Ice Cream Causes Anxiety Attacks


Sep 13, 2015
Peat's paintings of woman and their Body composition are different. Just like nature is..

Jan 24, 2014
Of course you would say that because you don't think being lean means one looks healthy. But to those that do, they look at her and her history and they "get it." She looks incredible for a 57 year old woman. That's almost 60 years old. And she's not on any meds and doesn't suffer with depression and blood sugar problems. In the photo on the right, she's so lean for a "white" woman that it's odd to look at first.

Not true at all @Westside PUFAs.....I have read her story and watched many many hours of her videos and seminar presentations. I think she is a LOVELY woman and her story is quite compelling. So compelling in fact that she is one of the reasons why I decided to try and make potatoes a major staple in my diet. I followed some of her recipes (which are starch based and very low fat), it was an unmitigated disaster. I attribute the disastrous results down to "who" is living in my intestines. That's just me.

And yes, I AGREE, in the picture above she looks great.....but if you watch some of her more recent live VIDEOS where she is walking around on stage, you can see that she has what looks like osteoporosis or some sort of major bone/muscle loss curvature of the spine thing going on.

I took this screenshot from a speech she gave only 6 months ago. She has distinct LACK of glute, calf and arm muscles and/or really bad's merely my opinion. She looks a tad emaciated on live camera, BUT GUESS WHAT??? I still adore her and I'm thrilled that she finally found peace with her food addiction and has reached her health goals.

Screen Shot 2016-08-16 at 11.07.37 AM copy.png
Feb 4, 2015
osteoporosis or some sort of major bone/muscle loss curvature of the spine thing going on.
I took this screenshot from a speech she gave only 6 months ago. She has distinct LACK of glute, calf and arm muscles and/or really bad posture.
She looks a tad emaciated on live camera,

No, she's just as lean as an Asian or African woman and because she's white and you live in the west, it looks weird to you, or, you're just hating/trolling. Her arms and legs look fine:

But I thought starch makes people obese though? You can ad hominem her all day but as I've said, she's pushing 60 and she's not on meds and is happy. She's not online writing things like "All of the religion, psychiatric "care", electrical zappers and herbs in the world has not cured me. Oh, the trappings of self-experimentation via the internet and self help books, I could go on and on...but I digress." and "This has not been an easy transition for me. Lots of weight gain. Lots of bloating and digestive duress. Lots of anxiety and depression (the worst of times)"
Jan 24, 2014
you're just hating/trolling

For real? You actually think that I've spent over two years here on this forum hating/trolling?

I'm not attacking chef AJ, she's great and I certainly don't hate her!!! She found what works for HER and that makes me happy. It isn't my goal to look like that, but I'm still happy for her.

I'll say it again, I tried to follow that particular way of eating because potatoes are yummy and nutritious and CHEAP. It failed ME completely (on multiple occasions), so that makes me a hater? No Westside PUFAs, it merely means that it doesn't work for everybody.

And for christ'ssake Westside, please quote me in context, if you're going to quote me at all. I wrote those words two years ago.....I spent YEARS trying to be a low fat VEGAN, I was morbidly obese during those years AND very much cognitively/emotionally challenged. Do you know why? It's because I personally cannot handle that level of carbohydrate influx, especially from starch and grains.

Peat says that people with gut issues, starch should be ZERO...that'd be me.

But I thought starch makes people obese though?

Starch does that to ME, not to everybody. I already told you that I have a family member who does quite well on the all potato diet, remember?

Adding carbs back into my diet after being LCHF was a ******* nightmare.....the digestive problems were a direct result of excess carbohydrates feeding a mess of gut flora.....that was a long time ago, I no longer have any of the overt gut issues.

Can you be happy for me? Can you be pleased that I found what works for me, even though it differs from your paradigm?

And now we have come full circle (again). The OP of this thread was having/describing symptoms that sounded very much to me like ENDOTOXIN issues.....kinda like what I went through, but to a lesser degree. So I merely gave MY opinion....the same way you gave YOUR opinion. Why can't you accept that?

Why can't you accept that there is not One Diet that suits everybody? And since I know you like quotes from Ray Peat, here's a BUNCH for you to peruse:

Ray Peat, PhD – Concerns with Starches – Functional Performance Systems (FPS)
Jan 24, 2014
she's not on meds and is happy. She's not online writing things like "All of the religion, psychiatric "care"

I'm not on any meds either Westside and I'm very happy.....but Chef AJ WAS online telling her story. Her story is utterly atrocious and brought tears to my eyes. How come she can tell her horrific tale and how she found a way out, but I cannot?

Why is it that recounting my ugly past is still being held against me now...even though I am no longer there?

