JFK Assassination


May 3, 2015
The thing about conspiracists and people who feel really passionately about a subject, politics for example, is i find they tend to be angry frustrated people , sometimes openly but often suppressed.

I am sometimes guilty of it myself. (mine is the Kennedy assassination and the conspiracy of silence about those who did it and the belief that poor old patsy Lee Harvey is still believed to be the lone killer|!)) There, got that off my chest!!

Lee Harvey with a history of attention seeking and Marxism had a job in the school book depository when he discovered he had an opportunity to shoot Kennedy during his motorcade through Dallas.

His gun, three shots all fired from the same window.

Sure he said "I'm a patsy" and was soon assassinated himself, but other evidence of a conspiracy is pretty weak!
Nov 26, 2013
Lol what's the point of framing someone if you don't also coax him into doing the actual job? The individual you select is weak and desperate. He is your canvas.


Jul 14, 2016
Lol. Funny guy. All I have to say is I laughed and thought it was stupid too. Then I actually opened my mind and looked into it. The burden of proof is on proving the globe, and it can't be done. Look into it and maybe one day you will understand. The boxes of globe earth proof are empty.
Lee Harvey with a history of attention seeking and Marxism had a job in the school book depository when he discovered he had an opportunity to shoot Kennedy during his motorcade through Dallas.

His gun, three shots all fired from the same window.

Sure he said "I'm a patsy" and was soon assassinated himself, but other evidence of a conspiracy is pretty weak!

I disagree. There are a few obvious things that point to a conspiracy.
1. JFK was obviously shot from the front, at least once. Look at the head-shot and tell me what direction that came from.
2. The Presential Limo slowed down to a crawl, when it should have been going 60mph down the freeway. Why would the driver stop after JFK had been shot once just so he could get shot 2 more times?
3. The secret service was called off. You can see videos of this. The two agents that usually ride on the back of the limo (or jog next to it) were told to stand down.
4. Why do so many people run toward the Grassy Knoll afterwards?

Now you might not know this, but most Americans believe in a JFK conspiracy. Look at this Gallup Poll here: http://www.gallup.com/poll/165893/majority-believe-jfk-killed-conspiracy.aspx

Americans who believe in the "lone gunman" myth and accept the Warren Commission's report are the minority. It has always been this way in America.


May 3, 2015

You seem to have a conspirator in the grassy knoll (to the right of the limo), a conspirator in front of the limo perhaps on the bridge, a conspirator telling the guards to stand down, a conspirator in the driver.

You only need a single killer with the means and motive. Why invent a host of accomplices?

A single psycho acting in secret to his own plan is more likely to succeed.

Did 5 - 50 people attempt to kill Reagan? Did 5 - 50 people kill Versace? Why not have conspiracies there too?
Nov 26, 2013
This is the classic pointless argument of conspiracy theorist vs coincidence theorist.


Jul 14, 2016
You only need a single killer with the means and motive. Why invent a host of accomplices?

Because the video footage is inconsistent with the Oswald theory. Because of this, people speculate as to what really happened.

Having Oswald fire the fatal head shot from the TSBD would violate the conservation of momentum. It is impossible to say who fired that shot, but it came from the front. By analyzing the trajectory, many people believe that the shot was fired from inside the storm drain.

I think that this is much more believable than a shot from the TSBD. Perhaps Owald did fire a few shots, but he did not fire the fatal head shot.


May 3, 2015
So your strongest argument is the Zapruder film shows JFKs head go backwards relative to the car at the time of the third and fatal shot. Is this what you are saying?

Therefore you suggest an unnamed killer in a drain?

You can though suspect and name the limo driver as guilty of conspiracy to kill JFK because he hesitated when there were gunshots and assorted noises in the car. This is despite the possibility that he may have been just as surprised and confused as everyone else in the world except Lee Harvey Oswald.

Meanwhile you concede that an earlier bullet fired from Lee Harvey Oswald's gun from the TSBD window went through JFKs neck and into the Governor's back.

However you do not accept that a few seconds later this same gun shot JFK in the head from behind?

The evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald defected to Russia, got bored and decided to return to the US may suggest that he is slightly unhinged, but you believe this is why he was chosen to be a patsy, and why some unknown powers routed the presidents motorcade to pass the TSBD.

Oswald shooting police at the cinema is not relevant.

Oswald sneaking a long parcel into the TSBD prior to the motorcade is not relevant.

Jack Ruby is also part of the conspiracy?


Jul 14, 2016
So your strongest argument is the Zapruder film shows JFKs head go backwards relative to the car at the time of the third and fatal shot. Is this what you are saying?

Therefore you suggest an unnamed killer in a drain?

You can though suspect and name the limo driver as guilty of conspiracy to kill JFK because he hesitated when there were gunshots and assorted noises in the car. This is despite the possibility that he may have been just as surprised and confused as everyone else in the world except Lee Harvey Oswald.

