COVID vaccines now causing AIDS(no joke)



Thanks @Lollipop2 This confirms what we already know plus more disturbing information about aerosolized skin-penetrating nanoparticle spike protein. I hadn't heard about that before. This explains so much about shedding and what happened to me last year.

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Aug 4, 2020
video: Dr. Daniel Nagase On Reverse Transcriptase, Vaccines, 4Chan Moderna Whistleblower & Infertility

There were 'manual add' ingredients that no one knew about.

Recessive protein for ovarian egg failure in next generation.
View attachment 35129

Thank you for posting this, I don’t necessarily know that what he is referring to will come to fruition, however I think that given the vast array of different side effects (that appear to be the elephant in the room that most Doctors are choosing to ignore), I would certainly not discount the possibility. His reasoning seems sound, but genetics is still a questionable science with many questions yet to be answered and theories to be validated.


Feb 18, 2016
A must watch video! Millions will get AIDS by fall from being vaxed and boosted. She discusses the Stanford study in the first minutes and reads a few lines from the study - terrifying. Verifies the dna is altered permanently.


Hey @Drareg have you seen this? @Pina

Its starting to crop up in the real world, folks on their 4th booster and complaining they are still getting covid with symptoms, like I predicted they have a severe cognitive dissonance, they are veering into conspiracy theories around the government covering up a more "stealthier" strain of covid, they are desperate to be victims again but not victims of their own stupid decisions of course.


Apr 19, 2020
Its starting to crop up in the real world, folks on their 4th booster and complaining they are still getting covid with symptoms, like I predicted they have a severe cognitive dissonance, they are veering into conspiracy theories around the government covering up a more "stealthier" strain of covid, they are desperate to be victims again but not victims of their own stupid decisions of course.
I couldn't find a link to the Stanford study she was on about. But the Lentivirus is the viral vector by design. This is the spike protein. For those of us who don't believe in viruses, one can think of it as a 'genetic coded mechanism'. Do a search of 'lentivirus vector vaccine' and see how many pubmeds, Nature, etc. . Then read the Wikipedia and throw -up. Yep, safe and effective, does not integrate into a person's genome. etc. ad nauseum.


Nov 18, 2019
I couldn't find a link to the Stanford study she was on about. But the Lentivirus is the viral vector by design. This is the spike protein. For those of us who don't believe in viruses, one can think of it as a 'genetic coded mechanism'. Do a search of 'lentivirus vector vaccine' and see how many pubmeds, Nature, etc. . Then read the Wikipedia and throw -up. Yep, safe and effective, does not integrate into a person's genome. etc. ad nauseum.
Yeah, I was wanting to get ahold of that Stanford study. I need to check the links on the video posted on Greg’s site.

Thanks for the research on the Lentivirus being a vector vaccine. Interesting.


Feb 18, 2016
I couldn't find a link to the Stanford study she was on about. But the Lentivirus is the viral vector by design. This is the spike protein. For those of us who don't believe in viruses, one can think of it as a 'genetic coded mechanism'. Do a search of 'lentivirus vector vaccine' and see how many pubmeds, Nature, etc. . Then read the Wikipedia and throw -up. Yep, safe and effective, does not integrate into a person's genome. etc. ad nauseum.
The fact that it can be carried over into offspring and render them sterile is alarming to say the least.


Aug 4, 2020
Its starting to crop up in the real world, folks on their 4th booster and complaining they are still getting covid with symptoms, like I predicted they have a severe cognitive dissonance, they are veering into conspiracy theories around the government covering up a more "stealthier" strain of covid, they are desperate to be victims again but not victims of their own stupid decisions of course.
I am surprised that they actually are seeing the CD4 and CD8 cells being affected and depleted I was under the impression that they were seeing TLR 4,7 and 8 affected, as well they refer to the spike as an actual virus, that permanently changes the genome of the cell. This is new to me, also it explains and verifies Dr Paul Alexander’s claim that the PCR test that is used to verify SARS COV2 does not differentiate between SARS, SRV, or Influenza.
Thank you for posting this @Lollypop2. It is discouraging to hear that the spike is still being produced up to seventeen months later, not many are talking about this. With this knowledge you really need to wonder what the main drive is for the boosters, is it just greed, or are there placebos, stepping stone multiple shots to shut down the immune system in a build up fashion and the five percent deadly toxic shots that kill quickly?


