with the amount of magnesium I'm taking, I would have to take in plenty of bicarbonate. With that much, I was afraid I would be taking in too much bicarbonates. Too much of it could disturb the chemistry in our body. Too much bicarb in the blood takes about 3 days to be corrected, through the kidney and thru the urine. In the meantime, it could upset the electrolyte balance, and could affect the heart. This is how I see it. Others may want to chime in if I'm wrong about this.

When taking magnesium, and you don't take enough potassium, or if potassium is being depleted (too much urination, diarrhea), it will affect your electrolyte balance, and it will affect the regularity of your heartbeat. Arrhythmia could develop. You could stop taking magnesium for the time being, and increase intake of potassium through foods or through taking electrolytes. I have an Omron automatic blood pressure monitor, and this model detects irregular heart beat. Having one, for me, has been helpful. It would sense my heartbeat issues before I could. I recommend having one. Even if you don't have this type of monitor, you would already sense something when the blood pressure monitor keeps giving error messages, or when your blood pressure readings are all over the place. The irregularity of the heartbeat makes the monitor confused, and it can't get good consistent readings anymore.
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have you tried taking a cal/mag/zinc supplement? ( combo? ) now foods makes a good one


Jun 29, 2017

After trying supplementing potassium to fix this situation , it didnt work.
So after I had supplemented with magnesium , I felt my problems going away( something that didnt last) and I also got some bad effects(insomnia , chest pain)

Also before supplementing with magnesium I had racing heart when I was at bed.This almost completely diminished with the magnesium I took and it hasnt come back.Obviously there is something that was depleted with the magnesium but also magnesium went first where it was needed the most(the heart).

I kept thinking what could it be since its not sodium nor potassium.Then I thought maybe its calcium.

I made eggshell calcium , I put it in capsules(1200 mg of eggshell = 400 mg of elemental calcium per capsule) and took some.It knocked me out and I slept like a rock.

First day I took 3 , second day 2 and third day 1 with some magnesium in the evening.
This did nothing.Magnesium passed through me and calcium I guess was very low dosage.Insomnia is still there but I dont feel as fatigued as before the calcium.

Could it be the calcium?
Does anyone have any information on what are the interactions between calcium and magnesium?
Specifically , does magnesium deplete calcium?Is calcium needed for the absorption of magnesium?Is magnesium needed for the utilization of calcium?

How much calcium from eggshells do I need to be taking daily to reverse a calcium deficiency?

Any input is greatly apreciated!!
Nov 21, 2015
I use my teeth as a gauge. I feel that calcium and magnesium compete in the body at some level. Too much magnesium depletes calcium. Of course calcium is stored in the bones, but I start to feel a toothache and weird feelings in my teeth and they feel kind of loose if I have too much magnesium and Low calcium over a few weeks at a time.

A quarter teaspoon of eggshell a day is often enough to even things out.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
There are quite a few magnesium options, the one that worked for me was Dr. Carolyn Dean's ReMag, which is a magnesium chloride that has been produced to be picometer size allowing it to have improved absorption. She also recommends adding salt to your water when mixing the ReMag. Was the only Mg supplement that stopped my foot spams, and I've tried every form of Mg She is famous for authoring the book Magnesium Miracle which was written decades ago ahead of its time. Worth a try.


Mar 29, 2014
I'm using:
- potassium: fruit juice and potatoes
- magnesium: leafy greens, Mg carbonate orally and extra Mg chloride transdermally sometimes, esp if I get cramps. Sometimes I have Mg chloride instead of Mg carbonate orally too (mixed with water and juice)
- sodium: salt (NaCl/sea salt or processed table salt) to taste on food for sodium.
- calcium: Ca carbonate orally
If I skip any of those I'm in trouble.


Mar 2, 2018

Could it be the calcium?

Hello J4son,

My my, you are jumping through too many hoops and getting nowhere.

Yes, it's a very good chance that you are consuming too much calcium (as I do not know you, or your history) probably through supplementation or excessive dairy. Calcium is basically poison (See Dr Thomas Levy books on Calcium) - Yes it's a waste by-product from biological transmutation (refer to Professor C Louis Kervran book -Biological Transmutations). The body dumps this, normally into the bones as a strength and stiffener molecule as well as a repository for withdrawal later by the blood to balance the Ph levels. Calcium also causes muscles to contract - and too much causes the muscles to seize. On the other hand magnesium is the relaxant for the muscles and other flexible organs.

Types of magnesium to try is the 'Malate" version for superior uptake. Magnesium chloride (also known as Magnesium oil) is better for transdermal applications - great for leg cramps, but takes a while to work. Shower first before bed (skin must be clean) and apply for over-night absorption. Some people get itchy using this and could be a sign of manganese deficiency. Whatever you do, avoid the cheap carbonate or citrate version of magnesium. There is enough citations out there J4son for you to confirm it so.

Good health and luck.
Cheers, Mr_Jeff.
Nov 26, 2013
I don't understand why you would even say this to someone.
Just because things aren't working for you doesn't mean they won't for someone else.
That's why I said "in my experience". You gotta be careful with false hopes. Once is ok but I see people stuck in a loop of wishful thinking. And if it's happened to someone in the past, might as well pass the knowledge forward and save them some suffering. Feel free to add your own advice though (which if it worked for you, doesn't mean it will work for him btw :cool ).


