Ostracized for opting out of vaxx


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Unfortunately it seems HIPPA does not provide much protection. Hopefully the pandemic is declared over before any COVID vaccines get full FDA approval because that will likely lead to some companies making the vaccine a requirement for employment.

Even if HIPAA doesn't, there are precedent cases about disclosing/exposing sensitive data about an individual, and especially health data. I already asked several HR departments on the private side and OPM (the govt equivalent of HR). They all said for now they are staying out of the vaccine verification issue, and hoping there will be executive order or some court case that would clarify exactly what can be demanded from employees in terms of vaccination status. Again, asking people for their vaccination status (especially publicly, as the example earlier mentioned) is akin to asking people publicly about their STD status, and I am pretty sure employers have been sued successfully over that, which is why HR departments do not ask such questions even though most HR departments would love to know if somebody is carrying an STD that can easily be transmitted in an office environment (without sexual contact - e.g. gonorrhea).
Here is a (verified) example. Apparently, it is illegal for a person to disclose to others the fact that some other person is a convicted felon even if the criminal record of said felon is public information. The courts have ruled that while the record may be public, the act of making an effort to dig it out and broadcasting such information unduly burdens the felon because it limits his/her employment/social opportunities and it is the responsibility of each individual who interacts with the felon to verify if the felon has a record or not. Even sex offenders are protected, even though most states require them to notify the state whenever they change their address and where their residence is. I bet we will see some lawsuits about the vaccine verification this year so time will tell I guess...

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Even if HIPAA doesn't, there are precedent cases about disclosing/exposing sensitive data about an individual, and especially health data. I already asked several HR departments on the private side and OPM (the govt equivalent of HR). They all said for now they are staying out of the vaccine verification issue, and hoping there will be executive order or some court case that would clarify exactly what can be demanded from employees in terms of vaccination status. Again, asking people for their vaccination status (especially publicly, as the example earlier mentioned) is akin to asking people publicly about their STD status, and I am pretty sure employers have been sued successfully over that, which is why HR departments do not ask such questions even though most HR departments would love to know if somebody is carrying an STD that can easily be transmitted in an office environment (without sexual contact - e.g. gonorrhea).
Here is a (verified) example. Apparently, it is illegal for a person to disclose to others the fact that some other person is a convicted felon even if the criminal record of said felon is public information. The courts have ruled that while the record may be public, the act of making an effort to dig it out and broadcasting such information unduly burdens the felon because it limits his/her employment/social opportunities and it is the responsibility of each individual who interacts with the felon to verify if the felon has a record or not. Even sex offenders are protected, even though most states require them to notify the state whenever they change their address and where their residence is. I bet we will see some lawsuits about the vaccine verification this year so time will tell I guess..

I bet we will see some lawsuits about the vaccine verification this year so time will tell I guess...
I am certain of it. It is illegal to discriminate or intimidate.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
I am certain of it. It is illegal to discriminate or intimidate.
even though most HR departments would love to know if somebody is carrying an STD that can easily be transmitted in an office environment (without sexual contact - e.g. gonorrhea).

To quote the late, great Frank Zappa: "I got it from the toilet seat. It jumped right up and grabbed my meat" Seems like a reasonable response to any such query.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
To quote the late, great Frank Zappa: "I got it from the toilet seat. It jumped right up and grabbed my meat" Seems like a reasonable response to any such query.

Lol, Zappa is great! Left this world way too early.


I think many in Canada and USA will move more south. Amazing as haidut said a few months ago, other countries considered dictatorships by the west have more damn freedoms and common sense than we do. What a joke the so called developed world has become. Well maybe we deserve it after our governments and corporations have screwed developing nations and indigenous populations for hundreds ofIt

I think many in Canada and USA will move more south. Amazing as haidut said a few months ago, other countries considered dictatorships by the west have more damn freedoms and common sense than we do. What a joke the so called developed world has become. Well maybe we deserve it after our governments and corporations have screwed developing nations and indigenous populations for hundreds of years !
" Well maybe we deserve it after our governments and corporations have screwed developing nations and indigenous populations for hundreds of years !"

It's called collective Karma...and the US is beginning to experience it.


