70% of Americans Unvaccinated for Covid


Feb 18, 2016
So the media just outright lied about vaccine uptake, 70% didn't bother, 228 million of you loons according to this article, the important thing however is profit for big pharma and shareholders, money was made from the sales. This is coming from fauci and MSM so be mindful of a ruse potential.
What didn't work out for the ruling class is even more people dying from the toxic concoction, also the digital plantation via vaccine fascism failed.

What this means is another onslaught is necessary for depopulation and creation of the digital plantation, everything they try now will have the same endgame, people dying and digital passports needed to save us etc etc , they have the money to keep this up via wealth transfers during covid and after.
Keep in mind going forward that every crisis they start amplifying will have the same end game, we currently have monkey pox and the "think of the kids" narrative, the clown show goes on and we will continue to dissent, resist and undermine them, remember don't waste your time arguing at grassroots level, find common ground by bringing the discussion toward blaming the ruling class, don't get stuck in the dialectic.

“If they don’t get vaccinated or they don’t get boosted, they’re going to get into trouble,” Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser, told Los Angeles radio station KNX News 97.1′s “KNX In Depth” on Tuesday.

That applies to a clear majority of Americans. Nearly 228 million, or roughly 70%, of Americans were unvaccinated, hadn’t completed their primary vaccine series or hadn’t gotten their first booster dose as of July 21, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

The uptake is particularly low for booster shots. All Americans age 5 and older are eligible for a booster five months after finishing their primary vaccine series, but only 48.4% of those eligible people have actually gotten boosted, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.


May 27, 2022
Virginia, United States
“If they don’t get vaccinated or they don’t get boosted, they’re going to get into trouble,” Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser, told Los Angeles radio station KNX News 97.1′s “KNX In Depth” on Tuesday.
So time to dispose of the carrot and whip out the stick? I expect we'll hear a lot more threatening language, especially as they realize the monkeypox narrative isn't working.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
So the media just outright lied about vaccine uptake, 70% didn't bother, 228 million of you loons according to this article, the important thing however is profit for big pharma and shareholders, money was made from the sales. This is coming from fauci and MSM so be mindful of a ruse potential.
What didn't work out for the ruling class is even more people dying from the toxic concoction, also the digital plantation via vaccine fascism failed.

What this means is another onslaught is necessary for depopulation and creation of the digital plantation, everything they try now will have the same endgame, people dying and digital passports needed to save us etc etc , they have the money to keep this up via wealth transfers during covid and after.
Keep in mind going forward that every crisis they start amplifying will have the same end game, we currently have monkey pox and the "think of the kids" narrative, the clown show goes on and we will continue to dissent, resist and undermine them, remember don't waste your time arguing at grassroots level, find common ground by bringing the discussion toward blaming the ruling class, don't get stuck in the dialectic.

“If they don’t get vaccinated or they don’t get boosted, they’re going to get into trouble,” Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser, told Los Angeles radio station KNX News 97.1′s “KNX In Depth” on Tuesday.

That applies to a clear majority of Americans. Nearly 228 million, or roughly 70%, of Americans were unvaccinated, hadn’t completed their primary vaccine series or hadn’t gotten their first booster dose as of July 21, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

The uptake is particularly low for booster shots. All Americans age 5 and older are eligible for a booster five months after finishing their primary vaccine series, but only 48.4% of those eligible people have actually gotten boosted, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.

Yep, I saw a piece on CNN back in February 2022 that mentioned (by mistake, I am sure) that vaccine uptake in the US is low and the CDC numbers on vaccinated percentage are wrong.

I suspect this is why they dropped the mandates and everything else - i.e. they realized this is a dead-end (the numbers in Europe are probably even lower than US, especially in Eastern Europe) with majority of people not taking the shot, so now the powers that be need a new strategy.
I am afraid, at this point, their only real "option" is either the Samson one...or at least a major "conventional" war with Russia/China/Iran that they can blame the economic collapse on and possibly institute martial law so they can implement their abomination of a plan. The viral hoaxes won't work. People see through them now, and even the Marburg virus won't work as its high mortality rate makes it a non-starter as a global pandemic driver.


Feb 18, 2016
Yep, I saw a piece on CNN back in February 2022 that mentioned (by mistake, I am sure) that vaccine uptake in the US is low and the CDC numbers on vaccinated percentage are wrong.