Do you choose to only read the negative posts and use it against people? And then turn a blind eye when those same people have success if their method of healing does not suit you?


Sep 13, 2012
I don't do that great with a high potato diet either, I get joint pain/aches within a couple days especially if other nightshades are in my diet. But also I think potato starch is particularly good at feeding bacteria. When my family got sick with gastro over the winter I was the last to get it and it came on within an hour of eating of a microwaved potato. Maybe coincidental, but maybe it had given the pathogen enough substrate to replicate. Not sure. But I definitely prefer refined grains despite all the horrors said about them. I still eat fried potatoes occasionally which I think digest better. Bananas are also particularly good at giving me nightmares.

I think we are all different and there will never be a universal diet that works for everyone, some say sugars are terrible for thyroid disease for instance because it might send someone on a rollercoaster ride and unstable blood sugar is one cause of wonky hormones. People praise the Paleo diet for getting them off the rollercoaster. We need to be open to hearing about other people's stories without telling them their wrong or invalidating their own experience.


Sep 13, 2012
I'm not on any meds either Westside and I'm very happy.....but Chef AJ WAS online telling her story. Her story is utterly atrocious and brought tears to my eyes. How come she can tell her horrific tale and how she found a way out, but I cannot?

Why is it that recounting my ugly past is still being held against me now...even though I am no longer there?

Do you choose to only read the negative posts and use it against people? And then turn a blind eye when those same people have success if their method of healing does not suit you?
Yeah that was not nice to recount your past dealings. I'm starting to see a lot of my issues really are endotoxin related and I'm really considering getting that turpentine as I haven't focused on my gut at all in years and I think there is something really wonky about it. So I thank you for sharing your experiences :happy:


New Member
Aug 17, 2016
I normally sip a cup of chamomile tea to help ease my anxiety. I have drinking it for just a few days now and it has helped me a lot.


Apr 8, 2016
Bananas are also particularly good at giving me nightmares.

try pan frying a banana on simmer for 10 minutes

have been doing this with blueberries recently

usually add heavy cream as well

ice cream ruins my brain blood flow/gives foggy thinking for a week after i eat it ! apparently our guts are not made to handle foods at that temperature, also sugar


Feb 20, 2013
I have recently added ice cream around bed time with much deeper sleep.
I eat the ice cream on top of sugared milk coffee before bed. I eat 1/4th cup of
ice cream twice before bed. That is about 250 calories.

I am curious what type of ice cream you tried and what kind of ingredients.
I have noticed only few flavors with clean ingredients give me good result.
Chocolate ice cream is a problem for me, possibly due to lecithin or chocolate.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
This is taken from Josh Rubin's Metabolic Blueprint Cook Book...

Too much ice cream consumption will lead to weight gain so please review the following considerations prior to incorporating into your diet.
1. Although ice cream offers a nice balance of macronutrients qualifying it as the perfect snack or dessert, ice cream and table sugar should be used very conservatively and are not meant for everybody.
2. Ice cream intake should never be a substitute for nutrient dense, live foods.
3. When purchasing ice cream it is important to consider the quality first and foremost. Avoid
purchasing ice cream with emulsifiers and stabilizers such as: carageenan, guar gum, artificial flavorings, diethyl glycol, propylene glycol, glycerin, sodium carboxyl methylcellulose, monoglycerides...I think you get the point!
4. NOT EVERYONE IS METABOLICALLY CAPABLE OF EATING ICE CREAM/DAIRY. Most individuals are in a state of hyper-insulinemia or hypo-metabolic. In this state digestion is severely altered causing a decrease in digestive enzyme production among other dysfunctions.
Jan 24, 2014
4. NOT EVERYONE IS METABOLICALLY CAPABLE OF EATING ICE CREAM/DAIRY. Most individuals are in a state of hyper-insulinemia or hypo-metabolic. In this state digestion is severely altered causing a decrease in digestive enzyme production among other dysfunctions.

Yet another excellent post, worth repeating number 4 in particular....I'm super guilty of pushing ice cream because I found it very useful for reducing stress early on.

However, peoples's personal contexts are so wildly different that it's really hard to recommend specific foods to anonymous folks online. And people's health changes over time which adds an extra layer of complexity.


Sep 13, 2012
Yeah ice cream I think is the best food for people who want to gain weight. At least I know now! Milkshakes were the best thing when I was at my skinniest weight. Any high fat and sugar food for that matter. The ice cream I had been eating the last several months was vanilla haagen dazs, very few ingredients and oh so delicious!

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
Yet another excellent post, worth repeating number 4 in particular....I'm super guilty of pushing ice cream because I found it very useful for reducing stress early on.