Apr 7, 2017
I have an eerily similar relationship with my dad, I brought every argument I could but now for the first time in my life our relationship has totally imploded. There is circular logic going on. I show him data, he says it can't be real, the experts are not lying, then he doesn't believe the data, on and on.

Long story short. He thinks I'm nuts. And people in his family don't want me around because they think I'm nuts and dangerous. I've always been on great terms with all those people so you can see how severe the situation is. It is what it is, and frankly, on some level I really don't care.

Going back to my dad, was very sick this year and then went ahead and got vaxxed twice. His health is worse than ever. Tons of problems and I'm not betting on him having a long life moving forward, something which I'm very sad about.

Be thankful your dad still hasn't gotten the vax, you can probably influence him positively still. Novavax is apparently much safer, if it ever becomes available in Canada.
Sympathise with you on this. The circular arguments are very divisive. The health minister here recently travelled interstate (during a lockdown with 5km travel limits) to a work function (awards ceremony) which he says he needed to be at. When questioned on why he can do that but ordinary folk can’t, he said it was for work and you can’t really honour people properly over zoom. When questioned on why we can’t make the same decisions for weddings or funerals or for our work, he said that his attendance was very important. He also said he was disappointed in us that the focus was on his travel rather than on the ‘great work‘ we’ve done to lockdown and reduce our infections.

That should be enough to enrage anyone I would’ve thought. But no, my friends defend it, saying it was for work and that he can make that call because he is the health minister. To reiterate, no one else can travel more than 5km for any reason.

It’s strange but it makes me not want these friends anymore. Side note @haidut both of these friends are on strong SSRI’s for anxiety/depression. The compliance despite being otherwise intelligent is astounding.
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Feb 13, 2021
To quote the late, great Frank Zappa: "I got it from the toilet seat. It jumped right up and grabbed my meat" Seems like a reasonable response to any such query.
Happy to see Zappa's music and quotes being featured more and more often around here :):


Mar 15, 2018
Lol, Zappa is great! Left this world way too early.
Zappa was pretty self-aware.
" Well maybe we deserve it after our governments and corporations have screwed developing nations and indigenous populations for hundreds of years !"

It's called collective Karma...and the US is beginning to experience it.

Banker warfare is basically the definition of "karma" isn't it? That kind of mindset isn't going to work out too well once they find a new target.


Jun 19, 2017
Here is the way, detailed in the attached, how ADA (americans with disabilities act) views convid; and that all the mandates and requirements are actually accommodations (!) for the convid disability that is long-term and that we all have now. Any disabled person has a right to refuse their accommodations. Hence, you have the right to refuse and/or propose your own (e.g., no mask). I think this a good first step in fighting them off---which applies to all: employers, businesses, and governments---before starting the complaint/affidavit processes. From my experience of "chatting" with businesses and employers, albeit before the vaccines, they all are most triggered by mentioning ADA and discrimination (cf. Hippaa or even Constitution), perhaps, because its a concrete threat (as opposed to "I will sue you") and they most aware of ADA due to various mandatory trainings, e.g.


    91.6 KB · Views: 13


Sep 5, 2015
Does anyone have a link to the phase 3 trials that should supposedly finish in 2023? I want something to show people that these are untested fully but cannot find it. I found a link saying pfizer clinical trials should finish july 22 2021 but nothing about 2023?
Aug 14, 2015
Also in the comment section of said video above someone commented cardiologist phoned her and said he could not prescribe her heart medication anymore because she was not vaccinated.


Aug 10, 2012
Also in the comment section of said video above someone commented cardiologist phoned her and said he could not prescribe her heart medication anymore because she was not vaccinated.
Wow. I saw a cardiologist for a new patient visit this past Thursday and masks were not required. Nobody asked our status but the doctor put in a good word for the gene modification which he called a vaccination. Disappointed in that. He's a smart guy and very likable.


Jul 31, 2014
Hi all, checking back in here. How is everyone holding up?
The beginning of a new season...the summer was so strange and it continues to be, here in NYC with all these crazy mandates.
Feeling pretty sad and alone--disappointed and angry at the treatment I've received by some of those closest to me. My lease is up in Dec and although family will keep me in the Northeast, I wish I had the clarity and courage to make a big change and at least leave the city. Sending lots of love out to everyone, being able to connect with likeminded people on this forum really brings comfort, thank-you.
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