I suspect this is why they dropped the mandates and everything else - i.e. they realized this is a dead-end (the numbers in Europe are probably even lower than US, especially in Eastern Europe) with majority of people not taking the shot, so now the powers that be need a new strategy.
I am afraid, at this point, their only real "option" is either the Samson one...or at least a major "conventional" war with Russia/China/Iran that they can blame the economic collapse on and possibly institute martial law so they can implement their abomination of a plan. The viral hoaxes won't work. People see through them now, and even the Marburg virus won't work as its high mortality rate makes it a non-starter as a global pandemic driver.
MSM pumping west nile virus in Italy now, looking to pump those vaccine profits.

Pestilence, famine, disease, war, migrants, local crime increases is their path forward now, people are already getting sick of it, the housing and cost of living crisis is another fraud, people are starting to see through it, don't forget the climate narrative.
It looks like they are looking to collapse the NHS in the UK going by media narratives the last week, its not intentional of course, bumbling along narrative, this may be a trigger for military on the streets.

Crisis, crisis, we're all going to die unless we give the ruling class more power and less accountability, we also get less at the bottom.


Feb 18, 2016
So time to dispose of the carrot and whip out the stick? I expect we'll hear a lot more threatening language, especially as they realize the monkeypox narrative isn't working.
Yep, either that or they turn on each other and we get real divisiveness rather than the scripted narratives we see in the "pick a side" hegelian dialectics.


Dec 8, 2016

My husband and i were just talking about the very noticeable increase in mask use here in our metropolitan area- and folks wearing gloves now too.

Plus our public school moms are very vocal about their fear of monkey pox as we head into this new school year.

It’s gotten to our children too.
Thanks to Tiktok.

This is inconsistent with what your reporting for the US by and large?


Dec 8, 2016
Yep, I saw a piece on CNN back in February 2022 that mentioned (by mistake, I am sure) that vaccine uptake in the US is low and the CDC numbers on vaccinated percentage are wrong.

I suspect this is why they dropped the mandates and everything else - i.e. they realized this is a dead-end (the numbers in Europe are probably even lower than US, especially in Eastern Europe) with majority of people not taking the shot, so now the powers that be need a new strategy.
I am afraid, at this point, their only real "option" is either the Samson one...or at least a major "conventional" war with Russia/China/Iran that they can blame the economic collapse on and possibly institute martial law so they can implement their abomination of a plan. The viral hoaxes won't work. People see through them now, and even the Marburg virus won't work as its high mortality rate makes it a non-starter as a global pandemic driver.
DC is pushing forced Covid vxx on the public school students for this year i have read.

No vxx equals expulsion.



Sep 9, 2019
Its minion are incapable of assembling a critical mass. We wouldn't even respond to a draft under any pretext.

Its only option is chaos. Hold on to your head.


Jan 25, 2014
So the media just outright lied about vaccine uptake, 70% didn't bother, 228 million of you loons according to this article, the important thing however is profit for big pharma and shareholders, money was made from the sales. This is coming from fauci and MSM so be mindful of a ruse potential.
What didn't work out for the ruling class is even more people dying from the toxic concoction, also the digital plantation via vaccine fascism failed.
I think they were lying about the numbers in total, probably using a metric like "vaccines shipped" rather than "vaccines in arms," or what have you. But look what the new qualifications are-
That applies to a clear majority of Americans. Nearly 228 million, or roughly 70%, of Americans were unvaccinated, hadn’t completed their primary vaccine series or hadn’t gotten their first booster dose as of July 21, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
So, they are clearly counting people as "unvaccinated" who would have been "completely vaccinated" 1 year ago. A moving goalpost, as so many have suggested.


Jan 25, 2014
So time to dispose of the carrot and whip out the stick?
Um, where have you been the past 1.5 years? They clearly used both, and relied more on the "stick," through things like vaccine mandates, vaccine requirements to eat at restaurants, threatening people's jobs, and what have you. Yeah, there have been the bribes too (free donuts, beer, lotto tickets, a few thousand dollars if you are an instagram influencer and post a vaccinated pic), but "the stick" has been used about 80-90% so far. Really, the only way it could have been a higher percentage is if they hadn't offered bribes.

Also, if you've been paying attention, the Supreme Court has broken the Biden Administration "sticks." Actually, it's more like a full on neutering at this point, and I am sure Clarence Thomas is enjoying making that demented Biden clown squirm and look useless, after the horrible things Biden did to Thomas during his confirmation hearing. The "OSHA rule" was declared unconstitutional, and even further, severely curtailed executive rule making in general with the "West Virginia vs. EPA" case.

