How To Down Regulate Adrenaline


May 7, 2018
Hi everyone. I went on a low carb (probably low calorie too) diet a couple of years ago and I think I created what are probably adrenaline related issues as well as thyroid problems. I'm on a normal/high carb diet now and have been for a year. I know that adrenaline is used to release stored glucose in times when you have low blood sugar. Also this high blood sugar from the adrenaline has made me insulin resistant (dark knuckles, copper smelling hands in the morning, low SHBG etc.). Whenever I do things to tackle the insulin resistance (like moderate/high intensity exercise or going on a low carb diet again) I end up feeling worse and getting even more insulin resistant which I imagine is due to the lower blood sugar leading to higher adrenaline. When I feel stressed I get a thumping sort of feeling (like a heart beat) in my upper abdomen and also some mild tinnitus to the sound of my heart beat.

Whenever I eat carbs I feel much better. I feel good when I eat high carb junk food. I've been doing this for a year and gradually getting more comfortable with whatever I eat to the point where I'm comfortable eating basically anything now but the adrenaline is still there when I encounter stressful situations and most of the symptoms are still there.

With the thyroid I think I have a t3/reverse t3 issue. I had nearly high free T4 when I last checked. I'm pretty sure the adrenaline is stopping the t3 entering the cells and it's making the t3 convert to rt3. Whenever I feel like I'm getting better (like if I go on an extreme carb binge) I feel like I go temporarily hyperthyroid for a few hours due to t3 dumping into my cells due to lower adrenaline. I also feel my thyroid 'tingle' a little bit like its being told to stop making so much t4. I tried taking cytomel (t3) for a month but it didn't really help all that much and made some things worse because it stimulates the adrenaline.

I don't think its a huge cortisol issue because taking ashwagandha/vitamin C did nothing and I know when my cortisol is high: it's when I have sleep issues like if I exercised too hard without enough food the day before (but I usually sleep just fine indicating cortisol isn't the major issue). Last time I had a test for cortisol my morning value was a bit high but the 24h urine value was normal.

Over the past few months I've noticed some things. I feel really good doing certain relaxation activities. In the last week I've been doing smiling exercises where I just smile all day long in private and smile with my eyes and it's really helping. I feel myself going temporarily hyperthyroid when I do this which is a sure fire sign that it's helping. The rush of thyroid hormones really helps but it also causes an adrenaline rush due to the stimulation which makes it worse for a bit but overall I feel way better. Could it be that the lack of thyroid hormone causes adrenaline problems and that I'll get better after a while of having enough t3 at the cellular level?

Anyway, sorry about the block of text but I want to know how to down regulate adrenaline production because it seems you have to do something to make it stop even though the stressful situation is over. I don't know if this belongs in the blood sugar or cortisol/serotonin section. ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO LOWER ADRENALINE?
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