
there is no imitating the feeling of your dignity remaining intact, seriously.
If you abandon your morals and go with the crowd, then you'll have a feeling of community on the surface, but a deep lack of meaning inside of you. Once you're cast out or get sick or wither of old age, you experience hell in the form of it being clearly obvious that nobody cares about you and you don't even have your own pride to keep you company. Just a rotting piece of flesh.
On the other hand, no matter how sick you are or how much you're cast out or how much you fail to accomplish your goals, as long as you did what you believed was right, you have the "cloud". You're connected to heaven, you know you're a good man and you can take pride in your existence. Your memories are like an autobiography of a respectable man, even if nobody else reads it.


Nov 12, 2021
I called my physician to ask about exemptions and only 2 reasons for a medical exemption are permitted in Canada according to the physician I spoke to.
One is if you are allergic to PEG (which supposedly is not easy to prove) and second is if you had a heart inflammation after the first shot. I politely said 'thank you' and hung up....
+1 on the reaction from Physician.

That was my experience as well. This is totally ridiculous.

I heard from an insider that the Ontario College of Physicians limited the province to a maximum exemption limit of 1 out of every 200,000 people.

What can we do? We need more people to be awake to this. But what I find is those who have already taken the shots, no matter how much logic they still have, they are not willing to fight as hard as those without any shots.

That's just the way it works..

I reached out to CovidCareAlliance.com to ask them if they thought about running advertisements in the media.

They said they tried, but the media outlets told them the advertisements need to be approved by the Advertising Council first, and they haven't had any luck.

It's like everywhere we turn, there's a brick wall.

Physicians here have no clue about any treatments besides Remdesivir and a bunch of others that are likely murdering people more than anything else.
I asked them if they heard of Ivermectin and sometimes in response they can't even pronounce it.

They say they only go by the science and there are no studies proving effectiveness. They are not even aware that Big Tech is censoring this stuff!


May 17, 2021
I heard from an insider that the Ontario College of Physicians limited the province to a maximum exemption limit of 1 out of every 200,000 people.
That absolutely defies logic (just like every other rule imposed so far!).

I reached out to CovidCareAlliance.com to ask them if they thought about running advertisements in the media.
Censorship is rife here, there is no way they would permit anything other than the mainstream narrative...

We need more people to be awake to this. But what I find is those who have already taken the shots, no matter how much logic they still have, they are not willing to fight as hard as those without any shots.
They never did :)


Jun 7, 2019
I called my physician to ask about exemptions and only 2 reasons for a medical exemption are permitted in Canada according to the physician I spoke to.
One is if you are allergic to PEG (which supposedly is not easy to prove) and second is if you had a heart inflammation after the first shot. I politely said 'thank you' and hung up....
If the government's 3-stage "independent" review, designed to blame vax side effects on anything and everything else, agrees that your myocarditis was caused by the vaccine it's still not a valid reason for an exemption in Australia. As soon as the symptoms subside you have to get dose 2, or get a different vaccine. I have even read about people with allergies being told to suck it up and just deal with the allergic reaction. Same for having covid, there's a possible exemption for up to six months but they also say it's not a contraindication to the vaccine so some states (Victoria) don't issue exemptions and vaccination is mandatory as soon as your symptoms subside.
This must be the first medical treatment in history that has no medical contraindications whatsoever.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
This must be the first medical treatment in history that has no medical contraindications whatsoever.
Which tells you all you need to know because that’s literally impossible…..


Feb 13, 2021
Apologies if these things have already been covered, didn't read the whole thread:

- Start a group of likeminded [ie freethinking] people. Have weekly or biweekly meetings or something, with good food and empathetic conversation. I bet there are more of these people than it seems.

- Hold God in your consciousness at all times. One's relationship with God is the only relationship that won't disappoint. With God, one is never alone!


Aug 10, 2012
You guys are awesome ❤️‍? I’m warmed to see this thread picked up again after a couple months, and with such comforting replies. I’m happy to share that things have shifted on my end. My workplace backed off in their forcefulness, and basically backtracked: they won’t be firing me. (Obviously there are still issues here re: morals and core beliefs, but I no longer feel a mad, uncertain rush to get new income lined up — a win!) My partner has stuck strong by me through everything, and while the world still feels crazy, the title of this thread doesn’t hit the same as it did when I first posted. I don’t feel alone, and I feel stronger than before ❤️

Sending love and strength to each of you as you navigate this stuff in your own lives! We can do it ?
I'll join in and say I'm glad for you too! Thanks for reporting back and the upbeat message. ❤️


Aug 10, 2012
You never felt so alone?
Well hey, I got ONE response - yah ONE whole response to my thread about Chicago furthering the Covid madness by instituting vaccine cards in all eateries!
It's me who's alone!
Oh gosh. It's happened to me. Sometimes things get lost or somebody told me that bots got rid of some posts.


Jun 29, 2021
Apologies if these things have already been covered, didn't read the whole thread:

- Start a group of likeminded [ie freethinking] people. Have weekly or biweekly meetings or something, with good food and empathetic conversation. I bet there are more of these people than it seems.

- Hold God in your consciousness at all times. One's relationship with God is the only relationship that won't disappoint. With God, one is never alone!

Love these points <3 thank you.
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