The Executive doesn't have the tools they had even 2 months ago, and they don't have the "threat" of those tools that they appeared to have last year. And they certainly don't have the momentum in the general public anymore. And new fake pandemics aren't going over well, especially since they haven't even fully wrapped up the first one. Any movie studio knows you don't release a sequel while the original is still in theaters.


Jan 25, 2014
DC is pushing forced Covid vxx on the public school students for this year i have read.

No vxx equals expulsion.

Don't take "benefits" if you don't want to subject yourself to the corresponding "liability."

Or, if you think an official is acting outside of their capacity, put a claim on their bond.



Jan 25, 2014

My husband and i were just talking about the very noticeable increase in mask use here in our metropolitan area- and folks wearing gloves now too.
I'm not seeing this, in a quite large California metro area. If anything, fewer people wearing masks. Rarely seen anyone wearing gloves at all the past 2.5 years.


May 27, 2022
Virginia, United States
Um, where have you been the past 1.5 years? They clearly used both, and relied more on the "stick," through things like vaccine mandates, vaccine requirements to eat at restaurants, threatening people's jobs, and what have you. Yeah, there have been the bribes too (free donuts, beer, lotto tickets, a few thousand dollars if you are an instagram influencer and post a vaccinated pic), but "the stick" has been used about 80-90% so far. Really, the only way it could have been a higher percentage is if they hadn't offered bribes.

Also, if you've been paying attention, the Supreme Court has broken the Biden Administration "sticks." Actually, it's more like a full on neutering at this point, and I am sure Clarence Thomas is enjoying making that demented Biden clown squirm and look useless, after the horrible things Biden did to Thomas during his confirmation hearing. The "OSHA rule" was declared unconstitutional, and even further, severely curtailed executive rule making in general with the "West Virginia vs. EPA" case.

The Executive doesn't have the tools they had even 2 months ago, and they don't have the "threat" of those tools that they appeared to have last year. And they certainly don't have the momentum in the general public anymore. And new fake pandemics aren't going over well, especially since they haven't even fully wrapped up the first one. Any movie studio knows you don't release a sequel while the original is still in theaters.
I don't disagree with anything you've said. However, I think there's plenty of room for things to get a lot worse and for totalitarianism to grow. Despite everything that's happened, plenty of people are still able to go about their lives as usual. Despite the enticements and the threats, massive amounts of people remain unvaccinated. There are still large swaths of the country that aren't going along with the agenda. How long will that last? How long before we reach full-on, Maoist-style oppression and government control? Certainly, we've seen a bit of the "stick," but we haven't seen anything compared to previous totalitarian regimes. And, while things aren't great in the US, we've faired better than other parts of the world, especially certain parts of Europe.


Sep 9, 2019
How long before we reach full-on, Maoist-style oppression and government control? Certainly, we've seen a bit of the "stick," but we haven't seen anything compared to previous totalitarian regimes. And, while things aren't great in the US, we've faired better than other parts of the world, especially certain parts of Europe.


Jan 25, 2014
I don't disagree with anything you've said. However, I think there's plenty of room for things to get a lot worse and for totalitarianism to grow. Despite everything that's happened, plenty of people are still able to go about their lives as usual. Despite the enticements and the threats, massive amounts of people remain unvaccinated. There are still large swaths of the country that aren't going along with the agenda. How long will that last? How long before we reach full-on, Maoist-style oppression and government control?
For as long as privately held guns in this country outnumber people. This is the exact reason for the Second Amendment. To protect yourself and family against a tyrannical government. And the Supreme Court has also strengthened that Amendment recently, with the Bruen decision.

It's explicitly stated in this country that the people are sovereign, both in our founding documents, and from the first Supreme Court ruling, and even from Presidents, like Teddy Roosevelt. So really, a tyrannical government will only happen if the people allow it.


May 27, 2022
Virginia, United States
For as long as privately held guns in this country outnumber people. This is the exact reason for the Second Amendment. To protect yourself and family against a tyrannical government. And the Supreme Court has also strengthened that Amendment recently, with the Bruen decision.

It's explicitly stated in this country that the people are sovereign, both in our founding documents, and from the first Supreme Court ruling, and even from Presidents, like Teddy Roosevelt. So really, a tyrannical government will only happen if the people allow it.
I agree. Unfortunately, a lot of people seem willing to allow it. Or maybe they're just ignorant/apathetic?
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