Meanwhile you concede that an earlier bullet fired from Lee Harvey Oswald's gun from the TSBD window went through JFKs neck and into the Governor's back.

However you do not accept that a few seconds later this same gun shot JFK in the head from behind?

The evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald defected to Russia, got bored and decided to return to the US may suggest that he is slightly unhinged, but you believe this is why he was chosen to be a patsy, and why some unknown powers routed the presidents motorcade to pass the TSBD.

Oswald shooting police at the cinema is not relevant.

Oswald sneaking a long parcel into the TSBD prior to the motorcade is not relevant.

Jack Ruby is also part of the conspiracy?

Why are you putting all those assumptions on me?
I said that the "lone-gunman" theory violates physical law. Just watch the video.
That is all that I am absolutely certain of. Physics does not lie.

This was obvious to me when I was a teenager watching the video for the first time on TV. Anyone that thinks that shot came from the rear is an idiot.
Large pieces of his brain ended up on the back of the Limo.


Feb 2, 2016
@Richiebogie will this help?

Its a bit quick so you have to pause it a lot. But its probably the best there is on Youtube. The reasons why he was assassinated i wont go into here. But Kennedy nearly made it , until the car was brought to a standstill and they had finish him off with a messy head shot from the front (which of course countered the prepared patsy story in the 6th floor with a bolt action crap rifle, moving target, through a tree and 3 shots never missed!!). So many actual shots missed him.
Nov 26, 2013
Don't come criticizing my favorite conspiracy theory. However let me tell you what's wrong about all the others.
Nov 26, 2013
Thank you to the mods for moving the threads :chaplin


Jan 1, 2013
While people argue over the assassination coup, everybody forgets the damning evidence of Kennedy being a communist that supported the communist- ridden UN.

Kennedy fully endorsed the appalling UN aggression of Katanga, grossly illegal under UN's own charter ( preventing it waging war and taking sides in internal matters), which caused tens of thousands of innocent victims and managed to bring the last remaining free part of that African region under the communist rule, like the rest of the Republic of Congo.

Is it a surprise the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, fueled by grass roots Cuban Castro opponents, aborted under his watch ?

Wasn't Kennedy the one to sign a non aggression pact with communist Cuba during the Cuba missiles crisis ? Those missiles were actually never formally identified.

To boot, Castro was known by the CIA to be a communist BEFORE his coup, and they absurdly pretended he wasn't while supporting his coup d'etat.

Kennedy and his brother Bobby gave full support to Martin Luther King and his civil rights movement, when it was known King was a communist fraud supported by Moscow.

Kennedy Sr was an alcohol bootlegger during the prohibition, that got mob support during his son's presidential bid; they paid back the mob later by going after them !!

It's too quite amusing how many people keep perpetuating the internet legend Kennedy wanted to abolish the Fed, which is a complete lie.
If you look at a copy of EO 11110 you will find that it does not order the issuance of Silver Certificates. It orders an amendment to EO 10289. If you then look up EO 10289, you will find that it says:

The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby designated and empowered to perform the following-described functions of the President without the approval, ratification, or other action of the President.

Those functions did not include the power to issue Silver Certificates. The purpose of EO 11110 was to add that power to the list.
The JFK Myth

And lastly, Kennedy was secretly dating Marilyn Monroe; her death's still to this day shrouded in mystery.
Would she have dared blackmail him ?
Their liaison was kept secret tens of years after Kennedy's death.

That's a whole lot of hubris for a president portrayed for his righteousness and anti communism virtues in the medias, 24/7 !
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Feb 2, 2016
Kennedy was shagging everything that moved. He told the British PM he had to have sex every day.

I dont believe he was a communist, he was definitely a liberal, which i think equates with communism for many in the US.
Nov 26, 2013
Yeah lol the Kennedy against the Fed meme is everywhere...


May 3, 2015
The xray of JFK showed a bullet entered his head from above and behind.

Had the bullet come to rest in the skull then you would expect the head to move forward due to conservation of momentum.

However the bullet passes through the head and then blood and brain spurt out the front wound. Hence the head moves backwards.

A bit like a JFK-inspired Apollo rocket.

All those people running up the grassy knoll... What did they find? Nothing.

The conspiracy theory is down the drain with @Travis' second sniper!


Jul 14, 2016
"However the bullet passes through the head and then blood and brain spurt out the front wound. Hence the head moves backwards."

Do you really mean that?


Sep 13, 2012
X-ray? I watched a documentary that went into detail about the conspiracy and apparently even the body was switched, albeit very haphazardly, but that would mean you cannot rely on any kind of postmortem findings.


May 3, 2015
In this video the 'head' bursts but the net centre of mass seems to be stationary, as the bullet is not slowed much. Notice the fine spray forward and the chunky bits go backwards:

We need a test where half the watermelon stays in tact and is attached to a neck and torso...
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