Nov 18, 2019
spike is still being produced up to seventeen months later, not many are talking about this.
Yeah they found it in the lymph of deceased people who had been vaccinated 17 months earlier. Most people think 2 months in the lymph is the “latest” information and study. But 17 months is concerning - and these had died - who knows it might last much longer. No one knows.


Aug 4, 2020
Oh the irony.
Never before has the phrase,”you and you alone are the primary caretaker and guardian of your own health”. The realization that there are people in our midst that are willing to damage our health and our lives for profit and make you feel like they have only your best interests at heart, is an eye opening experience especially now when you posses a front row seat and watching it happen in front of you in real time.


Aug 4, 2020
Yeah they found it in the lymph of deceased people who had been vaccinated 17 months earlier. Most people think 2 months in the lymph is the “latest” information and study. But 17 months is concerning - and these had died - who knows it might last much longer. No one knows.
I have to question if this spike is still from the original shot or if there is an entry to the DNA and production continues on an ongoing basis.
Clearly all cause mortality is a huge fail just based on the trial data twenty one in the experimental group to seventeen in the placebo group. But when the short and medium term side effects now coming into full revelation and long term starting to be seen. This is the first stealthy genocide that I have watched big pharmaceutical and governments run, again I am finding myself a little ashamed that I have not been cognizant before this.


Apr 19, 2020
The fact that it can be carried over into offspring and render them sterile is alarming to say the least.
This is the elephant in the room. Even here on RPF. Depop Agenda. Rockefeller, Club of Rome, Harari and WEF, all have stated this often. Useless eaters, etc..
@J.R.K it is quite unnerving to understand what is happening with the jabs and who is doing it with complete knowledge of it's lethality and genocidal orientation. Our Governments and their proxies are simply ******* us over. Full stop. I do know there are a lot of idiot doctors out there practicing, and cannot and will not believe there is something wrong. Plus now they are complicit. Anyhow, we all do our best to wake people up is one way to go forward.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This is the elephant in the room. Even here on RPF. Depop Agenda. Rockefeller, Club of Rome, Harari and WEF, all have stated this often. Useless eaters, etc..
@J.R.K it is quite unnerving to understand what is happening with the jabs and who is doing it with complete knowledge of it's lethality and genocidal orientation. Our Governments and their proxies are simply ******* us over. Full stop. I do know there are a lot of idiot doctors out there practicing, and cannot and will not believe there is something wrong. Plus now they are complicit. Anyhow, we all do our best to wake people up is one way to go forward.

If you think about it, the deliberate culling of the plebs has been happening on an "industrial scale" for a long time, probably almost a century at this point. Vaccines are just a lot more visible due to the PR around them and the highly compressed time period of their "usage". I mean, can you name even one drug used for a chronic condition that does not ultimately kill/maim or at least make the condition worse, and give the patient a myriad of side effects in the process? Cancer "treatments" are notorious for this, but it applies to every mass-prescribed drug that I can think of, even "benign" stuff like PPI (anti-acid drugs), statins, and blood pressure drugs. When all major pharma drugs ultimately result in iatrogenic events worse than the original condition, then it simply can't be by accident. So, the only other option design. I mean, does it sound like the people capable of what the links below say, do the stuff they do out of ignorance or malice? And it is happening in both private sector and govt. Yeah, I'd go with malice.

Have you heard Peat's interview about that guy who approached him in the 1960s at a university lecture and told him about HIV being a synthetic, race-targeted virus? That was decades before HIV was "discovered" and AIDS became a thing. If that advanced medical technology and culling programs were in place back in the 1960s, you can imagine how much more streamlined and ubiquitous the culling programs are nowadays.


Apr 19, 2020
If you think about it, the deliberate culling of the plebs has been happening on an "industrial scale" for a long time, probably almost a century at this point. Vaccines are just a lot more visible due to the PR around them and the highly compressed time period of their "usage". I mean, can you name even one drug used for a chronic condition that does not ultimately kill/maim or at least make the condition worse, and give the patient a myriad of side effects in the process? Cancer "treatments" are notorious for this, but it applies to every mass-prescribed drug that I can think of, even "benign" stuff like PPI (anti-acid drugs), statins, and blood pressure drugs. When all major pharma drugs ultimately result in iatrogenic events worse than the original condition, then it simply can't be by accident. So, the only other option design. I mean, does it sound like the people capable of what the links below say, do the stuff they do out of ignorance or malice? And it is happening in both private sector and govt. Yeah, I'd go with malice.

