Lowering Adrenaline


Jul 22, 2017
Thank you for the replies. Just a few things. I definitely agree that my digestive track has a lot to do with this, and it probably has a lot to do with my nerves. I can do longer go in public, as I sit there and fidget so bad, and get very scared. Adrenaline starts pumping, and my heart rate goes thumping like crazy. And I also agree that I would like to get to the root of the cause, and not just take supplements or drugs to hide the real cause. Here are the things. I am terribly bloated, so trying to eat more is very tough. I have stool backed up in there for days, so anytime I eat extra, I get very bad heartburn, and my stomach is even more bloated. How are you supposed to stuff more food in an already clogged up intestine? Before I ever went on to any diet, and way before Ray Peat, I would have doubled over pains that would put me up in the hospital a couple times every week. That was whenever I was eating stuff that I enjoyed, such as hamburgers like you mentioned from McDonalds, sandwiches, cookies, etc. All that pain is what caused me to start looking for different diets, and eventually found Ray Peat many years later.
I'm having your same symptoms right now. Have you found a solution during these years?


Apr 17, 2013
There is a very good thread on coconut oil and charcoal.
I was never never able to tolerate charcoal or CO ( even the tropical traditions refined one) during acute intestinal inflammation. Never. But like Blossom and 4PS said on the coconut oil thread, reaction to those are highly individual.
After discovering RP, I was using CO on my skin rather than by mouth. Ghee was better for my digestion.
Hard aged cheese can be very constipating. Non-aged cheese ( feta, mozzarella, curdled fresh milk with animal rennet ect....) are often more easily digest. Lean ground beef are also easy to digest.
The thing is: if you have any gut inflammation you have to consider (any) food like a potential offender.
The best way to neutralyze those offenders are:

- Cook the food.
- Your personal mouth-feel to them. ( Your taste for sweet, bitter, sour, acidic foods ect..)
- Consider yourself as having a "baby" fragile like digestive system.

Always, cook ( refined) starches ( if you decide to eat them) with water. I think persorption of raw starches is the problem not the cooked ( gelatinizated) one.
Go for pasteurized cheese ( and remember, it's a french saying that!). I had, in the past, a dispute with BurtL. about the A1 / A2 type of cow milk but I must say now that he was surely right about the subject ( Burt, if you happen to read this post, I'm sorry ...and as a fellow french citizen, you know how much it costs me to admit this. ;) ) Try to favor as possible A2 cow milk made cheese and/or sheep milk ones.
I found that, thanks to Mittir, clear apple juice is less irritating to my system than orange juice. I now have watermelon filtered juice, apple juice, clarified pear juice, apricot nectar, mango nectar and peach nectar as my main fruits source.
Maybe you don't have to limit your food source to only one or two things try slowly but surely to add new foods.
Anyway, if I were you, I will give the charcoal and CO a rest, maybe for a week or two.
Chew your food as much as possible ( until solid foods become liquid, and chew also your liquids).
Don't drink liquid that are too hot or too cold. Ideally room temperated is best.
Try to make at home the food that you enjoy and want ( maybe that's what you are already doing?)
There is a huge difference between a store bought pancake or cake made with 36 ingredients including artificial colouring, iron and B vitamins fortified whole wheat flour, guar gum, canola oil and a pancake made at home with organic white flour, cane sugar, ghee ( or butter), milk, good quality eggs and sodium bicarbonate. Both are calories dense rich foods but the ingredients makes the difference.
You can try to take 6 small meals every 3 hours. Combining proteins and carbs. Make those meals very simple. A piece of cake ( made with skim milk, eggs, sugar, salt and flour) 1-2 oz of cheese with a cup of apple juice, that's it. Try to make a homemade isotonic drink by combining fruit juice, water and sodium bicarbonate and sip on it all day long.
Hope that help.

Amazing that wheat flour helped you.
What do you mean by "gelatinized" starch.
And you didn't use organic sprouted flour, just plain wheat flour?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Jul 13, 2014
GABA "agonists" should lower it too. Since glycine, taurine and niacinamide are all GABA "agonists" they all have studies showing lower adrenalin when consuming them.
out of interest is regular flushing niacin not a GABA agonist?
Oct 23, 2019
I'm having this exact same issue as OP.
Sounds like we don't know of a solution to the sweaty hands (adrenaline)?
For me sugar seems to make it go away, but only very temporarily and it's back.
Maybe just keep pounding sugar?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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