Woke Up At Night With Chest Pain, Low Cortisol?


Apr 5, 2016
So I woke up last night about 5am with some pretty decent chest pain, felt like a solid series of aches. It wasn't enough to get me out of bed and do anything about it and I even forgot about it until later this morning, however looking back on it now it is quite concerning.

This seems to happen to me every time I take any supplements with profound cortisol, or estrogen lowering effects. Yesterday morning for the first time in a while I took a very small dose of lisuride and metergoline and before bed some aspirin and vitamin k. I do not think the aspirin and vitamin k are to blame for the chest pain.

I have had chest pain in the past from taking NDT, Pregnenolone and DHEA, t3 and t4 at a 1 to 2 ratio, to the point where it was a daily occurrence and it took me going off all supplements for at least 2 weeks for the chest pain to stop. Throughout this period I took a decent amount of magnesium oil daily and I feel that this helped.

I have tried to introduce small doses of some of these supplements again during times of stress but they always seem to result in chest pain, usually a day or two after taking them. Last night was one of the worst however.

I'm at a loss as to what is causing this;

Low cortisol perhaps?

DSMO is in all of the supplements i've taken, could this be the culprit?

Inability to properly absorb magnesium therefore keeping it low despite supplementation and creating deficiency in the heart muscle?

My main theory is that my body was in a stressed state for so long before I started eating right that it now depends on these stress hormones to keep it going so when I take any supplement that lowers them my body can't cope. I also used to get aches and pains when taking these supplements too consistently which I am told is a sign of low estrogen and low cortisol. Those pains also stopped after taking these supplements.

To reiterate the most recent supplements that have done this IMO are metergoline and lisuride. Both have DSMO in them. They respectively lower serotonin, increase dopamine and directly or indirectly lower cortisol levels.

Thanks for any advice anyone has.


Apr 5, 2016
Regarding magnesium, the picometer ionic form of magnesium chloride will get absorbed better than any, try the product called ReMag by Dr. Carolyn Dean. I have tried every form of Mg through the years, and this form was the only one that took away any cramps that I had. https://healthfully.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/pico-ionic-mag-matthew-mar-24-2013-ver3.pdf

Thanks for this dave. Whats the difference between this and say Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil? Only ingredients in that are water and Zechstein magnesium chloride.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Thanks for this dave. Whats the difference between this and say Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil? Only ingredients in that are water and Zechstein magnesium chloride.
According to Dr. Dean, the ReMag is magnesium chloride (like Ancient Minerals), but it is processed to be a monoatomic mineral that is picometer size, which is the size of the mineral found in plant sources, and is the most absorbed form of any mineral. Apparently a proprietary process that they don't reveal. I've used Mg oil, and every known form of Mg chelate, and her product was the only one that took away my foot cramps, and that includes using Mg oil topically, which helps but didn't address the apparent deficiency and poor absorbtion problem I had. Read that link I sent you, and I think she describes her product in there and explains what stands it apart from the others.

Judd Crane

Feb 7, 2017
I've had some chest pain since adding in DHEA yesterday. Also had dry eyes and felt less circulation in feet when lying in bed. Have you drawn any new conclusions since starting this thread?


Apr 5, 2016
I've had some chest pain since adding in DHEA yesterday. Also had dry eyes and felt less circulation in feet when lying in bed. Have you drawn any new conclusions since starting this thread?

Hey Judd, been a long time since i posted this was back in 2017. For me personally chest pains are usually tied to an adrenaline response which certain supplements can exacerbate if you're deficient in other vitamins and mineral or if you have something else out of balance. For example if I take thyroid without something to keep cortisol low such as progesterone I get heart palpitations.

Not sure how DHEA could cause this exactly but I know that Ray has recommended that people should not supplement anymore than 15mg a day and know more than 5mg in a single dose (although i could be wrong about that).

If you're getting chest pains I would exercise caution, and perhaps stop taking DHEA often taking anything that increases metabolism such as DHEA increases the need for magnesium, b vitamins, carbs and other nutrients and if you do not have enough of them in your system it will provoke an even worse stress response. With all supplements I think it is always better to exercise caution and take things slowly that is a mistake I've made myself and seen many others make, too much too fast when the body is not ready for it.

Hope that helps.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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