Have you heard Peat's interview about that guy who approached him in the 1960s at a university lecture and told him about HIV being a synthetic, race-targeted virus? That was decades before HIV was "discovered" and AIDS became a thing. If that advanced medical technology and culling programs were in place back in the 1960s, you can imagine how much more streamlined and ubiquitous the culling programs are nowadays.
Oh yeah, that Xarelto BS... just a few years ago my wife's mum in Cornwall, UK was given Xarelto as a replacement for Warfarin. (She is/was just on the level of what is considered high cholesterol...BS too but...). She felt terrible after just a few days, and when she called she was worried that what if she starts bleeding (like a tooth problem for example) then what to do. In the UK there is no antidote. WTF!! So well made her go back to the doc and get back on warfarin, and he said why, because if you go on Xarelto we don't have to check you for another 6 months, and with Warfarin, we should check you in 3 months. Mum likes that better... (yeah, I know..).
Then a few months later the same dumbass Dr or his rely (relative) gave her beta blockers, and she felt terrible. WTF!! We got her to stop that but... they are doing all they can to off the oldies. FFS... .

But I digress. Toxins in recent history started in the water food chain on a grand scale with flouride in water exactly post WW2. All the crap in any vaccine, even 'harmless adjuvants" can and will kill you with the right amount. I told friends years ago that the 'extra ingredients' in yearly flu vaccines including adjuvants was toxic, much less what the real vaccine bullet was. On that alone I would not and will not take any. Now here in Australia on the news last night they had a infomercial piece where one can get the flu jab and the extra booster jab (#4) at the same time. And as you stated the various common drugs given world wide cause more issues than they rectify. I once read a study done in Australia I believe about 20 years ago regarding statin drugs and increase in men's heart attacks. Only that one came up on a search, probably the 7 th google search page. (20 years ago mind you). Never found it again.

Yes, at the top level 'By Design' is my bet too. Down here in the trenches they don't give a flying f*ck as long as the Dr.s and techs give the jabs. $$$ helps grease the way, and smooth over their cranial folds if they still have some.

I did not hear Ray Peat's story re 1960's and the HIV info. I don't doubt it's true either. I met a man in the late 1980s whilst I was winter camping in Washington State. Kind of a winter retreat for me, I skied in about 5 miles. Then, I meet a guy, a German married to an American, who was doing the same. We ended up talking quite a bit for 2 days, and he said for sure at that time, 1987, the technology was there to target specific genetic/race groups through the food supply. He was a double doctorate in biology/psychology and electrical engineering, and his Papa was way up there in Bosch. So he knew a lot about a certain 'class' or group of people. He also said there were already 'evesdropping' circuits in appliances at that time. Like TV.

So, yeah, it is quite a stark picture folks.


Sep 24, 2016
If I remember correctly Peat was talking about a man approaching him in the 1980s and that this man that talked to him was supposedly from Fort Detrick. Peat didn't take him seriously and I think he was telling him about a racially-targeted virus that they were developing in the facility.


Sep 21, 2014
@haidut @mayku-T-meelo

This is the podcast (begins at 00:58:25):

Peat remembered the year as 1969.


Sep 24, 2016
@haidut @mayku-T-meelo

This is the podcast (begins at 00:58:25):

Peat remembered the year as 1969.
Ok, thanks, my bad. Makes sense since they were officially most active in 1960s.


I have to question if this spike is still from the original shot or if there is an entry to the DNA and production continues on an ongoing basis.
Clearly all cause mortality is a huge fail just based on the trial data twenty one in the experimental group to seventeen in the placebo group. But when the short and medium term side effects now coming into full revelation and long term starting to be seen. This is the first stealthy genocide that I have watched big pharmaceutical and governments run, again I am finding myself a little ashamed that I have not been cognizant before this.
I feel like this sometimes. I knew they were up to no good in places like Africa but I never imagined the level of evil involved everywhere and almost everyone. I just thought they just wanted black people dead (million have been killed in Africa with AIDS). When Israel started mandating the covid injections and brought in the green card that's when I finally woke up to a bigger agenda. I'm still not fully recovered from the shock.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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