Jul 29, 2015
That's why I said "in my experience". You gotta be careful with false hopes. Once is ok but I see people stuck in a loop of wishful thinking. And if it's happened to someone in the past, might as well pass the knowledge forward and save them some suffering. Feel free to add your own advice though (which if it worked for you, doesn't mean it will work for him btw :cool ).
You made it sound like it's hopeless to even attempt to improve one's health because it's futile. Granted, there wasn't a lot of context there, but it struck me as deeply depressing and frankly out of character for someone who has been around here for as long as you have.
Nov 26, 2013
You made it sound like it's hopeless to even attempt to improve one's health because it's futile. Granted, there wasn't a lot of context there, but it struck me as deeply depressing and frankly out of character for someone who has been around here for as long as you have.
I’m here for long because I quit looking for a quick fix...


Mar 29, 2014
great for leg cramps, but takes a while to work
I find Mg chloride topically oftens interrupts cramps within half a minute.
Calcium is basically poison ...
Anything can be a poison in excess and in the wrong place etc. But calcium is also an essential nutrient, one of the minerals we probably need more of than most, so I wouldn't go thinking it's poison in the sense of something to generally avoid completely in all forms. Strengthening bones is not a trivial feature, and it's needed for other functions too. Can get out of balance with other needed nutrients, though, and can get disregulated and get into problematic places physiologically.


Jul 13, 2014
Hello , after a lot of trial and error I have found that the root cause of my problems is magnesium deficiency.I will explain how I found it.

After deciding to supplement with 600mg mg of solgar chellated magnesium per day for trying to resolve a magnesium deficiency it didnt help.Then later I thought about megadosing it untill it gives me a loose stool.So I started taking around 300-400 mg every few hours.The same day I felt many benefits ,all my symptoms decreasing and my libido coming back again.

This didnt last long.Soon it had crashed me.I ended up lethargic , again no libido and a pain in my chest.Traced the heart pain to a potassium deficiency , since magnesium can deplete potassium ,and the lethargic feeling to a sodium deficiency.When I took potassium(deeping my finger in potassium chloride and licking it untill it tastes horrible,meaning I dont need more) the heart pain went away.Also took sodium and the lethargic feeling went away.

But the magnesium stopped working.The first thing that followed those megadoses never came back.Instead now I have a horrible insomnia.I am extremely wired but also very very tired.

Insomnia can be traced to potassium deficiency.And the potassium chloride doesnt taste bad , indicating I need it.

I dont know what to do.I think I am extremy close to resolving my issues ,I just need to understand this final part.

I amd thinking of supplementing magnesium bicarbonate but if my other two electrolytes are alreadylow this shouldnt help since It would just give me diarrhea.

I am asking if anyone ever had a similar situation with me or if he knows what could it be.

Judging from my experience ,magnesium depleted those two electrolytes.But why?Isnt magnesium supposed to help solve a potassium deficiency?The possible explanation I have come up with is that magnesium helped open the "cell door".So the cells started expelling toxic waste and also receiving much more potassium ,thus depleting the potassium I aldready had(The chest could have been caused by my body drawing potassium from the serum).The depletion was rapid since the cells started taking what they needed and that caused those intense potassium deficiency symptoms(heart pain).My body now has jumpstarted many enzymes and functions that all need some potassium.

So I am planning on supplementing potassium and also sodium and dropping the magnesium to see how it goes.

Any input would be greatly apreciated!!
You need to take taurine with the Magnesium!


Jan 14, 2016
Could it be the calcium?
Does anyone have any information on what are the interactions between calcium and magnesium?
Specifically , does magnesium deplete calcium?Is calcium needed for the absorption of magnesium?Is magnesium needed for the utilization of calcium?

How much calcium from eggshells do I need to be taking daily to reverse a calcium deficiency?

Any input is greatly apreciated!!

I would say most people (probably 80% or so) have too much calcium in their system and probably 90% of people are magnesium deficient, so calcium deficiency is not likely, but it is not impossible. To get a sense of your possible calcium status without any labs or tests...
a) do you eat dairy?
b) do you/did you ever take a D3 supplement?
c) do you get a lot of sun exposure?
d) do you eat a lot of nightshades (tomato, green/red/yellow peppers, potato)?

Calcium and magnesium definitely have interactions; they are somewhat antagonistic in the body and magnesium "protects" from high calcium, but I would not say magnesium depletes calcium and I don't believe calcium is needed to absorb magnesium. Magnesium is vital for the utilization of calcium and keeps it in solution within the blood so that it does not crystallize. To avoid having calcium deposit into soft tissue (like muscle, arteries, other organs, etc.) rather than bone, vitamin K2 is essential. Magnesium also affects the uptake of potassium and the transformation of vitamin D, so as you can guess, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamin K, vitamin D, etc. (I really could keep adding to this list) are all related and affect one another.

I would not feel comfortable suggesting you take a certain amount (or any) calcium without seeing a long list of test results. If another forum member has suggestions, they can make them, but I would do some tests before starting any calcium. I also noticed that you have taken oral magnesium. I have heard that oral magnesium rarely works well for people, so if you want to continue taking magnesium in high doses, I suggest a topical form, i.e. magnesium lotions, oils, or epsom salt baths. Magnesium as a supplement is generally "safer" to take than calcium.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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