However, peoples's personal contexts are so wildly different that it's really hard to recommend specific foods to anonymous folks online. And people's health changes over time which adds an extra layer of complexity.

Yeah ice cream I think is the best food for people who want to gain weight. At least I know now! Milkshakes were the best thing when I was at my skinniest weight. Any high fat and sugar food for that matter. The ice cream I had been eating the last several months was vanilla haagen dazs, very few ingredients and oh so delicious!

Yeah, I agree, early on I think some people think there is a free ticket to ice cream and other desserts. They definitely can stop the stress response and get calories up and weight back on for those that need it. BUT if you are hypo you'll put on weight for sure. I've seen this happen to myself and other people. It's tricky. Theres a big difference between eating a small bowl of ice cream before bed [as a metabolic tool] than eating half a tub...which for me can easily become a full tub. Again, everything Ray Peat, always comes back to context.


Nov 9, 2012
Yeah, I agree, early on I think some people think there is a free ticket to ice cream and other desserts. They definitely can stop the stress response and get calories up and weight back on for those that need it. BUT if you are hypo you'll put on weight for sure. I've seen this happen to myself and other people. It's tricky. Theres a big difference between eating a small bowl of ice cream before bed [as a metabolic tool] than eating half a tub...which for me can easily become a full tub. Again, everything Ray Peat, always comes back to context.

Fat can make you take weight, lose weight or keep stable depending on what's broken in your metabolism and the rest of the diet. Being hypo does not always mean you'll take any more weight eating a tub of HG every day (I've been there, though I wouldn't recommend doing it as HG is otherwise unhealthy in my opinion).
Last edited:


Sep 13, 2012
This was such a great thread and since I'm still going through the same thing I thought I'd revive it and update on where I am at.

I was doing lot better end of summer when I decided to go back on coffee, I felt lots of energy!! I did get some increased anxiety but it was usually resolved by eating. Then a couple months ago I had a huge panic attack. The day before I had eaten about 3 oz of beef jerky and a bunch of dried mangoes. I was feeling kinda weird that morning kinda manic, and then before I even finished my coffee had a major adrenaline dump that seemed to keep going and going. And my stool went from normal brown to pasty yellow. It's still not completely back to normal. I didn't connect the dried beef and mangoes so I ended up eating them again a couple weeks later and it happened all over again even though I was off all caffeine. So something is majorly wrong with my gut.

I blamed ice cream but it is definitely not the main culprit. I still eat ice cream (melted!) and it doesn't cause any more adrenaline than I am already having. Currently getting adrenaline surges post breakfast. If I stick to a diet of fruit and cheese sticks, some pasta with Parmigiano-reggiano, then ice cream (melted!) before bed I seem to do okay but anytime I try changing that up I get problems. If I try eating other grains or potatoes it seems to feed whatever is in my gut and I will slowly get more and more adrenaline surges post meal.

I ate 2 bananas for breakfast today 10 mins after finishing racing heart came on. I have learned to wait it out so no more panic but it is still one of the worst things to go through on a regular basis. Same thing happened yesterday banana and cheese racing heart shakiness. Then again after a burrito bowl. And it's not just bananas, OJ was actually the worst in the morning.

I think my insulin drops my blood glucose too fast. Is this caused by high cortisol? I have been weight stable through all of this despite sometimes eating only 1600 calories a day because of the adrenaline. I am hungry lately though I'd eat sooo many things but they'd make me sick I'm sure. I'm trying to stick to a healthy diet of fruit, dairy some meat and pasta. When I do that I can manage the adrenaline surges. Its just when I add in any new things that are junky. It takes days to get back to myself.

I tried so hard to fix the morning blood sugar drop and it's happening all over again except ten times worse than before, happens within 10-15min of eating! That's insane. and I'm not seeing any other health changes. I'm still weight stable. No pain. Even digestion seems fine other than the floating poop I have no nausea. Bloating is not even as bad if I stick to my diet. And sleep is great if I get at least 1800-1900 calories. I do wake up with low BG though. Consistency must be key.


Sep 13, 2012
New treatment plan: chromium polynicotinate. Sick of my fast falling BG. No one should have to live with adrenaline surges because they ate.


Feb 24, 2013
I would focus on potatoes as a staple instead of milk for a while.. It is an excellent vehicle for salt and is right up there with OJ and coconut water for potassium and other minerals. French fries is a good form IF you make them your self in coconut oil.....makes the starch easier to digest than a baked potato, for example. A fist size amount as a meal, chewed well will be very satisfying and help keep your body temperatures up....make a great bedtime snack.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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